  • Report:  #1241947

Complaint Review: OATS Transportation - Springfield

Reported By:
Kristen - Buffalo, Missouri, USA

OATS Transportation
2909 N Martin Ave Springfield, 65803 USA
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I sent this review in the form of an email to OATS in hopes they would finally take responsibility for the injuries they have caused and pay the bills. They have ignored the email. I posted this as a comment on their Facebook page. They ignored me and deleted the comment. I then posted this as a review on their Facebook page. OATS cannot delete reviews on Facebook so they turned off the review feature in order to hide this information from the public. They are willing to do anything and everything to avoid taking responsibility for injuries and bills their blatant disregard for my safety caused. Please note that it has been over three months since OATS injured me. They have had more than enough time and multiple opportunities to take responsibility for the injuries they have caused. They refuse.

A driver, Doug Cornwell of Buffalo, Missouri, blatantly ignored safety regulations and injured me. OATS lied about it. In an attempt to save his own rear end the diver lied to try and get me in trouble so I would be kicked off the bus. He pulled this scam hours before I was even dropped off at my home the day I was injured. He teamed up with another rider to try and pull this off. Something they both did to try and get another rider in trouble to cover the drivers behind for other infractions and reports about poor driving. When that didn't work he lied and said I stood up while the bus was in motion. I was already standing up, as was the woman behind me, when the driver first punched the gas and then slammed on the breaks. I requested OATS's insurance information 5 times. OATS ignored me 5 times. Jeff Robinson, the SW regional manager of OATS, said at a public meeting OATS would pay my medical bills. That is a lie. OATS has repeatedly refused to pay the bc Medicare and Medicaid paid the bills. YOUR TAX DOLLARS PAID THE BILLS OATS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR!!! Jeff Robinson, the SW regional manager of OAT Transit also said there were no witnesses to the incident. That is a lie and he knows it because he interviewed a witness that told him exactly what happened. Later, other people recalled being aware that it happened. OATS also denies this. On top of all this OATS tried to blame all of this on me and then they turned around and kicked me off the bus for it. The SW regional manager stated at a public meeting that I am not kicked off the bus. However; the driver is telling everyone that the SW regional manager said if I called to schedule a ride to just not pick me up. I can't say for certain Jeff Robinson, the SW regional manager of OATS actually said this but I have no doubt the driver, Doug Cornwell of Buffalo, MO, said it. This same driver claims another rider has body odor and that Jeff Robinson, the SW regional manager of OATS has told him if that rider calls to just not go pick him up. I have heard the words come out of the driver's (Doug Cornwell of Buffalo, MO) mouth myself as have others. How many more people are they doing this to? I'm certain they will both deny it. It is the OATS way to lie, malign, and gaslight the victims that speak out. However; countless people have heard these things said. They can't all be liars.

I am not and never was out for a big payday here. From day one all I ever wanted and asked was that OATS to pay the medical bills they caused by ignoring safety regulations. They will not even do the right and moral thing and own up and pay the bills they caused. I am now seeking compensation for pain and suffering. I ave been left hanging for over three months. Unable to get proper treatment their blatant disregard for safety procedures caused. Had I gotten treatment immediately I may not have had to suffer for over three months. OATS doesn't care in the least that they injured me. OATS does not care in the least that they caused me pain that day. OAYS does not care in the least that I have had pain for over three months. OATS does not care that I cannot get treatment.OATS does not care in the least that if I do not get treatment that I will continue to be in pain. This is the moral fiber Dorothy Yeager, Executive Director of OATS get me kicked off the bus to cover his cowardly rear end to  Transportation,  Jeff Robinson South West Regional Manager of OATS Transportation, and Doug Cornwell the driver for OATS Transportation that blatantly ignored safety regulations, injured me, tried to and did hide what he did, and continues to lie, refuse to take responsibility, and malign me to other riders and to community members that have no involvement with OATS at all. That alone is a violation of HIPAA law. OATS also lies, denies, and cover up that this has and is transpiring.    

The abuses that have gone on on the Dallas Co route have been endless. Drivers, past and present, lying to get riders in trouble. Drivers, past and present, pairing up with riders and ganging up on other riders. Drivers, past and present, giving out riders personal information. Verbal abuse. Emotional abuse. Mental abuse. Financial exploitation. As well as just all around nastiness to riders by drivers that cannot be categorized. It's disgusting and it all needs to stop. Someone seriously needs to put an end to it. No one at OATS cares. Multiple people have made multiple reports to Jeff Robinson, the SW regional manager of OATS, Dorothy Yeager, the executive director of OATS Transportation, as well as previous drivers. All reports have been ignored. The same mistreatments and abuses have been repeatedly reported multiple times over the course of the last ten years. That alone lends credibility to the validity of the reports. OATS has never done anything to stop the mistreatment and abuses that have and continue to occur. No one has ever taken the time to thoroughly investigate anything. Riders are frightened to report honestly because the OATS way is to go after the people that speak out. These are people with no other transportation options so they have to keep quiet or they will lose this service. OATS knows this. This is the way they want it. Reports have been made over the last ten years that have been completely ignored. Nothing has ever been done about the abuse of riders. Nothing has changed. It never stops. Do not let your loved ones ride with these people. They are incredibly abusive and no one cares. Transport your family members yourself or find them another option. Keep yourself and family safe. Don't ride with OATStansit.org

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5 Updates & Rebuttals

A Follow Up From the OP

#2Author of original report

Mon, February 15, 2016

The original accident took place in April. OATS ignored me for months until I posted this report. Here it is 10 months after their driver injured me, 8 months after I posted this and OATS responded to this report and to this day OATS has not given a darn, will not return my phone calls, their employee(s) continue to violate my HIPAA rights, and they have done NOTHING to take care of or resolve anything! Oh, wait yes they did! They kicked me off the bus! Amazing how suddenly, the very day the driver injures me due to his blatantly ignoring the safety regulations I am supposedly a huge problem.

The only other time I had a problem with an OATS employee was 7 years prior (as did many other riders) with a driver I caught red handed making up lies about myself and others riders to get us in trouble with, Jeff Robinson, the regional manager.  A driver who also violated my HIPAA rights by going to a community service agency, telling outright lies for the sole purpose of starting trouble, then giving the head of said agency my phone number so she could call and scream at me. We had multiple drivers in between and never once did I have an issue. Not. Even. Once.

Well, OATS clearly, doesn't give a darn. However; Senator Blunt does care and his office has contacted me. Months and months ago when OATS would not return my calls, emails, or even messages from my medical providers I decided to start contacting the people that fund them. I explained everything that was in my original post and requested they not fund OATS until the change their policy of ignoring all reports of riders being treated in an abusive manner, that they stop ignoring riders they injure, and that the HIPAA violations stop. A 13 year old child was raped for three years by an OATS driver. OATS was aware it was happening and ignored it. (I linked to the case in a previous post) They were sued and lost.

Still, even that horrific case was not enough to end their policy of do nothing. Maybe not receiving funding from the state, the people they serve, the very same people they ignore when they are mistreated and injured, until they revamp their policies and put a system in place to address these issues and actually put a stop to them will make them wake up and learn how to treat people with decency and respect. I am really looking forward to meeting and talking with Senator Blunt. The senator cannot intervene on my behalf in regards to the injury caused by the driver due to his blatant refuseal to follow saftey procedures. I finally have an appiontment with an attorney for that. The rest of the information in my report he can do something about as it is the U. S. Senate that votes on whom and whom not to fund. 

I've been vilified by some OATS employees for how hard I have pushed this and they have very publicly let that be known. (Yet another violation of HIPAA law and my rights) None of this had to happen. Had OATS simply taken responsibility for what I and eyewitnesses told them happened At Any Time Since It Happened 10 MONTHS AGO I would not have needed to push the issue.

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A Follow Up From the OP

#3Author of original report

Thu, February 11, 2016


The original accident took place in April. OATS ignored me for months until I posted this report. Here it is 10 months after their driver injured me, 8 months after I posted this and OATS responded to this report and to this day OATS has not given a d**n, will not return my phone calls, their employee(s) continue to violate my HIPAA rights, and they have done NOTHING to take care of or resolve anything! Oh, wait yes they did! They kicked me off the bus! Amazing how suddenly, the very day the driver injures me due to his blatantly ignoring the safety regulations I am supposedly a huge problem. The only other time I had a problem with an OATS employee was 7 years prior with a driver I caught red handed making up lies about myself and others riders to get us in trouble with, Jeff Robinson, the regional manager and who also violate my HIPAA rights by going to a community service agency, telling outright lies for the sole purpose of starting trouble, then giving the head of that agency my phone number so she could call and scream at me. We had multiple drivers in between and never once did I have an issue. Not once.

Well, OATS clearly, doesn't give a d**n. However; Senator Blunt does care and his office has contacted me. Months and months ago when OATS would not return my calls, emails, or even messages from my medical providers I decided to start contacting the people that fund them. I explained everything that was in my original post and requested they not fund OATS until the change their policy of ignoring all reports of riders being treated in an abusive manner, that they stop ignoring riders they injure, and that the HIPAA violations stop. A 13 year old child was raped for three years by an OATS driver. OATS was aware it was happening and ignored it. (I linked to the case in a previous post) They were sued and lost. Still, even that horrific case was not enough to end their policy of do nothing. Maybe not receiving funding from the state, the people they serve, the very same people they ignore when they are mistreated and injured, until they revamp their policies and put a system in place to address these issues and actually put a stop to them will make them wake up and learn how to treat people with decency and respect. I am really looking forward to meeting and talking with Senator Blunt. 

I've been vilified by some OATS employees for how hard I have pushed this and they have very publicly let that be known. (Yet another violation of HIPAA law and my rights) None of this had to happen. Had OATS simply taken responsibility for what I and eyewitnesses told them happened At Any Time Since It Happened 10 MONTHS AGO I would not have needed to push the issue.

ADDENDUM to My First Rebuttal

#4Author of original report

Thu, July 16, 2015

**Please take note that just hours after the driver, Doug Cornwell, injured me due to his blatantly  ignoring the safety procedures the driver told another rider I would no longer be riding the bus. The driver has since told other riders and members of the community that have nothing to do with OATS that Jeff Robinson, the SW regional manager, told him that if I called and requested service to not pick me up. I have been barred from riding since the day this happened. Yet, I have never received a complaint or report that I did anything wrong. I never received notice that I was barred from the bus. I requested information and a form be sent to me so that I could appeal being kicked off the OATS bus. I was ignored. OATS has gone to great lengths to ignore the incident, ignore me, and then refuse service to me or an incident they claim never happened. 

Talk Is Cheap

#5Author of original report

Thu, July 16, 2015

This incident happened over three months ago. I contacted OATS multiple times. I requested the insurance information multiple times. OATS refused to pay. Medicare and MO Healthnet paid the bill. I still need treatment. I have had had issues and pain for three months. That deserves compensation. I never wanted that initally but since you have refused to take resposnblity and knowingly left me in pain for months I now am.  I just contacted OATS on Saturday the 11th. 4 business days have passed. No one responded.

There have been multiple reports of the mistreatment. abuse, financial exploitation, and HIPAA violations over the years. All of which have been ignored and nothing has ever been done. If this is being investigated one would think talking to riders that made the complaints would be in order. No such thing has ever happened. Not recently and not when the reports were filed. Multiple people have come to me telling me OATS is looking for information that maligns me though. 

OATS cannot be trusted to investigate themselves. Part of the allegations are that OATS does not do anything. Not when it happens. Not when it is reported. They ignore it. OATS simply says the riders are lying, they blame the riders, and nothing gets done about it.  This is not a new allegation. In my desperate attempts to get OATS to take responsibility I found they have been sued for exactly what I am now alleging.  In 2010 OATS was named a co-defendant in a sexual abuse/rape case. This case can easily be found online by Googling:  "New sex lawsuit targets Columbia-based agency"

I have contacted an attorney that was involved in the case. 





Dorothy Yeager

OATS Response to Alleged Injury

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, July 16, 2015

OATS is a private, nonprofit charity providing transportation in 87 counties in Missouri. Last year, we provided service to over 30,000 people. We employ 650 people, most of whom are seniors and/or veterans.

We also utilize over 1,000 volunteers to help us with scheduling and fund raising. OATS has been providing service since 1971 and we have an outstanding reputation in the state and are proud of what our volunteers and drivers are able to do for the residents of Missouri.

Regarding this complaint, we are aware of the alleged injury and have filed it with our insurance company for resolution. I am personally following up with our insurance provider to assure this rider is taken care of.

There is no evidence of any abuse of riders nor would anything like that ever be allowed. We are doing a thorough investigation of the Dallas County OATS Bus including the installation of security cameras for remote monitoring.

I respectfully ask this individual to please contact the OATS Home Office for further information and guidance on this issue.

Dorothy Yeager, Executive Director, OATS, Inc.

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