  • Report:  #130996

Complaint Review: PayPal - Internet

Reported By:
- Lafayette, Louisiana,

Internet, U.S.A.
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PayPal has made it easy for scammers and ripoff artists to cheat buyers on E-Bay. Their refund policy prevents refunds if you receive anything at all from the seller. Thus, sellers are sending empty boxes to buyers, therefor, when you report the theft to PayPal and ask for a refund, PayPal asks if you received anything (even an empty box) from the seller and, if you say "Yes", then your refund is denied.

PayPal then refuses to allow you to even delete your account unless you provide them with payment information that would alow them to steal your money that you refuse to pay to the seller/thief.

The only way to defeat this is to cancel your credit card that is on file with PayPal, notify the card company that any PayPal charges are unauthorized, and report the transaction as fraudulent to your bank if you had provided a bank account to PayPal for instant withdrawls.

PayPal lacks any real protection for buyers and refunds are VERY rare and hard to obtain. Plus, the refund amounts are limited to about $500, so any large thefts have no real recourse, except against the thief.

Beware using or trusting PayPal. You are safer sending cash than using PayPal - at least then you know that you will lose your money to the thief without having to waste more time trying to get a refund from PayPal that will never come.


Lafayette, Louisiana

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