For the second time in six months, MWI has submitted a $96.00 charge to my credit card company. The first charge was rectified by the credit card company; the second only arrived yesterday and I have yet to pursue that one...
It seems to me that the credit card companies are shirking from their duty to protect their customers from fraudulent schemes. As a computer professional with over 40 years experience, I can assure you that a little work on their computer programs would allow them to reject charges from companies that are continuing to conduct their business(?) down this fraudulent path.
I have never been able to determine exactly what product, if any, this company provides. It seems to me that the IRS should be perusing MWI's books to see if they have been paying taxes on the entire amount of their ill-gotten gains. Then there is the FBI, U.S. Attorney General and possibly other Federal agencies that should be scrutinizing MWI. After all, they are conducting business across state lines.
Hot Springs, Arkansas
CLICKE HERE ...*EDitor's NOTICE ..MWI Lawsuit filed