Hi my name is Tandy and I'm here on this site to file a complaint against a company that it taking advantage of people in every way imagined. They are calling themselves the success team and business development division. A while back I ordered a kit online to teach me how to work from home and ended up calling in with the phone number suggested in the email. I was greeted by a start up specialist that took down all my information everything they needed, it was to find all my credit cards and see if I could afford the program.
I guess I was a good fit to become a success story because Tyler Roberts put together a 15k YES Fifteen Thousand dollar investment! Well at the time I said no and hung up. Later that month another man called me saying the same thing but they could help me for less so I spoke to another senior business consultant named Austin Bawden that ended up putting together a investment that was around 5,900 dollars. With that said I was the newest member with the success team and they got me started with the coaching department aparently a different company all together.
They took my money and then kicked me down the road like a old can. So working with www.applyki.com (applied knowledge institute) who still hasn't helped me find a product to sell and then was called by a 3rd party company called Daeus Finacial who told me I had to invest another 5k and onother company called me 2 days later called Invisionz that told me I needed to invest another 2k on my credit card and finally a company called just 2 weeks ago by the name of PSI www.profitsenseinnovations.com that said I had to invest over 3500k to make this website of mine appear on the search engines.
Are you kidding me now I'm well over 16k in credita card debt all because www.nettraining.com told me I could make good money with a one time up front investment and be able to pay me crdit card off in just a month using the OPM or leverage capitol method. All lies these people are no different then Bernie Madoff. Google Bernie Madoff if you don't know who he is this company is no different www.workathomeuniversity.net is a scam I can't believe I fell for it. Working from home would be great, but it will not happen with these guys. You will just be broke and trying to work 3 jobs to pay off the debt.