  • Report:  #64095

Complaint Review: Michelle's Work At Home Services - Romeo Michigan

Reported By:
- Columbia, Missouri,

Michelle's Work At Home Services
278 W. St. Clair Romeo, 48065 Michigan, U.S.A.
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This Ripoff Report is a candid review of a work-at-home company: (Michelle's Work At Home Services) that claims to be a "clerical and staffing" company. But first a little background information.

The first thing to keep in mind about any reputable work at home opportunity is that you should never pay any kind of fee or charge for a typing, data entry, medical billing, staffing, clerical, or word processing job, no matter what the so called "EMPLOYER" claims for the necessity for charging any kind of a fee. Ad placing jobs are also a scam. As are most medical billing services.

Of course, if you do decide to pay the fee you will probably never hear from the company again. If you do receive any kind of response, it will be in the form of a cheap and useless "how-to" guide that explains how to "get rich quick" from home. Either way, there will be no real typing or data entry jobs involved. You will be posting ads to recruit more people to place ads. For some home typing companies, this is your "PAID" training. By any definition, a pyramid scheme! Good luck getting any information on their supposed "REAL" jobs that they claim they will put you in after your "paid" training is completed.

Here are a few warning signs that should tip you off that you may be dealing with a scam:

1. Do they use a free email address like Yahoo or Hotmail? Real employers don't use free email such as Yahoo or other free email services!

2. Are they using a free web site address (like www.geocities.com/hometyping)? a real company would never want such an unprofessional image! A real company will have their own domain name (such as www.companyname.com)

3. Do they offer a high hourly wage? Make $1000.00 per week for typing? Not a chance.

4. Envelope Stuffing? Don't even bother. These types of jobs simply DO NOT exist. They are ALL scams.

5. Medical Billing? Be highly skeptical. Most medical billing services are only after your money--not your skills!


Michelle's Work AT Home Services. This so-called company claims to be a revolutionary clerical and staffing company. A perusal of their freebie hosted website: (http://100mwahs.50megs.com) doesn't give you any kind of hint what these clerical jobs consist of. You can find no listing of the companies they claim to place people with.

They claim to offer people basic clerical and office type work over the internet to compile lists of candidates to fill work-at-home clerical positions for other companies. Of course once you find their spam ads on internet jobsites and classified sites, you quickly figure out the so-called clerical jobs are in reality a recruitment to hire new people to place their own ads to recruit new "employees." If you get a gut feeling this might seem like a pyramid scheme you might be right. You can decide for yourself.

The contact email address is a freebie email service. How tacky can they get? A freebie web address and a freebie email service. A very "REAL PROFESSIONAL" image here. Plus their website is pretty crappy looking, one of those cheesy looking cookie cutter templates. Looks like a first grader put it together.

The "How To Apply Page" is a real winner. Michelle's Work AT Home Services must charge a one-time application fee of "ONLY" $15.00 to cover their processing fees and so called training materials. Refunds are "ONLY" given if "THEY" do not accept your application. Now do you really think they will reject anyone with $15.00 in hand? No matter what your condition they will take your money. With a freebie website I am not sure what kind of expenses they would require. A legitimate company never needs to charge the prospective employee any kind of a fee.


Michelle's Work At Home Services is typical of most of these home typing companies. Right off the bat they "MUST" charge you a fee to process your application which is not very detailed in itself. And since the training materials are probably sent to you by email I am not sure what the cost involved there is. After all you can send an email for free! Judging form the spam ads their so-called employees post on the internet it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the nature of their "training period" really is. Just check out the Ripoff Reports on American Secretarial Services. They seem to operate in a similar manner.


A real clerical staffing or outsourcing company does not charge "application or processing fees." If you are told that a processing fee is required for some unknown reason simply ask that any "fees" be subtracted from your "paid" training. If they are legitimate they will do so. Michelle's Work AT Home Services flunks the test for a "REAL" staffing and clerical company. Thumbs down on this work at home opportunity.


Don't even waste your time sending money to this company. Avoid this ripoff like the plague. My guess is they haven't been around long enough to get on the radar yet. At fifteen dollars for the application fee they are small potatoes compared to Rainbow Expression's or PaidResponse's higher fees, which probably explains why their victims don't expend much time or energy trying to get their fifteen dollars back from them. If this company really wanted to be taken seriously they would have a "real" domain name and a "real" email address. Not a very professional image being set here. There is no "valid" reason to charge any kind of fee for a work-at-home job of any kind. No matter what kind of bogus claims they try to make. In essence they are only after your money not your job skills. I am not even going to try to predict how long this company will be around. What a cheesy looking website! For all of the hype on their webpages, it is just another work-at-home ripoff. Nowhere on them can you find out just what kind of "REAL" jobs they are supposed to be offering. Perhaps, they should change their name to Michelle's Work At Home Scam.



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2 Updates & Rebuttals


Rebutting The Work At Home Scamster

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 06, 2006

Well Karen on your first point about having to charge a $15.00 dollar fee to cover your so called expenses is pure BS. That is where you are making your money! I am sure the people you recruits are sincere in trying to make a living. Unfortunately for them I can't say the same for your company. You are only sincere in your desire to cheat them out of their hard earned money. The only "jobs" your company seems to offer is the opportunity to spam every classified ad or job board that will allow spam such as your posts. I seriously doubt you have any real or legitimate jobs to offer. Using a freebie webhosting company is very unprofessional. Webhosting and the cost of registering a domain name are incredibly cheap compared to what you had to pay even five years ago. there is no excuse to have to resort to a freebie page to lauch a so called professioanl business. And I seriously doubt you would turn anyone down willing to send you the $15.00 you charge. I seriously doubt most of the poor folks who get screwed by your ripoff scheme were looking for a get rich quick plan. The original post was to warm people about ripoff typing companies such as yours.



#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 04, 2006

The first paragraph states the no one should ever have to pay a fee Reply: There is a one time application fee of only $15.00 to cover your paid evaluation and materials. Employers have costs too, no one will ever get "free" employment materials from any business. This is also to ensure that they hire individuals who really do want work and not just getting the materials just for information purposes only or for their own personal use. Michelle's Staff has been very prompt in getting back with me on any question or concern I have had during my employment with them, so it is not true that after you pay your fee that you will never hear from them again. They do not send any type of "get rich quick" guides, that's false. The paid training is not a pyramid scheme. The training is to ensure that the associates can follow instructions and have the ability to spell and print neatly before they put them in contact with Major Companies. They use the evaluation program as a time for them to be able to evaluate your ability to read and follow written instructions as well as your attitude. They don't disclose the names of these Major Companies for their protection. They wouldn't want anyone and everyone contacting them without any type of training first. That makes sense. As far as using the "Free Emails" to advertise, that is so the associates who work for them do not have to spend any additional money to post their ads. It's up to you if you wish to pay someone to advertise your ads. As far as them not having their "own domain", that again is to save money, that's why they are able to charge a fee of only $15. That's the most inexpensive fee I have ever found, and I've paid a lot of money over the years to companies who were indeed scams. This Company is not. Michelle's Work At Home Service will tell you what type of clerical work you will be doing after your training is complete however; by the ad, you already know that it is going to be data entry and typing. The recruitment process to hire new employees is part of your training. It's not as easy as it sounds so it does take some training. Michelle's will reject your application regardless of the $15 if they do not feel that you will be suitable for this job. Michelle's Work-At-Home Services was founded in 2001. . This is not a "MLM" or "Home Business Opportunity", but rather a legitimate work at home job. They are a Clerical Staffing Company that supplies other companies, (as well as their own), with workers for their "out-sourced" office" work. In closing, this report was just from someone who, by the way posted it 3 years ago who didn't know how to follow instructions or was just too lazy to try and got angry when they found out that it was NOT a "GET RICH QUICK" business. Sorry "Doubting Thomas", you are sadly mistaken about this company. A Home Worker Associate with Michelle's Work At Home Service

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