  • Report:  #1470124

Complaint Review: Michael Baron Gibson and Amini Osias - columbus Ohio

Reported By:
KeithN - Reynoldsburg , OH, United States

Michael Baron Gibson and Amini Osias
200 East Campus View Blvd. Suite 200 columbus, 43235 Ohio, United States
https://genesysmachine.com/, https://votecandidates.com/
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Michael Baron Gibson (Citizenship: American) and Omini Osias (Citizenship: American/Congolese/Haitian) have worked together to defraud investors in the United States and the United Arab Emirates of nearly $1million dollars over the course of the past decade. 

Mr. Osias (born 10/24/1973) claims to have inherited billions of dollars from his late father (an alleged Congolese Government Minister) some time in the early 2000s.  He alleges that he fought his siblings in court over several years to claim his inheritance.  Mr. Osias claims that he won the case, but suggests  that he can’t access his funds due to the fact that they are in a “custodial account”.  He frequently tells associates that his total net worth is in excess of $9 billion (to include accounts at Wild Card, Deutsche, UBS, Credit Suisse and Itau Banks).  He has previously submitted fradulant bank statements from Itau Bank and UBS in particular.  

The problem is that Mr. Osias, in addition to being a pathological liar, is a crook and petty thief.  Unbeknownst to his investors—he uses Michael Baron Gibson (born 2/25/1961) to identify new victims—Mr. Osias is a wanted criminal in the United States.  His wrap sheet includes the following:

  • 1997: Filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
  • 1998: Misdemeanor Possession of a False Identification Document.  He was sentenced to two years probation in Washington, DC.  Mr. Osias uses the following aliases: Hoyt Clifford Scott and Joseph Osias
  • 1999: Warrant issued in Prince George County Maryland for Theft. 
  • 2001: Charged with Theft again in Prince George County Maryland.
  • 2003: Warrant issued “Fugitive From Justice”, Montgomery County Maryland.  He was charged with a felony in Virginia for “attaining money by false pretense.”
  • 2011: DUI/OWI, Washington, DC.
  • 2013: Failed to pay landlord rent
  • 2014: Failed to pay landlord rent
  • 2015: Failed to pay landlord rent
  • 2016: Failed to pay landlord rent  
  • 2018: Outstanding warrant, New York State Department of Corrections.  He hasn’t reported to his parole officer in years…

Mr. Osias is currently living in Dubai, UAE.  He’s been there since August 2017, and is struggling to find new investors to scam. 

Mr. Gibson is an accomplice to Mr. Osias, and is primarily responsible for defrauding would-be investors.  Mr. Gibson is serial scam artist.  In 2014, he told several Central Ohio investors that he built a perpetual energy machine; he called his company Genesys Power Corporation.  Mr. Gibson received nearly $800k in funding for said company, however, he has failed to produce any evidence of the technology and rejected all attempts to have 3rd party vendors vet his claims. 

In 2015, Mr. Gibson told his Ohio-based investors of Mr. Osias and his alleged personal fortune.  Mr. Gibson convinced his investors to fund travel for he and Mr. Osias to the Congo, South Africa, Hong Kong, India, and Singapore to acquire these funds.  Following a four-month venture, both returned with nothing in hand.  Mr. Gibson claimed the banks were racists, and that they conspired against Mr. Osias to deny him his money.  This of course is not true. 

He claimed that while Mr. Osias couldn’t directly access his money, he was nonetheless capable of underwriting Letters of Credit, Bank Guarantees and IBAN transfers.  Despite these claims, and numerous bank visits and stalled transactions, all attempts to access Mr. Osias’ funds failed.   

In April 2017, Mr. Gibson raised additional funds from his investors for he and Mr. Osias to travel to Switzerland to visit UBS Bank to finalize a $1 billion transaction.  Mr. Osias was denied entry into Switzerland, hence, the two traveled to Istanbul, Turkey where they stayed for five months in an attempt to acquire funding therese as well.  Mr. Gibson claimed that the Swiss denied Mr. Osias entry due to a misspelling on his Schengen Visa form.  However, and following multiple attempts, the Swiss--nor any other Western European nation--have granted Mr. Osias entrance.

In August 2017, Mr. Gibson once again asked his Ohio investors to pony-up funds to send he and Mr. Osias to the UAE.  According to Mr. Gibson, Mr. Osias’ attorney in Switzerland (Giovanni di Stefano, Saddam Hussein’s bogus lawyer) arranged for his UBS accounts to be transferred to Dubai.  Mr. Gibson asked his investors for an additional $15k so that he and Mr. Osias could start a UAE company and attain residency, this was allegedly a prerequisite for the bank to release funding.  Both men have been living in the UAE ever since, and their investors have yet to receive a red cent. 

Mr. Gibson falsely claims that he has a Masters Degree from NYU, and experience conducting international bank transactions.  He was arrested in the UAE for failure to pay his hotel bill ($50k+) earlier this year.  He is currently living on the charity of other would-be investors who he has conned since living in Dubai.  Mr. Gibson is currently wanted by the Dubai authorities for failure to pay addtional hotel expenses.  

Bottom Line: This report should serve as a WARNING to anyone considering doing “business” with Amini Osias or Michael Baron Gibson.  They are scam artists of the highest order.  There is no evidence that Mr. Osias is worth $100k, and the idea that he is an elusive African billionaire is pure fallacy.  Mr. Osias alleges that he renounced his US citizenship, however, he remains a fugitive at-large in New York State. 

Mr. Gibson uses his past affiliation with the U.S. Army to charm would-be investors out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Mr. Gibson currently has two pending cases in Franklin County Ohio for failure to pay his credit cards (Bank of America and Discover Bank), and owes more than $7k in back child support payments. 

A list of their fradulanet "business ventures" include:

Genesys Power Corporation: https://genesysmachine.com/

Vote Candidates, LLC: https://votecandidates.com/

Critical Mobilization Group: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wartime-professionals-llc/

AMF Investments: http://www.amfinvestments.com/

African Wealth Funds: http://www.africanwealthfunds.com/

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Michael Baron Gibson and Amini Osias - Columbus Ohio

#2General Comment

Sat, November 09, 2019

This note is intended to provide our perspective on a narrative found on the Ripoff Report website regarding Michael Baron Gibson and Amini Osias.

We are Michael Gibson’s primary investors in Columbus, Ohio. There is a small group of us. We have known Michael since 2013 and have invested what to us amounts to significant savings into his business ventures, centered on Critical Mobilization Group and Genesys Power Corporation. Both are business startups.

Our investments were carefully considered and intentionally made in the hope of launching these businesses operationally and profiting from them. We still hope that this comes to pass and look forward to working with Michael to do so. We spent several years working very hard with Michael on setting up all the operational infrastructure related to Critical Mobilization Group and Genesys Power Corporation.

Michael and some of us worked tirelessly over several years to develop a wide range of things that will serve as the foundation for these corporations. These preparations have the businesses ready to launch effectively in short order as soon as significant capital is raised to underwrite the operational launch. Success in securing the launch funds has not yet materialized, yet we know that the project is totally doable and still hope to bring it to fruition if and when the launch funding is secured.

We do not believe that Michael Gibson has been deliberately working to scam us out of our savings. He has not as yet been successful in raising the necessary launch capital, yet the fact that the goal remains to be realized does not mean that Michael’s intent and work has not been to make it so. Raising significant funding to launch significant businesses is a challenging task.

Actual scammers would not put all the effort into operational development that Michael has, and his efforts were made working alongside us. That the entire effort was simply a scam was apparently the opinion of the gentleman that posted the story on the Ripoff Report site, yet we differ with that opinion. We are disappointed that the launch funds are yet to be secured, yet we are hopeful that it can still happen. The business concepts and preparations are all made and awaiting the opportunity to execute the plans.

Another of the individuals involved in the startup preparations has also been disappointed, enough so to post this message on Ripoff Report. Know that we did not authorize him beforehand to speak for us in this matter, nor will we authorize anyone to speak in our behalf in the future. We can do so ourselves, and are doing so now. Much of what was written was subjective in nature, and obviously the writer’s opinion, written in anger and disappointment. And while we can relate to the disappointment due to waiting, for we are eager to move forward, as stated above, our opinion regarding Michael differs.

In the Ripoff Report article, other business entities were cited. We are aware that Michael launched an effort under the Vote Candidates, LLC name, as he mentioned that to us, though we know very little about it. The other business entities we see referenced in the Ripoff Report posting, AMF Investments, as well as African Wealth Funds, are not anything we have been involved with or asked to invest in.

As to Mr. Amini Osias, we are aware of him, for he is a long time friend of Michael’s, and Michael has been working directly with him for several years to raise capital for our and other ventures that we are not associated with. We have never met Amini or worked directly with him, though we are well aware of him. Michael has always spoken highly of his friend. We cannot attest one way or another to what was said about him, as confirming or disproving claims would require a research project that we have no interest in pursuing. Mr. Osias’s business and history are his business, not ours.


United States
Michael Baron Gibson and Amini Osias

#3General Comment

Sat, November 09, 2019

Rebuttal to Report #1470124 - Complaint Review: Michael Baron Gibson and Amini Osias, Columbus Ohio

First of all, Mr. Noble was not personally an investor and doesn’t represent the Ohio investors.

We were not defrauded – we invested money in a potential start-up company. Mr. Gibson is not a “serial scam artist.” That is the opinion of Mr. Noble and is far from the truth.

Mr. Gibson was involved with the production of Green Energy prior to us getting involved with him. This potential investment had nothing to do with our initial investment in the Critical Mobilization Group. We later got involved and were awaiting CMG to come to fruition so we could further solidify involvement in other projects.

Webster’s Dictionary defines “scam” as “a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation.” We don’t believe that Mr. Gibson’s nor Mr. Osias’ actions fit that definition. Mr. Osias had nothing to do with any of our investments whatsoever. Any dealings with Mr. Osias had strictly to do with Mr. Gibson. None of this was any of our business.

Mr. Gibson and the group of Ohio investors spent several years trying to build several businesses – Genesys Power Corporation and Critical Mobilization Group. Many hours, months and years were spent developing company foundations, looking at buildings, building websites, talking with the inventor, etc. Mr. Noble was not part of these endeavors as an investor.

Rather, Mr. Gibson would later bring Mr. Noble on as an employee once funding was procured. Mr. Noble was not involved in any of the startups. He only became involved well beyond three or four years into the process once all of the heavy lifting was completed.

The time and effort spent trying to get investment funds along with Mr. Noble’s RipOff letter to contend with has caused all of our other plans to be put on hold. However, should any of these funds ever be available, we are confident that Mr. Gibson will reimburse the original investors and definitely rekindle our business plans.

None of us have seen or heard anything concerning Mr. Osias. In addition, Mr. Gibson has nothing to gain by being deceitful about the funds. He only has everything to gain by pursuing them.

As to Mr. Osias, the investors have not tried to verify his history. He was never directly involved in our business plans. We do not know him personally nor do we know any of the circumstances around the offenses listed by Mr. Noble. Almost half of them occurred more than 20 years ago and we are doubtful as to the accuracy as well!

Another point to be made is this website, Ripoff Report. It is listed as one of the five worst websites in America. It is a website based upon getting defamed people or companies to pay them a substantial fee to remove incriminating material that anybody can write about anyone on their site without any proof of its truth. It is unbelievable that a reputable person or business would use this site as a resource to investigate anyone.

Actually, the writer of this RipOff Report, Mr. Noble, did not invest ANY of his own money in these businesses. He was (is) very angry with Mr. Gibson because he didn’t receive payment for work he did nor did he get the things he was “promised.” None of us did...YET! He has never met Mr. Osias.

This was a startup and once it is properly funded certain perks and living allowances would have been applied to our deals. On his own, Mr. Noble rented/sold his home and used his money to move out-of-state and enroll his children in a private school, something Mr. Gibson would have had no problem in assisting with once we were properly funded and underway.

This was done before the businesses were ever operational. He was advised several times by Mr. Gibson not to sell his home or move until we were fully ready. Mr. Noble did it anyway. We were promised a potential future housing allowance and other perks when the business was producing enough that we could afford it. We do not see this as a scam. We do not believe that Mr. Gibson purposely absconded with our money.

We do believe that should Mr. Gibson receive funding, he will take care of his financial obligations to all of us.

Mr. Osias has always been referred to as a close and dear friend of Mr. Gibson. Not a bad word or instance of concern was ever voiced nor written. As a matter of fact, Mr. Gibson would frequently, if asked, go out of his way not to speak about Mr. Osias. The conclusions put forth by Mr. Noble were in error.

We’ve done extensive background investigations on Mr. Gibson and prior to Mr. Noble’s report, it is impossible to find any infractions involving Mr. Gibson. We had no reason to investigate Mr. Osias as we are not in business nor ever have been in business with Mr. Osias. This smear campaign by Mr. Noble has retarded our efforts to complete funding and move forward.




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