  • Report:  #386731

Complaint Review: MJ Hecker And Associates - Littleton Colorado

Reported By:
- Lakewood, Colorado,

MJ Hecker And Associates
5889 Greenwood Plaza Blvd #205 Littleton, 80111 Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
MJ Hecker and a*s-ociates are acting as if they are a lawfirm, when the only lawyer IS Martin J Hecker. The associates are kids that need a job for money to buy weed or alcohol.This is a COLLECTION AGENCY, Not a lawfirm.THIS IS NOT A LAWFIRM. DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS JOB, IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT WORK, THIS IS NOT THE EMPLOYER FOR YOU.

This agency will work you long enough to have you bring in some revenue,then will release you and they will take your commision and split it between Jacqueline Morales, Devon Valverde Steve Blair, and many other staff members that have been employed there for a while. For you to be able to stay employed there, you have to harrass Exempla patients for money they cant afford to pay. MJ Hecker and associates will tell you to ask your neighbor for the money, they will even suggest you go get a temp job to pay the debt. This agency is now located in the Denver Tech Center, but dont be impressed, they should have stayed on the west side of Denver in the slums of the Lakeside area.

Steve Blair is the Manager so if you are interested in a job with this COLLECTION AGENCY, he will 9times out of 10 be the one interviewing you and he is very arrogant. Not educated at all, he has had no schooling and has been in the telemarketing/ collections buisness forever, so he is very pushy. If you are a man, he will probably ask you if you have blunt to give him and if you do, he will hire you. If you are a woman, wear something that shows some leg or cleavage and you will get hired.

BUT reguardless of who you are as long as you bring in money,they will let you go and say the reason is because of numbers and that you are not bringing in enough money, but that is a lie.As soon as they release you, they are getting into your accounts and dividing them between supervisors and they are able to build there monthy quotas, and then they get 19% of anything $6000 or more. Are you catching on, do you see how it works yet?So if they let 4 people go that have collected about $3000 for that month so far,and they let you go, two supervisors split that and carry that money over to their accounts plus whatever they collected on their own and then they get 19% commission of the total amount for one month.You are doing all the work.

I should have known better when I interviewed and the cubicles were very plain with no personal pictures of family or personal items at all. That means that no one stays long enough to get comfortable.HOWEVER MISS JACQUELINE MORALES DESK WAS VERY COMFORTABLE. She isnt going anywhere because she is a flake and they like flakes there.

For anyone seeking a job, please take heed and dont take the job. They use the Denver Post help wanted classifieds and it will only have Lawfirm seeking help with the name and a phone#, when you see this, keep looking.


Lakewood, Colorado


7 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 02, 2009

If this is such a horrible place and so corrupt, why are you so upset you got fired??? Sounds like sour grapes to me...



#3UPDATE Employee

Sun, December 21, 2008

I have worked for Mr Hecker for over 4 yrs and I never thought I would feel so secure and so cared for by a company. I had never done collections when I first started and it does take a month or so to build a file and become successful, but I learned and became one of the top collectors there. I did this by working hard for the patients who needed help with payment arrangments and time to do so. Sure it can be frustrating because you come across people who are unwilling to pay and are abusive, but with the help of my managers I was able to keep my calm and help only the ones who wanted it. The training course at the company is mandatory to teach even the most talented of collectors the FDCPA (fair collection laws) and how to work with patients on arrangements. As far as the hiring goes, I have seen so many people come in and lie about their background and tell the managers that they have yrs of experience and would love to be on the team. Everyone is given a probabtionary period (what company in this industry wouldn't). I don't understand why ex-employees are so discruntled when they are let go because the called in sick or with a flat tire or every other lame excuse in the book during their first WEEK! This happens all the time. You can't find good help these days! This is a real law firm and yes Mr Hecker is the only attorney. If you knew him, you would believe that an attorney could be that understanding of peoples problems and so caring about his staff. Our floor managers Devon and Jaqualine are a great team and do everything they can to make us more successful. They do on-going training with new hires months after they have started. Mr Blair and Mr Randle, the collection directors are the best in the business, I have learned so much from working with them and know for a fact that when they hire anyone it is based on skill and work ethic alone. The one's who write these horrible comments on these sites are frustrated, because they lied in the interview and then couldn't perform the job. As a happy employee I feel sorry for them to feel they have to stoop to this level and hope that they have learned that they should apply for jobs that they actually know how to do. Collections isn't for everyone.



#4UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 18, 2008

Why??? Why do people not pay their bills??? If it werent for 3rd party collection agencies why would anyone pay their bills at all??? Sure its a dirty job, as the saying goes, but someone has to do it...It certainly is not for everyone but it is not as bad of a job as its made out to be, and I see no reason why 3rd party collections has to be a nasty job...It is an honorable profession that serves a very valuable purpose in the financial world...Ive been with MJ Hecker & Associates for 6+ years...We strive to make this agency a good place to work and not the typical sweat shop agency that are out there all over the place...Our collectors are not even allowed to mention possible suit, instead telling the debtor that there will be a reccomendation made to the supervisor for further review...And there are many collectors that have been employed with us for several years that have their medical benefits and are paid a fair wage and commission for doing a tough job that not everyone has the stomach for... Its funny that the only people who have problems with our business are the ones who dont pay their bills and disgruntled former employees who were unable to perform at an acceptable level and live up to commitments they made in order to get hired in the first place... What would one expect when they fail to pay their bills but an effort to get them to live up to the committment they made to pay to the original creditor??? If these people put 1/2 the effort into making good on their bills that they do into evading them and trying to get their next free lunch, maybe they could find more constructive things to do than sit around on this website complaining about how horrible bill collectors are and protraying themselves as the victims...They are not victims!!! REMEMBER!!! The reason they are being contacted by a collection agency is because THEY DO NOT PAY THEIR BILLS!!!


Fair treatment

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, December 18, 2008

You know I was an employee of the company for over 3 years and was treated fairly. I recognize that this organization could make some changes or improvements, but it was ran as a business that is dealing with day to day challenges in the economically challenged world. Management was always fair to me and I made a good living from my commissions. Collections is not a business for everyone; it definitely is a job that takes a lot of self drive and honestly a lot of self confidence. To be able to collect outstanding debts from people and deal with the abuse of the consumer isn't easy to digest. I have changed careers, but the things I was taught at MJ Hecker & Associates has helped me in negotiating deals in my current position.



#6Consumer Comment

Sat, December 06, 2008

what would make anyone want to work for a third party collection agency?????


Reply to an Anonymous Coward

#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 05, 2008

Only anonymous cowards post things like this...This person obviously lacks the courage of their convictions or they would stand behind what they say by putting a name behind this mindless drivel... Obviously this coward was not equipped to perform the duties of the job they applied for, nor even able to arrive to work as they stated they could and committed to doing when interviewed... This person couldnt even grasp the concept of how commissions are paid at MJ Hecker & Associates...Any experienced collector knows that 19% of 6000.00 is not a feasible commission rate... Perhaps accepting responsibilty for their actions(or lack there of) and addressing ones own inadequacies would be a good place for this anonymous coward to start, instaead of the pathetic cop out they have obviously decided to embrace...


Heart Broken

#8UPDATE Employee

Thu, November 27, 2008

It must be very frustrating for a new employee at a production oriented company to be surrounded by such helpfull staff and not get up to speed like the rest of the new hires. If only they would use the tools given to them and accept the help offered to them they just might succeed like the rest. Unfortunately some people deal with challenges by being negative to the ones offering the most support. Collections is a tough job and it is not for everybody, however we do give almost everyone a chance to try their hand at a profession that might make them a good living for a long time. Some people are good at it and some dont do so well. All we ask is that you put all your effort in to learning and succeeding and try not to be negative in a already difficult job. As you have just read some people are just negative no matter what opportunity you give them. We hope they find a job they dont have to spend time slandering on line for hours. With anything in life you get out of it what you put in to it. Apparently they put a lot of effort into bad mouthing the company.. I wonder what success they would of had if only they put that effort into their performance at work.

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