  • Report:  #1323170

Complaint Review: McBride Entertainment - Internet

Reported By:
Removed for fear of retaliation - , New York, United States of America

McBride Entertainment
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

These people were hired to do radio promotion for one of our artists. They were extraordinarily rude with our point of contact, denigrating them with needlessly personal attacks, accusations of "lying about how professional you are", and generally being the nastiest people I have ever had the displeasure to communicate with.

They were demanding a piece of information that we did not have. Rather than, say, help explain what they needed, or attempt to assist with obtaining this information, they decided instead to lambaste us with personal insults, accusing our 10-years-in-the-industry staff of being stupid and lying about how stupid they are, and sending email after email of pages-long vitriole, the like I've never seen before. It was atrocious!

Personal attacks aside, they were also extremely deceptive in their communications practices. When requested to do a simple phone call to try to clear up whatever misunderstandings were leading to this attack, they demanded $250/hour to have such a phone call. It seems they would rather waste hours trolling us with personal attacks than spend five minutes on a phone call to clear up the problem.

They also bounced our contact back and forth among 3 different individuals who had suspiciously similar writing styles (read: it was the same person), and cc'd an obviously fake lawyer when we tried to get a refund rather than complete a contract with someone who had no care in the world for treating clients with any level of professionalism or respect.

As it stands, I hold little hope of them fulfilling their contractual obligations, despite us finally providing the information they needed (with absolutely no help from them in obtaining it). Perhaps they will provide the services they were paid for - perhaps not. But we will never be working with them again, obviously, and we will also be notifying our networks to avoid these people like the plague. I hope this report will save some other poor soul from getting entangled with what I assume is a 16 year old manchild sitting in his basement, amusing himself by belittling people who thought he was an actual professional. 

7 Updates & Rebuttals

McBride Entertainment

Los Angeles,

#2UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Fri, August 26, 2016

To ALL that read this post please note the following:

1)      We used our real company name calling out Arthur Gwynne acting on behalf of Love Ego dba Lachi Music, LLC. We did not post under an alias as he did.

2)      The Freedom of Speech clause in the U.S. Constitution does NOT protect against slander, defamation and LIES. This means that if we are lying about anything relating to this post and/or Arthur Gwynne we could be SUED. This means that we are being TRUTHFUL in everything we have said here.

3)      The only way to have Rip Off Report reveal the identity of an anonymous poster is by presenting them with a Court Order to do so. This clearly means that we know for a FACT that Arthur Gwynne posted these lies acting on behalf of Love Ego dba Lachi Music, LLC out of New York.

4)      Arthur Gywnne received a letter from our attorney stating that we could PROVE that he defamed our company and PROVE that he lied and PROVE that he intended to spread these LIES.

5)      When Arthur Gwynne received this letter he contacted our attorney DIRECTLY and stated that he would remove the post if he could. He then stated that he has given a full retraction at the suggestion of our attorney after he confirmed we can PROVE Arthur Gywnne has LIED throughout this post.

6)      Melissa acting on behalf of Love Ego dba Lachi Music, LLC explained that she and her staff were “10 year” music professionals as Arthur Gwynne confirmed in his post above. Melissa was confused as to what an ISRC Code was and why she need it to help collect royalties for the music project they contracted us to complete. She sent a UPC Code stating it is interchangeable with the ISRC Code. When I personally explained to her that the two served different functions and we could not use the UPC to collect the performance royalties, she became defensive and accused me of belittling her worth and experience.  

7)      Arthur Gwynne then came into the picture and requested a full refund more than two months AFTER we had started working on their project and when we refused he began posting this series of LIES.

8)      Everything above is 100% pure FACTS and we stand behind these statements and will NOT retract them regardless of ANY legal pressure!

9)      Mr. Gwynne did a FULL retraction meaning he is indeed a LIAR.

10)   If you have questions, concerns or require further comment about ANY portion of these  posts please contact us directly by clicking our link at the top right of this page and then click on the “Contact Us” link on our website. 

McBride Entertainment

Los Angeles,
Senior Manager for Blue Steps ,AESC

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 25, 2016

Also, I'd like to point out that WE ARE USING our real company name to make these posts, however you Arthur Gwynne have not. You are not using your real name NOT because of any threats, you are using a hidden name because you are LYING about everything you have stated. Given that you are a Senior Manager for Blue Steps Operations at The Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants (AESC) I sincerely hope they do not allow you to conduct business in the DISHONEST way you have with my company and myself. I sincerely hope that they do not allow you to slander and defame clients. I sincerely hope they do not encourage you nor support you in breaking the law as you have ADMITTED directly to my attorney and myself. 

McBride Entertainment

Los Angeles,

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 25, 2016

You offered a full retraction ONLY as the result of our attorney contacting you. If you are going to the police as you say, then why do a FULL retraction? You are still being dishonest, sir. You are now accusing us of criminal behavior stating you received "personal threats and attacks," however you only removed the post due to your finding out that LYING about your experience with someone is not covered by free speech and you in fact broke the law. This is the ONLY reason you offered a full retraction. Our attorney pointed out to you that stating your opinion is fine, but LYING about how we failed in our duties, how we failed to communicate, how we failed to do exactly what we said we would do is defamation, slander and libel.

You and I have never spoken via the phone, therefore the ONLY way you could have been threatened would have been through email. You have never spoken to anyone here with this company verbally ever, therefore you should have bonafide proof of these "personal threats and attacks" to provide to the police. If you can't do that you will be legally pursued yet again for further defamation, slander and libel. You represent Love Ego dba Lachi Music, LLC as their Operations Manager meaning this company is perfectly aware of your behavior and supports this behavior. This speaks in volumes about this company as well as yourself as a person. You have been extremely dishonest to say the least. As a matter of opinion I'd like to say that I think, Melissa lied about everything from her first initial contact with us. As a matter of FACT I'd like to say that you, Arthur Gwynne has lied time and time again and are continuing to lie.  

McBride Entertainment

Los Angeles,
Libel, Slander & Defamation

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, August 24, 2016

The Operations Manager, Arthur Gwynne for Love Ego dba Lachi Music, LLC admitted to posting these lies. Once he was presented with a cease and desist letter from our attorney he offered a retraction to the slander. They contacted us months ago on behalf of their artist, Kendra Black in regards to servicing her song, "Air Pack Jet." We were initially contacted by, Melissa that we presented with a contract outlining the specifics of our services. She held the contract for over a month reviewing it and finally signed the contract and submitted payment during the summer.

Our contract specifically states that we provide all encoding with the exception of the ISRC Code. Nevertheless, we still attempted to assist in helping them obtain this code as well explain in great detail why it is vital in they want to collect royalties for their project. Melissa not only failed to produce this information but once I contacted her several weeks later asking for an update on the encoding she informed me that she was working on it. Weeks later she sent a series of text messages to my business partner asking for a phone consultation to discuss their campaign. We were confused given that she had not provided the ISRC yet. I emailed her informing her that we needed this code and she replied with the UPC Code instead. We were then contacted by, Mr. Gwynne at which time he finally provided the ISRC Code on August 17th, several months after we requested it time and time again.

I will categorically address Mr. Gwynne's defamation as follows;

“They were demanding a piece of information that we did not have. Rather than, say, help explain what they needed, or attempt to assist with obtaining this information, they decided instead to lambaste us with personal insults, accusing our 10-years-in-the-industry staff of being stupid and lying about how stupid they are, and sending email after email of pages-long vitriole, the like I've never seen before. It was atrocious!” 

This statement is untrue given we have emails back and forth showing we not only informed them of the need for the ISRC Code, but also attempted to assist in obtaining it, although our contract with them clearly stipulates that they are responsible for obtaining and submitting this information. Secondly, we would think that "10-years-in-the-industry staff" should know exactly what a simple ISRC Code is and how to obtain it. This made us question her experience and suggest she was not forthcoming with us.


"Personal attacks aside; they were also extremely deceptive in their communications practices. When requested to do a simple phone call to try to clear up whatever misunderstandings were leading to this attack, they demanded $250/hour to have such a phone call. It seems they would rather waste hours trolling us with personal attacks than spend five minutes on a phone call to clear up the problem." 

This is also untrue given that we are listed by the BBB as well as on our website as Music "Consultants" meaning we charge a fee for phone consultations after the initial consult unless we have a contract with the client that specifies needed and/or included phone consults. I emailed, Melissa this information far before any confusion arose. These people were well aware of this before they did business with us. We also never told them it would costs, $250 and have the emails to prove all our positions.


"They also bounced our contact back and forth among 3 different individuals who had suspiciously similar writing styles (read: it was the same person), and cc'd an obviously fake lawyer when we tried to get a refund rather than complete a contract with someone who had no care in the world for treating clients with any level of professionalism or respect."

This is also untrue given that the Rod and Rodney McBride are one in the same, therefore the emails from these two addresses should reflect the exact same writing style not suspiciously similar. The "obviously fake lawyer" actually sent them a letter explaining that we have documented proof that their post is untrue, slanderous and defamatory. Arthur Gwynne replied to our attorney stating he wish he could take down the post, but Ripoff Report won't allow him to. He also stated that he would retract the statements.


"As it stands, I hold little hope of them fulfilling their contractual obligations; despite us finally providing the information they needed (with absolutely no help from them in obtaining it). Perhaps they will provide the services they were paid for - perhaps not. But we will never be working with them again, obviously, and we will also be notifying our networks to avoid these people like the plague. I hope this report will save some other poor soul from getting entangled with what I assume is a 16 year old manchild sitting in his basement, amusing himself by belittling people who thought he was an actual professional."

Our company has been incorporated and doing business since 2003 meaning I would have to have been 3 years old when I started the company if I were a "16 year old manchild." He states he hope his report will save someone, however a self-admitted lie is not ever meant to "save some other poor soul."  Nobody offers a retraction if they in fact told the truth. 

His follow-ups are also untrue and misleading as follows;

"After receiving further threatening emails from McBride Entertainment, we are offering a full retraction of the following comments:"  

Someone bold enough to post a negative report on this forum about anyone is not someone so afraid that they will offer a rebuttal based on threats. Someone threatened would call the police. Does his post seem as if he is the type to not call the police if he was indeed threatened? 

His final follow-up states the following; 

"McBride Entertainment is now refusing to issue a refund as well as outright refusing to perform their contractual duties. We will be taking this issue up with the proper authorities, in the mean time we further urge caution against working with this entity."

This is also a lie given that we have always maintained and stated that we will continue to work on their project. In fact I even personally sent him this statement in an email after he made the post "Also I'd like to speak with you over the phone this morning if possible to address your campaign. This has nothing to do with our legal issues."

I also sent him an earlier email stating, "To show that we are professional we will continue your campaign regardless of the legal outcome here in the near future."

All of the above proves that, Arthur Gwynne acting on behalf of Love Ego dba Lachi Music, LLC has lied throughout. Mind you this is the exact same gentleman that has admitted to lying via his retractions and to our attorney directly that also stated in his post that "accusing our 10-years-in-the-industry staff of being stupid and lying." Seems as though we may have been right about their 10-year staff being liars after all.     



Full Retraction

#6Author of original report

Tue, August 23, 2016

Out of an abundance of caution, and after CONTINUING to receive both legal and personal threats and attacks, we are posting a full retraction of this RipOff Report. This is not an admission of guilt, nor does it reflect that any resolution has yet to be met.  But rather than continue to withstand these abrassive cyberbullying tactics, we are retracting all statements made in this post. We will instead be taking our greivances to the BBB, the California Department of Consumer Affairs, and alerting the police to the criminal cyberbullying that we have been made to withstand. 

Now outright refusing to issue a refund

#7Author of original report

Mon, August 22, 2016

McBride Entertainment is now refusing to issue a refund as well as outright refusing to perform their contractual duties. We will be taking this issue up with the proper authorities, in the mean time we further urge caution against working with this entity.

Update #1

#8Author of original report

Fri, August 19, 2016

After receiving further threatening emails from McBride Entertainment, we are offering a full retraction of the following comments:

"They also bounced our contact back and forth among 3 different individuals who had suspiciously similar writing styles (read: it was the same person), and cc'd an obviously fake lawyer when we tried to get a refund" - We regret this comment and retract it in full.

"It seems they would rather waste hours trolling us with personal attacks than spend five minutes on a phone call to clear up the problem." -  We regret this comment and retract it in full.

"I hope this report will save some other poor soul from getting entangled with what I assume is a 16 year old manchild sitting in his basement, amusing himself by belittling people who thought he was an actual professional." - We regret this comment and retract it in full.

We would also like to pass along the update that Rodney McBride still is not interested in terminating their contract nor submitting a refund for services, and insist they will still be fulfilling their contractual obligations, stating: "Your campaign will continue, however given this new conflict of interest there may be delays along the way."

If and when those obligations are met, we will be sure to update this report to ensure an accurate representation of our interactions with this company, or if another resolution is presented and accepted. 

Reports & Rebuttal
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