  • Report:  #516871

Complaint Review: NAE RECORDS PLATFORM ENTERTAINMENTDarryl Jones - New York New York

Reported By:
Whitney - Queens, New York, USA

1845 MOTT AVENUE New York, New York, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Well i really dont even know where to begin.  Darryl Jones is THE WORST man to ever come in contact with in regards to any business dealings.  All he wants is your money but does not deliver on anything he says or CLAIMS he can do.  I am an up and coming singer and Mr. Scam made me think he could take my career to the next level.  The proposal was i would give him $1000 and he would do the following

$1,000 = 3 songs, photoshoot, bio, create my single cover. 

I HAVE YET TO RECEIVE ANYTHING AND THIS POOR EXCUSE FOR A BUSINESS MAN RECEIVED THE FULL PAYMENT. He dodges my calls and when he finally does answer he has another lame excuse as to why my project isnt finished.  Unfortunately half way into this project after he was already paid in full i started to catch on to his shisty ways.  He made false promises about this Music Concert Seminar Series which is a complete LIE.  (To see this scam artist in action about this lil non existent concert seminar go to www.naerecords.com and YES the first girl you see on the video and on the website is me, all of this was taped before i knew it was a lie) i'VE ALSO REQUESTED THAT HE TAKE ME OFF THAT UGLY WEBSITE BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO BE AFFILIATED WITH HIS LIES AT ALL AND HE HAS YET TO DO THAT ALSO.  He cant seem to get anythiing done!!!! If any1 was thinking about siging up please dont he will take your money and run for the hills. 

Now as far as his 30 years of experience HA hes terrible at recording.  He lost one song i did, lost the vocals on another one, then after he lost the vocals on the second song i had to completely re record it cuz he couldnt fix the big mess he made.  He has no idea how to properly mix vocals or effectively record a singer.  I started my project in April 2009 with DARRYL JONES AKA SCAM MASTER and i have yet to receive anything.  It is now practically Novemeber and he hasnt given me ANYTHING.  Then to make matter worse he moves from the far Rockaway office and only the good Lord above knows where he is at now.

I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but what sealed the deal was one day when i was in far Rockaway recording with him one day and me , my friend and Darry went to the pizza shop and another VICTIM of Darryl's scam ways approached him about pictures he did for her about 8 months prior.  SURPRISE SURPRISE he did not finish what he started and she unfortunately is in the same boat as me and did not receive her product either.  He is absolutely disgusting and i really wish i could turn back the hands in time and keep it moving when i was introduced to this SCAMMER!!!! He has wasted so much of my time and money and i sincerely hope he never makes another penny in the music and entertainment world.  He does not deserve to. 

Im sure he will respond to this report and use sophisticated language to make it seem like he is a professional business man but hes purely just a PROFESSIONAL SCAMMER!!!! I have called him numerous times, my most recent attempt was Tuesday 10/27/2009 and he IGNORED MY CALL AND TEXT. He only responds when he feels the need to.  He only responds to harsh words, when u are cordial he takes that for weakness and doesnt feel the need to entertain what you have to say.  PLEASE do not get involved in any business dealing with this man, you will be sorry.  He swears he is the best at what he does and he definitely isnt.  He needs a reality check and some moral decency.  Its not OK to take people money and not come through on your end of the bargain





1 Updates & Rebuttals

Nae records

Far Rockaway,
New York,
NAE Records, Darryl Jones

#2UPDATE Employee

Sun, November 22, 2009

Its unfortunate that no two clients are the same in the production, music and service business and we sometimes fall short. We are surely not perfect but in this case we find that its a personal assault on one of our employees who has dedicated his time and efforts to supporting artist who wish to display theyre talent.   Yes Darryl Jones has worked with Whitney Jiggits and we the company feels that her talents and writing is subpar to say the least and her personality is undisciplined, unbearable and we find her very difficult to work with in or out of the studio so weve decided not to pursue any further business with Ms. Whitney.   As professionals we will not solicit her personal information in order to cover up her personal attack or feelings as she has displayed an unprofessional relationship along with her slander. 


As a growing production, recording, photography and artist development company we do not participate in ripping off talent and to date we have service the music, production and fashion community for over 25 years and we have taken great risk with artist, made financial investments and devoted our time as a part of a team of developing the artist.  When an artist cannot make a total investment in their career for our services for recording their music and image development we assume a part of the financial cost if we feel that the artist could be develop to potentially have a successful career after the development process. 


It was explain that the total cost of the investment would be $2400.00 which included recording two songs, photography, makeup, bio mixing and mastering as well and the opportunity to be a part of the Independent Artist Music Seminar Series Tour.  We the company would invest $ 1400.00  and the artist would pay $1000.00 which was to be paid up front before any of the production or services would take place.  In this case the artist could not make the payment and asked if we could provide a payment plan of $300 every two weeks until the final payment was made then the work would precede.  We took a chance by allowing Darryl Jones to proceed on good faith of a business relationship and a payment plan was put in place which the obligations were not kept as well as dates and times were postpone at the last minute by ms whitney.


With the company providing a financial investment we would handle registering, promoting and distributing and creating a page and using the work on our website.   We requested her permission through txt messaging.   One of the songs had to be re-done due to lack of vocal presentation and the malfunction of the recording system Darryl Jones had requested that Whitney record third song (free) and a mixtape for promotion to increase her package which a price of $600 for Cover, 500 CDs, Thermo Printing,  Burns, Jewels case  the but she declined on the mixtape.   We had just completed a project mixtape for another client who paid cash for his project and it was delivered in one week.  She question why did she not receive her project and she was told that his project was paid for upfront. 


During the final stage of waiting for payment and recording her project the company decided to relocate  and she was informed of this and that due to unfortunate circumstances her project is still being worked on and prepared for delivery once our new location is set up and running.


We do feel that Whitney has a little talent but need much vocal development, personality and attitude adjustment and discipline as well as financial care and we feel the she is not the right fit for the company.  We will deliver what she paid for with request of signing her usage agreements and we wish her much success in her endeavors.


We do applaud and respect the rights of Rip Off Report for their opportunity to allow customers to express their concerns if they feel that they have been unjustly serviced.  Nevertheless customers should understand that businesses are in business to provide a service and that one should attack or slander a person personal reputation, dedication or longevity of work.  It is appreciated that you take great care when chosen a company to do work for you and if there is a disagreement then try to work it out patiently both ways.  Anger has no door step which it lays and waits like a stick of half wet dynamite when you think its diffused it awaits patiently  to go off.


It takes a great deal of time, effort and experience to build an artist, and those who do not have the patients or understanding of the business will surely be riding the wave of believing that they will make it in the music business.  Record Labels are no longer investing in subpar artist who believe that just showing up is enough.  Going through a process of learning and actually being apart of an industry that will make you humble yourself sooner or later.  If experience has come before you and has been proven regardless of the time or paper work received verses the person who has nothing will soon be waiting in line.  To criticize someone elses timeless work when you yourself have not achieved nothing is like accusing the mother who raised you of not knowing how to raise you once yurer grown and bitter. It a business for talented professionals who have strength. 



Darryl Jones personal note:  Whitney I will not attempt to personally go after you with vengeance because of your verbal accusation and slander nor will I lower my standard as a human being the way you did and personally put you on blast because I know that you are a amature when it come to your talent and your personal attitude.  But what I will tell you is this.   Be careful of the way you put a persons business in the street if youre not willing to back it 200% regardless of how you feel because you never know how that person may take it.  Always remember the music industry is a tough business and there is another side.  You may feel that youre hurting me but youre only hurting yourself.  Ive worked with you personally and I have even heard you slander the artist, producers and members of the groups you were a part of in order to convince others that you are a better artist and have more talent after they put their time and efforts into you for free. Youve even txted me and said that my studio is bootleg, ghetto, I live in it and nobody cares about my old contracts and call me all kind of names such as Scam Artist.  Its a good thing that the company and I did charge you because personally you would have been a waste of time and efforts trying to develop you as an artist because you do not display endurance, longevity or self respect. You will never be able to replace experience and be glad that someone was willing to take time and teach you something you cant learn it just surfing the internet.


 I told you when you first came to my office remember when you were so excited about working in that ghetto studio and spending all those late nights there that I do not offer an artist a management contract until after a year of working with them. Now you know why let it be a lesson to you that it takes time to build an artist career.  It doesnt matter whether you like me or not  what I have accomplished in this business through working with labels, producers, artist to even offer me a contract or want me to work for them has given me the experience, knowledge and pleasure to spend 30 years doing what I love and not having to work for someone else.  My references are the people I have worked with and photographed in that ghetto studio which provides for me and my family that youre now trying to hurt and take food off the table by making personal accusations like the rest of them when they dont follow the rules or do their part in a timely fashion.  So with me saying this directly to you and you having a child yourself and spending your food money on your career you should know better.  My career started from the beginning and Ive made a lot of mistakes and invested more than you ever no and I wish I had someone to teach me about being in this business but I learn it the hard way. 


Music lesson #1 just for you Ms. Whitney Jiggets in the music business money is not trust because when the money runs out you can always get more, but when the trust runs out it will change your life.   Little girl pay attention school is in session.  If you take a long time to pay for something you really want dont be mad when you dont receive it on time.  If you taken vocal lesson and you still cant sing you just have to continue to pay for more lessons because the more you take the better you will get  It doesnt matter whether you invested $1 or $1000 in learning how to be in the music business get the experience it can save you millions later Least think before you speak but more so think before your writer it down its like writing a song.  When a person comes by recommendation it doesnt hurt the person whom you claimed scammed you it hurts everyone evolved stupidity comes at a price.  And on that note little ms. whitney you and I met through your own mother and my dearest friend and assistant and I came recommended because of their relationship therefore it will be completed out of respect but you will submit a written apology to me and RipOffReport.com for your slanderous ways following this.  I hope you will learn from this.


Darryl Jones

The Platform Entertainment Group

NAE Records



Its unfortunate that no two clients are the same in the production, music and service business and we sometimes fall short. We are surely not perfect but in this case we find that its a personal assault on one of our employees who has dedicated his time and efforts to supporting artist who wish to display theyre talent.   Yes Darryl Jones has worked with Whitney Jiggits and we the company feels that her talents and writing is subpar to say the least and her personality is undisciplined, unbearable and we find her very difficult to work with in or out of the studio so weve decided not to pursue any further business with Ms. Whitney.   As professionals we will not solicit her personal information in order to cover up her personal attack or feelings as she has displayed an unprofessional relationship along with her slander. 


As a growing production, recording, photography and artist development company we do not participate in ripping off talent and to date we have service the music, production and fashion community for over 25 years and we have taken great risk with artist, made financial investments and devoted our time as a part of a team of developing the artist.  When an artist cannot make a total investment in their career for our services for recording their music and image development we assume a part of the financial cost if we feel that the artist could be develop to potentially have a successful career after the development process. 


It was explain that the total cost of the investment would be $2400.00 which included recording two songs, photography, makeup, bio mixing and mastering as well and the opportunity to be a part of the Independent Artist Music Seminar Series Tour.  We the company would invest $ 1400.00  and the artist would pay $1000.00 which was to be paid up front before any of the production or services would take place.  In this case the artist could not make the payment and asked if we could provide a payment plan of $300 every two weeks until the final payment was made then the work would precede.  We took a chance by allowing Darryl Jones to proceed on good faith of a business relationship and a payment plan was put in place which the obligations were not kept as well as dates and times were postpone at the last minute by ms whitney.


With the company providing a financial investment we would handle registering, promoting and distributing and creating a page and using the work on our website.   We requested her permission through txt messaging.   One of the songs had to be re-done due to lack of vocal presentation and the malfunction of the recording system Darryl Jones had requested that Whitney record third song (free) and a mixtape for promotion to increase her package which a price of $600 for Cover, 500 CDs, Thermo Printing,  Burns, Jewels case  the but she declined on the mixtape.   We had just completed a project mixtape for another client who paid cash for his project and it was delivered in one week.  She question why did she not receive her project and she was told that his project was paid for upfront. 


During the final stage of waiting for payment and recording her project the company decided to relocate  and she was informed of this and that due to unfortunate circumstances her project is still being worked on and prepared for delivery once our new location is set up and running.


We do feel that Whitney has a little talent but need much vocal development, personality and attitude adjustment and discipline as well as financial care and we feel the she is not the right fit for the company.  We will deliver what she paid for with request of signing her usage agreements and we wish her much success in her endeavors.


We do applaud and respect the rights of Rip Off Report for their opportunity to allow customers to express their concerns if they feel that they have been unjustly serviced.  Nevertheless customers should understand that businesses are in business to provide a service and that one should attack or slander a person personal reputation, dedication or longevity of work.  It is appreciated that you take great care when chosen a company to do work for you and if there is a disagreement then try to work it out patiently both ways.  Anger has no door step which it lays and waits like a stick of half wet dynamite when you think its diffused it awaits patiently  to go off.


It takes a great deal of time, effort and experience to build an artist, and those who do not have the patients or understanding of the business will surely be riding the wave of believing that they will make it in the music business.  Record Labels are no longer investing in subpar artist who believe that just showing up is enough.  Going through a process of learning and actually being apart of an industry that will make you humble yourself sooner or later.  If experience has come before you and has been proven regardless of the time or paper work received verses the person who has nothing will soon be waiting in line.  To criticize someone elses timeless work when you yourself have not achieved nothing is like accusing the mother who raised you of not knowing how to raise you once yurer grown and bitter. It a business for talented professionals who have strength. 



Darryl Jones personal note:  Whitney I will not attempt to personally go after you with vengeance because of your verbal accusation and slander nor will I lower my standard as a human being the way you did and personally put you on blast because I know that you are a amature when it come to your talent and your personal attitude.  But what I will tell you is this.   Be careful of the way you put a persons business in the street if youre not willing to back it 200% regardless of how you feel because you never know how that person may take it.  Always remember the music industry is a tough business and there is another side.  You may feel that youre hurting me but youre only hurting yourself.  Ive worked with you personally and I have even heard you slander the artist, producers and members of the groups you were a part of in order to convince others that you are a better artist and have more talent after they put their time and efforts into you for free. Youve even txted me and said that my studio is bootleg, ghetto, I live in it and nobody cares about my old contracts and call me all kind of names such as Scam Artist.  Its a good thing that the company and I did charge you because personally you would have been a waste of time and efforts trying to develop you as an artist because you do not display endurance, longevity or self respect. You will never be able to replace experience and be glad that someone was willing to take time and teach you something you cant learn it just surfing the internet.


 I told you when you first came to my office remember when you were so excited about working in that ghetto studio and spending all those late nights there that I do not offer an artist a management contract until after a year of working with them. Now you know why let it be a lesson to you that it takes time to build an artist career.  It doesnt matter whether you like me or not  what I have accomplished in this business through working with labels, producers, artist to even offer me a contract or want me to work for them has given me the experience, knowledge and pleasure to spend 30 years doing what I love and not having to work for someone else.  My references are the people I have worked with and photographed in that ghetto studio which provides for me and my family that youre now trying to hurt and take food off the table by making personal accusations like the rest of them when they dont follow the rules or do their part in a timely fashion.  So with me saying this directly to you and you having a child yourself and spending your food money on your career you should know better.  My career started from the beginning and Ive made a lot of mistakes and invested more than you ever no and I wish I had someone to teach me about being in this business but I learn it the hard way. 


Music lesson #1 just for you Ms. Whitney Jiggets in the music business money is not trust because when the money runs out you can always get more, but when the trust runs out it will change your life.   Little girl pay attention school is in session.  If you take a long time to pay for something you really want dont be mad when you dont receive it on time.  If you taken vocal lesson and you still cant sing you just have to continue to pay for more lessons because the more you take the better you will get  It doesnt matter whether you invested $1 or $1000 in learning how to be in the music business get the experience it can save you millions later Least think before you speak but more so think before your writer it down its like writing a song.  When a person comes by recommendation it doesnt hurt the person whom you claimed scammed you it hurts everyone evolved stupidity comes at a price.  And on that note little ms. whitney you and I met through your own mother and my dearest friend and assistant and I came recommended because of their relationship therefore it will be completed out of respect but you will submit a written apology to me and RipOffReport.com for your slanderous ways following this.  I hope you will learn from this.


Darryl Jones

The Platform Entertainment Group

NAE Records


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