  • Report:  #1113248

Complaint Review: Microsoft Store - Internet Indiana

Reported By:
Chris M - Evansville, Indiana,

Microsoft Store
Internet, Indiana, USA
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So my laptop broke on November 27 and I needed it for doing finals and doing my final homework that was due the following week. Luckily a lot of deals were going on and I placed an order through microsoftstore.com for a laptop for 908.43. I was going to use that Smartconnect line of credit then pay it off after I got my bonus from work which comes the first week of January. Well I place the order and click on paypal. It usually comes up with the method that I want to pay through paypal on sites when I purchase through them, this is the first time that it didn't.
Instead it just went straight through and I was like ummm crap. Check paypal and and it said that it was coming out of my checking. Call microsoft store and tell them the issue and to see if I could cancel. The girl I talked to was nice and said she cancelled the order and I was like awesome so it is cancelled and she responded yes, she did cancel it and I wouldn't be charged. Never said anything about how it could still be processing or be too late. The order was placed at around 5:28 cst and I emailed myself their service number at 5:42 so it was less than 15 minutes.
Well fast forward to mid afternoon November 29th I get an email saying "Thank you for ordering from Microsoft. At your request, we attempted to cancel the following products from your order. Unfortunately, we were unable to stop shipment and you will be charged for these items." So I called them back and explain the situation after a very long hold and am told to refuse the package when UPS brings it. Then I call Paypal to little help even though I explain that the funds are not in my bank account.
So I am like ok crap. I call my bank and there is a 4 hour hold so I decide to go into the branch in the morning. Well since it had gone through all ready I over drafted on other items I purchased. They waived half since I have never done it before. Then I called paypal again to no help and my bank does a stop payment on them and explained that I probably won't be able to use paypal again thanks to this fiasco.
So I watch tracking like a hawk. It finally comes on 12/9 but UPS just knocks really quick and jumps back in their truck and leave it on the porch.So I called them and tell them I need a return label. They tell me that they will email one in three days. I was like for an email? do you mean real mail or email and they said email. Each time I call they email this stupid confirmation codes to make sure I am the owner of the accounts email so they have my email correct for sure. Well 3 days go by and nothing happens. I called back and am told well because of the snow storm in "some foreign city" that it will take up to a week.
So I am like a week for a freaking return label email? and they inform me yes. Oh by the way this was escalated and all calls prior have been.
So Fast forward until 12/18 I called to see the status or to see if I am still supposed to wait. I spend like 30  minutes on the phone with them and put on hold multiple times and they verify  bunch of stuff with me. Also they verify a callback number in case we are disconnected. Well we are. Still no call back. So I call tonight and tell them it is been a week, tell them about the disconnection last time and the problems that I have had.Puts me on hold for 10 minutes and drops the call. Never calls back despite asking for call back number. 
I called them back today and escalated again to be told that they will call me back when they escalate higher to get me a return label. They are unable to email me one now because I requested a cancellation and they cannot give a label for someone who requested a cancellation even though it shipped . So the lady knew what she was talking about it seemed and I thought it would get fixed this time. 
I call again on 7/19. Get the same run around that it will be a week and I tell them that it never gets done and they need to do something different and that I never get a call back. I am assured they will call me back.

I am told that they are unable to email me one now because I requested a cancellation and they cannot give a label for someone who requested a cancellation even though it shipped . So the lady knew what she was talking about it seemed and I thought it would get fixed this time since she escalated to right department.

12/27 I call them back becausse I never received a call back, they tell me it will be three days again. The lady was nice and emailed me something about my request so I thought something would actually get done. nope.I call them again on 12/30/13 which was the last straw. The guy was extremely rude and said it was USPS's fault that I did not have a tracking label and that the 3 days were 3 business days and there was nothing he could do and said it he would escalate and I would get a call back in 3 days. No call back and not fixed so I call back on the 4th to another wait 3 days after escalating.
Fix it fast or I am done with the company. Xbox, purchased 3 W8 Upgrades, WP7 and upgraded to a WP8. Planned to get an Xbox One when a game came out that I wanted for it in March. No more. I'll just get a different OS on my future computers and other non microsoft products, I am already leaning towards that.

I just want to know how or who I should escalate this to and finally be done with this fiasco.

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