Hartford,#2Consumer Comment
Sat, August 17, 2002
Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow?
I am happy to discover today that you are still actively monitoring this website, and continuing to disinform, intimidate and confuse. But that is okay . . . for now. First, you know that your supposed employer, Moss, Codilis, has been pounded in federal court at least two times in the past two years and has had to settle claims for violating federal collection laws. Anyone can confirm that by searching in
Secondly, you know the incestuous relationship between Moss, Codilis and OCWEN (the entity we are all complaining about here). If Ocwen is not worried about our class action lawsuit, why is John (OTX Prez.) sending press releases to the U.K. saying the Hanson Lawsuit has no merit?
For my part, I did not seek to intimidate you by my post to your Employee Rebuttal about the forebearance plans. I simply meant to say what is true: that the truth will ultimately come out. If I was a deadbeat, hey, then Moss, Codilis was justified in trying to collect Ocwen's monies. If on the other hand myself and all these other consumers have been unfairly ripped off, then I know, HOPE, that even you have kids, or relatives elsewhere in the U.S. and that you would NEVER want them to suffer the emotional distress, self-confusion, financial disruption and hurt that Ocwen has inflicted upon us.
Actually, because I fundamentally believe that there is a GOD up in Heaven who sees everything all the time, I will pray that He touches your heart. The Apostle Paul was a murderer, but he was transformed into the greatest Christian messenger of all time. The Apostle/Disciple Peter three times LIED about his connection to Jesus Christ, yet today he is revered as the first Pope. Maybe you too, either because you will see the tide running against you, or because of a genuine faith conversion, will come out vocally and acknowledge that it is UNAMERICAN to exploit folk who already have insufficient or poor credit, folk who faithfully send in their checks and wire transfers every month. I mean i know it is probably "funny" to exploit unsophisticated borrowers and so forth, but have you ever been hurt by some salesperson? Have your kids or siblings ever been maltreated by some bully or the cops? Has some unknown serial killer ever struck fear into your heart as he terrorized the state? Think about how you felt, and then see if you can identity with some of us Ocwen victims.
Perhaps I exaggerated about having heard from real Ocwen employees, past and present. So we do not have Ocwen insiders. But it still does not change anything. We still know from the complaints posted at this site that there are many victims, and perhaps we will be able to find out who they are through discovery, since this website does not allow us to find out anyone else's address or email and people are not apparently seeing our Class Action Notice.
I will leave any future rebuttals to my lawyers; they are the ones who are going to battle. They are the ones who have THREE SWORN STATEMENTS submitted by three separate Ocwen borrowers who have visited this website. God Bless You (for REAL) and God Bless the U.S.A.
Houston,#3Consumer Comment
Sat, August 17, 2002
Hello good people this Mary who works for this law firm name Moss Codilis Law firm is a Houston lawyer that needs to be reported to the Texas Bar for fraudulent activities as mail fraud, wire fraud and all the other RICO acts that law firm is committing to fraud all of us who are citizens of the United States of America out of our dream homes we have worked so long and hard for.
See most of this company asset will be moving to India which is very true in the months ahead and that is not far away. I am wandering is this tied to terror illegal activities.
No, we are not going to take what Ocwen Federal Bank, no any law firm who is obstructing justice with them any longer. That is why every consumer out there that reads this report need to join our class action lawsuit and let our voice be heard. Let's makes Ocwen pay for our pain, suffering, humiliation, despair and any other hardship they are accountable for.
I am one of the consumer who they allowed another person illegal obtain a home that I purchased in 1980 , I only refinance my property with New Century Mortgage in 8/1998 and then the property was transferred to this Ocwen Federal Bank in July 2001 which the problems begin and all the every did was threaded was foreclosure even as I made my payment.
Now, since I was only getting an equity loan on this property and trying to refinance it a Irene Codover who wrote for this Moss Codilis allowed a man to make illegal payments on my account and assume a loan in my name with out my permission , they allowd him to steal my property and as of this date this law firm has allowed this man to pay on an account still in my name without my consent.
My equity in this home was over $50,000. I only owed $38,000 left on this home. I have not paid on this property since April of 2002. I asked and has a phone bill over $400.00 worth of calls to Ocwen and this Moss Codilis law firm. No I never did get any kid of assistance.
So, every one out there don't let this organization get away with their illegal activities, lets them be held accountable and let see how this new Fraud bill works. Let see who will go to jail from this racketeering outfit. Let them make news just like the ERRON firm who stole millions from the poor. Ocwen has stolen millions and surely Mary they has not paid the poor. So, Mary get ready for to help them to defend their and this law firm wrong doing and yours also. Every attorney working for this corruption outfit needs to be disbarred for these fraudulent activities
McHenry,,#4Consumer Comment
Fri, August 16, 2002
To Jennice -
I was the one that made the "turnip truck" comment, but I agree with your response whole heartedly. Mary has shown the TRUE colors of the people we are forced to deal with at Ocwen.
Mary -
I humbly beg to differ with your assessment of what Ocwen is/does. According to the provisions of my original mortgage contract, it was made null and void when it was transferred into HUD assignment. When that happened, I signed all the paperwork with HUD for them to service my mortgage. Yet when it was SOLD to Ocwen, NOT given to them to "service", I never received a contract to sign. If my original bank is no longer the lien holder, HUD is no longer the lien holder, then who is if not Ocwen? I was forced to put Ocwen on my homeowner's insurance policy as the lien holder. If Ocwen is only servicing this loan for a larger bank, shouldn't that bank's name be there instead of Ocwen's as the TRUE holder of the lien? Somewhat deceptive in my opinion.
As for Ocwen not wanting our homes, then please explain why, when I repeatedly tried to work out arrangements for the arrearages, was I met with nothing but refusal on Ocwen's part? I had to file for bankruptcy to stop foreclosure proceedings after only 2-1/2 months of my loan being sold to Ocwen. Even then, Ocwen would not cooperate. They failed to file as the lien holder when notified by the courts. HUD was contacted since Ocwen failed to, and my attorney was told that Ocwen was the lien holder. When they did file, they filed incorrectly and were denied. They applied correctly the second time after my lawyer threatened to file a motion. It took Ocwen a year past the due date for all filings before they were added. Yet the whole time, they were sending monthly statements and accepting payments from me while the arrearages accrued more interest. This is an honest attempt to help us?
I'm sorry, but I can only chuckle at the irony of you complaining about having to pay a fee to post here. Now you see what it's like for those of us who pay all the fees for bogus late payments, etc.
orlando,#5UPDATE Employee
Thu, August 15, 2002
Just letting everyone know "mary" is an LRC for Moss Codilis in Orlando for Ocwen. They are the ones that pretend to be lawyers and put you on bogus payment plans to bleed you dry.
Mary, these are not all deadbeats. You say to them "pay your mortgage" I say, they do, but Moss/Ocwen/Ocron do not post their payments or they put them in "suspense" accounts and wait for them to be pass due and slap late fees, late charges..."FUTURE LATE CHARGES" ETC, ETC, ETC onthe until it is put in FC process. Ocron gets lucky that some people don't know their rights and they get away with a few people's houses. Then they call them deadbeats. it is a natural reaction for a crook to post the blame on those that are telling the the truth.
You don't need to defend the company anymore "mary" as your job wil be in India soon anyway. Just a last ditch effort for Ocron to get rid of Moss Codilis and leave them out to dry in the class action suit.
Bel Air,#6Consumer Suggestion
Thu, August 15, 2002 DID fall off of a turnip truck yesterday. Calling the victims stupid??? You need to go back to grade school and take basic english...your grammer and spelling is deplorable!!! But somehow I don't think you know what that means. If you are in fact employed by Ocwen's legal department, or the lawyers that represent them, that is simply a POOR reflection on them....and THAT we know about!
Bel Air,#7Consumer Suggestion
Thu, August 15, 2002 DID fall off of a turnip truck yesterday. Calling the victims stupid??? You need to go back to grade school and take basic english...your grammer and spelling is deplorable!!! But somehow I don't think you know what that means. If you are in fact employed by Ocwen's legal department, or the lawyers that represent them, that is simply a POOR reflection on them....and THAT we know about!
Bel Air,#8Consumer Suggestion
Thu, August 15, 2002 DID fall off of a turnip truck yesterday. Calling the victims stupid??? You need to go back to grade school and take basic english...your grammer and spelling is deplorable!!! But somehow I don't think you know what that means. If you are in fact employed by Ocwen's legal department, or the lawyers that represent them, that is simply a POOR reflection on them....and THAT we know about!
Bel Air,#9Consumer Suggestion
Thu, August 15, 2002 DID fall off of a turnip truck yesterday. Calling the victims stupid??? You need to go back to grade school and take basic english...your grammer and spelling is deplorable!!! But somehow I don't think you know what that means. If you are in fact employed by Ocwen's legal department, or the lawyers that represent them, that is simply a POOR reflection on them....and THAT we know about!
Orlando,#10UPDATE Employee
Thu, August 15, 2002
to the attorney
DO YOU THINK YOU SCARE ME? cause you don't
99.9% of the complaints on this site are by dead beats who don't have a clue how to manage there finaces and all you are doing is collecting all of your retainer fees
Get a real life and a real job,
also go ahead and verify if I work for Ocwen,
cause I don't but I do work for the Law firm the represents them in foreclosure action, and trust me we are there to help these folks save their houses If you read a mortgage note, you know you have one right as a borrower if you get behind, and that is the right to REINSTATE your account in full (which to all of the stupid people on this site that means that you pay the total amount PAST due on your acct in one pmt at one time)
the bank does not have to offer you a pmt plan and does this a courtsey to help you keep your home,believe it or not we ARE all people to, this is just our job. so why don;t you all just work it out and realize that you can't live anywhere for FREE
you signed a note agreeing to make a pmt each month on a certain date and that if you didn't you would pay the late fees incurred and any legal fees if your account was accelarated and foreclosure was started, maybe you should have read what you signed, before you signed it.
Simple solution MAKE your Mortgage pmts in a timley manor, and if you can't take all steps needed to get it current as quickly as you can, a simple phone call to explain you situation often helps
No one is here to take your home.
oh, by the way Ocwen is not a Lender they service accounts for other large banks do you really think that the other companys would transfer accounts to a servicer that would not handle the account apropriatley?
and PSS the whole fact that this site wants to charge anyone who works for the company they are bashing 20.00 per response (for more then 4 responses) should tell you all who is really corrupt you would think that they would want us to respondto you, and give you sone info that you may not get otherwise
McHenry,#11Consumer Comment
Fri, August 02, 2002
I went into HUD assignment after the flooding in '93. They did not DECREASE my payments, they actually increased them. Some help!
HUD sold my mortgage to Ocwen in 1996 after the 3 year period. This is what HUD does't Tell You:
Hud will pay your interest and taxes ONLY. The remainder of the monies, which should really have been your interest, they consider as "administrative fees".
So when the mortgage was sold, it was instantly and knowling in arrears by all both parties. I found this out the hard way when I got my one and only statement from HUD AFTER the mortgage was sold. You better check up on your facts before you make blanket statements.
My first statement from Ocwen was for the FULL amount of the interest arrearage PLUS the first months payment at the increased payment rate HUD had decided on. Not what my original payment should have been. I called and explained the situation asking if there was some way to work this out. What break did I get? A notice of foreclosure from your charming bank forcing me into backruptcy to keep my home.
I also had to sign a forebearance agreement and am sent those annoying financial disclosure packets every 6 months. I fill them out, but they never seem to arrive there. Including ones that are sent certified, return receipt requested. They vanish into thin air.
As for your fellow employees. With all the lies I've been told, I think you must all take a course in Deception 101. I was actually told and expected to believe that there are NO officers at your bank. Puleeeeze! I didn't fall off a turnip truck yesterday. I was raised by the CEO, CFO and COB of a bank. I grew up with a full working knowlege of an HONEST bank. Oh, that charming phone number you are given on this site by fellow employees sends you right into customer service. You are never allowed to talk to anyone with any authority. So how can any dispute be resolved?
As for you saying the other responder was never an employee. How would you know for sure? Perhaps he did only work there for a short time because his concious got to him after deceiving people into false security and telling lies constantly. Some people hold themselves to high moral standards. Unfortunately, your employer doesn't.
Philadelphia,#12Consumer Comment
Wed, July 31, 2002
Mary you are WRONG! Ocwen purchased my house from HUD and paid $25,000. They did not pay HUD for the past Forebarence agreement, so why did the first bill from Ocwen demanded I pay $10,000????
Yet I never used $10,000.00 worth of back mortgage payments! HUD records prove that!
Ocwen fought our Chapter 13 for the Forebarence agreement. It took a judge to shut them up! I have document that a bogus and three amounts due on a foreclosed home.
Face it Mary, the employer you work for are Crooks! Everyone can be charged on the Corp. Fraud Bill passed by Bush on July 30. And yes the IRS are aware of the three different amounts requested by Ocwen on a home they foreclosed on and purchased from the Sheriff sale.
Ocwen accused me of not paying the taxes, fire insurance, and not keeping up with the property! LIES! Now look who is letting the house rot! Ocwen is, by letting it sit half boarded up for over two years!
Maybe the city will foreclose and take Ocwen to court! HaHa
Kweku Hanson
Hartford,#13Consumer Comment
Sun, July 28, 2002
Mary in Orlando. Don't be too quick to assume that there are no HONEST Ocwen employees and ex-employees who are genuinely interested in informing and helping Ocwen borrowers who have been victimized over and over again by this predatory company.
How do I know? I am THE lead plaintiff in the first of a wave of class actions which are percolating against Ocwen. I am also a lawyer who has handled such class actions against other companies in the past. You don't have to take my word for it, but I can assure you, the lawyers handling my lawsuit have heard from real Ocwen employees and verified their status. So keep being deluded into thinking that this company, which has repeatedly raped consumers, will continue to thumb its nose at federal and state laws. OTS, FRB, Connecticut's well-known, pro-consumer Attorney General, and several other entities are looking at Ocwen under the microscope. Go and read about what happened to Ocwen UK, or better yet what happened right here in the U.S.A. to First Alliance, and you will get goose bumps bigger than ostrich eggs.
Plus, don't think you can post anonymously to this site. In due course, the wonderful device called "Discovery" (and you know I am not talkig about the Space Shuttle), will expose you and all other persons paid to perpetuate the misery of consumers nationwide. My Mom used to say: "A warning to the "wise" . . . .
Orlando,#14UPDATE Employee
Sat, July 27, 2002
The following is a REBUTTAL from an OCWEN employee....
When you went to HUD, what you were not told is that any amount of your contractual payment that you were not making was basicaly a loan to you from the US Gov. and due to the fact that it was less then yur normal payment your due date of your loan could not be advanced
if your pmt was 850.00 and you were paying 500.00 then the government gave you 350.00 each month times that by 36 months (3 years) and you have 12,600.00 add to that the late fee that was charged to your acct each month for the entire 3 years (which is usually 10% of your payment, but may be lower according to your Mortgage Note) if it is 10% that 85.00 per month which is 3,060.00 for the 3 year period wehich is now a total of 15,660.00 times the interest rate of your loan
If you call Ocwen they WILL give you the exact breakdown of how your account transferred to them from HUD and you will understand that Ocwen did not do this to you but HUD did so thank the US government for your headaces and by the way you have up to 10 years to pay that amount back after you loan matures ocwen offers payment plans so that you may accutually owe your HOME when you are supposed to
P.S. however this "Bruce" guy is who is responding to this web site is a LIAR no one who has ever worked for this company would ever go on this site and spread such information unless they only were there for a Day and never really knew how a Mortgage works
Orlando,#15UPDATE EX-employee responds
Mon, July 15, 2002
As a former employee, I understand the frustration with forbearance plans. There were many different departments that would set up these plans, but no one new how to handle them. If you owed extra money, we would try to collect it monthly (depending on your income). If at the end of your plan, you still owed money, your balance would be due. Not all plans were successful. This would be more confusing if you had a simple interest loan or a variable rate.
Orlando,#16UPDATE EX-employee responds
Mon, July 15, 2002
As a former employee, I understand the frustration with forbearance plans. There were many different departments that would set up these plans, but no one new how to handle them. If you owed extra money, we would try to collect it monthly (depending on your income). If at the end of your plan, you still owed money, your balance would be due. Not all plans were successful. This would be more confusing if you had a simple interest loan or a variable rate.
Orlando,#17UPDATE EX-employee responds
Mon, July 15, 2002
As a former employee, I understand the frustration with forbearance plans. There were many different departments that would set up these plans, but no one new how to handle them. If you owed extra money, we would try to collect it monthly (depending on your income). If at the end of your plan, you still owed money, your balance would be due. Not all plans were successful. This would be more confusing if you had a simple interest loan or a variable rate.
Orlando,#18UPDATE EX-employee responds
Mon, July 15, 2002
As a former employee, I understand the frustration with forbearance plans. There were many different departments that would set up these plans, but no one new how to handle them. If you owed extra money, we would try to collect it monthly (depending on your income). If at the end of your plan, you still owed money, your balance would be due. Not all plans were successful. This would be more confusing if you had a simple interest loan or a variable rate.