  • Report:  #345210

Complaint Review: Morris Lee Marquez - Crosby Texas

Reported By:
- Somewhere, Texas,

Morris Lee Marquez
Crosby, Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This self-proclaimed "dad" owes over $22000 in child support arrearage, this doesn't include medical insurance, nor his half of their medical bills. However, he can buy a new truck, a new home, and furnish it. He has not seen his daughters in over 18 months and only calls for birthdays and Christmas. And during these times he speaks to them as if they were three. His oldest daughter has already had a child of her own who he has never seen and only found out about a few months ago. Not one question was asked about the baby. What an a*s.

He allows his wife, Christine (who personally admitted to me to having placed a gun to his head, who admitted she had psychologic problems and admitted she was an alcoholic) to call my home and scream and curse. And he defends her. She wants to know why I do not force the girls to have a relationship with this man. They know how he his, they know he lies, they know he degrades his family members, they do not want anything to do with him. What a fool. With her issues would anyone in their right mind want their kids around these two?????



Somewhere, Texas


4 Updates & Rebuttals


La Porte,
No Clue

#2Author of original report

Thu, November 12, 2009

Christine....You need to get your crap straight before you start running your mouth.  As for what you can remember, well I'm sure that may be hard for you to recall.  And your husband will back that up. We all know of your problems...I need not say more.  You have your kid, stay the h@ll out of our lives...No more needs to be said you.  I speak with your husband when necessary and he gets filled in on all of your little rants and raves.  You have a blessed life....

Gulfcore Srfr

United States of America
Get real

#3General Comment

Wed, November 11, 2009

Gwen.. I was there. I am sure he owes money... but.. you...you got married to a man that lost custody to his own kids... not to mention the trash bags and squalor you were living in......Morris was scared for his 2 babies.  Don't act like you are perfect. I remember knocking at the door for Father's day and y'all hiding and the two year old trying to answer the door- in  no way are you some innocent mother. You used those kids. Y'all both did this.... Morris did have good intentions--- however, after dealing with you- not answering the door- being with another man that lost custody of his own kids, knowing his own kids were danger, etc... omg Gwen do you want me to go on?  ... the whole thing was a bad situation... and to google Morris' name and find that you wrote this on the internet is  just proof that you still like to hate..  May God bless you and Vanessa and Paige.

Gulfcore Srfr

United States of America
Get real Gwen

#4General Comment

Wed, November 11, 2009

Gwen.. yes I am sure he owes child support. However, I was there... You were living with a guy that lost parental rights to his kids because of abuse.... Morris did not want his two babies around that man and was very afraid for them. I remember banging at your door for Easter and Father's day. (No answer) Would you like to talk about how nasty your living conditions were? The trash on the patio? LOL! Babe.... yes... he owes money I am sure- but you're acting like a saint here is an absolute joke- I won't go any further so as not enbarrass anyone--- but Gwen before you start talking on the internet about Morris- you better be prepared to stand up and accept what really happened. I was there babe. Best wishes to Vanessa and Paige.


You're not alone

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, July 02, 2008

I have similar experience. My son's biological father owes me over $42,000. not even including medical. He has a total of 8 children (does not pay child support on any nor see any). He is currently living with a young girl with a small child. He worked briefly but just quit again... he's been doing this for almost 10 years now. My son just turned 10 and I've been dealing with this since he was about 6 months old. The two times he has worked he's quit within the first 1-2 months so the child support I've ever got has equaled less than $2000. The Attorney General does nothing because he lives with people and has no address and wont keep a job. When he has had those two jobs briefly they didnt act fast enough to get him served. I've shown up several times in court but they cant manage to serve him.. all I get from them is that they need me to give them an address (anyone that deals with losers like this know this is almost impossible especially if you live in another city and there is no contact with his family). All I can say is keep calling the Attorney General... show up in court when you have to show up... I've never counted on child support and have supported my son 100 percent but keep on it.... thats all you can do at this point. Outside of child support, try to have as little contact as possible... your kids are better off without trash like that in their lives.

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