  • Report:  #924765

Complaint Review: NAA - Burlington North Carolina

Reported By:
john - Richmond, Virginia, United States of America

main street Burlington, North Carolina, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was part of a sub agency that was not the 'worst' among NAA so I count myself lucky..  There were some people there that were really trying to be decent but they had drunk the coolaid and were hopelessly tied into NAA now..    I have seen some reports here about how the math to make money at NAA just doesnt add up..  Those reports are correct.  You cannot make a decent living just selling insurance with them unless you happen to be one of the lucky people in a remote location (ie.. Maine)  where there is no competition.  So really if you want to make a good living or try for the 'big' bucks then you must recruit and the pressure to do so is enormous..  

Basically for tax purposes you are self employed but this organization puts a lot of effort into tryng to micro manage you.   They want you to count your calls,  catagorize them, submit reports etc..  they want you to pay for seminars,  your own travel..  buy their cds..  etc...   and if you dont do these things they will say you are not a good agent and they wont let you have the good leads...   if you cant get those leads then you are basically screwed.   even with the A leads its hard enough enough to make money..  there are other reports here that correctly outline that you will need about 73 A leads a week to be able to survive...  and I dont know a single agent, even a manager that can get that quantity of legitimate A leads.   And consider,  that my upline actually gave me A leads to help me out and when i got them I realized these were A leads that I had already purchased weeks before.!  lol.   So the A leads are not so great.   

You will hear constantly about how they dont make money selling leads but that's total bs.  And you will be charged for going to seminars but it doesnt cost them anything since the vendors already paid for all of that !   so they make money off of seminars and they make money selling leads..   getting overrides on your insurance sales is just icing on the cake.  But they have to be careful about how they manage that because losing accounts and dealing with chargebacks puts a lot of people out of this business with NAA.

I am a professional and truly beleived with my brains and my hard work that I could make this work and I put 2 years of my life into this.  But it was to no avail.  I started this effort with a good amount of cash and ended it with destroyed credit and no cash.   I lost my car, my house and my fiance because I was so determined to make this work in spite of all the people in my life telling me to get out of it.   I alway said to myself..  "I can work harder..  I can make more calls..  I can drive faster between appointments to squeeze more of them into a week".   But there is no amount of work that can overcome a system that just doesnt work.  My total income working for NAA dropped by 40% and now I also had to pay thousands in expenses trying to get A leads which are mostly not even available. 

Thank God that I was able to borrow a car and get back into my prior profession.  Its been over a year now and slowly I am rebuilding my life.   Did I drink the coolaid?  Yes I did somewhat.  If I didnt have these professional skills that I am utilizing now I would have had no way to recover from this disaster that is called NAA.   Honestly, its the worst thing that ever happened to me in my life.

5 Updates & Rebuttals



#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, April 05, 2014

I agree what you said they hide under diferent name of company if there were honest they will said who they are thank yuo


United States of America
Interesting Reading

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, October 18, 2012


Interested in seeing some FACTUAL information? Read the attached link.


United States of America

#4General Comment

Wed, August 29, 2012

Wow Amazed.....

I would like to make a few points about this comment/post that is being made.

1. I find it very amusing that anyone in an industry such as insurance - where we the individuals go out get a license and have the ability to put it to use would ever think about blaming someone else for our LACK of success ( that would be like getting a drivers license getting behind the wheel , running into another car and blaming the local office for issuing you the license or blaming the person who sold you the car or blaming the person who paved the road) , no company ever swears you will be 100% successful , they just lay the pavement , make the cars available and point you in the direction of the license.

2. I also find it amusing that people would start making ludicrous accusations about the hell they have been in with a company. My question would be how long had they been with the company? 1 day , 1 month , 1 year - then the follow up question if it was for a while , why did they stay so long? its not as if the system has changed overnight - was it they finally became aware that they could not work as hard as it would take to generate the success? how about did their spouse finally tell them to go do something where someone would tell them to work , or might they of just been a mental case and thought that by wishing on a shooting star they would become the individual that the had always dreamed of, so they hung around and waited for it to hit them in between the eyes, and when it never did they blamed someone else for their obvious lack of skill , motivation , confidence , go getter attitude? Curious......

3. My final question/statement would be why if the company is SO bad do they continue to thrive? why do they continue to attract more and more solid people? Is it their obvious skill in hypnotizing people? Do they make you drink some special juice? Is it their stunning looks that attract people? Is it the fact they are walking up to people with guns and forcing them to join? Are people just attracted to the sexiness of Insurance? Is it their sense of humor people cant get away from? how about the clothes they wear? What would it be??? Maybe its that people like that someone has a system in place that has proven success (even if some don't want to admit it) and no matter who says what about them they continue to fight forward by locking arms with whoever wants to go, and no matter how the world spins the industry is going to continue to flourish even in the ruins of an economy that has been hit harder than ever.

Last but not least the funniest part is the only people that ever talk bad about anyone else are those who are trying to make someone else look better, but remember this, the best are often imitated but never duplicated. So keep trying.


United States of America

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 12, 2012

I am the author of rebuttal #1. I wanted to clarify that obviously I am not the owner of the company as it says above the title. I am an ex-employee.


United States of America
Congratulations on your Freedom

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, August 12, 2012

I was with NAA as well. I would like for everyone who reads it to know that you are completely spot on with your account of the way these people operate.

Also, I would like to let you know that you can get out of the hole that these people put you in. I just finished paying off my $35,000 loan for debt that I racked up while I was "working for myself...being my own boss." 

$35,000 in 7 months. I am lucky. I found a job with an honest company who practices INTEGRITY as they preach it. Because of my new company and my work ethic, I have paid off what could have been life altering financial ruin.  

I hope anyone who reads this that is thinking of joining will take heed, they may not be as fortunate when they finally realize that what you said is all true. 

I would like to detail exactly how the money works to show how anyone who joins now is incapable of becoming as "rich" as these "leaders" of NAA are. You are just a block at the bottom of the pyramid. I welcome anyone in the organization to challenge me on any of these facts. 

Let's take $100,000 a year income. That is a good living and something that these people will tell you is attainable if you just do as they say.  

$100,000 in a 1099 job. 1/3 goes to the IRS. Now you are at $67,000. 

Leads. I won't go into great detail here on this lead system, just know that more than once I was hung up on by an "A" lead
($27 for an A lead), because they had had multiple other people call them and were tired of being contacted.  

In order to have a chance to set adequate appointments, you would need to spend a couple of hundred dollars per week on leads. You will be told: "It's a business expense, you have to be willing to invest to be a 'business owner.'" I put trust into my agency manager to delegate leads to me, and he and his agent mentor took full liberty. By the time I left, they were sticking me for $400 to $500 a week on leads. But I will be nice, let's say $200 per week.

$200 x 52 weeks = $10,400. Now you are at $56,600. 

President's club. This is something that I was bullied into joining, even though I never saw any value in it. I just know that I was told that I wasn't serious about building my business when I wasn't in it. 

Presiden't club = $117 per month x 12 months = $1,404.  $55,196. 

Conventions. Thankfully, I escaped having to attend only 1 of these. I know for a fact that they have 2 per year in North Carolina plus at least 1 regional type get together. These are big pep rally's where a lot of people that are much richer than you (just ask them) get up and get you motivated. There is no doubt these people are great speakers. Then again, Adolph Hitler was a great speaker too. (I have seen NAA people refer to Andy Albright and Fritz and others in the same sentence as God, so I don't have a problem mentioning them in a not so flattering way.)

Now, for my wife and I, it cost us $2175 for our convention ticket, airfare and hotel. Yes, you are strongly encouraged to bring your wife/husband. Of course, not so NAA can make more money, but so that your significant other can understand what you go through and be supportive. Since I can't put an exact figure on the conventions, I will be conservative and base
it off only one person attending and only 3 per year even though I believe there are more. 

$500 x 3 = $1500. $53,696. 

Gas. You are encourage to work well away from where you live.  I was told it was because it's hard to be focused when you are working near where you live. The truth is because in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, there at least 4 branches of NAA with well over 100 agents. Let's say it costs you $50 to fill up and you do it twice a week. Again, I'm being very conservative. 

$100 x 52 weeks = $5,200. 


I could go on. For example, when you are traveling to work each week, where are you going to stay? Hotels cost money. 

You plan on eating anything this year? God forbid you want to buy your kids a birthday present. 

I would be happy to expand if anyone is interested, but I've just shown you how a "$100,000" a year earner only makes half of that after business expenses. I did not even factor in mortgages, health insurance etc. Those expenses occur with any job. 

I hope this helps someone. I understand perfectly how the business world works. I am now part of a department that sells $3 million dollars worth of a product per month. Many people count on my co-workers and I to keep their business running.  The one thing I pride myself on is honesty. I am honest, sometimes brutally, with my customers and I expect the same in return. 

National Agents Alliance was very misleading and in some instances flat out dishonest with me. And I don't appreciate it.

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