  • Report:  #1204331

Complaint Review: Meet Your Psychic - Henderson Nevada

Reported By:
hmor - tempe, Arizona,

Meet Your Psychic
701 North Green Valley Parkway, 8907 Henderson, 8907 Nevada, USA
877) 987-7792
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I have also contacted the Better Business Bureau...

I have been going to Meet Your Psychic for about a year now. I was going through a hard time and was looking for advice. I would pick the psychics I would want to read with based on the reviews they had received from other people who spoke with them. I one day chose the co-owner Eric K to read with because he had 5 stars all his reviews were is high recommendations. I read with him and did not feel he was accurate with my situation at all. Since Eric is a co-owner his prices were higher than the other psychics. I waiting to see if his or any of the psychics I read with predictions would come true. There were a couple of people who had some stuff right but none of the predictions came true. I decided as a member and paying customer of hundreds of dollars to use my right and write reviews on each of the psychics I read with. I was very kind and honest with each review I wrote. I stated the facts. So I went back to check and see if my reviews had been posted. I notice all my reviews where posted except for the one for Eric the co-owner. I sent another review to his review box stating I felt it was shady he was not posting negative review to his page. I received a call immediately follow my post. It was a man (Eric) asking if there was anything they could do and they never received the review. The man which I knew was Eric was acting like he was an employee. I knew it was him since I have a recording of his voice and he has a very recognizable voice. I told him it was ok and I will write another review for Eric since this is the only way us as customers can make an informed decision. I found a couple of people I like to get reading with and was waiting on time frames before I wrote a review. I decided to go back and look and see if Eric’s review was posted and once agin it was not. I wrote the following:

“I cannot believe you have not posted the second review I wrote for you. The 1st one I received a call. I know it was you who called me pretending to be someone else…your voice is very recognizable especially since I have a recording of you. You stated you never received the review. So I wrote another one, and it is still has not been posted. Every other review I have wrote has been posted. I am always professional in writing my reviews and take the readers into consideration. I gave you 2 stars for many reasons. This is the only way anyone has to judge who they would like to read with. Just because you are a co-founder does not mean you are accurate, always right and you connect with everyone you read with. Once again, this is just bad business and how can I believe anyone on your site is legitimate? I have connected with 2 people on your site, but all this has put a bad taste in my mouth. This is the 3rd time I had to write you in regards to this….which is purely ridiculous. Also, your site puts the bad reviews at the end of a person’s profile. In my opinion they should be posted by date. I want to state and this is not to be hurtful because you seem like a nice person, but in my opinion you are not a 5 star reader and you are getting more money for your readings because you are “co-founder”. I am wondering why you even have a review area on your profile if you are not going to post them so people can make an informed decision. Can ask you, how would you feel if you had to deal with this sort of thing; if you were receiving a service you paid good money for and in your eyes they were being dishonest?””

This is the reply I received from meet your psychic:” Ms. ,


It has been the final determination of the site that due to numerous negative reviews stating you were not satisfied with our service, you will be better served receiving guidance from an alternate psychic network. 


Your account had been closed and we wish you success in the future.


Thank you,


Member Services “

They are misleading their customer to believe something that is not true and need to either take the reviews of their site or post every review that comes in.

I feel cheated and think they owe me my money back. They are feeding off of people who are hurting or in need for advice,

Below are there code of ethics on their site. They obviously do not follow them. Because I have went to them a couple of times and then they cancel me because the Co-founder Eric K would not post my review. I am sure there are many reviews he has not posted/ Thank you so much for your help.


MYP’s Psychic Code of Ethics

MeetYourPsychic.com’s Psychic Advisors must adhere to a strict set of rules and regulations in regards to how they relate to you as a Member.




  • MYP understands the great responsibility that is held by psychic advisors.  We require that all psychics treat Members with the upmost respect, compassion, non-judgment and professionalism.

  • For your protection, it is forbidden for a psychic to request personal information of any kind from a Member, for any reason.

  • MYP will never authorize a psychic to give their personal/business information to a Member for any reason, what-so-ever.

  • MYP will never authorize a psychic to directly ask for money from a Member.  To insure your security and protection, all services are to be conducted through MYP’s website.

  • MYP requires all psychics to be completely focused on you and your needs and never distracted.

  • MYP will never request personal account information such as password or other personal information via email.


    Customer’s satisfaction is our top priority.  If you ever feel that any of MYP’s rules or regulations has been purposely ignored, please contact Customer Service immediately.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Similar Experience

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, October 13, 2018

As one of their former diamond members, I decided to end my service with them for the same reasons - lack of integrity. They are selective with the negative reviews, which means they are directly responsible for fabricating the psychic’s profile and true abilities. It is also misleading to their clients, especially newer users. When I reached out to John, from Customer Service about this, he simply sent me their guideline which actually contradicts other reviews I have seen them approve. When I asked him about it, he never responded. I will definitely consider reporting them to BBB, as well.


Lincoln Park,
Meet My Psychic is a JOKE

#3General Comment

Thu, August 10, 2017

I recently called Meet My Psychic. My psychic 'Kris' was horrible! She literally kept guessing things about me- over and over, and never picked up anything about me. I actually ended the call before the 30 minute mark! I got tired of her guessing charade, and I laughed at her at the end as I told her I felt so much better after this call. She made me laugh it was SO ABSURD.  I contacted customer care and told them to LISTEN to my call and how this psychic just kept guessing things throughout the call. (my husband was listening to my call and thought someone was playing a joke on us). I NEVER asked them for a refund- just for them to listen to my call.

Anyways, customer care- JOHN to be specific sent me a message back and said that he was sorry I was dissatisfied, and that he could not refund me. He told me that the things the psychics see in the future can always change, so no reading is accurate. I responded back to him to tell him that 'obviously he didn't read my message, because she didn't predict ANYTHING- she just kept guessing stuff about me and after the 8th thing she got wrong, I had enough. 

This first reading was 30 minutes for $30, AFTER your first reading, the amount changes and goes WAY up. I didn't want a refund- I just wanted a chance to try and talk to ANOTHER psychic to see if the next one would be as bad. WOW. The cost goes WAY up and there is NO way that I am spending hundreds of dollars on this garbage. I am SOOOO glad that I only spent $30 on KRIS. If I would of paid $250 I WOULD BE TICKED.  This company guarantees that you'll be satisfied OR get a refund. I didn't even ask for a refund I just wanted the chance to see IF there was a better psychic, but I am BLOCKED NOW.

My review about Kris is NOT up either. I love of they DECEIVE people and ONLY put the GOOD reviews up of the people that feed these psychics information, and then the psychic goes OFF what they are TOLD. These psychcis are master manipulators and have YEARS of studying what people say- and grabbing information off of that.  I didn't tell Kris ANYTHING so she had NOTHING to go on, so she was lost. She asked if I was married and if one of us were cheating. She asked if I had kids. She had no IDEA what I do for a living. She told me my spirit guide was a CROW and that I see it ALL the time. I live in a major city, I have seen a CROW maybe ONCE in my life, I asked her how my dog was doing, she went on and told me about A dog, NOT MY dog, cause I DON'T have ONE.  I tested her,

So anyways, SAVE your money and don't CALL this company. It's all a scam. There ARE real psychics out there, I have met a few.

As far as customer care AND JOHN- sooner OR later karma will swing his way. I'm GLAD that he blocked me. I told him I was using Psychic Source from now ON. I only went back to that site to see if my review was there and OF course it's NOT.

Shame on this company and I have contacted the BBB

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