  • Report:  #108311

Complaint Review: Paducah Kentucky Legal System - Paducah Kentucky

Reported By:
- Swanton, Ohio,

Paducah Kentucky Legal System
w w w . m c c r a c k e n c o u n t y a t t o r n e y . c o m Paducah, 42001 Kentucky, U.S.A.
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I read a letter from a female in Ohio that stated she was dishonest with the Judge and she doesn't understand why the judge won't reverse his decision. This letter boiled into my soul and I will let you know why. June 10, 1998 I was in Columbia, Missouri, three hundred fifty miles from my home town with no transportation. My boss drove all of us from Paducah Kentucky to constuct a Night Club. Working 18 hour days and sleeping at a camp ground. I call home to see how my children are doing. The phone had been disconnected.

I called where my ex-spouse worked asked her how are the girls. She stated none of your busniess and hung up. I called back ask again how are the girls she did the same. Third time I call needless to say and I admit I was pretty angry. I call and stated look i am at a pay phone all i want to know are the girls doing ok? this time she says yes they are doing fine I ask about the phone do you need money to have it back on? My oldest is handicapped and it is not a good idea to be without 911 services. She never answered the question a Paducah Police Officer gets on the phone (mind you this is 2:30am and she worked at a 24 hour conveince store) He states that I am harrassing this woman and I will be prosecuted for doing such. I tried to explain my reason for calling her work to this guy. Instead he chose to aggravate the situation further stating I have no rights to my girls was one i remember quite well.

From some of his statments I concluded this guy cannot be a Police Officer. He was acting personally involved. At this time he made a comment that I took and take very personal. This is what he said, "You are a dead beat dad. You are some kind a telephone tough guy. If I had you here I would arrest you for anything I could think of." Now this is where I was probably wrong but I am a Veteran and I will not run or duck from any man on this earth so I took his challenge and was baited into threating a police officer.

June 21, 1998 having heard that I had to appear in court for a Domistic Violence my boss stops construction, takes everyone back to paducah for three day break. I go to court. In court my ex is asked were you ever hit by defendant? Answer: NO. Were you ever abused in any way by the defendant? Answer: NO. Why do you bring this before the court today?" Answer: "I just want him away from me." Judge clap the hammer said Two years DVO stay within five hundred feet of her blah blah blah. "What about my children your honor?" Answer: "You have to hire an attorney to do something about that." (I have the transcript of the proceedings and video from the court to confirm all of this) My Boss' lawyer was in the court room and he pulled me aside and said that the judge made a bad call to see him at his office. Which i did.

Long story short, after spending close to 5000.00 dollars all it got me was extention of a DVO two more years. November 15, 2000. I go before judge in Paducah Kentucky Judge Sanderson orders Visitation rights and amend the DVO to show this. My ex's attorney draws up the order Mails to me I am in Albany Georgia I sign then and she never does. Now it has been six years I have been without my children and cannot get one soul in the state of kentucky to help.

I have asked Children services to check on them Response "They do not have the right to disturb a family because of my requst" have written county attorney They Never wrote back,written stae attorney response " I refered this to children services to help. Written the Govenor of kentucky response I have forwarded this to children services to help, Contacted children services (state level) they will ask Paducah branch to contact me" six months later Paducah Branch calls "THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO DISTURB A GOOD FAMILY BECAUSE OF ME".

So now what do I do? Attorney estamates 15,000.00 and this can be settled. I am surviving on work comp with broken neck and a heart condition so i have no money. or to deal with it which is driving me crazy not knowing the welfare of my children. The reason for this letter is to show that Dishonesty to the Courts and legal system with Domestic Violence Cause pain beyond what should be humainly allowed. I admit sadly some times DVO's are needed but this case it was not. We had three arguements in 12 years together

1. came home at 3pm daughter was still in bed poop covered screaming and not eaten breakfast yet.

2. My sister whom I had not seen in ten years came to visit and my ex made her leave before i got home.

3. She left the girls at home alone to go messing around with her now ex convict husband. (yes we were still "together at the time")

So if anyone in Paducah Kentucky reads this and you know Michelle or Melissa Deweese tell them Dad has not forgotten them and Loves them. Stay safe and hope to see them after the next surgery I have.

Thank you,


Swanton, Ohio

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