  • Report:  #60016

Complaint Review: Ocwen Federal Bank - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- Orlando, Florida,

Ocwen Federal Bank
12650 Ingenuity Drive Orlando, 32826 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Im making a list & checking it twice. To reveal to you all who is naughty or nice. Ocwen is spelled New Company Backwards; well that's how they run their business as well "backwards".

As a current employee of Ocwen Federal Bank, I too have seen the injustices displayed by the management at the company. As a rebuttal to the prior entry regarding Mr.Melchionna and Ms. Becker. I would have to admit this is 100% ACURATE!!!

So let's spill the beans,,Here we go! Mr.M is a lazy, non-helpful hypocrite! On the prior entry it spoke about him favoring a certain female GL. Lets call her Mrs.M! The pregnant one. This is witnessed by all but admitted by none! Why? Because Ocwen Federal Bank enjoys firing those who speak the truth and work hard. And the employees who suck up enough remain SAFE!

He let's her do whatever she wants, this includes making her own schedule, leaving whenever she wants, and allowing her to treat her employees in an unprofessional and condescending manner! Several employees conducted a test to see how many times Mr. M would stop by Mrs. Ms desk, bring her gifts, smoke his cigarettes, and drink coffee. They lost track after 4 hours of repetitive actions. "If current employees are reading this, you try to keep track because all others failed! There is also an underground office pool!!

In addition Mr. M has never EVER helped an agent on the floor, unlike other past managers who have. Now back to his pet Mrs. M. She sits slouched in her chair so no one can see her, and pretty much her daily tasks are who to reprimand and who to write up. She is known as the Glass Room Reaper!

Lets move on to the other disgusting manager known as Miss B AKA backstabber! The tattooed one. This woman is a piece of work, she spends her day calculating who's gunna get it next, and makes it her mission. Unlike Mr. M she will help agents out, however as soon as she walks away goes on about how stupid they are, and how their day's are numbered. She openly speaks about her personal life and bad mouths upper management her recent slander was directed to our new Senior Manager.

Miss.B has rumored so much to her employees it's to the point where they dont want to hear it anymore! I suggest that any employees that read this posting please rebuttal if you AGREE.

Now lets move on to higher ground. Whos the man in the Glass Office? Have you ever seen him, talked to him? Has he ever stopped by your cubicle to help you? NOPE! I didnt think it was possible to work for a man who will never speak to you. If it werent for the glass office we would never even know what this man looks like. He is a name on a piece of paper. Now dont get me wrong there are some hard working people in collections. But the above-mentioned do not fall in this category! For the most part all others do try there hardest to assist the customers that Ocwen screw over, however we are met with many challenges.

We need to focus on replacing the existing management mentioned so these customers get the service they deserve and the employees get the respect they deserve. GO JETS! BUT HOW "BOUT DEM BUCKS. This has been brought to you by the coalition for a better work place! -h*o-h*o-h*o

P.S Why do the twizlers get stuck in the vending machine? And how come if we have all of these security cameras we cant find out who steals food and who smears their feces in the bathrooms.


Orlando, Florida

18 Updates & Rebuttals


New Santa Helper That Wants Ocwen To Get What They Deserve

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 11, 2004

I am a ex-employee of Ocwen (Thank God). I worked there for over 3 years and I would like to see Ocwen get what it deserves. They bully, intimadate, and harass their customers, they also treat their employees like garbage and layoff and fire all their employees and send their jobs to India so there they can pay people 20 cents an hour and also this way it makes it harder for customers to talk to anyone and understand so that they can mess with people's dreams and their houses. They need to be stopped, I hope that Mr Hanson's lawsuit is successful and every other class action so that Ocwen goes out of business and their big wigs get a taste of their own medicine.


..Not a great place to work. It is true that most of Ocwen's management is into "retaliation" & correcting the mistakes made in India..

#3UPDATE Employee

Sun, November 21, 2004

Anyone who has worked at Ocwen knows that it is not a great place to work. Some of us stay becuase we need the money and cannot leave because we would have to start at the bottom (again) at someplace new. But, some of stay because we want to make a difference. I've been there several years now, it's been growing on me and I may have to start looking for another job soon. But, I feel bad for the customers who have to go through un-needed stress due to Ocwen's incompetence. It is true that most of Ocwen's management is into "retaliation". There is no such thing at Ocwen as an open door policy, if an employee goes to a supervisor, manager or HR with a complaint, they know they are taking the chance that their desk is going to be cleared off the next day and then be walked out by security. An example of how upper management feels about it's hourly employees is in a meeting some months ago, Executive VP, Scott Anderson said, "They have 5 days off for being sick, that's too many already, they have enough time off." Employees get 5 sick days a year, that means that we can call out 5 times in 12 months, after that you start getting written up and 3 write ups after the first you get fired. I have seen so many good, smart and caring people be pushed out. There are not many of us left because most of Ocwen's loan servicing is in India. There were about 800 of us in Orlando and WPB 3 years ago, now we number about 100, if that. We spend most of our time correcting the mistakes that India makes, and arguing with them about procedures. It's very tiring. Ocwen's left hand does not know what it's right hand is doing, and neither one cares. Just get the numbers up, at whatever cost. Maybe one day the government will come in an shut it down. But, last I heard Ocwen's thinking about getting rid of their "Federal Bank" status, probably because they don't like to answer to those pesky auditors.


That is Not True

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, November 20, 2004

I was put into foreclosure and I was not more than 3 months behind. I admit I was behind on my payments but not 3 months. I did send in 3 months worth of payments to try to catch up on what I was behind. After that I received a letter stating they were not accepting my payment. On the day that letter was dated the first payment I missed was only 84 days late. That is close but not 3 months behind and they obviously received it before that because they had to have time to create and mail the letter. I was not even asking for any kind of special treatment. I sent in 3 months worth of my reguar monthly payments plus the late fees. When I was served with forecloseure papers they were dated the day after the letter stating they were not accepting my payment.

Ex Top Dog

People Get with it....

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 20, 2004

Folks, if you are paying your mortgage as agreed you shouldn't and wouldn't be losing your homes. Take some ownership for your actions or circumstances. If you weren't late you wouldn't have to pay fees. If you weren't more than three months behind you wouldn't be in foreclosure. Grow up or go rent somewhere and be evicted for not paying rent.


San Diego,
No one cares about your petty and stupit little complaints!

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, November 19, 2004

No one cares about who is doing who at this thieving company. We had hoped that we could get just a few of you to provide some damaging inside information about the ones who make and break the rules. that could help in court. Many of us have our own proof of fraud and theft but we need more inside, morale people that are willing stand up and put an end to this ubsurdity. Remember they are taking homes from children and their families even when they have done nothing wrong at all. The money needs to be returned and Erby and Farris need to be investigated ASAP along with their other cronies. Someday they will get just what they deserve! In abundance!


Santa Forgot

#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 17, 2004



Santa Is Back!

#8UPDATE Employee

Thu, November 11, 2004

Chrismas is right around the corner, what type of gifts will Ocwen bestoy on us this year? More termination? More Layoff's? Humm maybe just some more good ole harrasment from tattooed prego's or kiss ups! Traci wanted a manager gone,,she kissed managments butt so much it finally happened, doesnt she seem so much happier? Going around saying this is my floor, iv'e taken it back. Not that Tom was a good manager but still this just shows you the degree of manipulation & persuasion. Let's move on to one of the lead kiss butts there. Andrea (make sure you say it correctly). She is responsible for SO MANY TERMINATIONS. Good people. Hard working people. She get's off on being a fire starter to stay face. She is trying to climb the ladder backwards, dont worry sista you'll get yours too. No-one is safe no matter how much butt you kiss. Ocwen is like high school. Traci is the lead cheerleader but if your not "cool" that week to her then you get the AXE. Miss Roberson Ahhhh finally some relief we dont have to hear her nasty comments, bad attitude, or watch her treat "her folk" better then others. Mr Marrow yeah man he's cool but he doesnt do ANYTHING, it's a joke because he's Traci's pet & EVERYONE know's it that's why he can stroll in hours late & suffer no concequences. Well the list goes on & on but for now im gone, see you soon. Santa


Santa's new helpers

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, November 10, 2004

We are 3 of Ocwen's x-employees that have worked there for almost or over 5 years. We agree with Santa and is right on the money. Ocwen is the worst company anyone can ever work for. We were treated as slaves and to do their dirty deeds. We as employees have been warned many times from upper management not to visit or discuss the Rip Off Report with others "or else". What kind of company threatens their co-workers? Ocwen deserves to be treated the way they have treated their best employees. Most of the managers at Ocwen have no management skills. Where do they find these managers? From the brown spots on there nose thats where. It is true. Only the ones that are personally loved get the promotions. Ocwen is an unclean place to work emotionally and physically. Everyone wonders why they sit at their desk sneezing with red eyes becuase of the dirty air. They wonder why they are so stressed out and so unhappy with the numbers that come out at the end of the month. We collected on mortgage payments. We speak to the customer, if the payment was mailed we take a promise and if it keeps, (comes in and posts on time) then we get a point for that promise. The numbers are always off. The bonus always changes. It is never acurate. Ocwen is not accurate with the way employees are treated, Nor do they treat customers as people, they treat them as a profit. If any of us tried to help a customer with their account - or if there was a problem with their account, we were not allowed to work it. We had to put in a simple research code into the acct and let India handle the issue. You would think the smartest thing to do is let the ones employed for 4+ years handle the issue, so it is done correctly. Jeffery, we are not simply complaining. Each of us have been warned not to go onto rip off report or we would be terminated. Some of us just have the guts to come foward on the pain Ocwen has caused. Ocwen wants to be number one. They dont care how many houses they forclose on or how many families they hurt. It is all about numbers and profits.


North Dakota,
there are 49 pages of links to stories of Ocwen's wrongdoings

#10Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 23, 2004

I really can't wait for everyone to stop complaining. After that's over maybe we can get down to business. The facts of this matter are as follows. 1. Ocwen Financial has intimidated, threatened, and subjugated more people than even I thought possible. 2. As current and/or former employees you are in a possition to correct the mistakes (bust the company for their illegal activities) of your former/current employer. Why are you crying about who is sleeping with who when, on this web site alone, there are 49 pages of links to stories of Ocwen's wrongdoings? The past/present employees of Ocwen Financial are the key to many families keeping their AMERICAN DREAM alive. The choice is your's,whine and cry, or, do something for all the people that Ocwen Financial has evicted (or is wanting to evict) from their homes. If former or current Ocwen employees have anything that they wish to share, (evidence on paper)please contact me at: 888-347-0080, or e-mail me at: [email protected]. I am a man trying to fight a multi-billion dollar corporation, and cannot afford a lawyer. I'm sure that I speak for a lot of people out there. Help, or, shut up.


North Dakota,
there are 49 pages of links to stories of Ocwen's wrongdoings

#11Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 23, 2004

I really can't wait for everyone to stop complaining. After that's over maybe we can get down to business. The facts of this matter are as follows. 1. Ocwen Financial has intimidated, threatened, and subjugated more people than even I thought possible. 2. As current and/or former employees you are in a possition to correct the mistakes (bust the company for their illegal activities) of your former/current employer. Why are you crying about who is sleeping with who when, on this web site alone, there are 49 pages of links to stories of Ocwen's wrongdoings? The past/present employees of Ocwen Financial are the key to many families keeping their AMERICAN DREAM alive. The choice is your's,whine and cry, or, do something for all the people that Ocwen Financial has evicted (or is wanting to evict) from their homes. If former or current Ocwen employees have anything that they wish to share, (evidence on paper)please contact me at: 888-347-0080, or e-mail me at: [email protected]. I am a man trying to fight a multi-billion dollar corporation, and cannot afford a lawyer. I'm sure that I speak for a lot of people out there. Help, or, shut up.


North Dakota,
there are 49 pages of links to stories of Ocwen's wrongdoings

#12Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 23, 2004

I really can't wait for everyone to stop complaining. After that's over maybe we can get down to business. The facts of this matter are as follows. 1. Ocwen Financial has intimidated, threatened, and subjugated more people than even I thought possible. 2. As current and/or former employees you are in a possition to correct the mistakes (bust the company for their illegal activities) of your former/current employer. Why are you crying about who is sleeping with who when, on this web site alone, there are 49 pages of links to stories of Ocwen's wrongdoings? The past/present employees of Ocwen Financial are the key to many families keeping their AMERICAN DREAM alive. The choice is your's,whine and cry, or, do something for all the people that Ocwen Financial has evicted (or is wanting to evict) from their homes. If former or current Ocwen employees have anything that they wish to share, (evidence on paper)please contact me at: 888-347-0080, or e-mail me at: [email protected]. I am a man trying to fight a multi-billion dollar corporation, and cannot afford a lawyer. I'm sure that I speak for a lot of people out there. Help, or, shut up.


North Dakota,
there are 49 pages of links to stories of Ocwen's wrongdoings

#13Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 23, 2004

I really can't wait for everyone to stop complaining. After that's over maybe we can get down to business. The facts of this matter are as follows. 1. Ocwen Financial has intimidated, threatened, and subjugated more people than even I thought possible. 2. As current and/or former employees you are in a possition to correct the mistakes (bust the company for their illegal activities) of your former/current employer. Why are you crying about who is sleeping with who when, on this web site alone, there are 49 pages of links to stories of Ocwen's wrongdoings? The past/present employees of Ocwen Financial are the key to many families keeping their AMERICAN DREAM alive. The choice is your's,whine and cry, or, do something for all the people that Ocwen Financial has evicted (or is wanting to evict) from their homes. If former or current Ocwen employees have anything that they wish to share, (evidence on paper)please contact me at: 888-347-0080, or e-mail me at: [email protected]. I am a man trying to fight a multi-billion dollar corporation, and cannot afford a lawyer. I'm sure that I speak for a lot of people out there. Help, or, shut up.


Phone numbers and Exts of who's who at Ocwen

#14UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 14, 2003

Santa is 110% accurate. , I too have seen the injustices displayed by the management at the company. Mr.Tom Melchionna and Ms.Traci Becker are out of there minds! THANK GOD MRS. ANDREA MADDOX is going to be gone on maternity leave for unfortunately a set time. If only we were so lucky she never came back!Tom M, Traci Becker NEW COLLECTIONS MANAGER BARBARA S. Scott conradson, Brenda Tucker, Jessica Roberson (Currently Visiting India Operations and if santa can grant me a wish, don't let her back into the US haha)These are a team of backstabbing, unethical, diverse bunch of incompetant fools, I mean really, did any of these people make it to college or obtain high school diplomas. I fear for you customers. Ocwen charges forced ins, post pymts late, is to busy to return phone calls, return disputes or make any general effort to help a customer in any matter. THIS IS ALL DUE TO A DISORGANIZED WORK ENVIORNMENT.Managers only worry about their BONUS wether it be quarterly or monthly. In case any of you out there haven't noticed these employees are fundamental examples of individuals working specifically motivated by NUMBERS! Thats what you and your mortg are. Just a number and if we get your pymts, we get bonus, thus managers get larger bonuses. Good Luck mr Hansen but Unfortunately Ocwen will not be going away soon enough for many homeowners out there. Money Hungry Employee P.S. Look for further updates on Phone numbers and ext's of who's who in Ocwen Have a nice Weekend and look forward to hearing from our automated mesg system.haha


West Pallm Beach,
Ocwens little elf

#15UPDATE Employee

Sat, June 14, 2003

It must have been a manager or supervisor that answered santa in orlando. Im going to deliver my files as a gift to Mr Hanson and all those that were damaged by Ocwen.s Sr Management team in Orlando and West palm beach.You collectors better say something good as need to keep your job there.I dont have to whisper any longer as management will hear me roar if I have a chance in court.Shame on you trying to cover Traci and Toms tracks of treating employees with disrepect that Ocwen's Sr Management team has allowed them to do and then treat the customer like they should be honored to have their mortgage serviced by imcompetent Ocwen Federal Bank.Keep getting your paychecks as long as Erby allows you one.

Santas Little Helper

Santas Little Helper

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, June 13, 2003

"BACK OFF"???? Listen Collector, obviously you are either this Miss "B" herself or someone so far up her a$$ you cannot see the reality behind her tattooed body. The colors must be blinding. I take personal offense when you try to intimidate Santa especially since you seem to be the ONLY one posting on this website disagreeing. Do the MATH. Read the other postings that blatantly NAMED these Ocwen managers and exploited the truth to their evil ways before Santa decided to agree and shed some more light. Is Miss B giving you gifts as Mr. M does with Ms M? ahhh.. That may be the reason. As far as you giving Miss B the props as an OUTSTANDING manager? this statement alone gives up your identity as a person in management position posing as a "collector". Any collector would beg to differ. So lay off Santabefore you get nothing but coal in your stocking this year. Merry Christmas. You filthy animal! brought to you once again by a member of the coalition for a better workplace!


Ocwen --- Will You Attack Even "Santa"?

#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 12, 2003

Oooooooh . . . Santa's touched a raw nerve here with his description of Ms. B's tattoos. Uh oh! Apparently "Collector" is infatuated with Ms. B and wants to protect his territory the way a fat cat on Animal Planet salutes every tree with its own body fluid deodorant to warn of other suitors. Collector: since you are in the circle of the privileged, why worry about Santa's little musings? Santa's making his/her list and checking it twice. And I know YOU have been nice to all of us cry baby buntings in your COLLECTION of our mortgage payments. I was puzzled though by your statement that "The company has lost some pretty GOOD people but not because of the management you have listed but because of [those pretty good people's] owns faults." Hmm, good people being at fault for attrition at Ocwen, huh? Anyhow, your coworkers have been squealing in snipets here and there. Some to the lawyers handling the class action lawsuit against Ocwen, some to regulatory and law enforcement agencies, and some in this wonderful consumer-friendly forum. You can't possibly plug all those leaks, so if you can't beat them, might as well join 'em, right? There ya go. COLLECT your thoughts and let us know about the true victimization of consumers. PS: If I don't respond to any rebuttal you make to this comment, it's because I may be homeless and sleeping under a bridge by the time (tonight) that this is posted by the webmaster!


North Haledon,
New Jersey,
Do What Is Right!!!

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 12, 2003

Santa and Collector...You seem to be confused...stop complaining about eachother at work, afterall you choose to work there. I'm sure it is a terrible place to be employeed. Don't tell us what a good worker Miss B.or anyone else is when she/Ocwen/employees still perform dastardly deeds on a daily basis. Don't tell us how horrible it is to work there and expect any type of sympathy or empathy unless you intend to do what is Right!...If you have pertanent information, supply it to the people whos lives are being destroyed by the job you do everday. Turn over evidence to Hanson vs. Ocwen, the information is on this sight. Write the affidavit. You can do a world of good and offset the unjust company/system you work for.


You've Got Issues!

#19UPDATE Employee

Thu, June 12, 2003

What a joke Santa!!!!! You obviously have some issues you need workout with yourself. If you have so much to b***h about then why are still with the company????? Are you so paranoid about the people you speak badly of thinking youre the next to go? The company has lost some pretty good people but not because of the management you have listed but because of there owns faults. About Miss B.What the hell is wrong with tattoos???? Out of every manager in that building she works the hardest to satisfy the agents with there ICP and schedules! Are you upset Santa that you dont make the effort like the others to get bonus? Shes always willing to help others on the floor and make this company more like a workplace than a prison! Shes an OUTSTANDING manager so BACK OFF!

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