  • Report:  #1086122

Complaint Review: Mayor Dave Mayer Best4gt - Laurel Springs New Jersey

Reported By:
Eric - Washington, Dist of Columbia,

Mayor Dave Mayer Best4gt
1261 Chews Landing Laurel Springs, 08021 New Jersey, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Mayor David Mayer aka Best4gt and his Dirty Filfthy Postings

a complete Abomination to this Township and the entire state

What an Embarassment - This is disturbing that the Mayor hides

under the alias BEST4GT and post Nasty Defamation on the

Internet. Shame on you Mayor David Mayer aks BEST4GT


What is wrong with these dirty politicians that feel they can hide behind these annoymous names and purchase websites to post nasty negative comments online without being exposed.  Well guess who just got exposed, Mayor David Mayer in an attempt to post negative online comments along with his former tax employee who worked in the tax office; Francis aka Frank Mellace aka YMBDFA.  The two of them purchased a forum site and went crazy posting highly defamatory, negative nasty filfth online.  Lies and slanderous postings.  Mayor Mayer should be ashamed of himself and as an elected official and a lobbiest for comcast, he should be FIRED and bought up on criminal charges, and that may just happen.  He is a total embarassment to the State of New Jersey and to the entire corporation for Comcast.  Wait till they read what he posted.  Nasty. 

How can you smile in peoples face and shake their hand and kiss their babies after the DIRTY, NASTY, DISGUSTING STUFF YOU WROTE ON THE INTERNET MAYOR MAYER.  BEST4GT has an entire list of nasty posts YOU WROTE AND POSTED ON YOUR DIRTY LITTLE PURCHASED SITE.  You should be ashamed of yourself Mayor Mayer or should we say BEST4GT.  You had a lot of defamatory things to say and alot of negative outlandish trash currently displayed on your Posts.  

Your parents raised a little baby Satan when you were born.  How could you.  The IP came up with your name attached to it and YMBDFA came up under Frank Mellace.  This is a complete embarassment for the Local Democratic Party in Gloucester Township.  It was also stated that several THOUSAND dollars, almost half a Million went into Patch.com in exchange for stories designed by you Mayor Mayer to be printed and written about those you were seeking vengeance on.  Well, it appears Mr. Best4gt AKA Mayor David Mayer decided to take those stories he wrote and handed off to his paid off editor from patch to copyright and post on his online purchased GTRMC.COM SITE, WHERE HE GOES UNDER THE ALIAS BEST4GT.

Jobs, promotions and kickbacks went to some of the reporters who are no longer with the social media sight Patch.com.  Hmm, we wonder why???  Could it be because they did what they had to do for Mayor Mayer and Norcross.  It appears Norcross and Mayor Mayer invested quite a bit of money into the AOL Stock and PATCH advertising to have these one sided stories written and concocted to intentionally defame and discredit people who the Mayor of Gloucester Township seek to devour for not going along with the history of corruption in the township.  Apparantely Mayor Mayer is upset because some whistle blowers told the Justice Department about his dirty dealings in the township and he decided to take measures in his own hand and use the Gloucester Township/Camden County PAID OFF Courts and Local Police department to violate the color of law.  Mayor Mayer also used his influence and placed secret phone calls to the state to arrange some unethical, fabricated complaints that turned out to be bogus.  This is criminal Mischief and could result in serious charges against him for doing so.  Mayor Mayer should have thought before he posted.  Those postings are criminal activity. 

I recall several years ago a man who went to court with his ex wife about his teen age daughter at the time, used her cell phone to go under an alias name "Sexy and Sweet"  The father was enraged about this.  The Judge told the father that children watch the parent and they immulate what they see.  In this case the teen age girl would watch her father posting nasty negative things online late at night and she started doing what her daddy did.  He was the adult right?  The father lost the daughter to the ex wife because the judge felt the father was bipolar and unfit.  I can't remember where I read the story, but because he went by alias names and posted errotic, negative, defamatory things online like Mayor Mayer aka BEST4GT, he lost his teen age daughter to the ex wife.

Hopefully he hasn't remarried and does not have any young children currently. I'd hate to think what child services could do if this nut was still posting online like Mayor Mayer aka Best4gt.  Hopefully men like Mayor Mayer aka best4gt should be aware of hiding under alias names to post defamatory filfth.  Look at that guy from New York Weiner.





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