  • Report:  #25346

Complaint Review: NetBank - Alpharetta Georgia

Reported By:
- Vienna, VA,

11475 Great Oaks Way Alpharetta, 30022 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Don't use this Internet bank!

I set up a checking account with another bank, which was succeeded by NetBank. I made the mistake of using NetBank's "free" online bill-paying service. I used it just once. Then I didn't use the account for about a year: no bill-paying, no checks, no deposits, no withdrawals.

Today, I looked at the online account statements for my account. I discovered that for the last nine months, I've been charged two monthly service charges -- one for three dollars and one for five dollars. Yes, I was charged a total of eight dollars a month for not requiring any services. If not getting services from NetBank costs eight dollars a month, imagine what NetBank would charge for processing checks!

I called NetBank's "customer service." I was told that I agreed to the three-dollar service charge, or maybe it was the five-dollar service charge, when I signed up for "free" bill-paying. (Funny, I don't remember agreeing to pay anything for something that was supposed to be "free.") No one had an explanation for the other service charge was for.


Vienna, Virginia

1 Updates & Rebuttals


It's in the sign-up agreement

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 18, 2002

As it clearly states in the sign-up agreement, Netbank accounts that are not used for three months in a row are subject to a $3.00 service charge per month. This isn't unusual, excessive, or "stealth".

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