Aurora,#2Author of original report
Sat, July 02, 2011
There isn't a legal waiting period before a tow can happen. We should have paid right when we parked the car. The lot had maybe five cars in it, it was an hour before the movie started and I guess we thought we could be leisurely about paying. The problem I have isn't really a legal one, but is it right for a tow truck to sit nearby and when they see someone walk off immediately go tow that car. There were businesses nearby and what if someone just needed to get change to pay the fee. It really was not more than 10 minutes and probably more like five. The guy was fast! It's really a moral question and a question about ripping off well intentioned customers of the lot. I think some grace period would be good business - I will certainly never use that lot again. There are also complaints about this lot and tow company from folks who say they paid! What recourse do we have? Once the car is towed it's your word against theirs. It is a scam meant to get $200 from people - simple as that.
Irvine,#3Consumer Comment
Tue, June 28, 2011
First of all to coast there are some jurisdictions and some situations that you can not be towed from private property for a minimum amount of time. But unless you are familar with your area's regulations don't use that as a free pass to park whereever you want. If this area has it or not, perhaps the OP would post the vehicle code that states the specific regulations.
However just like parking next to a fire hydrant, in a fire lane, or blocking an entrance or exit that "grace period" generally DOES NOT apply to parking in a Handicaped space. So IF the OP is correct and there is a 1/2 hour "grace period", but they parked in a Handicapped space they COULD still be subject to immediate tow. Since the OP is going to file a Small Claims actions they are going to need this anyways, so posting it should be a simple matter for them.
Because they mentioned that the placard was "inside". Okay was it PROPERLY displayed? Because if it was not properly displayed and you were parked in a Handicapped space it would be a valid tow.
Of course the big question is why did your wife have to help you to the park BEFORE she paid? It is not like you having to wait another 1-2 minutes would have been a catastrophe. I also find it hard to believe that she was able to help you to the park, they came in towed the car, and she returned all within 10 minutes.
mr rik
miami,#4Consumer Comment
Tue, June 28, 2011
I would make sure one of these guys needs crutches, or worse.
USA#5Consumer Comment
Mon, June 27, 2011
Was the handicap parking permit hanging from the mirror?
"They are not allowed to tow until 1/2 hour has passed"
So, everybody gets a free half hour of unlawful parking. That's news to me.