  • Report:  #574813

Complaint Review: PIRATES COVE SELF STORAGE - Ann Arbor Michigan

Reported By:
Elizabeth - , Michigan, United States of America

8225 Jackson Rd Ann Arbor, 48103 Michigan, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I worked at this location/business for approx 7 years.  Never in my life have I ever worked for 2 absolutely crazy people.  Gary and Lori Wiltse who own this location and another self storage in Pinckney, Michigan are NOT honorable owners, let alone good people.  After I left there, was Laid Off due to lack of work...LOL...to be honest about this, I have to admit it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

For those of you to use to come in and chat with me, you know how upset and miserable I was at times.  How I was treated like pure trash by them.  Constantly expected to do work of many when it was only me there.  NEVER would the owner come and help, OH NO, but he would go work all day at the other site in Pinckney because the employee there, Erin was a pathetic, lazy person.  She say on the computer all day playing, Oh, and the owner paid for her internet hook up...did they pay for mine...HELL NO!!!

Getting back to when I left.  I moved my stuff to Chelsea storage for awhile...Marianneand the owners of Chelsea are absolutely professional and try to work with you on any level.  They do not charge you $25 after 20 days of being late...they do not charge you $50 after that and immediately take you to auction...NO...but at Pirates Cove..it was money ...money...money...get that money...charge them...no, don't lower the rent...no...do not give them any specials.....it's called GREED!!!!!!!

I use to tell them...why left the units set there empty when you can rent them out for at least a portion of rent....OH NO...we want the FULL RENT....GREED, but then, let me see...the daughter goes out and crashes her vehicle a couple of times...the Lori herself, by her husbands own admission to me has a drinking problem...he tells me one day after I told him she blew up at me for NO REASON and was cussing and yelling at me on the phone that she was drunk again...and it was only 2:00 p.m.  I asked him, does that happen often and he says....More than I'd like to admit.

The owners have alot of problems that run into this business and my suggestion to any of you needing a storage unit...GO TO CHELSEA STORAGE....you won't be disappointed....honestly....I'm just not posting this out of revenge if that's what you think....I'm being very honest here.....good luck people if you still have your stuff there....LOL...your paying out the nose for a unit you can get half price someplace else.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
I agree with Kenn

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, February 08, 2011

I have worked for Gary Wiltse on/off a few times with his business Wiltse Electric thru the union down the road from this business and I have to say, although I did not know Elizabeth personally, this poor girl was run into the ground daily by a another guy that works for Gary on a full time basis by the name of Doug.  Boy oh boy, is this guy a piece of work.  Everybody in the union hates him and we all have wondered when Gary will get his head out of the clouds and see what we have all seen for years.  

I drive by this place almost daily coming from the direction of Jackson and since elizabeth has left, this place is dirty and does not look like it did when elizabeth was there.  Myself and a bunch of us use to see her outside all the time, winter, summer fall working  and honestly, I thought to myself, boy if my wife would clean like this girl does our yard would be a show place, lol

Doug has bragged how he finally got Gary to get rid of elizabeth and Gary's wife Lori started to work in her place.  hahaha of course that didn't last long, so now there is a woman there that is stupid, there is no other way of putting it, she's just stupid and I do not know the other girls name at the place in Pinckney, but she is nothing more than a b*tch.  I drove over to that place because of a advertised auction and she's like a dog in heat.  me and the other guys I was with

wanted to get out of there asap.

I hope elizabeth is doing ok now, and who knows if gary will ever come to see what is going on probably not, doug has him snowed over pretty darn good.  Even Jim says if doug was gone, things would be alot better.  and jim is a super nice guy and hard worker too.


United States of America
Susan is WRONG

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, April 10, 2010

I have worked with Elizabeth before and she is an excellent employee.  Maybe what Susan doesn't know is, Elizabeth OPENED that Self Storage Site for the Wiltse's when they first got it.  She did everything, that site is what it is today because of HER!!!

She was loyal to them in every way and the way they paid her back was to get rid of her because it would be cheaper for them to hire somebody for less pay.  She taught them how to use the computer system, they installed the same computer system in Pinckney ILLEGALLY!!!, without paying for the soft ware.  The Wiltse's have alot to be ashamed about, NOT ELIZABETH!!  She is right when she says they cheated her out of 7 weeks paid vacation.  Every single time she'd ask to take off a day, they seem to have one reason or another they couldn't let her, most of all, because they were too busy to come help out at that site because they were going to Cancun or Florida on another vacation or something.

She was in the hospital a few times, she lost a kidney and the very same day she came home, they wanted her back at work.  These people are horrible and only care about their friends that are wealthy.  Lori told Elizabeth one time that people that live in Trailors are trash, this is how shallow she is.  Lori is a drunk, Gary said so himself, oh, let me use the exact words he said, "She must be liquored up again, it's been happening too often"!!!  Elizabeth went to the store for maybe, 10 mins to get something to drink and Lori called her up drunk as a skunk yelling and cussing at her because she didn't call to get Lori's permission to go get a pop.  Talk about a control freak.  She has no control in her marriage!!

I could write a book on the things these people have done to her, they abused her mentally and allowed tenants to physically abuse her.  Elizabeth was shoved back on the ground and her dog poisoned once because one of Lori's neighbors did not pay their bill for months, Elizabeth got the Wiltse's persmission to auction off the guys unit, so she did.  The guy comes in and grabs Elizabeth and shoves her, he then started stalking her and tried to poison her dog.  Elizabeth begged them to do something about the guy, but Lori said No, because the sister of this guy lived down the street from them and they were good friends....OH..I see now, lets let this guy kill Elizabeth's dog and physically harm her, but we do not want to make waves with the family of the guy doing it because you probably get trashed with them on Fri and Sat

Even the management company that was handling this business for the first 2 years liked Elizabeth, in the history of this company, she was the only employee ever offered another self storage site if she left the Wiltse's place, but no, she stayed with them as long as they were fair with her.  Well, it didn't take them long to show their colors and in the end, they showed them big time.

So Susan or whomever you are, she's right, I'd keep my mouth shut if I were you, because your listening to one side of this, if their is anything that Lori hates, she hates to think that people around her talk about her...but she has alot of nerve asking you to take up for her on here, if I were Elizabeth, I'd sue the hell outta them...she'd win...Their have been about 10 tenants from their that still keep in touch with her and told her the business is not the same...As a matter of fact, the girl they have running the office now, was fired from another Self Storage business..I know this for a fact.

What goes around comes around and some day, they will reap what they've sowed!!!


United States of America
You have no idea what your talking about Susan!

#4Author of original report

Fri, March 26, 2010

Obviously, your Lori's friend and so therefore, you really have no idea what your talking about!!!!.

Yes, I did live in the house for 7 years...RENT FREE...NO..it was part of my compensation for working for them.  You mentioned I had benefits...Well, let me clarify that also.  I started off having benefits, but my optical got taken away, then my dental was taken away and my Blue Cross Blue Shield benefits were practically cut in half because Lori said it would be cheaper on them.

You want the FACTS, I'm giving them to you...YOUR only listening to Gary and Lori, of course they are going to say that they did nothing wrong.  

Lori does drink and Gary DID NOT show up at Pirates Cove everyday to help out with the Storage business...oh yeah, he showed up alright, but he showed up to hang out with Doug, one of his employees that have robbed him blind...I have watched that man for years show up on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Sunday's to take stuff out of the barn.  Don't give me this, Gary gave him permission crap...he ran his truck into the barn door once and blamed it on the other guys that work for Gary.

These people are whacked....and I for one am glad I'm not working for them anymore.
I doubt very much if you did business at the Pirates Cove in Ann Arbor, you may have rented one of their units in Pinckney and since your a friend of Lori's, was given a big discount....so you have no business coming on this site to take up for them and how their business dealings were with me and the Ann Arbor site...I was also not paid for
7 weeks....7 WEEKS paid vacation by them....so until you know what your talking about...just keep quiet...because I will be more than happy to respond to everything you say about them and that business.

Now, these are the facts....you didn't work there, you didn't experience their crazy bazaar behavior on a daily basis.


United States of America
Pirates Cove

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, March 19, 2010

I have used Pirates Cove on many different occassions through out the years.  Not once did I have a bad experience the units are clean and in good repair. The grounds at both Ann Arbor and Pinckney are meticuliouslly groomed and maintained at all times.  If I'm not mistaken you worked at the Ann Arbor location and are a disgruntaled ex-employee.  I read in your report how bad you had it a Pirates Cove what you didn't mention is that you lived on the property in a house rent free for 7 years you have the nerve to complain that you had to pay for internet.  You may have had to pay for internet in your home, but isn't that a small price to pay for 7 years of free rent.  As for the owners never coming to work, this is also not true.  The owners come in throughout the week.  Gary is there almost everyday of  the week. Calling business owners GREEDY because they want to get paid for services rendered isn't so crazy in the real world of business.  Thats how they were able to pay you your salary and oh yes you forgot to mention you had benfits as well.  Do you realize how many people would have appreciated a job with benefits free housing.

Attacking the Wiltses in such a personal way you should be ashamed of yourself.  You have absolutely nothing to back up the accusations.  Lori doesn't have a drinking problem.  Also what in the world does a young girls driving record have to do with Pirates Cove.

  It so funny how sometimes we leave the details out to make ones self look better.

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