  • Report:  #608489

Complaint Review: My Auto Service - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
LVLarry - Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America

My Auto Service
6104 W. Cheyene Ave Las Vegas, 89108 Nevada, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Time for an oil change.  As advertised $10 for an oil change so my friend said.  So I went down to My Auto Service on Thursday the 20 of May around 9 AM.

I stopped at Auto Zone first to pick up the oil, oil filter, air filter, and a serpentine belt for a used car I just purchased.  A rare 1990 Cadilliac Eldorado Biarritz.  The Shop Supervisor started the car and drove it into the oil change service bay.  When done with the agreed upon service, The Service Manager came to me in the waiting room to inform me that the car would not start.  They offered to take me home and look at the car with what was left of the day.  Around 4 pm They gave me a ride home. 

Friday May 21, 2010
Next morning a call from the Service Manager informed me that a new fuel pump was required.  The cost of the pump was $154 and Approx $200 in Labor.  They would have to drop the gas tank to replace the faulty part.  As a person living on a fixed income, these kind of expenses are not in my budget.  After some scrambling and effort, I called back a couple hours later, and told them that would provide the part as it was cheaper from Auto Zone.  I also complained about their fees as this problem was of their doing as it happened in their shop while the car was under their care.  An agreement was reached at a fee of $136 for labor.  I got the parts to them that day by noon.  I returned to their shop around 4 pm.  The car was not ready yet.  I waited around until 5:30 PM when I was once again offered a ride home.  The car was still in their shop, still not completed.

Saturday May 22, 2010

After getting a ride to their shop, and a couple more hours waiting My car was released to me.  I was able to start the car, and listen to a horrible screeching sound, The gas guage display was not able to display how much gas in the tank, and the turn indicators did not work.

I also noticed that there was a red wire coming from under the car and stuck into one of the fuse slots under the hood.  I was told that there was a problem now with the gas gauge sending unit.  They had to order the part and it would be a couple days before it arrived and could be put in.

Sunday May 23, 2010

Drove to Pahrump to look at some property.  Car ran great, even though I didn't know how much gas I had.  Even worked as we went over the pass and it was snowing in May.

.....Monday .....   Tuesday ......   


 I showed up at the shop and waited....   After a couple hours waiting they told me it would be a few more hours before they could get the car done....  It was at this time I was greeted by the shop owner.  He informed that the potential problem was the Electronic Control Module ( ECM) that the Dealer sells for $700.  That was most likely the part that kept the gas guage from displaying how much gas you had. The Screeching sound from the Altenator pully was louder than ever.  The owner put forth a "Deal."  What can I do to make you happy?  I told him, fix my car back to the way it was before your staff got their hands on it.

He said, that isn't possible.  How about I replace the altenator, and what else do you need?  I told him I also needed the car smogged, and he immediately offered to do both tasks and would have the car ready the next day.  Once again I got a ride home without my car. 

The next afternoon I called asking about the car.  I was told that the altenator had been replaced and the screeching sound was gone.  I was also informed that they had not yet smogged the car and would call me when the car was ready to be picked up.      No call the rest of that day.

Next morning I called them and was then told that they where unable to smog the car.  I asked and was told that the car runs.  I told them I would be down to pick it up.  So I did.  Still no gas guage display.  Drove home.  Needless to say, at this point, my patience had been tested.  My car was worse now and all I wanted to do was get the oil changed.  Not spend another $400 and still not be able to smog or have the damages they did fixed.

The next day I needed to take a drive down town.  10 minutes later, sitting at a red light, the car starts to jerk.  Would work fine when driving over 10 mph, but once stopping or stopped, it tried to stall, jerking the car, the engine either racing or stalling. 

I have decided that I will make them this offer on Tuesday when Memorial day has passed.

Choice 1.

Take the car to the shop, and tell them that they can take my car to the Cadillac dealer and have it repaired and they pay the bill for the damages caused by them.

Choice 2.

I talk to an attorney, then take the car to a cadiallac dealer to be repaired.  Rent a car in the time the dealer has the car, and let the attorney handle any further commucnications between their shop "My Auto Service" and myself.

Report Attachments

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Bill d

to the author

#2General Comment

Sun, May 30, 2010

first off--you just bought this car used??--you go to auto zone to have them install the oil,filter and also a belt?--why did you get a belt??--in any case--the car didn't start after the oil change cause the fuel pump was bad--sometimes these things happen and it is not the fault of the shop--do you blame a gas station after you fill the car with gas and your car doesn't start after that?(usually that's when fuel pumps crap out)--i can understand being cheap--but you keep buying your parts from auto zone--again--it was not the shops fault your fuel pump crapped out--regardless-they worked with you--so now to make things worse--you expect the job to replace the pump to take an hour or something--you said you brought it in by noon and was not done by 4---do you have any clue as to what is required to take this tank down??--let alone if the tank was full of gas and had to be emptied??--you take about it being a 1990-do you know how much rust may have been involved??--also-what everyone seems to forget-but was your car the only car in the shop this day??--in any case--you said the gauge didn't work--i had seen this before--i replaced a pump on a chevy cavalier--when you do the pump it comes as a unit with the float(where you get the reading)--after going through the trouble of installing it the gauage didn't work--the new unti had a faulty float--let's not forget this was a customer supplied part that he bought from ?????-this is an example as to why shops do not like installing customer parts(they can get them from anywhere-even junkyards)-----in any case--where i was working the owner instead of charging him decided to swap out the float from the old pump with the new one which i did not recommend as this may lead to exposed wires in the fuel tank(but this is a whole different story)---in any case--they replaced the fuel pump you supplied and now the gauge didn't work----that means they had to go through the trouble of redoing the job again!!!!!!!!!--and i am sure this was a fun job!!!!!!!!!!--in terms of the turn signals not working??????--but not connected to the pump----same with the belt??--in any case--also i am not looking at this car so do not know the exact set up of the float--but usually it is all one unit on the fuel pump---wiring could also have been damaged due to removing and replacing the tank?---in any case--now you say when you stop at a light the car wants to stall and surges sometmies--this sounds like an idle air control problem----in any case--just as a side note--but you talk about being on a fixed income and cannot put things in your budget--yet you are talking about taking a trip to look at property and recently purchasing a cadillac????????---with that aside---my conclusion--it seems like you recently purchased a piece of s**t car(a 1990 cadillac-we are now all aware of gm's quality as they pay there people to much and have to sacrifice quality-even if it is a cadillac) and will now blame whatever shop you walk into for it's problems--i cannot see this as a rip off and it seems they tried to make you happy but could not be pleased--

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