  • Report:  #650210

Complaint Review: Paternity-USA - Internet Internet

Reported By:
Crissie - hutto, Texas, United States of America

Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On September 8, 2010, I ordered a collection kit from Paternity-USA . The cost was $150. When I was unable to obtain a buccal swab from my aunt I called Paternity-USA and explained the situation. I was told that it would cost another $125. I was unable to pay this amount and explained that I would call back when I was able to pay it.

I called back in a couple of days and spoke with Ed Leon. I asked his advice as to what type of sample I should send. He explained that a hair sample would be the best option. He went on to give me the percentages of results from a toothbrush, etc. and that they had a 100% success rate when testing hair. He explained that I should obtain the hair from a hairbrush and gather several in order to have the greater possibility that one of the samples would contain DNA. I sent these samples and waited for my results. I understood that the results would be posted in 3-5 days.

I called Paternity-USA on the fifth day to ensure that the results would be posted on the website that day. I spoke with Maura and she told me that the lab was unable to obtain suitable DNA from the sample that I sent, and that I could send another sample. When I inquired as to the cost, Maura asked me to hold. She then came back on the phone and informed me that her manager had approved the test for $100, since I had had problems with the first sample. I paid the amount with a credit card.

On the following Monday, Maura called me and was unable to reach me. She then the home phone number and reached my husband. Without even confirming his identity by using the order number, etc. , she discussed the case with him. She explained that she had quoted me the wrong price and that I would need to pay an additional $100 for the sample t o be processed.

He informed her that it was a verbal agreement and that they should uphold their end of the bargain. He asked to speak to her supervisor but she explained that he would be out of the office for several days due to a family crisis. Needless to say, my family was having a crisis as well and my husband demanded that he give us a call regardless of his location.

We didnt receive a call from Ed that evening, so I called the company the next day. The call was answered by Ed. This led me to believe that perhaps it was untrue that he would be out of the office for several days.

When I began to tell him the situation he interrupted and said rudely, Yeah, I know who you are. Let me tell you what happened. We had another customer that was sending a second sample since they couldnt obtain a buccal swab. I thought that was who she was asking about and approved the $100 payment . Its usually $125, but we usually give it to them for $100. (I was required to pay the full $125, even though I explained that it would take me a couple of days to get it. I was never offered the option of paying only $100).

He then said that he had misquoted the price and that the lab work wouldnt be done until I paid the remaining $100.

I replied that it was an error on their part and that they should still honor the price that I had paid.

He became irate and said that he was in the business to make money for the company and I would just have to pay it. He yelled that if I didnt want to pay the additional $100 that he would refund the $100 that I already paid. This, obviously, is not a reasonable course of action for me since I would then have to start over with another company and pay t he standard fee in addition to the higher cost for using a non-standard sample.

He told me that it wasnt his problem and that I had to pay it if I wanted the sample tested.. When I challenged whether or not they were a reputable company he kept saying that he processed over 3000 orders a month and that they were a reputable company and this was their policy.

During this conversation, he was extremely unprofessional and condescending. I explained that I had already paid $25 to send the sample. He said they had called me and were unable to get me, and that I shouldve know because I had called twenty times the previous day and that they had already told me what was required. I explained that they called my husband and spoke to him. He then responded that he didnt know why they even explained this to my husband. I agreed, since the privacy policy clearly states we only speak with the person who actually purchased the test, and never with the other party unless we received an authorization in writing.

He said, Good luck proving that in regard to the fact that he had spoken with my husband. I told him that we had the telephone bill that would prove it, as well as a voicemail message from Maura that specified that the call was in regards to the DNA test.

Throughout the conversation he yelled at me in a very unprofessional manner. I was astounded and disgusted that someone that I had trusted with something as important as a DNA test would behave in such a way. I admit to raising my voice in response. This is such an emotionally charged situation already, and to have someone that basically holds the truth to my parentage in their hand yell at me was extremely difficult to handle.

Ed then told me that he had already explained the situation and that I and my police husband could just deal with it.

When I asked for his name he initially gave me his first and last name. I asked him to spell his last name and he began yelling again, saying that he didnt have to provide that information. I then asked for the name of the person that was in charge of the company, and he said that he was the only person I needed to talk to, that he had the last say in this situation. When I asked for his position he identified himself as the sales manager. I later found out that he is actually the owner of Paternity-USA . I continued to ask for his last name and he continued to yell at me that he didnt have to give it to me. The conversation ended abruptly, leaving me shaken and believing that I had no recourse.

I called customer service at GTL and spoke to Cindy, and explained the situation. She was very considerate and sympathetic and, after putting me on hold, assured me that GTL was going to charge back Paternity USA for the balance, and that my sample would be processed

5 Updates & Rebuttals


San bernadino,
United States of America

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, January 31, 2013

I am thoroughly disgusted at the company's response to this report. I think that Mr. Leon's posting a client's name is a breach of the privacy policy and hope she sues him. I also hope everyone considering doing business with this company thinks twice. How do yu know your name won't be the next one posted on the Internet? I, for one, am definitely going elsewhere.


United States of America
Unethical, immoral owner.

#3Author of original report

Wed, January 19, 2011

How he can justify post in a customer's name related to such a private matter is incomprehensible. Just take my word for it and choose another company. I never write reviews but felt I should let everyone know what I experienced. Again, there are plenty of companies out there. His website leads you to believe he has a lab, when in fact he merely contracts out to the lab. They have their own website (GTL.DNA.com). Take a look at it, it has the exact same information as his does. When he says there have been thousands of customers the is speaking of the lab. Email me if you want to see what irrational emails he has sent. I will be happy to share them, including my responses. Hs are full of all caps, red type, randomly capitalized words, and, my favorite, he calls me MADam repeatedly. Don't take the chance of having your full name show up on the internet.


United States of America

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, January 18, 2011

FOR THE RECORD: In 8yrs this is the first time we have been thrust into this situation of having to defend ourselves from the wildly false, and exaggerated rants ofone client of the thousands served.... At no other time has our company ever been forced to discloseany facts regarding acase.

Additionally, this client was given notice on at least 3 occasions that a rebuttal would contain her identification as well... This client had no objection to her name being used, in-fact she when sent a copy of the rebuttal daysbefore it was published, she responded by posting 3 additional false and grossly exaggerated rants....


This is whatthe privacy policyreads:

  1. Notice. When we collect your personal information, well give you timely and appropriate notice describing what personal information were collecting, how well use it, and the types of third parties with whom we may share it.

In the end,we regret that any potential client be exposed to this exchange, but again, this is the first such exchange in over 8 years.... We will work more tirelessly than ever to try to prevent such an exchange again....

We do very much desire to serve your DNA testing needs!!!

Thank you in advance for your consideration & business!!!


United States of America
Violation of privacy policy - posted customer's name

#5Author of original report

Tue, January 18, 2011

Obviously, if you want your privacy protected you should find another company. He just contracts the test out, just a little one man operation, so shop around.

I would be happy to forward the barrage of emails I have received from this man. Email me at [email protected].

Again, note that the person that I trusted with a most personal matter has posted it all over the internet. Trust me, find another company.


United States of America
Crissie Ballard Is The Only Client Of The 1000's & 1000's Served Who Was Not Able To Be Satisfied Even When Served At A Lost To The Company....

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, January 18, 2011

Its very obvious that Paternity-USA is not the company Crissie Ballard portrays, by the fact that in 8 years weve never had anything bad written about us until this client.

Please note, at the end of the day Crissie Ballard got exactly what she wanted (at our loss), so we could just move on and serve other clients, SO WHERE IS THE RIP-OFF?????


As such in my opinion,this is just the rant of A Highly Emotional, Angry, Self Righteous, and Very Combative client.

In the story Cheryl Ballard wrote, she depicts herself as a mistreated client, but the story bears no similarity to the actual facts, what really happened, or why.

She writes He went on to give me the percentages of results from a toothbrush, etc. and that they had a 100% success rate when testing hair. He explained that I should obtain the hair from a hairbrush and gather several in order to have the greater possibility that one of the samples would contain DNA.

First of all, we are in the business of statistics. We NEVER quote anything as 100%. Anyone who knows anything about DNA knows that 100% is never, ever used. Hair samples do have a very high probability of retaining DNA; however the sample she sent in was degraded. We could have gotten DNA from the hair with very high levels of forensics, which is not available at the $125 price she already stated she could not afford. Additionally, her statement simply doesnt make sense If she were told we had 100% success rate with hair, why would she be told to gather several strands to have the greater possibility that one of the samples would contain DNA. She contradicts herself here. We do in fact tell people to send about 6-10 strands with the root attached when gathering hair samples.

As far as someone speaking to Crissie Ballards husband regarding the case, she gave us her home phone number and authority to speak to him regarding the case. Her husbands name is on the contact information provided by her on the original online order. We had tried to call her several times regarding the hair sample and were unable to reach her. She informed us that she in her employment she could not easily be reached during the day, to speak with her husband if needed. When we called her home phone number he identified himself by name (which she had previously given to us) and as her husband, answering the HOME phone number SHE gave us. He still was not given specific case information or any confidential information regarding results but only consulted with regarding a price.

Now on to heart of the matter. Mrs. Ballard had several changes to her order, and unfortunately she was misquoted the price for the third change. The reported opinions of the service representatives helping her were that when they tried to explain to the client that an error had occurred, that Crissie Ballard came across our telephone lines like a grizzly bear, but then turned on crocodile tears when she could not get her way. It was an honest mistake, but she could not be understanding or reasoned with. She DEMANDED the service be provided at a discounted price due to the mistake. A full refund was even offered to her for that portion of unperformed testing, but she would not accept. She would not stop badgering our employees until she got her way.

The claims she made about being treated harshly and yelled at are completely unfounded and untrue. Crissie Ballard was treated with dignity and courtesy until she became overly belligerent and spiteful. At that point, even though it was difficult, she was not yelled at, but we remained as calm as possible in dealing with her and her numerous calls, threats and rants.

In the end, so we could move on with our lives, we did authorize for her to get what she wanted at a loss to the company, only to be libeled and falsely maligned as a thank-you.

Its so sad that the thousands and thousands of satisfied clients we have served have no place to give rave reviews, and yetone disgruntled client can ruin an otherwise perfect record.

As a matter of fact, these events occurred over 4 months ago, and just few days ago, Crissie Ballard is still finding places to leave anonymous reviews and tell her false-story. In-fact, the ONLY bad reports on us on the entire WWW are ALL from Crissie Ballard.

I will start having some of the many satisfied clients we serve on a month in month out basis to post their views on how their experience with us went.

We feel that perhaps our best defense is to allow other client to put this rant by Cheryl Ballard in its place.



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