  • Report:  #1333288

Complaint Review: Niche Profit Full Control by Adam Short - Henderson Nevada

Reported By:
NPFC Members Review - Dallas, Texas, USA

Niche Profit Full Control by Adam Short
https://www.nicheprofitfullcontrol.com/, 2657 Wind Henderson, 89074 Nevada, USA
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This report gathers the views of a number of people that purchased Niche Profit Full Control. It tells about their personal experiences while trying to create an online business following Adam Short’s Niche Profit Full Control course.

On November 2015 Adam Short and his partner Bobby Mclees launched the online marketing course: Niche Profit Full Control.

The course, like many of its kind, claimed a person could make a good income online first by promoting products as an affiliate and on a second instance, by offering his own products.

Most buyers of this course based their decision to buy it on the  assurance made by Adam Short on the webinar video where he presented the course. This video can be watched here:


since it is still being used by Adam Short to attract buyers.

In fact, this video is a series of 3 videos that presented the basic premises of the NPFC course. In these videos Adam Short asserted that NPFC has effective methods and ways to approach internet marketing and assured that the members would be making money on a relatively short time. The three videos are so convincing that no person that watched them would doubt any moment that Adam Short's course was the next big thing in internet marketing.

Buyers of NPFC watched all the tutorial videos and followed all the principles and guidelines Adam Short taught in them. We also followed the comments on the Community Forum at NPFC and noticed that all the other members were also following and doing what the course taught. It was perfectly clear to all of us that if we followed all that was taught, we had a great chance of succeeding.

After three months, and not having made any sales of the products we were promoting, we noticed that many others were posting comments on the Community Forum relating to their negative experiences when applying the methods and ways taught. When these posts turned into discussions that talked negatively about NPFC, they were deleted by the moderators following a policy dictated by A.Short that did not allow such discussions to take place with the excuse that they discouraged other members.

The truth is that those negative comments were not convenient for Adam Short since the Forum was actually being used to promote the course. People from outside the Forum could read the comments even if not being registered. This was by itself against our privacy because all we were posting in the forum about the businesses we were trying to create was being read by anyone online that was not registered to the Forum.

Besides, A.Short and his moderators could not allow members to vent their dissatisfaction and frustration in the forum that could prove to others that the methods were being unsuccessful. Thus, for example, when a group of members began to complain that their Facebook ads account were being suspended or closed, being Facebook ads the main advertising method taught in the course, if their comments blamed NPFC methods in any way, their comments got immediately deleted.

The deletion of posts that talked negatively of some aspect of NPFC became so much common censorship that members were afraid of posting anything negative they experienced.

Members were just telling about their experiences and asking for explanations and support and in return they were shut down and even threatened that, if they continued posting negative things against NPFC, they would be banned from the Forum.

But the worst was to come because 8 months passed and out of more than 1,000 members only 6-7 posted of some success and these had websites that were before NPFC existed. The Forum has a system of badges through which members receive a badge when they make their first sale. In the 8 months that have elapsed since the launch we have not seen more than 10 badges posted. Considering that many members may not like to make public when they make sales, most members are willing to say when they are successful. And in our group of 15 people, who the majority asked for a refund on time, none of them made a single sale. Still, Adam Short keeps saying that members of NPFC are having great success and building excellent businesses.

From the very start a great number of members faced a number of problems: First the premade niche packages had a lot of technical issues They included an e-book to give away that was badly written. The Clickbank products to promote was a number of mostly outdated products with a very high competition, and some of them didn’t even exist anymore. 

Then it was the Facebook Ads accounts, the main source of traffic as NPFC teachings asserted. Many Facebook accounts were being blocked and the mentors could not help to recover them. But even when some succeeded in posting facebook ads, these ads only brought hundreds of leads (people that opted in to the email lists) that had not real interest in purchasing anything. Of course the mentors always said that we must have done something the wrong way that caused this lack of sales. It is true that some of us may not be doing things the right way, but could hundreds of members be wrong in how they were doing things?

The Forum became flooded with problems of all kinds and most important of all: you didn’t hear and don’t hear until today of great sales and successes. Of course, for Adam Short and the mentors if you have not made any money by now, you may have been doing things the wrong way. After all, this is what the Earnings disclaimers are about: They do not guarantee or promise any income or earnings since they don’t know you, they don’t know your abilities and every person has a different way of doing things. These disclaimers also make sure they will not have to refund you after the refund period is over. But, on the other hand, in their launching webinar Adam Short assures money can be made and all he teaches is directed to make money in a few months.

The interesting thing is that Adam Short and the mentors do admit that in their own businesses they have not always been successful right away and they have had a number of failures, so we should insist until we find the niche and procedures to promote that will make us sales. This turns NPFC into an endless number of trial and errors and defeats the main idea: making money, at least some money, in a relatively short time.

As we are now, we may continue attempting things for a year and more and make no sales.

As a group of members that have tried NPFC and got no results, we want to warn people that are thinking of paying for NPFC that their chances of making money are very, very small. Unless they know for sure what can make them money (but they wouldn’t be at NPFC if they knew), they are going to be in a series of trials and errors, many hours invested in doing all that is related to promoting a product and most probably not getting results. NPFC does not tell you what digital product sells or exactly what promotion methods give results. It gives you a number of ways to promote digital products and the technicalities involved. So, you have to know that there is a risk involved and that you may be losing money instead of earning it.

What we find unethical and misleading is the way Adam Short pitches NPFC from the launching webinar videos to the forum inside NPFC: He is telling people that money can be made in a few months if you follow what he says. That the system has been proved because he and many other marketers have made money following it.

First, most of what he teaches, with very few ideas that could be exclusive to NPFC, can be found all over the internet. This is undeniable. In fact, Adam Short and his mentors many times answer questions in the forum by referring people to websites that explain how to do things. Then, if you make a search, you will find the majority of the methods used by NPFC explained in many websites. Charging $1,500 for NPFC is a rip off, especially when you can find most of those ideas for free and there is no guarantee you will make money using them.

Second: There is absolutely no proof that the specific product you are promoting is going to make sales for you. It could have made sales for some other marketer in the past, but, due to a number of marketing factors, you may not be successful with it as others were.

Third: It is unacceptable that when you are trying to show your problem on the Forum and because you are blaming NPFC for it, your post is deleted and you cannot discuss it. It is obvious that this censorship has the only purpose of hiding the dissatisfaction and disappointment of the members.

Fourth, imagine what it means for a person that has invested money, time and effort on following all NPFC teaches to find that all his efforts have been in vain and all that he has done does not produce any results. And on top of that, you are not allowed to express publicly your disappointment.

We do agree that internet marketing does not offer any guarantees. We do accept that every person has a different approach to things and that some are more successful than others. But just because of this very nature of internet marketing, it should never be assured by any marketer offering to teach a method that makes money that success can be achieved for sure and in a very short time. This is what we were told in the webinar that launched NPFC. We thought we were given tools and ideas that would really make us money in a relatively short time. We trusted Adam Short and believed in his words. After 8 months of not making any sales and having done exactly what NPFC teachings suggest, it is not surprising that we should feel scammed and ripped off.

As a consequence of this feeling of having been ripped off by Adam Short and his parter, we posted a video that shows our discontent and disappointment and explains what caused it. 

The video can be watched on this YouTube address:


We hope this Ripoff Report and this video will help people that feel tempted to purchase NPFC (and there are still people falling for unaware of what awaits them in a few months). The video can easily be found by making a search in Google with the words: Niche Profit Full Control Reviews or just Niche Profit Full Control. 

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