  • Report:  #794740

Complaint Review: Paradise Hotel - Ukraine, Koktebel, Morskaya st. 9 B Internet

Reported By:
jsk7 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Paradise Hotel
Ukraine, Koktebel, Morskaya st. 9 B, Internet, United States of America
+38 (099) 474-28-57
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Report Attachments
This is a FAKE hotel / resort that DOES NOT EXIST.

The contact telephone numbers on the site are mobile phones. The only way to "reserve" a room is to pay 50% of the room cost for the number of days staying by bank wire transfer or Western Union.

The fake hotel lists it's address as Ukraine, Koktebel, Morskaya st. 9 B.

Someone who lives in the Koktebel / Simferopol area of Ukraine can easily drive to this street address (if it's real) and see that there is no such hotel / resort there.

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