  • Report:  #135227

Complaint Review: Patricia Huizar - Sacrmento California

Reported By:
- Sacramento, California,

Patricia Huizar
3645 63rd Street Sacrmento, 95820 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Patricia Huizar had us fooled for five years. We are next-door neighbors. We began a close, familial relationship over time. She became my daughter's Christian mentor, babies' godmother and day care provider. Towards the last year of our close relationship, Huizar's truer nature became revealed for the lazy liar and inexcusable christian that she is.

For one year Huizar provided care to my two-year old granddaughter. Huizar was present at my second granddaughter's birth (quite an honor for my daughter to have invited her as well as ask to be the girls' godmother). Of course, this before we became extremely disenchanted with the relationship.

Apparently providing care for two children was too much for Huizar. We became unhappy with her lack of care to the girls. The older one reported that "Auntie Patty" cried all day and that "Auntie Patty" and "uncle Frank" are mad again.

My daughter repeatedly spoke her concern to Huizar about the lack of care to the baby. Huizar rarely took the children outside, or for walks. We noticed that the baby was constantly in a play pen, no matter what time of day I or my daughter appeared. The girls were not kept clean or provided any education or play. We noticed the baby was getting her diaper changed once or twice a day. Despite repeated discussions where Huizar would thank my daughter for stating her concerns, Huizar continued to be lazy and provide bad care.

We decided to take the one child to a licensed day care. Huizar tried to guilt-trip my daughter "I don't know how you could take her to a bunch of strangers". Unfortunately, my daughter felt 'responsible' for Huizar's income, and left the baby with Huizar, thinking with just one child the care would improve.

The older daughter started day care elsewhere on March 1, 2004. We had taken the play pen from Huizar to be used elsewhere and kept forgetting to replace it. Huizar repeatedly asked where the playpen was. It is clear that she relied heavily on the play pen to keep the 13-month old baby 'encaged'. Therefore, without being imprisoned, the baby naturally was exploring her surroundings, which was obviously too much for Huizar to handle, being the lazy slob that she is.

On March 10, 2004, Huizar hideously beat the baby. She informed my daughter upon my daughter's arrival. We have no idea when the baby was abused. The baby was terrified and ran to her mama when my daughter arrived. The baby was bruised purple, black, yellow, red, blue and green, with swollen skin, on both buttocks, thighs and back. Huizar said the baby wouldn't come to her and she just 'lost control' and she had no excuse.

We took the baby to the hospital where veteran doctors, nurses, and police were aghast at the extent and amount of injury the baby suffered. The hospital called the police who took a report and arrested Huizar. The district attorney charged Huizar with two counts of felony child abuse. Huizar walked on one misdemeanor charge of child abuse. She received informal probation - not even required to attend an anger management course or anything.

Huizar and her family subsequently have 'turned the table' around, and insist that she only spanked the child, and that we are harassing her and her family. She obtained a temporary restraining order which was granted by default, as my daughter was physically and emotionally unable to attend court. After that, Huizar used the order as a legal bat, calling in false reports to the police seemingly every-other day. She falsely accused us of throwing rocks at her house, stalking her family, violating approaching them etc. It became so ridiculous that the police have finally quit arriving, they merely report Huizar's lies over the phone.

This experience reminds me of the fact that too often in our liberal society, criminals are given more rights than victims, and as reported in several Reader's Digest Crazy Stories, the criminals prevail over victims. It also reminds me that it is indeed a crazy world. Christians certainly aren't perfect. They are human first.


Sacramento, California

49 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
cherish your kids

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, November 10, 2006

I had read this report months ago but I was just surfing around on my comp and I read the last comment from new york new york. You know what you said was what I lived by, you touch my kids and I believe what you give is what you get. I have 7 kids 1 girl 25yrs and 6 boys 22 21 18 15 12 4yrs and I really hate this. My 18yr old son was murdered on oct 2,06 and he would of been 19 oct 5, 06. Gosh I cant put into words how I feel it is something that will drive you so crazy but I have my family to lean on. But what about those nights when you are trying to sleep and that vision in your head come in and it is a nightmare. So do what ever you can do to cherish your kids. I raised my son all his life and we are a tight family and I am glad he knew mom loved him and I was allways there for him no matter what. Remember we only get one chance to be that loving supportive parent. cheryl from los angeles


New York,
New York,
Babies will be babies

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, October 05, 2006

first of all let us remember that babies will be babies and need to learn right and wrong, and BEATING a child is wrong. when punishing a child that is not your own p you should maintain a hands off policy, period! My sons are now 15, 17, 18, 19 years old my oldest three are college students and fantatsic citizens, but I digress when dennis my 17 yr old was in nursery school he was 19 months old a teacher strapped him into a chair when he wouldnt take a nap. I walked into the school and could hear my child FROM THE DOOR. when I ran to the classroon, my son was screaming at the top of his lungs, he had been strapped to a chair so long he coul;dnt unbend his legs, and I am not ashamed to say I snatched this "teacher" by the throat. after I calmed myself down i filed reprts with child services and followed legal channels . end result I shut the school down until a new staff could be certified and hired, why? because the teacher was wrong but every single adult in there that let my child be treated that way and didnt intevene deserved to be punished too. to mee abuse comes in many forms and there is a big diffrence between a tap on the hand to teach a baby not to touch and a beating, who among us ha s never given the two finger tap on the hand and said "no no-dont touch" but i thing in this day and age if you put your hands on someones kids you get what you hand calls for & in my world that constitutes a good ols fashioned beat down.Donnalee my thoughts and prayers are with yuou and all those who have experienced this and I hope your grandaughter has recovered and moved on past these horrific past events


Lake Oswego,
Sorry but I stand by NEVER hitting anothers child

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, September 24, 2006

This was a 13 month old BABY key words here, 13 MONTH OLD BABY! There is never an excuse to hit a child that young, and even if you have permission from a parent it is never a good idea to hit, spanking is a little different on the bottom, but this was clear case of abuse, and the justice system let her do it and she will with that metality do it again, I agree with a little discipline , but I have never had to Spank my kid he is 10 now and an A student, compassionate , loves animals, and cares for others and their suffering, and you know who taught him that? Myself , his father and those I trusted him with when I was at work.My [arnets spamked us so iam borderline on that iam just saying if you teach a child love and compassion they willGIVE love and comapssion, that little boy went to the beach woth his grandma and we gave him 15.00 to blow on whatever he wanted, you know he bought? Me, a pair of earringsand he was so proud to give them tome i wear them everyday for him and myself they were a gift od LOVE, and a brand new coffee cup for his dad, and a paper airplane for himself, he is devoted to us, as we are to him and I never ever had to use force to teach him a lesson, WE TALKED TO HIM, but he is older than this child was,the child is question here, was a "baby" a "baby" and therefore does not know right from wrong yet and was too young to learn, this woman should never have had that child in her care , but I do not fault the mother, she was a friend and who thinks a friend would ABUSE their child?!The mother thought she knew this woman and sadly she didn't, I just hope she and that baby can get past this without blaming herself, for choosing a FRIEND to watch her child , she had no way of knowing this would happen.For the previous poster, she admitted it , so it is hard ot say if the child had been abused before.


Ruth, although I do agree with most of what you said.

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, May 23, 2006

I do have a problem with it is not okay to spank another woman's child, period. Me and my best friend do spank our children, (a ruler to the palm (think catholic school nuns)) if I am watching her kids when she needs me to she has given me permission to use this, and she has it as well when she is the one watching my kids. While I in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM condone the OBVIOUS abuse that this child went through, I just needed to state that. Back onto the defenders (especially talking about the bruising.) I am bi-racial, and you want to know something it is very obvious to me that this child was abused long before this incident. Why do you ask? A couple of weeks ago I was on the phone and walked into the doorframe of my bedroom, my arm hurt and swole up, 4 days later (when all of the pain except for touching it) was gone. I was taking a shower and noticed bruising on my arm (in a straight line where I had hit it.) appearing as if I had done it that very day.


Lake Oswego,
Glad to see someone GETS IT

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, May 23, 2006

The last 2 posters were so right, that child is A BABY and admitting it does not take away from the act, ted bundy admitted killing woman after woman so does that make it right? sooner or later, a spanking with this woman will go too far at the hand of another "brat" and she may kill the next one, and I am going to flat out Susan tell you right now, my grandchildren are black and they are great kids and I love them to death and they do not tote guns either! How dare you blame that baby and its race, you stink as far as a human being goes , blaming the baby and its mother , I think you should educate yourself in compassion and different cultures, you might just learn something in that narrow racist mind of yours.I think you deserve a good beating for shooting your mouth off like that, your sister/ friend whatever, is a child abuser and you made excuses for her, well I truly hope if you have kids she doesn't "spank one of them brats too hard"Only for your kids sake certainly not yours! Alondra: I hope things are better for you guys now and don't worry, all those things susan said just proved her ignorance and also the "friend of 23 years" they seem to think abusing a child is okay as long as its called a spamking, you don't hit other peoples kids period. and those 2 fools who stuck up for her need therapy as much as she does, I wish your family the best and I pray what she did to your BABY won't affect how it grows up emotionally, then I would kill the witch.


Los Angeles,
to the sister of the offender

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, May 19, 2006

I am a african-american and I have 6 boys and 1 girl. How dare you say that black rap loving gun-toting comment in reference to black young men. You are so racist and that was your reason for beating that child. If your sister feels the way about black kids then you also share that same attitude. It is sad because let me enlighten you, my black sons are high school graduates and they have jobs and if you think that we black parents dont want the best for our black kids you are sadly misstaken. You are really sick and the world needs to be rid of you and if anyone on your block reads this let me tell you, a leopard dont change his or her stripes. So watch out. Keep this poison away from your kids because she will do it again and you have the nerve to bash this lady and you beat her child. Well let me tell you if it was a black mother of one of those rap loving gun toting young men you would of had the brakes beat off your a*s for sure. So you count your lucky stars and say I am glad I am still on this earth because what you did was in-humane. I love kids. They are so innocent. They rely on us to nuture them and maybe you should get your sister some mental help. Sounds like she needs it really bad and you too. Maybe deep down your sister was jealous of how pretty those mixed race kids were and decided to abuse the child. By the way all my kids listen to rap and I don't have a problem with it because it is just music and i have taught them that they have a brain to think on there own and they cant be influenced by a d**n song. Get some help asap cheryl


It's time to change our laws!

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, May 14, 2006

Wow I've read this entire post and I'm in shock at the court system, and the allowance of child abuse we endure here in the US. Never having done it before is not a defense. Promising never to do it again is also not a defense. (Every guilty person says that) The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and if susan is her sister it seems that whole family needs assistance before another beautiful little angel on this earth gets hurt, or worse, killed. I was overcome with emotions as I read each post. I cannot believe that a "friend of the family" would justify this behavior. Did you even see what you said.. (once each time) are you kidding me! She had NO RIGHT to lay a hand on that baby NOT ONCE, NOT EVER! You DO have an animal right to defend yourself, and your offspring. (I agree with you) She is lucky that mother used restraint, and only hit the ignorant, sister. (once, not even multiple times.. she got off easier than the baby did) This baby was very young, defensless, and we as the voice for that baby ALLOWED this to happen with the "slap on the wrist" that woman received in punishment. Something should be done about this, and not just a "civil law suit." Money doesn't heal wounds, when is our government going to figure that out. It's time our laws change. ONCE SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED! Everything that woman does to another child will be on our hands if we do nothing.


For a purported Christian to do this is even more appalling.

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, May 09, 2006

It is unbelievable that someone could beat 13 month old child and it would only result in: "The district attorney charged Huizar with two counts of felony child abuse. Huizar walked on one misdemeanor charge of child abuse. She received informal probation - not even required to attend an anger management course or anything." This woman should have been imprisoned. I saw comments posted about how "terrible" the childs mother was, cursing, verbal gestures etc. I believe this Huizar thing (I won't acknowledge humanity for a child abuser) got off easy. Had it been my child, Lord have mercy on her, because I would not have. To the "friend of 23 years" - your post is appalling. You post how "sorry" she is and how she has never done such a thing before...blah, blah, blah. She is lucky that one, she didn't kill the child, and two that she found some bleeding heart liberal D.A. that was as useless as a sunlamp in the desert. For a purported Christian to do this is even more appalling. "But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not,to come unto Me; For such is the Kingdom of Heaven." It seems like the only justice that may be done for this child beater will be on judgement day.


Key word here: BABY

#10Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 08, 2006

Susan, I pray for you that you face the justice you deserve, whether it be on this Earth or in front of God. You are a sad, evil, twisted and confused woman. Patty, I am certain somewhere in your heart, that if you did indeed love children so much at one time that you wanted to commit your life to caring for them, that you now know that you DO NOT ever ever ever SPANK a BABY!!!! 13 months old is a baby. And I would've whipped your tail had it been my own BIRACIAL child. To Mom and Daughter. God be with you and help you heal your heart. Your mind will probably never be free of the anguish you feel and the memories you have of what you saw, heard and felt, but your little girl is going to be just fine. God will release these thoughts from you and he will lighten your heart. I am amazed that the postings here continue to say "misbehaved baby". Good gracious! A 13 month old isn't supposed to behave!!! God Bless you all, and that sweet little girl. May she trust "grown ups" enough in her life to move on past this criminal act against her.


Lake Oswego,
Once is enough to hit a 13 month could that could not defend herself

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, April 19, 2006

maybe you have known Pattie for awhile, and maybe she did own up to it,but the POINT IS SHE ADMITTED ABUSING THAT CHILD in a court of law, and there is no excuse for that, I have to ask you mother to mother, if it WERE ONE OF YOUR KIDS WOULD YOU TRUST HER WITH YOUR CHILD AFTER THAT? and by the way most of the rotten insults came from SUSAN he (sister?), In fact Patti's people are sluffing this off as a "spanking" that went to far, NO One has the right to spank anyone else's child for whatever reasons , my grandson is about that age, and he dosesn't listen either, goes with being so young. I TRULY THINK AND HOPE IF IT WERE ONE OF YOUR KIDS YOU WOULD NOT BE SONONCHALNT ABOUT THIS WHOLE THING, but I guess, since it wasn't it is okay?I honestly couldn't "let go" if it were my child or grandchild and i do not blame the mother or grandmother at all for what the ABUSER did, great she owns up to it, does that make it okay to hit another womans baby? You know thats what that child was, a BABY that could not defend itself.The response was to TRASH the mother and GRANDMOTHER on here and I find that sad, my prayer and thoughts are with that child she had no right to hit, she owned up to alright, but it doesn't take away from the ACT ITSELF. Our jails are full of people who killed and owned up to it and we still lock them up. SO owning up to it is the right thing to do yes, but I can certainly understand as a mother and grandmother, WHY these people want nothing to do with her, I am glad none of YOUR kids were hurt, but like I said that does not make her anyless the abuser, she owned up to being it and if it were one of YOUR kids I doubt that if you are a good mother , you would allow any contact with her and you children. Try putting yourself in their shoes, their child was abused why should she shake hands and say its okay , you owned up to it, it stings for a long time when someone hurts one of yur kids, and bashing on the mothers past did NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH WHAT PATTI DID.


Lake Oswego,
Once is enough to hit a 13 month could that could not defend herself

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, April 19, 2006

maybe you have known Pattie for awhile, and maybe she did own up to it,but the POINT IS SHE ADMITTED ABUSING THAT CHILD in a court of law, and there is no excuse for that, I have to ask you mother to mother, if it WERE ONE OF YOUR KIDS WOULD YOU TRUST HER WITH YOUR CHILD AFTER THAT? and by the way most of the rotten insults came from SUSAN he (sister?), In fact Patti's people are sluffing this off as a "spanking" that went to far, NO One has the right to spank anyone else's child for whatever reasons , my grandson is about that age, and he dosesn't listen either, goes with being so young. I TRULY THINK AND HOPE IF IT WERE ONE OF YOUR KIDS YOU WOULD NOT BE SONONCHALNT ABOUT THIS WHOLE THING, but I guess, since it wasn't it is okay?I honestly couldn't "let go" if it were my child or grandchild and i do not blame the mother or grandmother at all for what the ABUSER did, great she owns up to it, does that make it okay to hit another womans baby? You know thats what that child was, a BABY that could not defend itself.The response was to TRASH the mother and GRANDMOTHER on here and I find that sad, my prayer and thoughts are with that child she had no right to hit, she owned up to alright, but it doesn't take away from the ACT ITSELF. Our jails are full of people who killed and owned up to it and we still lock them up. SO owning up to it is the right thing to do yes, but I can certainly understand as a mother and grandmother, WHY these people want nothing to do with her, I am glad none of YOUR kids were hurt, but like I said that does not make her anyless the abuser, she owned up to being it and if it were one of YOUR kids I doubt that if you are a good mother , you would allow any contact with her and you children. Try putting yourself in their shoes, their child was abused why should she shake hands and say its okay , you owned up to it, it stings for a long time when someone hurts one of yur kids, and bashing on the mothers past did NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH WHAT PATTI DID.


Lake Oswego,
Once is enough to hit a 13 month could that could not defend herself

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, April 19, 2006

maybe you have known Pattie for awhile, and maybe she did own up to it,but the POINT IS SHE ADMITTED ABUSING THAT CHILD in a court of law, and there is no excuse for that, I have to ask you mother to mother, if it WERE ONE OF YOUR KIDS WOULD YOU TRUST HER WITH YOUR CHILD AFTER THAT? and by the way most of the rotten insults came from SUSAN he (sister?), In fact Patti's people are sluffing this off as a "spanking" that went to far, NO One has the right to spank anyone else's child for whatever reasons , my grandson is about that age, and he dosesn't listen either, goes with being so young. I TRULY THINK AND HOPE IF IT WERE ONE OF YOUR KIDS YOU WOULD NOT BE SONONCHALNT ABOUT THIS WHOLE THING, but I guess, since it wasn't it is okay?I honestly couldn't "let go" if it were my child or grandchild and i do not blame the mother or grandmother at all for what the ABUSER did, great she owns up to it, does that make it okay to hit another womans baby? You know thats what that child was, a BABY that could not defend itself.The response was to TRASH the mother and GRANDMOTHER on here and I find that sad, my prayer and thoughts are with that child she had no right to hit, she owned up to alright, but it doesn't take away from the ACT ITSELF. Our jails are full of people who killed and owned up to it and we still lock them up. SO owning up to it is the right thing to do yes, but I can certainly understand as a mother and grandmother, WHY these people want nothing to do with her, I am glad none of YOUR kids were hurt, but like I said that does not make her anyless the abuser, she owned up to being it and if it were one of YOUR kids I doubt that if you are a good mother , you would allow any contact with her and you children. Try putting yourself in their shoes, their child was abused why should she shake hands and say its okay , you owned up to it, it stings for a long time when someone hurts one of yur kids, and bashing on the mothers past did NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH WHAT PATTI DID.


Fair Oaks,
Time Out!

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, April 19, 2006

I will first identify myself as one of Patti's closest friends for the past 23 years. My two youngest children grew up as close friends of Patti's daughters. As such, my girls and I spent alot of time with them, including numerous extended visits in their home (all three of us for a week or more at a time) It is from this intimate knowledge of Patti's character that I speak. I was not there on the day that the incident in question occurred, but Patti recounted the incident to me, as well as the occurances that took place after Regina came to pick up Alondra. Patti was not trying to make excuses or paint a rosy picture for me, and I know her as sopmeone who tells the truth. This is a highly emotionally charged issue, and because of that, my observation is that many truths have been buried under the emotional fall-out, to the determent of everyone concerned. This is an incredible grief to me, and more so to Patti herself. Despite all of the highly charged diatribe that has appeared on this website, Patti is truly a very loving person, who continues to love Alondra and her family. As I have communicated with Patti over the last two years about this incident, she has continuously espressed her grief over the incident, and the fact that Regina and her mother have not allowed her to express this to them. Patti has never before or since had any problems of this nature. I know, because I saw her over the course of 23 years as we raised our children together. Her children are grown now and love and honor their mother. On the day in question, Patti made the error of allowing herself to get involved in a power struggle with a 13 month old. She has taken responsibility for having done the wrong thing, carrying the incident too far. She was however not out of control or angry at the time, but kept commanding Alondra to obey a specific command, and them swatting her for disobeying (once each time). She sees now that because of Alondra's age, and her incredible tenacity, that she should have let it go sooner. How many of us have made bad decisions that we have deeply regretted? But to classify Patti as a child abuser is beyond preposterous. She has taken responsibility, and I can assure you, will never, under any circumstance do anything of this nature again. I just want to plead with everyone concerned here to bring the ugly accusations and verbal abuse to an end. It can't change what happened and is in itself abusive to each and every person involved. The anger and hate expressed in many of the comments on this page are like poison eating away like a cancer at the very people who expressed them. Patti has paid for her poor choices that day in many ways, beyond the sentence impossed by the legal system. But the real healing that Alondra, Regina and Donalee are in need of will never take place in an atmosphere of hate and revenge. Forgiveness is not letting the other person off the hook, its setting yourself free to go on. I pray that this can happen.


Fort Worth,
Make A Diffrence

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, April 18, 2006

I have been reading this story for sometime now, and it is awfull what happened to this child. Every child deserves to be protected and cared for while all you people want to argue about who was wrong your not seeing the bigger picture children are abused, raped, murdered every day and it the people who refuse to accept it that are making it worse it dosent matter if it is someone you know or don't it happenes every minute of every day why you have time to make judgment on the abuser and how she just got a little ruff all you do is give reason for her to do it agian so why we all have so much time to bash the mother of the child and not put blame on the abuser it will happen agian make a diffrence, do something to make child abuse laws stronger and make these people accountable for what they have done untill we PARENTS stick up for the rights of our children it will never stop if we all decided to fight for laws that put these abusers away for a long time we wouldn'thave to worry that every time are child goes outside or o someone's home will they be protected will they come home from the bus. please find the time to write to your state reps and fight for them as any Parent knows they are gifts not objects.


Lake Oswego,
Susan needs therapy

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, April 15, 2006

I can appreciate your posting that your entiore family does not share her opinion, and I think it is decent of you to state that,people are people no matter what color they are our bloods is all red, we all feel the same pain and it scares me for my grandkids to think someone with HER ATTITUDE is walking around out there, the issue was a baby was ABUSED proven in court and that was wrong. The best she could do was bash on that womans past and hers is squeaky clean? I don't think so with an attitude like that. MY feelings here are for that poor child, and now her mother and grandmother too after susan got through with them.


Huizar Family Response

#17REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, April 15, 2006

We are saddened by the hateful, foul and racist remarks made by Susan. Our family needs to state that her remarks, sentiments, attitudes and words are hers alone, and do not represent the Huizar family's feelings toward Donnalee, Regina, the children or the situation. Sincerely, The Entire Huizar Family


Lake Oswego,

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, April 13, 2006

You are so very welcome, I said what I believed is the truth, I have worked in hospitals and you would not believe the abuse I have seen, I don't think her bringing up anyones past drug use or whatever, was relevant to this, they were trashing you, becuase they know that she ABUSED that baby. My grandkids are african american, and I am white and my little grandaughter and grandson bruise too,( bless their little hearts) They may be darker but a bruise is a bruise and you can tell that thats what it is. You did not deserve to be called white trash over and over, especially, by the people that BEAT your 13 month old, WERE CONVICTED OF IT, AND FLUFF IT OFF LIKE SHE DID IN HER POSTING, BASICALLY, I GOT IT WAS OKAY FOR HER SISTER TO BEAT YOUR BABY FROM HER, THAT IS JUST STUPID! I am sorry but I cannot imagine what that little one could have done so defiantly she deserved that. I know when you talked to her ( about her behaviour) she was your friend, and you wanted to trust and BELIEVE your friend afterall, who thinks their friends are going to beat their babies?! PLUS SHE GOT PAID FOR IT AND THAT IS SICK! 13 motnh old babies have to be taught their boundries they don't just KNOW them, and I think thats what she expected, I used a play pen too, but not all day. They have to be free to learn to walk and crawl, penning them up all day is lazy and not good for a child.For awhile, to do dishes or talk on the phone where they don't have your undivided attention then the pen is useful, but never all day. I am behind you 100% and the bashing you took on here, just remember the people saying it are convicted of child abuse and don'tlet it bother you, honey, we all have a past, as long as you learned from it, then it was something in YOUR life you needed to have happen.YOU should not be punished the rest of your life becuase you made some wrong choices. Plus, that is none of their business, obviously, this woman should not be allowed to watch others peoples children, and you are right TRUST YOUR GUT ALWAYS, thats why us moms have that intuition. One more thing IT IS NEVER OKAY TO HIT OR SPANK ANOTHER PERSON'S CHILD! EVER, God bless you and your mother, and those beautiful miracles GOD gave you! My best wishes to your family.You are better off without friends and neighbors like that, and I don't blame you for punching that one ,Sheis lucky it wasn't MY KID or like I said I would be in jail right now for murder.That one deserved a pop in her smart mouth, but it was okay to beat you baby? I swear! Some people, whine about you belting her, while you have a beaten baby! I truly hope anyone who reads this and knows them realizes she was CONVICTED OF CHILD ABUSE AND KEEP THEIR KIDS AS FAR AWAY FROM HER AS THEY CAN! This was not an allegation , there was a conviction! God Speed!



#19REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, April 13, 2006

I am the mother of Alondra, the baby that was beaten. I have not yet responded to any of the comments on this rip-off report. In fact I was unaware of this site until just yesterday, when I overheard my mother talking with a friend about some of the comments, insults rather, that she had read. Until now, she had been trying to spare me from all of this GARBAGE. I appreciate the support of everyone that wrote back kind words of encouragement to me and my family. It feels good to know our story is out there; and Ruth, you said it right, this might just save another victim child from getting hurt and betrayed at the hands of Patricia. Ruth, your response in particular was everything I would have liked to have said myself to that woman. You, a complete stranger, have shown more compassion for me and my family than any one of our neighbors ever did, some of whom my family and I were well acquainted with until this unfortunate thing happened. I sincerely thank you for your support and for setting that woman straight about who the dysfunctional one really is. Also, for any mother reading this, ALWAYS listen to your gut instinct when it involves your child's safety or well-being. Most child abuse occurs at the hands of a close family member or loved one. Unfortunately, by the time there are warning signs, it is too late. In my case, I just ignored all the obvious signs that things were not right, wanting to believe the best in my "friend", and my beautiful baby girl suffered for it. Ruth, thank you again for your well written response. Your support is very much appreciated. It has been a long healing process for our entire family, and with the support of family and good friends, me, my mother and my 3 beautiful daughters are doing very well. Regina


To Patty's Sister

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, April 13, 2006

How dare you talk about Alondra like that! I was there the day it happened after Regina brought her home from the hospital. I saw the bruising! You and your family should be thanking God every day that I didn't go with her the day she went to confront Patty! Your lucky all you got was a punch in the face! Just like the woman before said A BRUISE IS A BRUISE! As for white trash, aren't you the one who showed up at the court hearing with torn sweatpants and flip flops? I was there and saw! All of you need to get a life. Your sister is so good hearted? Why did she beat the baby for defying her? And how can a 13 month old defy? She should have never put her hands on that baby! If she really wanted to make things right she should let Regina beat her! What would she do if something happened to her son? What does past drug use have to do with anything? If there is a definition for white trash you and your family are it! I have known Donna Lee and her family for over 15 years, they are good people! I am proud of Regina and how she handled it. She could have went to jail for life but being the good person/mother that she is she chose to be home with her kids. I hope to see you and your fake sister again!


Lake Oswego,

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, April 12, 2006

Susan please insert SISTER WHEN I REFERRED TO YOUR MOTHER! she had a bad day my butt, she is a convicted child abuser and as a nurse MIXED kids do not bruise any different than any others, they may be brown but a bruise is a bruise. You say she did spank her to hard that day and how many other "BAD" days did she have? If these kids were so horrible, even though I don't believe that a 13 month old baby could do ANYTHING TO BE BEATEN, you excuse it, YOUR family is dysfunctional, that is given BY YOUR OWN POSTINGs, nice neighborhood you live in when people defend a convicted child abuser you all deserve eachother,that was a BABY GOT IT?! BUT hey thanks for pointing out that neighborhood , so other people don't take their innocent babies there to be beaten and frankly, judging from your mouthy posting, YOU DESERVED THAT PUNCH IN THE FACE! I AM SURE YOU WERE NO ANGEL AND PROVOKED THIS WOMAN INTO POPPING YOU ONE! GOOD FOR HER!


Lake Oswego,

#22Consumer Comment

Wed, April 12, 2006

Susan if your mother was SO INNOCENT why did she get convicted?! They don't prosecute uless they have proof I wokred in hospitals I have seen ABUSE and what the original poster describes is abuse! Fortunately, for your mother THAT WASN'T ONE OF MY 'BRATS" How dare you pick on those poor kids spanking or beating YOUR MOTHER HAD NO RIGHT TO LAY ONE FINGER ON THEM AT ALL PERIOD! Now, I agree the mother was emotional, but she should have been,let me tell you if she even SPANKED ONE OF MY KIDS I WOULD BE LOCKED UP FOR MURDER!OR MY GRANDKIDS, YOU TELL ME WHAT RIGHT DID YOUR MOTHER HAVE TO SPANK OR BEAT THEM ? BY THE WAY, THE DESCRIPTION CLEARLY SOUNDS LIKE A BEATING,TRASHING THE MOTHER HERE IS NOT GOINGTO CHANGE THE FACT YOUR MOTHER WAS CONVICTED ANDI WOULD HAVE DONE ALOT MORE THAN PUNCH, IF I PICKED MY KID UP FROM A SO CALLED FRIEND, AND SHE HAD DONE THAT TO A DEFENSLES BABY. I DON'T CARE WHAT THE MOTHER IS, YOUR MOTHER HAS A RECORD FO CHILD ABUSE NOW, AND SHE MUST HAVE ABUSED THAT POOR BABY. FORTUNATELY FOR ME I HAD GREAT FAMILY TO WATCH MY KIDS WHILE I WORKED SO I DIDN'T ENCOUNTER PEOPLE LIKE YOU RO YOUR MOTHER, AND IF YOU EVER CALLED MY BABY A BRAT, WELL GOD HELP YOU YOU'D NEED IT. IF YOUR MOTHER COULD NOT HANDLE THESE "BRATS" THEN SHE SHOULD HAVE SAID SO AND NOT TAKEN THEM. GOT IT?! SOME MOMS CANNOT AFFORD TO STAY HOME WITH THEIR KIDS, I DID THE FIRST FEW YEARS. I WAS FORTUNATE I DIDN'T HAVE PEOPLE LIKE YOU IN THEIR LIVES.IF YOU THINK THEY WERE SUCH 'BRATS" WHY DID YOUR MOTHER KEEP TAKING THEM? Reading this post as a mother, ames me want ot hit you and yur mother, if she is incapable of controlling her anger than she should not have taken the children.I think your mother and your self owe that woman an apology at the very least. afterall mommy was convicted wasn't she? she's no angel thats for sure! THE MOTHERS PERSONAL LIFE IS REALLY NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS,if you think by coming on here , and trashing her takes away from what YOUR MOTHER DID YOU ARE WRONG! THIS WAS A 13 month old BABY what the hell could it have done to even be spanked?!I am convinced she beat her! A BABY! Maybe your mother had to actually WATCH HER?! To the grandmother and mother: I am behind you 100% she had no right to lay a hand upon that child and you were totally right in getting her convicted.Maybe by this post you saved even ONE "BRAT" from this womans care, and then it was worth it.She showed her ignorance right there, when she called those babies BRATS! thats probably mommys opinion and that why mommy beat your grandaughter.keep your chin up and if you neighbors side with a convicted child abuser let them, you don't want friends like that. GOD BLESS YOU TWO AND YOUR BABIES and I truly hope that child recovered okay.


The Toxic Bs are gone, thank God !

#23UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 12, 2006

Gee, I thought you weren't going to answer this any more, guess you LIED AGAIN ! You are still in such denial of what a lousy daughter you have raised. I hope you are proud of your self. Well considering you are a heroin addict in disguise and your daughter is raising trash just like her...more welfare brats to end up in gangs. Thank you again for leaving and taking your stench with you. Clean Air in South Sac.



#24Author of original report

Tue, April 11, 2006

I have read Susan's response which is full of lies and racist remarks. I'm grateful that the child abuser did not shake Alondra, a 13 1/2/ months old innocent and vunerable baby. NO BABY is defiant and bratty - The judge said in so many words that he didn't care if the baby had a tommy gun - it was up to the child abuser to walk away. I work in the field of abuse and have attended numerous training, workshops and conferences. It has been discounted that one can 'age' a bruise by color. In fact I was amazed that I saw so many bruise colors on Alondra that day, and by the next day, 98% of the bruising was gone. However, Alondra was lame for 2 weeks, and still walks unsteadily. It is clear to see why I had to sell my house and move from the toxic neighborhood. We are much happier not having to see Susan and the family of jackals on a daily basis. We are in the process of healing and moving on towards a peaceful, productive, and happy life. I wish the same for those living in the toxic dump.



#25Author of original report

Tue, April 11, 2006

I have read Susan's response which is full of lies and racist remarks. I'm grateful that the child abuser did not shake Alondra, a 13 1/2/ months old innocent and vunerable baby. NO BABY is defiant and bratty - The judge said in so many words that he didn't care if the baby had a tommy gun - it was up to the child abuser to walk away. I work in the field of abuse and have attended numerous training, workshops and conferences. It has been discounted that one can 'age' a bruise by color. In fact I was amazed that I saw so many bruise colors on Alondra that day, and by the next day, 98% of the bruising was gone. However, Alondra was lame for 2 weeks, and still walks unsteadily. It is clear to see why I had to sell my house and move from the toxic neighborhood. We are much happier not having to see Susan and the family of jackals on a daily basis. We are in the process of healing and moving on towards a peaceful, productive, and happy life. I wish the same for those living in the toxic dump.



#26Author of original report

Tue, April 11, 2006

I have read Susan's response which is full of lies and racist remarks. I'm grateful that the child abuser did not shake Alondra, a 13 1/2/ months old innocent and vunerable baby. NO BABY is defiant and bratty - The judge said in so many words that he didn't care if the baby had a tommy gun - it was up to the child abuser to walk away. I work in the field of abuse and have attended numerous training, workshops and conferences. It has been discounted that one can 'age' a bruise by color. In fact I was amazed that I saw so many bruise colors on Alondra that day, and by the next day, 98% of the bruising was gone. However, Alondra was lame for 2 weeks, and still walks unsteadily. It is clear to see why I had to sell my house and move from the toxic neighborhood. We are much happier not having to see Susan and the family of jackals on a daily basis. We are in the process of healing and moving on towards a peaceful, productive, and happy life. I wish the same for those living in the toxic dump.


Enough with the Bull, Here is the truth

#27UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 11, 2006

I read this crap for the first time today. I must say Donnalee and Regina dysfunctional white trash have a very slick way of twisting the truth to this incident. I was there the day Regina came over to confront Patti about her spanking the baby, and it was just that, a spanking of her very misbehaving child. Regina dysfunctional white trash screamed and yelled at Patti and approached her as to beat her. I step in and asked her to leave as another person there called 911. She refused to leave Patti's home and slugged me in the face for asking her to leave. Then the fight was on and she was arrested for assaulting me. I am Patti's 52 year old sister. I was attacked by that 27 year old low life dysfunctional white trash of a so called mother. Animals are better mothers than you are Regina dysfunctional white trash. She is no more than a white breeder of black trash, She will open her legs to any black low life, drug dealing, gun toting creeps she can find. I don't think she even knows who the black creeps fathers are to her 3 brats. My sister opened her home to help them with day care. She took very good care of the kids. Also, isn't a playpen just that, a place where kids can play for a while or take a nap? I don't think Patti did anything wrong for the years and years she took care of the dysfunctional white trash's brats. I never liked Donnalee or Regina dysfunctional white trash from the first. I told Patti, I don't trust them; they are low life gutter trash. But Patti has a kind heart and "took them under her wing" to help them in life. Boy did that backfire as I was afraid of in the beginning. I knew you two Donnalee and Regina dysfunctional white trash were just trash. Don't get me wrong, I do NOT think what Patti did was right by spanking too hard. But it is a know fact that mixed blood children have spots on there body from birth from the mixed blood in them. They also bruise easily due to the mix in the blood. Donnale said there were all sorts of colors on the baby that day. She is LYING. The only marks on the baby the day it happened were just where her hand spanked her bottom. Not all over and not all colors. Thank you to the lady above who checked this out. She did NOT have old bruises on her as she was not ever spanked like that before. The child was a very bratty little girl all day not minding and throwing fits and yes, Patti lost her composure and spanked the child too hard. When the mother came over to pick her up, she did not go running scared to her low life mother. That is a LIE too isn't it Regina dysfunctional white trash and Donnale. Kids today don't have any discipline and they are in gangs, killing people, doing drugs, like you Regina dysfunctional white trash and your ghetto drug dealing, black rap crap tramps you have in your life. What the hell are you teaching your brats? Your loud filthy rap crap music you play at 90 decibels all the time around your girls, what are you teaching them Regina dysfunctional white trash. Nothing good. How much time is the F word used in your rap crap music your kids listen too? Now that is abuse. My sister is a kind loving person who loves kids. Patti's heart went out to Donnalee and Regina dysfunctional white trash because they were so very dysfunctional in all they did. Mostly having child after child in and out of marriage. Some while she was married and sleeping around with other blacks. No low self esteem problems there Regina dysfunctional white trash. My sister did NOT get off easy. She had to hire a lawyer, go to court several times and deal with the lies you two made up. She went to jail and had to be on house arrest with an ankle bracelet for about 3 months. She is on probation for 2 years. She has no record at all so the DA felt she didn't deserve a harsher punishment. I know, I was there in court too, Regina dysfunctional white trash. You try that Regina dysfunctional white trash; you couldn't stay away from your black creepss that long could you b***h. You harassed my sister for 2 years and all of our family every time we went over to Patti's house. Cussing at us, flipping us off, throwing rocks at the house, we have them, by the way. And what about the brick you through at the house, Regina dysfunctional white trash. Just remember God is seeing all that everyone does and says and HE is keeping count. Actually I think your lying and deception through out this situation Donnalee and Regina dysfunctional white trash is worse than the spanking, and I don't care what ANY of you out there want to say. Even the Bible says "spare the rod, hate the child". And that is the correct passage from the Bible. Even God says to discipline children. Other wise how are children growing up ever going to be obedient to God himself? And if they don't learn that from parents chances are they never will and they will go to Hell. That is what discipline is all about. God started it! So ask Him who was a fault. A strong spanking to a bratty child who knows NO discipline or your LYING and deceiving everyone about Patti. She had one bad day and yes the girl got spanked harder than she should have. But she has healed. God says do NOT Lie in the Bible; it doesn't say do not spank children for discipline. It says to do it! If you were raising children with morals, discipline and respect for God, this would never have happened. Some one had to show discipline to that child and my sister did. The girl was walking fine that day and on every day since then. I have seen her running around in the front yard several times since it happened. Once again, you are LYING DYSFUNCTIONAL WHITE TRASHS, both of you. Oh, just so you know, the entire neighborhood who saw through your bullshit Regina dysfunctional white trash got together and had a great party after you finally moved out of the area. Hip Hip hurray. You low life black creeps loving tramp lying dysfunctional white trash. You would open your ugly legs for any black creeps, wouldn't you Regina dysfunctional white trash. And as to the bucket of water you through at my car Regina dysfunctional white trash, for no reason as I drove by. Screw you, and thanks for the car wash. You two Dysfunctional gutter trash.


Good Daycare Insights

#28Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 16, 2006

I am a full time daycare provider. I am not licensed by the state, but I take a great deal of pride in the service I provide. I always offer permission for a complete background check if the parent wishes and I keep my most recent one on hand, it helps put the parents at ease about wanting one themselves. I have no restrictions on when a parent can show up, if they show up at a particularly bad time, I am honest and open about why their child may be in the naughty chair or separated from the rest of the kids. I do not leave my door unlocked at all times of the day, I live in the country and need to be wary of strangers on my property. I offer web cam viewing if they wish, just no clothes or diaper changing with in view! I do not spank their child, even if they do, it's not my place and does nothing to encourage trust and security in a daycare setting. I make up a contract of what is expected from the parents, they add what they expect from me, we sign, we stick to it. It takes a little time to talk things over, but in the long run, saves a lot of time and perhaps anger if it has been worked out before hand. These are just a few things I do to make it a happier situation for both parents and kids. It's a fact of life that not all parents can stay home with their kids, it doesn't have to be a bad thing. A kid can grow up understanding that their parents did their best to find the safest, most secure loving environment for them to spend their time apart in. Just my 2cents worth


Just a Mother

#29Consumer Comment

Mon, January 16, 2006

As a mother it hurts to read when things like this happen. I sat here and listened to my 15 yr old son playing his guitar and thank the Lord that he never had to endure something as aweful as this. I read the posts about placing blame, he said she said, shoulda woulda coulda. Instead, what we should be doing is encouraging the family to seek help. Help in dealing with the anguish and pain. Someone (professional) they can share all their feelings with. Someone to help them overcome and to renew their faith in life and love and trust. That child needs it no matter what age they are. It comes from us as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, etc. I believe on some level that is what the grandmother is doing here. Releasing the negative emotions and maybe asking for help. Do not reprimand or condemn. That is not our jobs as human beings. Only God can do that. From my heart I wish your family peace and love. Take care.


Read the warning signs

#30Consumer Comment

Mon, January 16, 2006

If you had any concerns she was not providing enough care you should of yanked both kid's out at once. You should never even took them one more day. You should always follow you gut instints, even if you did trust this person at one time, People go through bad times and can change instantly, but never ever take that chance with your kid's. I would of done alot more than flip her the bird, I would of wanted to kill her. Im so sorry these things happen -- but I would of never put my kid's in that perdictament.


Domestic Violence - Child Abuse - And Society

#31Consumer Comment

Fri, December 09, 2005

Greetings: I am a survivor of a Mother whom beat me from age 2 to 27. The ages may throw a great many of you readers. From 2 to about 14 I couldn't defend myself. From 14 to 17, I didn't have the heart to Defend myself. From 17 to 27 - I could see the agony and pain my own mother was trying to beat in me from her own Pathetic Past & in those 37 years Alcohol was the key contributor! I love my Mother I do! I love her from afar! I know that is not Healthy to be near her. Nor do I want to. I won't go to her. Nor are my kids allowed to be near til they are 18 and even then I think I will be against them seeing her. I have raised 2 NON-DOMESTIC VIOLENT CHILDREN and made the generation gap from DV - Domestic Violence! --------------------------------- Regardless of what anyone thinks about This Specific Incident. The Resolution is Key in ending the Madness that comes as a result of something as shocking, brutal and unexcusable as BEATING/ABUSING a small Child! Obviously - Hounding this woman who made the Mistake of beating the beautiful baby won't bring closure! ignoring her will! She is not taking Pro-Active Measures to get help! Bad Her! Those are her consequences. She knows what she did - she has to live with that guilt or mask it with a drug or alcohol, that is a guarantee if she doesn't counsel. The Grandmother & Mother in this have made the right steps and are using this Rip Off Report to do exactly what needs to be done and that is Freedom of Speech! Regardless of Strangers Responses, Don't react to them if you know your choices as Parent & Grandmother are right! Tell your Story! Tell it to anyone who will listen! I held my Story of Abuse inside and barely realized I was Protecting the Abuser not me! I hid that secret for 32 years. You should talk about it. Talking about it can get you to a Resolution. Your Granddaughter is now going to have Triggers - A woman that looks like that woman that beat her will now set your daughter off, a smell that may remind her of that bad woman, I certain sound may throw her back to that moment! Where the Pain is going to lie is in the RE-LIVING OF THE MOMENT FOR YOUR GRAND-DAUGHTER! The same way when you read or discuss the incident! I suggest Counseling with all of you! In front of your GrandDaughter - you as Mother and GrandMother need to nurse her to talk about it and make her remember that the pain, is now in her mind! This little girl will feel it and see it and you as family won't even know she is going through it. Help her express it in ways that can help her shorten the extreme tension it brings. The fortunate thing for this Baby Girl is that she was so young! Maybe with the right nuturing she will grow new memories and forget it all together. Don't count on that! just listen to her! Never loose patience with this child as that can make her remember that bad lady! It is in childrens' moments of Ramble that Brilliance lies, make sure as the adults to be there to make it Rise! By Chasity Sisco 12/2005 Adults have to step back though and put their own feelings in check to allow Young children to express their feelings. Then acknowlege those same feelings and give true reassurance to the Child! my statistics show that I should be a Basket Case! i am not. i do not beat kids and I certainly do not Drink by choice! I was given a Chance in this Life! I want my Children to have the Same without Domestic Violence or Child Abuse. What we as Adults Foster in ourselves will be the same things we Foster in our children . . . Fostering love, compassion, honesty(even when it makes your feel guilty), laughter, giving to others and hope enables you to be Healthy and Free! ============================= Also, just my personal note: For the time period that this young mother let this Child Abuser watch her baby, something set this lady off. Jealousy could be a Key factor amoungst many others! It didn't just happen overnight! That takes me back to the Grand Baby Girl - She may of endured more than you will ever know and that is the hugest part to get through! I send my heart felt Best Wishes to each of you. May God forgive those who ask! May light lead your paths to your destiny's and May the hand of Jesus rest on your shoulder in times of need! Malama Pono - God Bless


Los Angeles,
get a grip

#32Consumer Comment

Sat, August 13, 2005

i was just reading this story and from what i understand this lady did the right thing by venting her anger that way really it could be much worser so i commend your daughter for using some restraint let the neighbors believe the child abusers seems like they will have to learn the hard way so be rid of them i am sure they dont pay your bills so to hell with them and i wish your grand baby all the luck and fullfill ment life has to offer her and i am a mom of 7 and i would go to the end for my kids.


If I were the mother

#33Consumer Comment

Wed, August 10, 2005

If I were the mother flipping the abusers the bird would be the least of their problems.I have a 7 year old and a 1 year old.If either of them was severly beaten by someone like that I would kill the abuser with my bare hands. As for the person that quesioned why the mother didn't notice the yellow bruises,around that age children are learning to walk and it's not uncommon to see a few bruises.I'm guessing the yellow bruises weren't that many.The sitter admitted she beat the child and got away with it. There would be no restraining order that could keep me away from the abuser and anybody that witnessed her actions and did nothing.


Daycare facilities are not all they are cracked up to be.

#34Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 31, 2005

For the person touting the greatness of a licensed daycare facility I have a few words for. I have in my quest as a mother had more problems with licensed daycare facilities that ANY OTHER type of daycare. I have had them fail to feed my children, fail to properly store their formula, not change them, and not give them meds and a list of other things. I do not believe that the mother was abusing her daughters in this case. We all know how hard it is to find daycare. If you are friends with someone for 5 years and you don't know them? That is crazy! You can know someone for 2 or 3 times that and still have them snap and go off. I would rather leave my children with a family friend that I have known than complete strangers. I would if my daughters were expressing dislike and had issues with going to this family friend (or any daycare); I would start the process of finding an alternate form of daycare immediately. In the meantime who knows what could happen. I am not the only one with problems with daycare. Often on the news you hear of these type of stories from home based daycare and daycare centers alike. Once comes to mind where a young boy under the age of 4 wandered out of a daycare facility and into the busy street where a city employee finally picked him up. Yeah, Dr. Laura what a stellar example of what NOT to teach your children. Do a search on this website about the BBB and found out what a great organization that is. While you are at it search childcare. There is risk with all kinds of daycare. It's scary to think about taking your child to another person licensee or not. I feel deeply for this mother. Her child was abused. There is no question about that. A judge found her guilty of that. Nothing changes that fact. I can only hope they are able to move past this horrible injustice and live a happy life.


The True Issue Is ABUSE

#35Consumer Comment

Sun, July 31, 2005

Many parents believe that if a person abuses thier child, they would go ballistic and beat the tar out of that person or whatever. From experience, though, I know that personally, that is not what I did. I went to the ER, the police station, and an attorney. I was so filled with anger at the abuser and at myself that I could barely function. When charges were dropped due to the fact that my child was only 4 years old and didn't know what kind of stick he was hit with, I thought the world had ended. I was lost and I was confused. I lost all faith in the justice system. I've been there. This mother's actions... I know where they come from. They may not have been the right actions, but that kind of anger and hurt and feeling of failure can sometimes override all logic. The mother's actions did not cause injury to her child. How can someone compare cursing or driving fast to BEATING a child? There is no comparison. Child abusers are one of the lowest forms of scum.


Enough is Enough "You have a divine animal right

#36Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 26, 2005

In the movie enough a Woman is brutalized along with her child by her husband but a quote in the movie is this "You have a divine animal right to protect your own life and the life of your offspring." I'm not one to advocate violence and in this situation I would never, but if this child is not protected and it survives from experince That I personally know it will be a victim all its life. As for being A CHRISTIAN that is a laugh anyone whp pickes on something or someone smaller and weaker would never be a christian.


New York,
Dr Laura was right????

#37Consumer Comment

Sat, June 04, 2005

Was she right when she was posing naked for her boyfriend??? She's just another hypocrite from the radical reich


New York,
Dr Laura was right????

#38Consumer Comment

Sat, June 04, 2005

Was she right when she was posing naked for her boyfriend??? She's just another hypocrite from the radical reich


New York,
Dr Laura was right????

#39Consumer Comment

Sat, June 04, 2005

Was she right when she was posing naked for her boyfriend??? She's just another hypocrite from the radical reich


New York,
Dr Laura was right????

#40Consumer Comment

Sat, June 04, 2005

Was she right when she was posing naked for her boyfriend??? She's just another hypocrite from the radical reich


Los Angeles,
Mother is totally at fault

#41Consumer Comment

Sat, June 04, 2005

What an excuse. The mother is claiming that her daughter told her the care providers behavior but instead of listening to the victim she allowed Patricia to continue care for the youngest. Sounds like the mother was abusing right there. You are totally at fault here. As a mother, I know to check criminal history, go to the police dept and look up police reports, go to the courts and research, background check, private investigator... all for a few bucks can get you information that would be vital to your childs well-being. You should have hired a licensed daycare facility, they would have a record with the BBB and licensing. In a licensed facility there are several people around all the time who are QUALIFIED to care for a child and are trained in emergency situations. Knowing someone for five years is not enough. Five years does not tell you anything. Daycare facility LICENSED... not just a family. Come on people wake up. I am only 27 with a four year old and have managed to educate myself in the matter of finding proper daycare and how to report and locate information on abuse, background checks, criminal reports... etc. If concerned with facilities... BE A STAY AT HOME MOM... listen to Dr. Laura... she knows what she is talking about. Deeply concerned for poorly cared for children. People should be licensed to have children.


I agree with Donna Lee What if it was YOUR CHILD

#42Consumer Comment

Thu, May 12, 2005

I don't know any of you but speaking as a mother I would beat the living s**t out of anyone that did that to my child. If a parent would hit a child like that we would be in jail for child abuse yet a trusted friend/babysiter does it and gets a slap on the wrist? People need to shut up and think about what would they do in her situtation? What if it was YOUR CHILD then what? People can talk and talk as long as its not there child its ok, but when its someone else child we look the other way? Here in NY that b***h would have been beaten so severly she would have never laid a hand on a child again. God says a eye for a eye. If the neighbors don't like what that childabusing b***h is getting thats there problem. As long as it is not their child right people? This poor baby was abused and that sick b*****d is walking free where is justice?


I agree with Donna Lee What if it was YOUR CHILD

#43Consumer Comment

Thu, May 12, 2005

I don't know any of you but speaking as a mother I would beat the living s**t out of anyone that did that to my child. If a parent would hit a child like that we would be in jail for child abuse yet a trusted friend/babysiter does it and gets a slap on the wrist? People need to shut up and think about what would they do in her situtation? What if it was YOUR CHILD then what? People can talk and talk as long as its not there child its ok, but when its someone else child we look the other way? Here in NY that b***h would have been beaten so severly she would have never laid a hand on a child again. God says a eye for a eye. If the neighbors don't like what that childabusing b***h is getting thats there problem. As long as it is not their child right people? This poor baby was abused and that sick b*****d is walking free where is justice?


I agree with Donna Lee What if it was YOUR CHILD

#44Consumer Comment

Thu, May 12, 2005

I don't know any of you but speaking as a mother I would beat the living s**t out of anyone that did that to my child. If a parent would hit a child like that we would be in jail for child abuse yet a trusted friend/babysiter does it and gets a slap on the wrist? People need to shut up and think about what would they do in her situtation? What if it was YOUR CHILD then what? People can talk and talk as long as its not there child its ok, but when its someone else child we look the other way? Here in NY that b***h would have been beaten so severly she would have never laid a hand on a child again. God says a eye for a eye. If the neighbors don't like what that childabusing b***h is getting thats there problem. As long as it is not their child right people? This poor baby was abused and that sick b*****d is walking free where is justice?


New Jersey,
Question about bruises

#45Consumer Comment

Sat, May 07, 2005

I must agree that this entire situation seems to be out of control, but one thing really struck me as odd in the original post" "The baby was terrified and ran to her mama when my daughter arrived. The baby was bruised purple, black, yellow, red, blue and green..." What I found out after doing a little research on the internet is that yellow bruises are OLD bruises - anywhere from 2 days to 14 days old. Here's what I found about the ages of bruises from many sites on the internet: Less than one day Red, red / blue or purple with crisp margins (Swollen and tender) 1 - 2 Days Blue - black or blue - brown to dark purple with fading margins (Still swollen and tender) 3 - 5 Days Yellow - green to brown with indistinct margins 5 - 7 Days Yellow and fading over one week Yellow - brown and fading My guess it that there's even MORE to this story than both sides are saying. If the beatings were repeated, which appears may be the case, how come nobody noticed the bruises before March 10th?


Donnalee,I hope you DO read this anyone would put their hands on my kids

#46Consumer Comment

Sat, May 07, 2005

I am a mother, and to think that anyone would put their hands on my kids is abombdinal, especially a trusted person. While Regina should have been more mature, I can also understand how anguished she was and not thinking too clearly. A few shouts, a couple birds flipped, what exactly is so terrible there? Of course, not acknowleding the abuser would have been better, but the above acts cannot even compare to the horror and abuse this child suffered. Donnalee, you have my FULL support in this. I just cannot buy anyone saying well I just spanked her. Really? Because a child who needs the ER hasn't just been spanked. It is so easy to take sides in a neighborhood, and for those who want any relationships with one another is solely between them. The rest of you on Donnalee's street need to concern yourself with YOUR lives, and let this poor family try to make a helpless child better and feel safer. To the babysitter:apologies are hardest to give yet easiest to receive. If you believe IN YOUR HEART that you merely spanked, then apologize for discipling in the manner you chose.


and you really don't get it either - the innocent have been downtrodden far more than the guilty

#47Author of original report

Thu, May 05, 2005

Yes, my daughter reacted quite explosively in the beginning, trying to handle the horror of what had happened to her innocent baby. Yes, there are many sides to every story. Usually there is more weight to one side than another. In this case, the innocent have been downtrodden far more than the guilty. As I see it and have experienced it, neighbors are shunning an innocent victim and supporting a child abuser. My daughter does not "present a good front". She admits her own actions without disguise or restraint. She has behaved remarkably well for having to endure the unspeakable agony of having her baby beaten and terrorized by someone she trusted. She looked up to Patty, sought her advice, asked her to be the godmother to her children, and trusted her with her children. Not something my daughter blithely granted any ole body. We thought the Huizars were the best people, until about a year prior to the beating. We began to see them as the humans everybody is; unfortunately, we didn't pull Alondra from Patty's "care" in time so that we could have had a civil relationship. Now we want no relationship with them or anyone of their ilk, mostly based upon their behavior after the beating. Javonna has been forced to learn that there are icky sick people in this world. Regina has not handled the situation perfectly, and neither have the neighbors. You let me know when you can walk on water, I'll put more weight on what you say. Why don't you be brave and courteous enough to discuss this with me in person? You are obviously a neighbor; come and talk with us. You know the saying, that you can't always believe what you see. Yes, Regina zoomed off in her car; yes, she cussed at neighbors who shunned her; yes, it took months for her to get an emotionally calm handle on the crazy insane situation. You condemn Regina for being unable to calmly handle a horrible situation. I hope you don't have to handle the same thing. Talk is easy. For your information, through Regina's and my and my family's support and outside counseling, Alondra is becoming healed from her abuse. There will be a scar physically and emotionally. She did not smile for seven months. You live with your baby suffering day in and day out like that. Counseling has helped their healing process. Alondra was terrified for seven months; she had nightmares and had 'fits' for hours at a time. You deal with that for seven months straight. Alondra could not walk for two weeks after Patty beat her. The doctor wrote in her report "I am quite distraught at the severity of marking" or words to that effect. I've read many doctor reports in 15 years, yet I have NEVER read where a doctor used 'emotional' descriptive language such as "I am quite distraught". Reports are very factual, such as: "knife wound was 3 inches by 5 inches, dissecting the aorta valve". What Patty did the day she beat Alondra was bad enough; her and her family's behavior subsequent to that was evil, sick and perverted. We have tried to understand the neighbor's attitudes and reaction to this. Most people can't wrap their brains around such a horrible act such as Patty committed. So it's always easier to blame the victim, and stay focussed on Regina's "horrible" behavior than realize there IS evil in this world, and it CAN reside right next door. Just as we have to teach our children to protect themselves against child abduction, child molestation, and other horrors, we are teaching our children to stay away from icky people. The Huizars fall into that category, undeniably. Patty and her family have never said they were sorry, they have never inquired after Alondra's well being, nor any of our well-being after the beating. Patty now denies that she beat Alondra; she states she only spanked her. She engaged in a full blown retaliation calling police trying to get Regina arrested. For her to dismiss the restraining order which she got by default speaks volumes to me that a moment of clarity struck her and her sister that they had no case. The Huizars and their ilk continue to display their sick irrational behavior. The neighborhood bands with them which is fine by us; we know where the sick and misguided people are. We have been doing our best to put this behind us and live our life which is abundant with gifts, including Alondra's blossoming into healing from the abuse and terror created by Patty. Patty and the neighbors can live in their denial and warped thinking all they want; We wish them well and want nothing to do with any of them. I will not read or respond to any more responses about this, as it only brings back the horror of what happened. I'm continuing to forget about it. You just keep believing what you will and have a nice life.


You really don't get it - do you?

#48Consumer Comment

Thu, May 05, 2005

Compassion for a young mother who: Teaches her oldest daughter to yell out b***h at any of the neighbors? Teaches her oldest daughter to flip off neighbors? Drags her oldest daughter by the hand, while carrying the baby, and cusses out Frank Huizar? Marches her two daughters down the street to terrorize a neighbor - then proceeds to order the oldest to flip off this neighbor? Throws her two girls in the car, backs her car out of your driveway at a ridiculous speed, barely hits another neighbor's car, then decides to blow the stop sign. ALL WITH THE GIRLS IN THE CAR!!! Comes home one day, the babies crying, and proceeds to yell at whoever happens to be in front of their homes See what I have to put up with! (Helloyou CHOSE to be a Mom. No one made you have kids.) And you are asking me where my compassion is???? My compassion is with the innocent girls who have to live with a mother who is sickly caught up in revenge and spite and instead of focusing her energy on loving and helping her children she continues to drag on a situation that was very unfortunate. Regarding the neighbors who you believe have been fooled by the Huizars - most have witnessed the harassment firsthand. Most felt awful and the majority agreed that what Patty did was disgusting yet YOUR DAUGHTERS ACTIONS (a few examples above) are what caused them to shun your daughter. If anything, some in your neighborhood should have sought protection from your daughter. The way she terrorized them was unbelievable. The worse part about itwas that it was all predictable behavior. Everyone knew that once you pulled out of your driveway something was bound to happen. Think about many of the police reports weren't a lot of them called in when you weren't there? The true victim here is your granddaughter. Not her mother, who has caused many of these incidents that you believe to be false reports or better yet, calling the police and telling them anything. In a way it's very sad considering it's your daughter and you can't help but be biased. But, again, multiple people (not the Huizars) can recall numerous situations in which your daughter was harassing the Huizars and/or neighbors. And in this specific instance, I do believe what Patty Huizar did was sick, wrong, and unfortunate. Many of us hurt for your granddaughter when we heard/saw what happened. I don't agree that her punishment was enough yet at this point that is not for me to decide. This isn't/wasn't about believing Patty Huizar. Go back and read the above. It was a comment or suggestion about getting at the truth. Whether you want to acknowledge the truth and realize that your daughter isn't as innocent as you think (She must present a good front to quote your words ) that is ultimately your decision. Just keep in mind that your granddaughters need love and stability. Not a mom who is consumed with revenge.


The "concerned Sacramentan" should take their own advice.

#49REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, May 03, 2005

Where is your compassion for a young mother whose innocent baby was brutally beaten? Yes, after my daughter was physically and emotionally unable to attend court to answer to Huizar's restraining order, an order was granted to Huizar by DEFAULT. NOT by any truth of the matter. After obtaining the restraining order BY DEFAULT, Huizar called the police on numerous occasions - clearly using the restraining order as a legal hammer. It is clear that Huizar was attempting to "put the spotlight" on the victim and make herself look 'innocent'. Anyone can call the police at any time and claim anything. In fact the police quit responding to Huizar's phone calls because it was clearly a case of "her word against ours". Gee, Huizar never had proof of her claims of wrongdoing. Therefore, the police began to just take Huizar's complaints over the phone. The victim neighbor sought legal counsel in order to protect herself against the crazy turn of events whereby her failure to appear in court gave Huizar a false legal hammer. Huizar must have seen the light because she ultimately dismissed the restraining order. Why? One would ask - she had to acknowledge that she had no leg to stand on and that she was engaging in social warfare against a victim of her betrayal and abuse. Make no mistake; Huizar and family present a good front, very believable. The insideousness of their insanity pervades the neighborhood, to where neighbors believe the perpetrator and shun the victims. It's a crazy world. Go ahead and believe the perpetrator. Just Realize: The district attorney never files a case that they cannot prove. They might believe with all their might of a perpretor's wrongdoing, but if there is weak to no evidence, they will not file a case. Huizar was charged with two counts of felony child abuse. She walked out with a misdemeanor child abuse conviction. I just hope another baby does not suffer at her hands, literally, as ours has. Or did Huizar use an object?


More info regardig this unfortunate situation

#50Consumer Comment

Tue, May 03, 2005

I agree that Patty Huizar abused your grandchild. I also agree that her punishment was somewhat unfair. I don't mean to take away from the seriousness of this unfortunate situation but I do think you may be missing some key information. Every situation has quite a few sides, in your case, the Huizar version, your daughter's version and the truth. Some of the false reports that you belive to be false may not be false after all. I believe a Sacramento City Police employee (possibly a CSO) was assigned to this situation due to the high number of complaints against your daughter by both the Huizar's and others. Possibly checking in with them (or even your neighbors) could provide you with insight and details. Don't lose focus on what's the most important here - your granddaughter. It's so easy to get caught up in the negative aspect of the situation. Love her, embrace her and guide her. She needs you.

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