  • Report:  #107065

Complaint Review: Mitchell Todd Butruch - Ronkonkoma New York

Reported By:
- Ridgewood, New York,

Mitchell Todd Butruch
454 Automotive Inc. Ronkonkoma, 11779 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
He is so busy with feeding his fat mother and his new wife that he forgot for over 1 year to send child support. He is currently being sued in Queens Family Court and his next appearance is November 15th at 9:30 a.m. I hope he shows up and not does the bullshit of his lawyer is busy so I will still be a deadbeat.

Ripoffreport Report Image

Not sure what Mitchell Todd Butruch is smiling about

Ripoffreport Report Image


Ridgewood, New York

40 Updates & Rebuttals


Jackson Heights,
New York,
Pamela is all talk and no action

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 19, 2007

Pamela post on her about Mitch about me, my family all lies that is her game hiding behind the computer can't face people only hide until this past Saturday when she came face to face with me, my sister and my son in Pathmark and she was Ms. CHicken s**t. She post lies says my son is a mama's boy then why did you run Pamela when he confronted you on your lies and you ran ran ran. You had the balls to say hello to me after harassing my family and myself for over nine months first with the calls then the lying slanderous post on the net, posting photos of your obese daughter with a blonde wig claiming it was me, giving out my address on craigs and sending a couple to my home to pick up a couch for a phony post you posted, when I posted a photo of the real me you felt stupid then I posted your real photo and carlos real photo and people were laughing at you and you did not like it well then stop the games. Your a big fat obese loser who had to have someone walk up out of pathmark because you were afraid i would kick your fat a*s but you out weigh me by at least 150 lbs and twice my size and are much taller than me and your all boo h*o she is going to jump me? Please b***h when i turned the aisle and was getting something you came up the aisle and I did not say a word just looked at you and you were shaking in your pants and turning beet red and scared saying hi like you did not do a damm thing. So you see Pamela you can hide but you cant hide forever your all talk and nothing more. Where was crack head? Sitting home getting high well your out shopping with your food stamps? You made a total a*s out of yourself in the store we did not follow you we were shopping and if we saw you you were ignored until you started mumbling crap and I told you to come outside and say it to me, gave you a chance to go for it but you are a lying piece of chicken s**t hard to do since you gained so much weight and got more obese wow food stamps must be good too bad we all work for our money to pay our bills and buy our food. Why were you sooooo scared if you did nothing wrong and when you were called out for your harassment you sure did not deny it because you are mentally unbalance and when you do get caught you s**t your pants. It's easy to talk crap online write lies and act all big and when your confronted you run like a baby who did you call mama? I dare you to come to my house but we know you can't act like a adult and talk like a adult you need to keep playing until you are confornted then you run remember this keep playing games because we go to the same phramacy, stores and there will be a time we will run into each other and what are you going to do then? Cry to the phramacist ooh can you walk me out she is going to hit me boo h*o? PLease he knows how you were selling medicaid paid for medication you got under your name on craigslist and what you have been doing to my family and I won't act like a a*s like you and make a scene if I have something to say i say it to your face and would walk outside and say it. YOU won't be so scared if you did nothing now would u? I told you numerous times face me and we will have it out but you won't so stop the s**t stop the harassment because you are nothing but a f****s w***e who can't handle the fact you have no life and need to forfill your lonely days by harassing people to make yourself happy. SO much for my son being a mama's boy if you would have put a hand on him he would have kicked your a*s in and then i would have given you a a*s whipping before having you arrested. He only said to you how come you talk s**t but can't face the people you harassed and told you to leave his family alone and get a life and you got nasty so he told you exactly what he and everyone thinks of you and you got scared. He is not a little kid anymore and will give it back and will protect his mother and family but once again we all see you are all talk and no action the mouth runs and hides behind the computer and phone but face to face you are too scared. It's your choice leave us all alone or keep running. Crack head makes threats where was he I am not you he does not scare me and if he thinks he is sooooooooo tough let him try it he will get it back and then be locked up.


Long Island,
New York,
This annie Mitch's wife Pamela is the liar and we have proof

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, May 28, 2007

Pamela has decided to slander my husband with lies and half truths. What she forgot to write in her postings is that she is the unfit deadbeat parent. She has been collecting child support for months for a child who no longer lives with her but with the child's grandmother. She has called my mother's home harassing her nonstop in which we have tape recordings. WE were unaware she had posted on her to her friend mailed us all the postings and what was really going on. My husband has tried to contact his daughter but Pamela does not pick up the phone and has blocked her phone so the child can not call LI and speak with her father. A word of advice to pamela stop the games and grow up, stop using this board to spread vicious lies to further cheapen your self. This board is intended to show deadbeat parents and you should put yourself on here. TEll everybody how you live off the goverment with a drugaddict boyfriend who stoled her own childs jewerly, games and whatever was not nailed down in thehome to buy drugs. When you lie Pamela the truth will come out and you will be seeing both of us in court because we are suing you for slander, fraud, harassment so stop posting lies on this board and be a mother instead of a w***e. Tell the good people how you slept with Mitch right after meeting him no less had sex with him in his mother's laundry room and then said oh, Im pregnant the same day hello you set out to trap him and get pregnant because you wanted out of your home and saw him as easy street. You are jealous of our marriage and the fact your daughter has stated she can't stand you and you are unfit to raise children, is that not what your youngest daughter's ACS ordered therapist said to you. So instead of using this board to harass and make up lies save space for those parents who really do need to get their story out there and get the support they are due for their children.


Long Island,
New York,
This annie Mitch's wife Pamela is the liar and we have proof

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, May 28, 2007

Pamela has decided to slander my husband with lies and half truths. What she forgot to write in her postings is that she is the unfit deadbeat parent. She has been collecting child support for months for a child who no longer lives with her but with the child's grandmother. She has called my mother's home harassing her nonstop in which we have tape recordings. WE were unaware she had posted on her to her friend mailed us all the postings and what was really going on. My husband has tried to contact his daughter but Pamela does not pick up the phone and has blocked her phone so the child can not call LI and speak with her father. A word of advice to pamela stop the games and grow up, stop using this board to spread vicious lies to further cheapen your self. This board is intended to show deadbeat parents and you should put yourself on here. TEll everybody how you live off the goverment with a drugaddict boyfriend who stoled her own childs jewerly, games and whatever was not nailed down in thehome to buy drugs. When you lie Pamela the truth will come out and you will be seeing both of us in court because we are suing you for slander, fraud, harassment so stop posting lies on this board and be a mother instead of a w***e. Tell the good people how you slept with Mitch right after meeting him no less had sex with him in his mother's laundry room and then said oh, Im pregnant the same day hello you set out to trap him and get pregnant because you wanted out of your home and saw him as easy street. You are jealous of our marriage and the fact your daughter has stated she can't stand you and you are unfit to raise children, is that not what your youngest daughter's ACS ordered therapist said to you. So instead of using this board to harass and make up lies save space for those parents who really do need to get their story out there and get the support they are due for their children.


Long Island,
New York,
This annie Mitch's wife Pamela is the liar and we have proof

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, May 28, 2007

Pamela has decided to slander my husband with lies and half truths. What she forgot to write in her postings is that she is the unfit deadbeat parent. She has been collecting child support for months for a child who no longer lives with her but with the child's grandmother. She has called my mother's home harassing her nonstop in which we have tape recordings. WE were unaware she had posted on her to her friend mailed us all the postings and what was really going on. My husband has tried to contact his daughter but Pamela does not pick up the phone and has blocked her phone so the child can not call LI and speak with her father. A word of advice to pamela stop the games and grow up, stop using this board to spread vicious lies to further cheapen your self. This board is intended to show deadbeat parents and you should put yourself on here. TEll everybody how you live off the goverment with a drugaddict boyfriend who stoled her own childs jewerly, games and whatever was not nailed down in thehome to buy drugs. When you lie Pamela the truth will come out and you will be seeing both of us in court because we are suing you for slander, fraud, harassment so stop posting lies on this board and be a mother instead of a w***e. Tell the good people how you slept with Mitch right after meeting him no less had sex with him in his mother's laundry room and then said oh, Im pregnant the same day hello you set out to trap him and get pregnant because you wanted out of your home and saw him as easy street. You are jealous of our marriage and the fact your daughter has stated she can't stand you and you are unfit to raise children, is that not what your youngest daughter's ACS ordered therapist said to you. So instead of using this board to harass and make up lies save space for those parents who really do need to get their story out there and get the support they are due for their children.


Long Island,
New York,
This annie Mitch's wife Pamela is the liar and we have proof

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, May 28, 2007

Pamela has decided to slander my husband with lies and half truths. What she forgot to write in her postings is that she is the unfit deadbeat parent. She has been collecting child support for months for a child who no longer lives with her but with the child's grandmother. She has called my mother's home harassing her nonstop in which we have tape recordings. WE were unaware she had posted on her to her friend mailed us all the postings and what was really going on. My husband has tried to contact his daughter but Pamela does not pick up the phone and has blocked her phone so the child can not call LI and speak with her father. A word of advice to pamela stop the games and grow up, stop using this board to spread vicious lies to further cheapen your self. This board is intended to show deadbeat parents and you should put yourself on here. TEll everybody how you live off the goverment with a drugaddict boyfriend who stoled her own childs jewerly, games and whatever was not nailed down in thehome to buy drugs. When you lie Pamela the truth will come out and you will be seeing both of us in court because we are suing you for slander, fraud, harassment so stop posting lies on this board and be a mother instead of a w***e. Tell the good people how you slept with Mitch right after meeting him no less had sex with him in his mother's laundry room and then said oh, Im pregnant the same day hello you set out to trap him and get pregnant because you wanted out of your home and saw him as easy street. You are jealous of our marriage and the fact your daughter has stated she can't stand you and you are unfit to raise children, is that not what your youngest daughter's ACS ordered therapist said to you. So instead of using this board to harass and make up lies save space for those parents who really do need to get their story out there and get the support they are due for their children.



#7Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 08, 2007

I have read all the postings and must admit I find these postings crazy and amusing. If this is true then I have to ask Pamela a question why is it in most of your postings your refer to the child support for your child as "my money"? It's called child support meaning its for the child caring and needs not your money. You have lost sense as to what this posting is for. You seemto have turned it into rantings about YOU and what YOU want and deserve. Grow up and act like a adult. In one posting you refer to yourself in the second person and sign it Pamela. I have to ask myself is she for real and if yes she must be loco. Stop wasting space on this board with nonsense, like everybody has said state the facts and show proof to back up what you are saying. In one posting aimed at "Jerry" you go on and on with nonsense and saying Pamela does get section 8 and then sign your name. Do you see yourself as two people? Larissa it sounds to me is you signing a different name. What is up with that. I say its you with the problem not your ex, if he did indeed beat you good for you getting out of that abusive relationship but you are not doing agood job of conviencing people you are the wronged party here it is coming to me as its Mitchell who is wronged and your angry because you did not get YOUR MONEY. I looked up the term for ACS and for your state that is child welfare and if they have you under investigation then something is wrong in your home and you need to take care of that instead of wasting space and writing nonsense. I question if all of this is made up by some bored person with nothing better to do with their time. If this is true then you are one loco person. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and earn your OWN MONEY. Look up the meaning of child support it says for the childs needs not your own. I have to laugh at women like you it makes the rest of us look bad. But to be honest after reading what you post my conclusion is either this is made up or you are doing this to harass your ex and if that is true I will call the number you posted and let him know what you are doing. Read up on harassement and then you will comprehend that is what your postings amount too. Are you jealous of his wife and family? He moved on with his life and if it is true you are with a drug addict I have to ask if you are on drugs too because you are coming across as either loco or high. Use this site for the purpose of reporting a deadbeat not to harass people. His lawer can also file legal action against you for harassment on his client and himself. You call his mother fat and say he is feeding her what kind of bull is that? jealous won't get you far in life. Keeping posting I do get a good laugh at how you are portaying yourself but I must say i dont believe any of what has been posted is real because nobody can be that stupid to make a complete a*s out of themselves.


San Diego,
This is truly sad

#8Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 07, 2007

I can understand Pamela posting what a deadbeat her ex is but she is going about this the wrong way. You need to stick wtih the facts instead of letting your hate shine through. It is one thing to post the FACTS but when you start to insult him and his family members you are crossing the line into legal action. Pamela what I don't understand is why are you so hateful to your ex, I can understand your anger but after all to post personal information is a major no no. You are still in pain over the relationship the best I can say is to get some professional help because your attitude toward the child's father will cause the child problems. I agree with the post stating you are doing things the wrong way. For Larissa you must be a friend of Pamela's because you are unable to read straight. THis site is for deadbeat parents not parents bashing parents and it makes it hard for me to understand why Pamela is being so hateful. I have done searches like the others did and have also seen some unsettling things Pamela has posted on her ex and it makes one wonder who is the victim Pamela or Mitchell. We have not heard anything from Mitchell so one can only assume what is really the truth being told. If you speak this way in court the judge will lock you up. You need anger management to deal with this serious situation as a adult not a spoiled brat. You don't stick to the facts but the cursing says it all. Are you working are you helping to support your daughter???? There are two sides to every story and I think we all would love to hear Mitchells side


Howard Beach,
New York,

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 07, 2007

Pamela I don't know you or Mitchell but read what is posted and tell me if he did this to you would you be so gracious as to think nothing of it? I googled your name and Mitchells and found you have posted his name and information all over various websites using very extreme vuglar terms to describe him. Also, to Larissa as for your comments read the post Pamela stated she gets Section 8 that is public housing and i agree with Sarah, why not go to school, get a real job and better herself? It is one thing to post about Mitchell being a deadbeat but Pamela takes it to the extreme and it makes me think she may have some mental issues she needs to address because speaking for legal matters right here and now Mitchell could use what she has posted all over the net and sue her for damages. IT is illegal to degrade someone on the internet and consitutes harassment, check with your local law enforcement. Yes, we have free speech but most of her comments have gone to the extreme of harassement and people can view this as they please. Sarah was giving her opinion on the matter. So Larissa before you post read and learn the facts. Do a search on both Pamela and Mitchell and see what you find. This site is for deadbeats yes not for childish name calling vulgar degrading comments like Pamela has posted. Makes me wonder if she has all day to post all this why does she not get a job and take care of her child?


Richmond Hill,
New York,
To Sarah in Florida

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, May 04, 2007

Hello, this website is intended to show who the deadbeat is. If you have a problem with this, then I suggest that you do not read it. Also, you don't know either Mitchell or Pamela so how do you know her lifestyle? Oh, I am sorry you think the other poster knows it all, well wake up honey and smell the coffee that was someone who never knew her trying to make her look bad. I hope before someone else posts here that they really know these two people as this is really taking this way too far.


I agree with Gerald

#11Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 22, 2007

Pamela I am sorry you were stuck in a abusive relationship but you had the strenght to leave your abusier. But you are lowering yourself with such cursing and mean comments. If you want to catch the deadbeat learn to control your tongue. You are causing your child heartache but insulting her father and posting what you have. You have every reason to be bitter and angry but that does not mean you should go on and on about it especially in front of the child. To insult his mother is horrible. You and Mitchell made this child not his family. You need to take up the issues of support with the courts and Mitchell and leave his family out of it. Because the way you are telling yourside of the story does not make you look fit to me a mom. My ex husband was verbally abusive and after our divorce I never disrespected him in front of the children, I work full time and depend on myself. He sends support when he sends it and we go back and forth to court. Depend on yourself and do right by your child. If you need goverment help to get on your feet that is right but it should not be used as a way of life. Your a young woman who can go out and make a living for herself and her child. If you are involved with a person who is on drugs your life will only get worse. Find inner peace in yourself and work toward goals in your life that will make you finacially independant and not have to rely on the goverment to help you. It should be temporary not permant. You have posted a long list of posting over time, won't your time be better serve going to work, building self esteem and having a good life? Bitterness will not get you far in this life it will only bring you down. You post on here about a former friend that has nothing to do with deadbeat parents. What you have posted about your former friends child is nobodys business. Instead of worrying about her worry about yourself and your child. Create a wonderful life for you and your child instead of creating drama. If the google search Gerald did on you shows your in a type of business that is shall we say risque I wonder about your morals and who the unfit parent is. Your not helping your case at all with these comments you are making. They make you look like a person in need of a life. Gerald hit the nail on the head I would heed his advice because you daughter needs you and some of what you said could be constructed by the authories as threats and harassment and in NY that is grounds for prison. I understand your anger but control it dont let it control you.


Jackson Heights,
New York,

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, April 19, 2007

I am Pamela's ex-best friend and she is posting lies about me on here and my child. For the record Pamela if I have something to say I will say it and use my name not a made up one. Obvious you are mentally unbalance and that is why after 20 plus years I eneded the friendship. I would have not responded to your lies but when you verbally attack my son then you have gone too far in your sick games of revenge. My son goes to school and thank you does real good unlike you I don't do his homework for him he does his own, unlike you I teach him to study to pass his test not cheat. My son has GERD/Acid Reflux that caused him to vomit and have severe stomach pain and takes meds to control it and has been attending school regular because if not like you ACS would be knocking on my door and I believe in education he will be entering college and having a life unlike your so called man who does nothing. You two live off your kids money, losers. I am raising a man not a hoodlum low life drug addict. He is not a mama's boy and a wonderful young man with a wonderful girlfriend and a bright future. Please stop attacking my son and face up to your own lies. I have not harassed his father in Florida as you implied. Your jealous because his dad pays his support twice a month on time and he knows the money is used for our child not myself. LOL as for my eyebrows I dont shave them off I have real eyebrows as for my hair I dont bleach it I lighten it and can afford to buy the best beauty products to keep my hair in good shape and it does not look like straw I would gladly post a photo of myself and my man why dont you and let the people judge. I will not engage in name calling with you as I am a adult. I understand your 37 but Mentally you are unbalance. Nobody in their right mind would post a copy of their child support check where you can pretty much make out your address and name that is sick. As for Jerry I am sure it is either you who posted it so you can reply as boo h*o me or your ex. Your the one that has harasseed him and his wife, her mother, his parents, sisters, cousins etc. Your the one who spends all day on the computer harassing people trying to get into their email accounts, trying to play games as a sort of revenge. You can't handle when a man breaks up with you or when people don't want to be friends with you you go off the deep end. As for my home no it does not smell and no I don't have roaches and mice I won't be living ina co-op building if it did and unlike your building we have 24 hour maintence and pay alot of rent. Also for your comments honey MY NAME IS ON THE LEASE. you are a sick person my uncle has been dead for over ten years they know he is dead the man was 94 years old. I sign all the rent checks with my name and if you want to keep playing I will bring all this to court when I sue you for slander and harassement of a minor and myself. Please get a life you are being forced by ACS to attend therapy and they even know its not working. I am not going to play this game with you but send a copy of what you posted along with other things you did to your ACS worker and tell them what you are doing. I don't hate you I pity you. I ended our friendship because you are not a good mother and care more for a man than your kids. Your own child was bleeding when she went to the bathroom in pain and you made her wait and wait days before you took her to the ER and she has crohns. Sick sick sick. I am sorry you are jealous of me and my family and the relationship I have with my son. You always put your kids down with curse words and say i cant stand these f--- kids. I can't help you anymore you need some serious help and I am done. If you have something to say why do you hide behind the computer and not face me. May God help you overcome whatever it is that is making you like this. I will continue to prayer for you and your kids. Luckily the older one will be 18 in a few months and can get out of that house. Please seek help your out of control and will only end up in prison. You have two beautiful kids that did not ask to be born you brought them into this world now own up and be a mother and take care of them.


New York,
Bad Press leads to loss of business

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, April 11, 2007

To Pamela, If what " Jerry" is perporting to be correct, actually is; If I were you, I would ensure that you are reporting all of your income with the New York State Family Courts. I completed a simple Google search as suggested by " Jerry" and have found that you are employed or are attempting to be employed in a very unique business that does not like bad press or persons who write exremely profane things about other people. Also, a word to the wise. if you want to get your point across to the public about what is happening to you, I suggest that you stop using profane language, making comments about other persons appearence and making comments about other person's family members that have nothing too do with the issue at hand. Making the comments about other persons who have nothing to do with the issue could be construed as harrassment and since it is over the internet it can put you in serious risk of arrest and penalties/fines. One last and final thing. if you have to make comments about the court hearings etc. why dont you post copies of the court's decisions that are mailed to you after the hearing has been completed? That information posted here would greatly back up your assertions.


New York,
Bad Press leads to loss of business

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, April 11, 2007

To Pamela, If what " Jerry" is perporting to be correct, actually is; If I were you, I would ensure that you are reporting all of your income with the New York State Family Courts. I completed a simple Google search as suggested by " Jerry" and have found that you are employed or are attempting to be employed in a very unique business that does not like bad press or persons who write exremely profane things about other people. Also, a word to the wise. if you want to get your point across to the public about what is happening to you, I suggest that you stop using profane language, making comments about other persons appearence and making comments about other person's family members that have nothing too do with the issue at hand. Making the comments about other persons who have nothing to do with the issue could be construed as harrassment and since it is over the internet it can put you in serious risk of arrest and penalties/fines. One last and final thing. if you have to make comments about the court hearings etc. why dont you post copies of the court's decisions that are mailed to you after the hearing has been completed? That information posted here would greatly back up your assertions.


New York,
Bad Press leads to loss of business

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, April 11, 2007

To Pamela, If what " Jerry" is perporting to be correct, actually is; If I were you, I would ensure that you are reporting all of your income with the New York State Family Courts. I completed a simple Google search as suggested by " Jerry" and have found that you are employed or are attempting to be employed in a very unique business that does not like bad press or persons who write exremely profane things about other people. Also, a word to the wise. if you want to get your point across to the public about what is happening to you, I suggest that you stop using profane language, making comments about other persons appearence and making comments about other person's family members that have nothing too do with the issue at hand. Making the comments about other persons who have nothing to do with the issue could be construed as harrassment and since it is over the internet it can put you in serious risk of arrest and penalties/fines. One last and final thing. if you have to make comments about the court hearings etc. why dont you post copies of the court's decisions that are mailed to you after the hearing has been completed? That information posted here would greatly back up your assertions.


New York,
Bad Press leads to loss of business

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, April 11, 2007

To Pamela, If what " Jerry" is perporting to be correct, actually is; If I were you, I would ensure that you are reporting all of your income with the New York State Family Courts. I completed a simple Google search as suggested by " Jerry" and have found that you are employed or are attempting to be employed in a very unique business that does not like bad press or persons who write exremely profane things about other people. Also, a word to the wise. if you want to get your point across to the public about what is happening to you, I suggest that you stop using profane language, making comments about other persons appearence and making comments about other person's family members that have nothing too do with the issue at hand. Making the comments about other persons who have nothing to do with the issue could be construed as harrassment and since it is over the internet it can put you in serious risk of arrest and penalties/fines. One last and final thing. if you have to make comments about the court hearings etc. why dont you post copies of the court's decisions that are mailed to you after the hearing has been completed? That information posted here would greatly back up your assertions.


New York,
"Jerry" is Louise from Queens, NY

#17Author of original report

Mon, March 26, 2007

"Jerry" in Queens is Louise in Queens. She was Pamela's former friend. She is pissed so she is writiing this. She has one son who clings to his mommy like a momma's boy. He can't attend the school he is suppose to so she gets him transferred and then he still never gets to school. He complains his stomach hurts and then he vomits and then "Jerry's" father, the boys grandfather, lets him stay home. Mysteriously he seems fine when he does not have to go to school and can stay home and play video games all day long. Can you say unfit mother? She also harasses anyone related to her son's father that lives in New York City and Florida. You also pluck your eyebrows "Jerry" and fill them in with pencil and dye your hair so much to be a fake blond that it looks like straw not real hair, so you should not talk about other people's appearances look at your own first. She lives in a building that is co-op/condo and has tons of mice and roaches. Her neigbor once complained that her apartment smelled, HA! Well Pamela may well be in a Section 8 apartment but it is not mice or roach infested. As far as the sleeping arrangement goes I saw three twin size beds and a folding bed so you better get your ugly eyes checked out. So "Jerry" stop posting with stupid made up names and emails. Go clean your roach and mice infested apartment, and oh, one more thing, when you sign your lease, you should not forge people's names as your uncle's name is on there not your father's that is also fraud, that will be reported to the proper authorities.


New York,
Pamela is a liar and I have proof

#18UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 22, 2007

Pamela is a liar and user and loser. Google her on any website and it comes up she is living off the goverment Section 8 -free housing, food stamps, medicaid and we the tax payers are supporting her. she post all about mitch but she is a unfit mother who lives off the kids child support, she doesnt work but does things on the side for free cash. She lives with a drug addict boyfriend who doesnt work eitehr and they have a kid together, ACS that is children services has them under investigation, her boyfriend has been in and out of drug rehab which we they taxpapers are booting the bill. She talks about Mitch why doesnt she get a job. She is scamming the goverment which has been reported, her kid does not even live at home anymore and this sick bitchis collecting the kids support to live off of well pammie thats ok cause Mitch is taking you to court and soon you will be in jail where you belong. It seems the ACS ordered theraphy isnt working the therapist even said you were not a good mother and unfit to raise kids. She is over 200lbs and all day long post crazy rantings and eats and they kids are suffering. So before you judge mitch take a look at Pamela there is two sides to every story and hers is posted all over the net. She calls mitch fat she is fat and has no eyebrows plucks them all off and pencils a crooked line, has a half perm on her head sheis nasty looking and gross. wears tight clothes where all the fat hangs out oooh boo h*o me that is her line she needs to put down the Mcdonalds and move on. She is jealous of Mitchs wife and the relationship they have because she lives in a one bedroom apartment with her boyfriend crackhead, their kid and they sleep all in the same bed nasty girl nasty. Well pammie wont be writing for much longer she is under medicaid fraud investigation we got the proof baby selling medicaid paid for prescriptions on the net for cash, frauding section 8


I was to abused

#19Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 22, 2006

I was abused and left- Thank the lord that I did not have children with this man- Now I am with a man who is the best father and husband around- God forbid, if anything were to happen between us, our children would not be pawns, no fights over support, and lastly, love the children as they always were! Kids get through divorce better when the parents behave like adults and not deadbeats!


New York,
Lying Deadbeat Daddy It All Caught Up To You

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 21, 2006

Well, well, Mr. Mitchell Todd Butruch you finally sent a payment to Child Support Enforcement and it was processed this past Friday May 19, 2006, processed but I still have not received it. For all of you who are reading this I say go after that deadbeat daddy or mommy, it will take time and more time and lots of time and tons of patience to not give up but it is all worth it in the end.


New York,

#21Author of original report

Thu, April 27, 2006



New York,

#22Author of original report

Mon, January 30, 2006

Yes, Mitchell Todd Butruch failed to show up at Queens Family Court on January 23, 2006, something about his so called lawyer having a previous case to work on so they have to postpone it until February 3, 2206. But of course the judge is so lenient and postpones it. I hope she has enough sense to see through this sham of what he calls postponement. It is only done so they have a little more time to be a deadbeat daddy. BUT WAIT, MITCHELL TODD BUTRUCH, WILL YOU SHOW UP THIS FRIDAY??? ONLY TIME WILL TELL. I WILL KEEP EVERYBODY UPDATED ON THE DEADBEAT DADDY. BYE FOR NOW!!


New York,
Damn You Deadbeat Daddy!!!!

#23Author of original report

Sun, October 02, 2005

Mitchell Todd Butruch seems to like playing games. I have not got a single penny of child support since August 2005. This time you d**n deadbeat daddy I am going to get all the money that is coming to me and your stinky, smelly, ugly a*s lawyer is not going to settle as I will tell the court officer that he is harassing me, when we get to court. I hope you are enjoying yourself for now for it will all catch up to you in the end.


New York,
Mr. Mitchell Butruch You Are Still A Deadbeat Daddy

#24UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 27, 2005

Deadbeat Daddy stopped paying child support this August 2005 because Child Support Enforcement froze his bank account. Well Deadbeat Daddy little do you know what happens after they freeze your bank account and I hope that dumb a*s lawyer you hired doesn't either. You will know what happens when it does and then don't go crying like a b***h, well, except to that dumb a*s lawyer you hired or your momma. Listen, stop posting that stuff on Craigslist.org, if you are really such a man just pay the child support but if you must keep posting on Craigslist.org then I will definitely keep posting back because I will not stand nor tolerate this. For your information you are still a Deadbeat Daddy this is not a lie and I should be allowed to post this as this is the truth.


New York,
Deadbeat Daddy Mitchell Todd Butruch Still Playing Games

#25REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, June 12, 2005

Play all the games you want deadbeat and you d**n well know what I mean. You get my back arrears at your address and it is in a check addressed to me, that means you should give it to me. So what do you do you ask your lawyer what to do and of course since you pay him he would side with you and you mail it back to Child Support Enforcement.

I called Child Support and they told me I could have recieved the check from you so you went ahead and sent it back anyway. Ok, d**n deadbeat I have two things that you don't know I know, which I will not print here.

But don't worry when the time comes you will find out. So play the games deadbeat you will still pay in the end. You once said if I ever took you to court I would get nothing WRONG AGAIN DEADBEAT DADDY!!!! I GOT MY CHILD SUPPORT AND YOU ARE THE LOSER, DEADBEAT!!!!!!


New York,
The damn deadbeat is now saying that he no longer has any of the above businessess.

#26Author of original report

Sat, April 30, 2005

Mitchell Todd Butruch actually showed up in Queens Family Court with a lawyer (who by the way looked like he never bathes or washes his hair it was all greasy and his, the lawyer's pants had a hole in it). I got to settle his arrears which is still pending his payment and got him to actually send to Child Support Enforcement and then they direct deposit it to me $300 a month. ALL IT TOOK WAS A YEAR!! The d**n deadbeat is now saying that he no longer has any of the above businessess. Well Mitchell time will tell as I do plan on taking a little trip to see if you are lying and then get you lying a*s back to court to demand more child support, but I will take what I can for now. So for others in my situation I really do say go after that d**n deadbeat daddy adn when he doesn't pay I hope they (Child Support Enforcement) take the d**n deadbeat's drivers license and then business license and anything else they can.


Wow there are so many of the dead-beat dads

#27Consumer Comment

Sat, April 30, 2005

Well Pamela I certainly empathize with your situation as I myself am continually dealing with my own "dead-beat dad".

My daughter's father sounds very similar to yours in that he wont hold a job nor will he provide for her care. I wish these courts would in addition to ordering child support payments from these men, (which is a joke most of the time as these men are hard to collect from)they would order them to undergo anger-liar management therapy and financial management accountability awareness as well as a program to ensure they stay employed for longer than a month.

My daughter's DBD "creates" his own jobs, by way of using BFS (business for self) monikers and then states that after a few months (when he gets tired of working and having to actually get up in the morning and produce some results), the business folded or he got swindled somehow. (Its usually a case of him swindling someone else and him getting caught)

Don't lose hope Pamela. You and your child are so much better off without the DBD's crapola. Yes money would be nice to have but usually when they do send some money they expect to see their kids (which can be detrimental to the kids) so in many cases its a trade off....

Good luck with your case...


Frustrating isn't it?

#28Consumer Comment

Sun, February 20, 2005

First of all, Pam I have to say you did the right thing. NO ONE should EVER ask you to stay in abusive relationship and it shouldn't matter how old you were.

The point is, you tried to do the right thing by getting married but it didn't work out. I can completely understand your side.

I too was 19 when I had my daughter and left the father (sperm donor) mid pregnancy. I was having complications with the pregnancy, working 40 plus hours, cleaning the house and everything else you could imagine while he sat at home playing video games with his friends.

He was older than me and I guess he thought he "had it goin on" and I wouldn't go anywhere. The reason I left him is because I was almost 5 mos pregnant and because he didn't work, we hadn't bought groceries in SEVEN MONTHS! Luckily, (if that's what you want to call it), I worked in the fast food industry and would eat before and after my shift. I could care less if he went hungry because he obviously didn't care if me or the unborn child were starving. And believe me, I had reason to be hungry. When I had her, she weighed 10 pounds, 8 oz. I'm a smaller girl, about 5"1 and weighed about 150 pounds when I got pregnant with her and am height/weight proportionate.

After a few contact fights with him (him hitting on me) and after attempting to try to kidnap our daughter, I took him to court and got custody and he was already ordered to pay child support but never did and it was based on his income.

He lived/lives at home with mommy and daddy and REFUSES to work or pay child support so I had it raised in hopes he would go to jail faster because I was working 1-2 jobs at any given time and trying to better myself in education.

Well, after almost 3 years of non payment, I call and stay on the PA's case every month. He got locked up 2 times for not showing up to court and his mommy/daddy paid a total of almost $6,000.00 to get him out. He still owes about another $4,500.00-5,000.00. He too doesn't go to court and guess what?

He finally went to court this month in Feb. and told them he didn't have a job and they let him go. They told him he better have a job by his next court date which is less than a week away and I finally got a payment. It was less than 1/5 of his child support (we have 2 kids together) but we'll see what happens. I'm hoping he doesn't show up to court so they will issue another body attachment for him so I can collect a large amount. My girls need some new clothes, and shoes and I'd like to buy them a few extra's.

As far as all deadbeats go, they should be castrated or have hysterectomies. I know there are alot of deadbeat mom's as I know one first hand and the things she pulls, she should just go to jail and let the dad have the baby.


New York,
Mitchell Butruch Does Not Come to Court

#29REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, February 02, 2005

Of course the deadbeat did not show up to court 5 days before the court date his lawyer says he has something else to do (meaning the lawyer) so Mitchell would not be in court.

The dumbass lawyer tells me also not to show up and they could get me a new court date, and I would be informed by mail.

I told them how stupid do you think I am, this is my case in court and if I don't show up the case is closed which his client would definitely want.

Anyhow I show up in court and he doesn't and the court date to come back is April 4.

Let's see if the deadbeat will show up now, the only reason he keeps doing this is that he does not want to show his financial papers that would show that he has more money as he owns businesses (SEE ABOVE) and would have to pay more in child support.

DEADBEAT, show up in court April 4!!


New York,
Bald Headed Deadbeat Finally Coughed Up Some Child Support

#30REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, January 07, 2005

It is January 7, 2005 and the deadbeat named Mitchell Todd Butruch finally paid. I got a check from New York City Support Collection Unit. He sent them money and they sent it to me. It is not what he owes me but it is something. Watch for another update after the court date of January 18, 2005.


New York,
Mitchell owes on his leased vehicles also

#31REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 29, 2004

Someone called me, Pamela, and told me that they were looking for the deadbeat daddy Mitchell Butruch and I told them to check this site out. This guy claims that Mitchell has three trucks that are leased and has not been paying on any of them they got two back and are trying to get the third one. GOOD LUCK!! I told him he was a deadbeat daddy.


Jackson Heights,
New York,
In response to Don

#32Consumer Comment

Mon, November 29, 2004

Studies show a deadbeat dad is a deadbeat regardless if he sees the child or not. Most fathers are COURT ORDERED TO PAY SUPPORT, THEY DONT WILLINGLY GIVE IT TO THEIR CHILD. Pamela has his child yes, but that did not stop the low life fat lying bald headed freak from not seeing his daughter because he did not want to support the child. It takes two to make a baby and in most cases if the parents aren't together anymore the mother is the one raising and supporting the child. Check out PASCE a group of single parents and then get back to me with your "fact" and studies. Men who dont pay child support or visit their children are deadbeats who deserve to rot in hell or in mitch's case have their fat a*s momma sit on them.


Jackson Heights,
New York,
In response to Don

#33Consumer Comment

Mon, November 29, 2004

Studies show a deadbeat dad is a deadbeat regardless if he sees the child or not. Most fathers are COURT ORDERED TO PAY SUPPORT, THEY DONT WILLINGLY GIVE IT TO THEIR CHILD. Pamela has his child yes, but that did not stop the low life fat lying bald headed freak from not seeing his daughter because he did not want to support the child. It takes two to make a baby and in most cases if the parents aren't together anymore the mother is the one raising and supporting the child. Check out PASCE a group of single parents and then get back to me with your "fact" and studies. Men who dont pay child support or visit their children are deadbeats who deserve to rot in hell or in mitch's case have their fat a*s momma sit on them.


Jackson Heights,
New York,
In response to Don

#34Consumer Comment

Mon, November 29, 2004

Studies show a deadbeat dad is a deadbeat regardless if he sees the child or not. Most fathers are COURT ORDERED TO PAY SUPPORT, THEY DONT WILLINGLY GIVE IT TO THEIR CHILD. Pamela has his child yes, but that did not stop the low life fat lying bald headed freak from not seeing his daughter because he did not want to support the child. It takes two to make a baby and in most cases if the parents aren't together anymore the mother is the one raising and supporting the child. Check out PASCE a group of single parents and then get back to me with your "fact" and studies. Men who dont pay child support or visit their children are deadbeats who deserve to rot in hell or in mitch's case have their fat a*s momma sit on them.


Jackson Heights,
New York,
In response to Don

#35Consumer Comment

Mon, November 29, 2004

Studies show a deadbeat dad is a deadbeat regardless if he sees the child or not. Most fathers are COURT ORDERED TO PAY SUPPORT, THEY DONT WILLINGLY GIVE IT TO THEIR CHILD. Pamela has his child yes, but that did not stop the low life fat lying bald headed freak from not seeing his daughter because he did not want to support the child. It takes two to make a baby and in most cases if the parents aren't together anymore the mother is the one raising and supporting the child. Check out PASCE a group of single parents and then get back to me with your "fact" and studies. Men who dont pay child support or visit their children are deadbeats who deserve to rot in hell or in mitch's case have their fat a*s momma sit on them.


New York,
Good Enough To Have His Child!!

#36Author of original report

Sat, November 27, 2004

d**n right I was good enough to have his child I was 19 while he was older and I did not know any better. Ok so I did the right thing and I married the guy and had his child. He beat the living s**t out of me for 2 years and 1 week and then I left him. Cops could arrest him but then he would get out on bail and come right out and beat you again and even worse this time. So after this I go back and live in my parents house with my daughter and of course he is no where to be found even for a divorce because the deadbeat would know child support would be written in there so we have to pay $500 to have a published divorced in a newspaper and you have to show that you tried to find him. Ok so I get divorced and around 10 years later he is in my daughters life and then after he gets married well all contact and the child support stop. But as Mitchell always said I would get nothing if I went after him for child support. Well, Mitchell you are wrong I will get more than that. No I do not hold my daughter ransom he is free to see her any time, but of course time and money for his daughter even Mitchell can't provide that. Well if studies show that father's who have contact with their child pay child support tell that to Mitchell at the above phone numbers. Feel free to call him.


British Columbia,
Good enough to have his child

#37Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 26, 2004

Now your angry, but look at one time he was a great man to have a child with. Are you holding the child ransom? Studies show that fathers that have contact with their children pay support.
good luck, live well


New York,
Mitchell Butruch Showed Up For Court

#38Author of original report

Wed, November 24, 2004

It was November 15, 2004, I was in North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset and my father had to show up to court to give them the doctor's note stating where I was. The d**n deadbeat showed up to court, oh well, I hope he shows up on our return court date of January 18, 2005. He is still default of the temporary order to pay $400 a month in child support. He never paid one cent on this judgement.


New York,
Mitchell Butruch Showed Up For Court

#39Author of original report

Wed, November 24, 2004

It was November 15, 2004, I was in North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset and my father had to show up to court to give them the doctor's note stating where I was. The d**n deadbeat showed up to court, oh well, I hope he shows up on our return court date of January 18, 2005. He is still default of the temporary order to pay $400 a month in child support. He never paid one cent on this judgement.


New York,
Mitchell Butruch Showed Up For Court

#40Author of original report

Wed, November 24, 2004

It was November 15, 2004, I was in North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset and my father had to show up to court to give them the doctor's note stating where I was. The d**n deadbeat showed up to court, oh well, I hope he shows up on our return court date of January 18, 2005. He is still default of the temporary order to pay $400 a month in child support. He never paid one cent on this judgement.


New York,
in Ronkonkoma, LI he owns the Grab and Go Gift Shop which you can voice your ideas about him being a deadbeat

#41Author of original report

Wed, September 08, 2004

I also forgot to mention that at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Ronkonkoma, LI he owns the Grab and Go Gift Shop which you can voice your ideas about him being a deadbeat to his employees at (631)585-9500.

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