  • Report:  #68238

Complaint Review: M.T. Marketing - Denver Colorado

Reported By:
- East Berlin, Pennsylvania,

M.T. Marketing
P.O. Box 211063 Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I got a letter about M.T. Marketing in the mail about a month ago. I decided to send twelve dollars for the pre enrollment form. This form asked for 59-290 dollars for the first packet of letters.

I looked up M.T. Marketing on the internet after I sent them the check for $65, and found this site. I also looked up M.T. marketing under Denver's yellow pages on the internet and could not find them. I wish I had saved my money.

I am glad I listened to my parents about this situation. Don't let them rip you off too.


East Berlin, Pennsylvania

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