  • Report:  #153263

Complaint Review: Northwest Glass Art (Greg) - Lynnwood Washington

Reported By:
- Hazel Green, Alabama,

Northwest Glass Art (Greg)
4320 196th S.W. Suite B 626 Lynnwood, 98036 Washington, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been trying to get Greg of NWGA to send me either my item I purchased or my money back for 9 months now. I am listed as Hazel Green, AL. on Ripoffreport.com and have listed every new event that has happened to date. But now I've been sent some really upsetting emails from Greg of NWGA and I feel I need to start a new file so that people out there can really know what they're dealing with.

Greg is famous for not answering emails especially those of us out there that he owes money and/or an item purchased through his web address. But I guess I must have touched a nerve or something because Greg emailed me 5 times in one day (August 9, 2005).

Listed below are two that I found very strange. The third is Greg sending me a notice that my money was being refunded via CC. In the subject box Greg listed one subject as "Liber Legis" the other was simply "V V V V V". The subject matter was something I had never heard of and so I looked them up. After doing so I discovered that each one of Greg's subject lines led me to different sites featuring Alester Crowely.

Crowely is a known figure in Satanic religions around the world.

Now I have to ask myself just why would Greg send me something so threatening? I now feel as though I should share this because one thing is for sure, none of us know just what this crazy man is capable of and that's scarey!

Greg's email "Liber Legis":

I will ship this out to you. if you do not retract your statements and lose the website. I will sue you. PERIOD. I am sending this out in front of independent witness and then getting a notarized statement from them that I

indeed sent you the 12-14" bubbler. I think your used to dealing with chumps. I understand, most people are. If I choose, you lose. But the $40 this cost's me is nothing compared to the headache you've been. So if you

did in fact get over on me, well done.

If you decide to do nothing, well it would be bad judgment. Because the truth is, I DON'T LIKE YOU. And if I wasn't so busy I would'nt hesitate to make an example of you as it is. Make no retraction's or leave that website up in ANY form and I promise I will come after you with both barrel's.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Greg's email "V V V V V "

You have nothing. Not a pot to piss in. And now you're in trouble.... ha ha


You should get to know your opponent better in the future. How much business do you actually think I've lost? ha ha ha. I make middle 6 digits. ha ha ha.

I get laid by all sorts of different young beautiful women everynight. ha ha ha. I drive a 2006 mercedes benz ha ha ha. I own a 1,000,000 home ha ha ha.

And it's all thanks to people like you. ha ha ha. If you hadn't noticed. WE'RE #1

I will clear all of this up. As I would have with you, had you not been in such need of being swatted. I h*e you use that dipshit attorney when we go to court. Because you are dead wrong. And so is she, as you will find out.

It's defamation and slander. Because you have NO basis for those accusation's. You have no proof you returned it to me. But you dont seem to understand that. And I DO. I have a tracking number that says it was

delivered to your house. Hon, thats all I need. HA HA HA

Again you are WAY out of your element. It appears you will need to learn this in a court of law. Do not contact me again as I will consider it harassament. I will foward my attorney's information shortly. And he can deal with your simple a*s.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Greg's last email sent August 9, 2005:

Northwest Glass Art


Order Number: 3433

Detailed Invoice: https://host68.ipowerweb.com/~northwes/online/account_history_info.php?order_id=3433

Date Ordered: Wednesday 08 December, 2004

The comments for your order are

issued refund through cc.

Your order has been updated to the following status.

New status: processing

Please reply to this email if you have any questions.

I guess Greg thinks that by using Satanic hidden messages he can scare me. All I know is that the truth does and always will prevail.


Hazel Green, Alabama

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Sauk Village,

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, August 14, 2005

Well, since greg can't even respond to my post, I will post here. Greg, you keep saying that most of these claims are bogus and you go out of your way to point out the ones that are. It's funny that you have not filed a rebuttal on my post. Is that b/c mine is not bogus? I don't give a f**k how many cars you have, how many girls you've screwed, whatever. All you need to do is respond professionally to your customers and not be a little rich snob trying to impress people with your money. Once again greg, my order number is 6953, either let me know when my order will be here or my refund. How patient do I have to be? I ordered the thing in the middle of june. Respond if you got any balls.


Hazel Green,
Greg refunds money via CC

#3Author of original report

Thu, August 11, 2005

Got home today and my husband was checking our banking transactions and low and behold Greg of NWGA had sent me a refund. Funny that a man that claims I'm twisted and a liar would all of the sudden find my order information and be able to refund me the money that he's owed me for 9 months now. I guess we all see now just who the liar really is. Otherwise how did he have all the information that he needed in order to refund the money to the right bank account???? I still intend on going after Greg legally. Next time maybe he'll watch what he sends somebody via email. Especially if they're threatening emails. Bank Transaction Found Today: TRANSACTION DETAIL Account: ************************* Merchant Information Merchant Detail NORTHWEST GLASS ART LYNNWOOD , WA 98036 Reference Number N/A Transaction Date 08/09/2005 Amount ($80.00) Sales Tax $0.00 Purchase ID Posted On 08/09/2005 Transaction Type Misc. Credits MCC 5971 Merchant ID 267827548889 Country Code US - UNITED STATES Merchant Location LYNNWOOD , WA 98036 So maybe the way to get your money back with this guy is to back him into a corner. I emailed him daily for months and months and refused to let this crook get away with treating me like dirt. Good luck to everybody else that he's done this too and stay strong. If word of mouth is the best advertising available then Greg's screwed in the near future. Nobody wants to do business with someone that treats his customers so badly. So pass the word along not to do business with NWGA and maybe that'll teach him to grow up and start acting like the business man he's supposed to be.


Hazel Green,
Greg must have a split personality

#4Author of original report

Thu, August 11, 2005

All I have to say to that Greg is that I've saved every email that you've sent me on a floppy disc. I've also sent your email to 3 others posted on RipOffReport.com so that they could veiw what kind of sick individual you really are. I have also sent your email to a number of friends that have saved the email in their computers and on floppy also just in case something WEIRD happens to my computer through your emails. Are you really so stupid that you don't think that your emails can and will be traced right out of my hard drive straight back to you? As far as court Greg you're full of it and simply because if I showed all these emails to a court of law with your hidden messages of "Liber Legis" and "V V V V V" you would surely be shown as the thief, liar and split personality that you really are. One minute your telling me that I never ordered from your business and the next minute your telling me that you'll refund my money via CC. Your best bet is to just shut up while your ahead because you've stuck your foot in your mouth too many times already concerning your business tactics. Like the comments about how it's "All thanks to people like me", that you drive a 2006 mercedes benz etc.. Basically admitting that you take pleasure in ripping people off because you haven't lost that much business anyway etc. ha ha ha. Sound familiar Greg? Grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tastey tid bit

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 11, 2005

I have tried to write to ripoffreport.com in hopes of resolving all of this, these are there reply's "Obviously you are the subject of some Rip-off Report(s)" "Here is novel idea for you. Why not rectify the situation with your customer(s)" Oh is that how I get a response? Thanks for the smart a*s response. Real professional. Won't even sign your name, coward. I have tried to tell you I have proof that 30+ of these claims have either not been charged or are duplicates of the same complaint. Why not investigate the validity of the claims made? I could go on here and lambaste my competetition and they couldn't do a thing. Your medium is grossly unfair to certain legitimate businesses. I have undeniable proof that exonerates the majority of these claims. Why not allow me to prove that I am legitimate? And how the hell am I supposed to know these claims even exist unless I stumble onto it. I'm sure in most cases your service is a blessing. In this case you are allowing people with NO legitimate beef with me, slander and defame my business. I hope you underestimate me.... To that the reply was "you need rehab." lol thanks for the valuable info. i now have a place to start. you are as crooked as most of the busineses you target. for the simple fact YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE INNOCENT GUY. THE GUY WHO RIPPED NO ONE OFF. AND IS BEING SLANDERED AND DEFAMED IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU DESERVE IN COURT! Response by ripoffreport.com "Obviously you are the subject of some Rip-off Report(s)" "Here is novel idea for you. Why not rectify the situation with your customer(s)" I realize alot of you will find this humorous, it's not. I could go on here and say anything about anyone. And there is nothing that person or business can do. They simply do not care if there is a mistake made. Or if it's just someone being malicious. It's guilty until proven guilty here. How very un-American. I am joining the countless other businesses in one of the many class action lawsuit against these guy's. Let's see if I get results from that. As far as you Elisa, you've got no beef. I sent you a refund. But you want to keep it up with me...Well here you win, because you are allowed to write any ridiculous claim you want. But when we go to court in Alabama, it will be quite different. Proof will reign supreme. And you have no proof to back up any of your slanderous allegation's. I will own you in a court room. As youre going to find out. Sad that I have to even say this again, but I have NEVER had contact with this person outside of this forum. Those supossed e-mails from me are straight from her twisted head.

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