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mickael kors outlet online store This website sell conterfeit Mickael Kors item and won't refund your money Internet
I have found this website online. It was cheap and looked legit (I was so blind) there was reviews and all, and since I paid through Paypal I thought it would be secure. I paid $79 for it with free shipping. I also contacted the "customer service" and asked if their product were legit of course they (aka he) said yes and that the price was that cheap because if was straight out the factory. And sign majority of legit product are made in China I believed it.
I received the bag it was nice but already I saw that something was wrong with it. The opening of the bag wouldn't extend enough...but I didn't make a big deal out of it. Anyways after a month I was carrying the bag (only my wallet and glasses in it) and the handle suddenly broke loose, like out of the blue!!!
I contacted the seller and sent pic.
After realizing it was counterfeit, my doubt were confirmed when I have contacted the "customer service". The answer didn't look professional at all, it was coming from a gmail account, different font was used and the English was approximate. (I am a foreigner myself but still could notice it).
Anyways his answer (under the name of mickaelkorscustomerservice) was I shouldn't send it back because it would get lost after getting into customs and instead would get a $15 refund and keep the bag, of course I refused and then they/he proposed $ I am homeless or something. Refused as well finally they proposed 50% refund and refused also. I contacted Paypal and 45 had passed already so they couldn't do anything and now I filled a claim with my bank so they would reverse the paiement and still waiting for the end of his ugly experience. I even contacted Mickael Kors legit customer service in NYC all they said is that I should be careful when bying online and gave me some advice when buying... didn't even care about having people using their name and ripping off people to make money. Never buying Mickael Kors again...