  • Report:  #1014623

Complaint Review: Meineke car care - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
Haidriene - , Ohio, United States of America

Meineke car care
5970 Scarborough blvd. Columbus, 43232 Ohio, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My husband was employed by Meineke Car Care in May.2012 My husband was the longest employee at the company with 6 months in. (strange dont you think.)  His stores were always top of the market for sales 90% of the time.  After 6 months with the company he was told to fire his assitant manager.  The next day at work the assistant manager told him she was to let him go instead.  My husband came home very confused as to why he was let go because he never missed any days of work, His sales were always above what was expected and he was honest and hardworking.

The sales manager Fred Franks was the one to hire my husband from a competitor company.  He would have customers cars towed to other stores to charge them storage fees, give envoices with outstandings estimates for work that wasnt needed  therefor the customers couldnt pay and would turn over their titles to him. 

We both spoke to Mr. Franks about getting my husbands last check of approx. $1400, we both were told it was in the mail and it never showed. We also discused getting my husbands property, his tool box and tools totaling $50,000 and his honda vehicle. Mr Franks told us he would load it all up and deliver it to us.  We waited several weeks with no word. Nov. 2012 we went to the company and requested our property again.  We were told his tool box wasnt there and Fred told us we needed to give him time to gather my husbands things and he hung up the phone.  I told the manager we were calling the columbus police dept and she immediatly called Mr. Franks and he said to release our car out of impound.  He said we would be able to obtain the rest of our things that he would call us with a time and date.

Time went by with no word as to my husbands belongings so i proceeded to call Mr. Franks and he told me he didnt know where the tool box was, I pointed it out to him that hes the manager its his responsibility to know, and all meinekes are under 24 hour surveilance.  There was no excuse he could use he just said he wasnt talking to me and hung up.

Its now Feb 2013 and ive contacted channel 6 news and am awaiting our next move from them, as well multiple tool truck guys who have looked for it and requested it as well with the same result as us.  My husband has worked hard his whole life to obtain those tools and they are our families life blood.  Weve suffered greatly because of this and just want whats ours. We will be going to the columbus police dept to have an officer come with us to obtain our personal property, a check that never comes is one thing, but to keep and hide personal property is against the law!!!!  I hope my message rings clear to people like Fred Franks that you cannot break the law and treat people with such dishonesty.  I will keep everyone updated with results and thank you for your time.

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8 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
I appreciate the manner and professionalism

#2Author of original report

Sun, February 17, 2013

I have had one goal in mind with this situation since Oct. 2012, that is to obtain our property with the least amount of litegation, wasted time and scruteny. I have been verbally assaulted by employees of this company, called ignorant names, hung up on.   My husbands last paycheck was suppose to be in the mail according to Mr. Franks and was never receiveds.   I did print the pay stub off the website to prove that the illegal actions of keeping an employees check as well as other former employees who've never recieved their as well for the work performed.  I have been very patient and calm while being lied to and stolen from.  All ive asked for is our own property.  I do expect his last paycheck to be present with our belongings. Ive done payroll for years and know it can be tracked, and we did not recieve or cash, and that it is very illegal to keep payroll from employees. We have wasted so much time effort and money trying to reason with Fred Franks and trying to schedule to recieve our personal belongings. NEVER in my life have I seen a person behave in such an unprofessional, and criminal way,  I am taking into consideration and appreciate your offer.  I will have our law firm sit tight while we awake the company's response and the production of our property.  I hope that we can settle this matter before it becomes more than conversation on the web. I absolutely hope that proper action will be taken to ensure the sales manager will not behave in this manner to anyone else again and recieves the proper training and discipline to prevent any future disputes.  I thank you and do hope that we can resolve this in a reasonable fashion and move on.


United States of America
Thank you for showing your true self

#3Author of original report

Sun, February 17, 2013

Im quit surprised at the level of unprofessionalism youve displayed on this site at such a quick rate.  That just proves my point in more than one way as to what kind of people are running these companies.  As I said my husband drove a honda, cant fit it in there. The man who said hed deliver it is the sales manager for meinekes in columbus, why would he be so decieving and vendictive to lie and steal. Why would I not believe a man in that position whoes job is to run things professionally, and how is he keeping that position besides firing anyone that has more than enough ability to do his job at an excellent level, and the managers that speak the truth when he tries to pin mistakes he made on them making them pay their hard earned money to fixh is giant mistakes.   especially when infront of Chris Earley. 

Its obvious you cant control yourself and are quit vendictive and emotionally unstable, a person who shows these signs shouldnt be anywhere near the public or social situations let alone hold a position of over seeing other employees and communicating with customers .  I find it very interesting that you can only hold on to one arguement of why we didnt take it that day.  We by law had every right to have my husband go home to digest what happened and call to try and set up arraingments.  its actually preferred by many companies that a scheduled time and date be set after the termination to ensure an easy transaction without any combative behavior from either side. 

That is your answer to conducting business professionally instead of name calling like a child.  i thank you for providing me with more than enough unprofessionalism, dishonesty and lack of self control to act professional and interact with any cooth. The lack of ability to settle any business matter in a cool calm manner rather than resort to name calling, shows a complete lack of intelligence and underqualification for the position you hold.  I wish you the best and hope that youve learned something today, youve proved my points exactly as to what and who you are and it gives me even more of an upper hand in this case.  The law pertains to us all, but its the wise who use it by following it. : ) Well be seeing you very soon.

Auto Dealer Fraud Investigator

United States of America
Haidriene. Please read my posting. PLEASE.

#4General Comment

Sun, February 17, 2013

My name is not important my goal is. I am in talks with Meineke Corporate. They know me very well, TRUST ME. There are some things going on behind the scenes to help Meineke and all of their customers. I know what it means to a guy when his tools are in somebody's else's hands. I am not comfortable as to what your man is going through. I am not here to grab any glory at all. If I was I would post my name.

I will do what ever I can to help you man get his tools back I will be in contact with the corporate office Monday morning. I will do what ever I can to help get this issue resolve. Just call me S.B. I will also touch base with this location to see what can be done for you and your man.

The only thing I ask from you is to post an update AFTER we get this resolved, OK. WE are here to help. Please be patient with me. I have connections that I will use. If the owner reads this, I will see to it that Meineke reads this report. Lets all come to the same goal and DO THE RIGHT THING.........

Haidriene. If you want me to contact you, post a request and I will make that call. ONLY IF YOU listed your number when you Registered with this website. Too many people sigh up to use this web site and are not providing their contact info. Not doing that prevents all at www.ripoffreport.com to help them.

Trust me, I will be on the phone MONDAY MORNING with the fine folks at Meineke Corporate office. lets all get this guy his tools back NOW.........


Call A Tow Truck or the Whambulance!

#5General Comment

Sun, February 17, 2013

I fully understand how heavy $50k worth of tools can weigh.  Use a forklift to lift the tool box into a trailer or call a tow truck! Don't expect some guy who just laid you off to cover the expenses of returning your stuff.  I don't know how to say this for a third time, but if you had $50,000 of my sh*&, I would take it right with me!   Your husband did not do that!  You and your husband are a couple of idiots.  I wish you both well in life, since I know you will need it.  Unfortunately, there is no cure for stupid...you are both doomed. 


United States of America
Straight story

#6Author of original report

Sun, February 17, 2013

First off weve made multiple attempts and were told by Fred to let him gather our things and hed call us to make an app. We were down at the store  on courtrite and had to call the police just to get our vehicle, and were told by FRED and DAWN that fred would call us to meet with our things. That distroys the abandonment theory you mentioned earlier. What company wouldnt try and make an effort out of civility to work out an agreement to have property restored to the rightful owner?  Second of all im pretty sure everyone can grasp how much a toolbox of that size with all those tools would weigh, a ton.  He offered to bring it to us because freds family has lived very closely to my husbands for years. He got all our info for where to drop off our property, the address and phone numbers because he said he had the truck to haul it, Im not a mind reader nor do I try to understand people like that and why they feel they need to abuse a position of authority by stealing and dishonesty.  I sat with a recorder on every conversation, and meineke has recorded phone calls as well,  All weve asked for is whats rightfully ours and weve got the run around.  BELIEVE there are more ex employees than us who have already written statements out concerning That company taking some or all of their paychecks and trying to keep their property.  ENOUGH!!!  In the state of ohio the ONLY way personal property is considered abandoned is if there is absolutely no contact with the owner, after multiple attempts if there isnt any form of contact info then it can be assumed.  That all is not the case in the least.  I will not continue to read your poor tactics at manipulation and criminal activity.  I have more than enough to take this all the way to the supreme court as well as do other ex employees.  My father is a great mechanic and so am I being his daughter and I will tell you that honesty, hardwork, and dedication are what and pays off.  I want this resolved as ive text and told fred many times, and dont see the problem he is having returning someone elses property.


That's a Good Bit of Receipts!

#7General Comment

Sat, February 16, 2013

Let's say you were my employer and you suddenly terminated my employment one morning.  Rest assured, I would tell you, "I will be here at close of business to recover my $50k worth of tools which, as you say,  I depend on and are my families life blood".  Waiting months afterwards is simply playing the system.  If I were your employer, letting you go suddenly one morning, I would tell you to remove your property at close of the business day today".  

The courts can rule all they want to.  But, all you are doing is wasting the courts time and money.  You and your husband should have obtained your crap the day his employment was terminated and moved on with your lives.  Why would his former employer, who terminated your husbands employment, waste his/her time or money gathering and paying to deliver your husbands items?  Why didn't your husband gather and remove his property himself?


United States of America
Laws and Legality of employer employee relationship

#8Author of original report

Sat, February 16, 2013

Supreme court has ruled in similar cases that the employer was liable for loss or damage done to the terminated employees property left at the workplace, that the employee had not been able to recover, (We have text messages between employer  and employee stating to schedule a time to get the personal property returned, recorded phone calls, police reports, Witnesses and statements made by employer as to not knowing where the tools were a month ago, and now writing on this site the employee abandoned them.  It is obsurd to try that route when theres enormous evidence stating likewise.) thereby illustrating that an employers duty to an employee does not necessarily cease to exist at the time of termination.

The employee requested the return of his personal belongings from said employer, including his  toolbox and Tools which are proved to be the sole property of the terminated employee by way of reciepts of sales, and tool truck account records.. The employer returned the car except for the tools and toolbox which could not be located. As a result, the employee commenced an action seeking damages for the replacement of his missing items.

The Court most likely will find that the employer had assumed a duty of care in relation to protecting their employees personal property. The Court states the following, "In my opinion an employer who hires employees that are required to use their personal property to perform the jobs asked are provided secure facilities for the storage of personal items (i.e. rooms and lockers)  employers can be taken as having assumed a duty of care to take some meaningful steps to provide employees with a means for the better protection of their personal property"

Additionally, the Court determines that the employer had already decided in Oct. 2012 that the employee was going to be terminated prior to his return to work the following day.  People do not clean out their offices when they leave work or go on vacation, nor do they clean out their lockers. They expect to return and that being the case leave their personal property at their place of employment.

Given this known intention, the Court states the following, "[T]he [employer] cannot have been surprised to learn that its employees left their personal property. So the [employer] must be taken to have known or ought to have known that the [employee] might leave personal property on site when he left work after his shift in Oct. 2012." 

Therefore, the Court  can conclude that due to the employers assumed duty of care and the advanced knowledge of the employees termination, the employer was liable for the employees lost personal items.

Both employees and employers should be aware of the decision in Hyde as a reminder that the duties which may exist during the employment relationship, such as a duty of care, do not necessarily end on the day of termination. An employee may still be owed the benefit of such pre-existing duties during the post-termination period, whether explicitly stated to exist by the employer or implicitly incorporated into the employment relationship due to the actions of the employer.

Also any previous employees records, write-ups signed by employer and employee, pay stubs, tax forms and anything filed under the employees name are to be kept on record at the place of employment for no less than a year, and tax forms/pay stubs 3 years.  If such records cannot be provided by employer an audit agent will assume the worst and take proper action to retain legal sponsor towards said company, and prosecution can and will be deemed necessary.   ( I believe that would show applicable proof of payments returned to the employee for services rendered or property delivered and cashed .) 


Where are his tools?

#9General Comment

Sat, February 16, 2013

It's a shame he was let go so suddenly.  However, your husband had every right and responsibility to remove his tools and property the same day as his employment was terminated.  Why didn't he grab them them that day?  It was not the responsibility of the store owner to deliver your husbands tools and property.  It was your husbands responsibility to remove them within adequate time.  After so many days, the property becomes "abandoned".  If the store owner or manager refused to allow your husband to remove his property same day as termination, then your husband should have called the sheriff's dept.  Why should your husband be absolved of any responsibility in failing to remove his property in a timely manner?

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