  • Report:  #1104535

Complaint Review: National Elite College Prospects - Syracuse New York

Reported By:
Paul - Englewood, New Jersey,

National Elite College Prospects
Syracuse, New York, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

My experience with the company National Elite College Prospects or NECP has been a nightmare. First they offer different packages with different prices as ways to get high school athletes recruited. Ranging from $895.00 up to around $2,000. The recruiter must pay NECP for a license (which the recruiter never really receives) but it gives them the right to recruit athletes for the company. There is 3 different levels you can enter. The more money you give the company upfront the more % of commission you receive. I came in as a level 1 recruiter and paid $395 to the company to work for them.

On a conference call with one family between myself, the father and his son I offered our services to them. At the end of our call the father wanted to see if his son was serious about his grades and academics first before signing up. That seemed smart and logical to me so I told the father to contact me at any time if he had any questions or if there was anything I can do to help. The father was in contact with me with some questions and about a year after our initial conference call I received a text that he wanted our help and wanted to go ahead with our service. I contacted the family. I contacted the coaches. I did my research and my due diligence. I wrote up the scouting report for the student-athlete. I did all the evaluations. I got the video footage that was needed. I did eveything that Drew Sikorski asked me to do. I put in many hours of my time. I was in constant contact with the father. The reason why the father elected to go with NECP was because he trusted in me and he appreciated that I wasn't pushy and liked that I put in the amount of time and effort for the best interest of his son.

When I contacted Drew Sikorski, the ceo of NECP and told him that we had a new client, Drew became very aggressive with me and with the father. I was receiving 5-8 emails a day looking for his check from this family. Waiting on faxed contracts, the check being mailed etc. I got a call from the father who asked me what was going on with Drew. He said he was being really pushy and he asked me to tell him to relax. I thought at the time we may of lost our customer. After receiving the new clients payment, I asked Drew when would I be receiving my commision check for my hard work? He sent me in an email that as soon as the check is fully cleared I would be receiving my comission check. That was 3 months ago. I still have that email from him stating this. Now I call and leave messages and he doesn't reply to my voicemails. I've been sending email after email and he doesn't even write back anymore. He just doesn't want to pay me for my work and thinks that I'll just forget about it. Just on principal alone I can't let this man do this to me. I'm too honest and fair myself for letting him do this to me. The commission check is around $500 which I worked extremely hard to earn, and deserve.

The father of the student-athlete and I are still in constant contact with each other and I'm still servicing them. Even though I haven't received my cut from NECP. I haven't told the family that I haven't gotten paid for my time becuse I don't want them to feel like I can't be trusted for turning them on to such a company. The father asked me to find out why Division 2 colleges haven't contacted his son yet as he feels that his son is a surefire D-2 prospect. Only D-3 schools have contacted him. I emailed Drew Sikorski the ceo and he doesn't respond. I've left voicemails, no reply. Now this is not only fair to me who hasn't been paid when promised, but now he's not being fair to the client either.

I strongly urge anyone who is thinking about going with a recruiting service to help their child out, to NOT use National Elite College Prospects. This is a company you DON'T want your family to be involved with. If this is how he treats his recruiters and clients why should families trust this man and his company?

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