  • Report:  #411946

Complaint Review: Pharmacy-leader.com / Easy-meds.com/ Rxpharmasolutions.com / Codpharmacy@gmail - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Plano, Texas,

Pharmacy-leader.com / Easy-meds.com/ Rxpharmasolutions.com / Codpharmacy@gmail
pharmacy-leader.com; www.easy-meds.com; www.rxpharmasolutions.com Nationwide, Dominican Republic
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The following excerpt describes a current scam involving fake online pharmacy sites run by criminals in the Dominican Republic (possibly New York as well). As embarrassing as this is for me to admit; I fell for this scam hook, line and sinker:


"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers about a fraudulent scheme to extort money from consumers by callers who falsely identify themselves as "FDA special agents" or other FDA officials. Several instances have been reported to the FDA of calls enticing consumers to purchase discounted prescription drugs by wiring funds to one of several locations in the Dominican Republic. No medications are ever delivered.

A subsequent call is received from a fraudulent "FDA special agent" informing the consumer that a fine of several thousand dollars is required to be sent to an address in the Dominican Republic to prevent incarceration or other legal action.

"Impersonating an FDA official is a violation of federal law," said Michael Chappell, the FDA's acting associate commissioner for regulatory affairs. "The public should note that no FDA official will ever contact a consumer by phone demanding money or any other form of payment. FDA officials always present identification in person when conducting official business."

Consumers should note that the fraudulent calls appear to be from telephone numbers located within the United States, but are in fact from either ported voice-over-the-Internet-protocol numbers (calls made directly from a computer and moved or "ported" to other computers to avoid detection) or cellular phones. Reports to FDA describe the callers as having Hispanic accents.

The scheme most likely began with the theft of personal information from consumers who previously purchased drugs via the Internet or telephone or who were victims of credit card fraud. "


www.pharmacy-leader.com is one of the sites run by these criminals. This is what happened to me:

- I went to www.pharmacy-leader.com and filled out their "secure" info request. Within 1 minute, I started receiving multiple calls from several "medical reps" supposedly from pharmacy-leader.com. They all informed me that; even though the site states that Visa credit cards are accepted, their credit card machine was down and that it would have to be done through Western Union. They offered me a "special discount" for using WU.

- All of the Reps seemed to be competing with one another for my business and they told me that they all worked for pharmacy-leader.com; but that they represented different pharmacies. Each one of them told me that they could get me a better deal than the others; and that I should only buy from them because they worked for commission and could give me more for my money.

- I ended up going with one of the "pharmacies" based in New York; since the other choices were all in the Dominican Republic. After I did the WU money transfer; I called the rep back to inform her that it was done and to get my tracking number. Her name (supposedly) was "Jessica Brown"; however the name I was instructed to put on the money transfer was "Edwin Vizcaino". She kept telling me that she was waiting on the shipping dept. to get the tracking number and that she would not leave the office until she called me with the tracking number.

- I waited and waited and got very nervous when I tried to reach her again later that night and got a recording telling me that the number was temporarily out of order! I then began receiving calls from the previous/first rep I had spoken; Peter, in the Dominican Republic. He informed me that his boss had contacted her boss; and that she was not an "authorized Medical Rep". He stated that she was a Customer Service Rep and that she was not supposed to take sales.

Peter then informed me that the New York pharmacy would be refunding my money transfer by mail and gave me a confirmation number for the refund. I asked him why they could not just send him the money order directly and have him ship my meds instead of making me do another money transfer.

I got very upset and told him I was getting a very bad feeling about the whole thing because I should not be the one forced to send another $300 money order for their mistake. He apologized and offered to give me 180-count instead of 90-count as a way to keep my business; but said that I would need to go ahead and make another WU money transfer to them so that they could process the order properly and get it shipped out that night. His "Manager" called me as well to reassure me that I would be refunded and then provided me with a shipping confirmation code for my records.

Stupidly; I wired the 2nd $300 payment and the next morning I awaited the shipment. I started receiving calls from their "shipping" department that night and was informed that the package had been placed on "hold" for some odd reason at the FedEx location near my house. She told me she would take care of the problem and get it to me ASAP.

About 10 mins later; I got a call from a number that appeared to be from their shipping dept based on the fact that the area code was the same; and only the last 2 digits were different. When I picked it up; however, the caller identified herself as being a "Special Agent" with the DEA. She had a distinct Hispanic accent; exactly like ALL of the individuals I had spoken with thus far.

She basically began to tell me that my package was intercepted by U.S. officials and that I was being charged with: Possession of Controlled Substance; Possession with intent to distribute and aiding and abetting a terrorist group from the Dominican Republic. She went on to tell me that a task force had been dispatched to monitor my home and my phones; and that they were going to come and arrest me. I was then going to be transported to New York and would be indicted and then would be forced to stand trial in both the U.S. and the Dominican Republic. I would be sentenced to 10-15 yrs in prison in the Dominican Republic; etc. . . and then it happened -- I was offered a way out; a way to make this whole situation go away! All I was required to do, she said, was pay a "fine" of $10,000.00 -- what a deal!! When I started crying and told her that I could not pay that kind of money; she started telling me to pawn my jewelry and wedding ring; and to take out a payday loan!! What the hell kind of government official would say this sh*t!?!?

The calls began to come in from other "officials" and "secret agents"; all of whom were telling me different stories about needing my help to bust a drug cartel or illegal pharmacy; etc. . . BUT whoever they tried to pass themselves off as and whatever excuse or scenario they tried to give me -- in the end they all just wanted me to send MORE money AND via Western Union again!

The threats and harassing phone calls went on for almost a week. I would get very upset when they called and sometimes cry and ask them to leave me alone. Then; I realized that I just needed to call them out on the scam. So; the last 3 phone calls I received from them I responded to by saying; " Look; I know ALL about the scam you are running; and I am NOT falling for it anymore -- you better move on because I am not ever gonna send u another dime. No matter what. One of them tried to threaten me again and I told her that I wanted her to send those "special force agents" that she claimed had been surrounding my house a few days earlier and she had better send them right now or I would know she was nothing but a fraud.

Each time I got a call from them; I would describe in detail what; where; and how they did what they did. It has been 6 days since I last got a phone call from any of them and I have documented all of the phone numbers; names that were given (which most all are fakes I am sure) and where and who I wired the money via Western Union.

In all; I lost about $650 but I do NOT consider myself a victim in any way; shape or form and it was my own fault for allowing myself to fall for a scam. I am not an ignorant person; in fact; I am quite the opposite so I should have known better. My only consolation is the hope that; by telling my story, I might be able to save someone from a similar fate. Thank you.


Plano, Texas


3 Updates & Rebuttals


Me Too , They are actually at it again

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, September 25, 2012

I also got a call from Paul Trajan back in  2009  and went through a very similar experience as you both posted above. This time A DIFFERENT fake DEA agent called to tell me I am "under investigation" and asking for a "fine" to be wired to him. This has happened to me several times in the past and I have a form (emailed to me by a legitimate FDA agent) where I record the caller's information and return it. DO NOT BE FOOLED OR SCARED BY ANY CALLS FROM THESE PEOPLE! This time the calling number was 321-800-9474. IF THERE REALLY IS A HELL- THESE PEOPLE WILL BE FIRST IN LINE!


DEA Pharmacy Scam

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, October 20, 2009

I got a similar call today from some jackass in New York who claimed to be Chris Wallace, a DEA agent in New York. He said I was going to go to jail for 3-5 years and that he had a warrant for my arrest and that a local DEA agent would be visiting my house soon. He then went on about drug cartels in the Dominican Republic and how Dr Cheslow had been arrested and some other BS. I finally told this guy to send/fax me the warrant but he never responded. I never got to the point where he wanted me to send or wire money.

FYI- His phone # is 718-577-2940.

Why the hell would a DEA agent be calling me from a cell phone? This jerk sounded like an un-employed scam artist loser. I called him back a few minutes ago and he answered with a simple "hello", not "Agent Wallace" or anything else sounding official.

These scumbags need to be stopped. Not sure what we can do, but it's very sad that people have to stoop this low to make money. I have to admit, I was crapping my pants at first, but after some research I now know that this is a complete scam.

Thank god for sites like this that expose these filthy, bottom feeding con artists for what they are. Karma will catch up to these people one day.

If anyone else has gotten a call from this asswipe, please post it here and let's see what we can do to put this jerk behind bars.



It happened to me

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, May 28, 2009

To share my story with you ; I received a call today from Paul Tahan (not really any accent); He informed me he was calling from the FDA and I am being charged with ordering prescription drugs from online. (BTW thank you so much for posting this because I would have been scared crapless) He stated I have a court date on Monday Morning, July 1st, then he stated June 1st in a town in MA. He stated my time to be there is at 9:30 and he asked for my fax number to fax my subpeona to me. He also stated I am being charged with multiple things because I ordered medication over the internet. He stated I should take my dockett number and then proceeded to swear and yell at me because I did not have a pen. I went into a store and grabbed a pen. I asked him for his first and last name; where he was located, he said Maryland, it was a (204) area code. I inquired what medication, he told me one I never heard of and I asked what pharmacy , it was also one i never heard of justmeds.com. I told him this and he said I can speak to the Chief of the FDA.. or something similar (BTW there were walkie talkies in the background and he was like 10-4) He said her name was Patty Evans, and here comes Patty Evans, slight hispanic accent. SHe told me I was playing games and fu--- around and I should be taking this very seriously. She read off 6 codes I violated in the US Law, and advised I am going to jail for 7-8 yrs , probation for 3 years and will be expedited to the DOmincan Republic. Oh and I would stay in a house of corrections. She informed me I sent money to the dominican republic to Jennifer Gonzalez , whom is under arrest, and also Alicia who is under arrest (Alicia was the original scammer). They said they had me on a recording and i am in serious trouble for someone with such a clean record. I stated I do not have a clean record (which is not true, but since she seemed to "know" everything about me. SHe told me she has an arrest and search warrant for my house that she just signed since I was being annoying and pessimistic (did she know what the word meant, because condescending would have been better) She informed me there is another option,but I have to tell them the whole truth ( I really didn't provide them with much information, but the information they provided to me was incorrect...either the amount of pills or the medication type, or the pharmacy itself) they could put me on hold and call U.S Customs so I don't have to be extradited to the Dominican Republic. She stated they can set it up to make like it never happened, and I would only have to pay a small fine. I siad oh like me sending you a couple of thousand dollars. I informed her their scam is all over the internet. I advised (THANKS TO YOUR POST AGAIN) the FDA knows all about their scam, and if they are going to come and arrest me then send someone to do so... because they will not get another dime. I do have to say, this is long winded...... She sounded professional, but when I mentioned I researched the DEA and FDA on the internet and they show up at your house with a badge. Then I hung up and have not received an automatic call back. Becky, Thank you so much for posting your experience, my initial experience is under USPATIENTCAREGROUP.... , please email me so i can thank you again...

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