  • Report:  #100824

Complaint Review: Pizza Hut - Taylorville Illinois

Reported By:
- kincaid, Illinois,

Pizza Hut
303 Springfield Rd Taylorville, 62568 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I started working for my local Pizza Hut July of 2001, I was a waitress. In January 2002 My General Manager asked if my boyfriend was still looking for a job. I told him that he was and he told me to have him come in for an interview. That week my boyfriend was hired on as a delivery driver.

I became the head waitress a few months later. In January of 2003 my boyfriend was presented with the option of going to shift manager. We sat down with the assistant manager (cause the general manager was in another store at this time helping)and we made sure that if he did take the management position that my hours would not get cut down or that I would not lose my job. She at that time guaranteed that my job and hours were safe. So my boyfriend took the management position.

In April of 2003 I found out that I was pregnant. In June 2003 my doctor called me in for an important appointment. They had discovered that I had a blood clot on the placenta. I was given restrictions for light work no heavy lifting over 10 pounds and to stay out of the heat. The store had NO air conditioner at this time (it broke the year before)so whenever i tried to work it got too hot and I almost paseed out within an hour of being there, so I had to go home.

In the end of June my general manager came to me and my boyfriend and told me that I had two weeks to buy a car and transfer to another store or be fired. There was no way I could buy a car at the time because I was unable to work and had no money coming in. What little money I had went on bills and things that I needed at home.

So in July 2003 I was fired. I then proseeded to draw unemployment. They appealed it and lied saying that I was dating the General manager(who is my cousin-in-law and married to my cousin) That I deliberatly violated a company policy, when in fact they created the situation with me and my boyfriend. The manager told another waitress that worked there at the time that I was fired for my pregnancy and the complications that I had with it.


kincaid, Illinois

15 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
Aaron is just too much

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, September 28, 2004

Calm down brother. You're making me cry I'm laughing so hard. But you're right about Indiana. It's as bad as that other shithole next to it...OHIO. I met a girl in Butler Indiana once. Her name was Six. Her family ran out of names. And it's the only state with 2 time zones AND not everyone is on "Daylight Savings Time". You have no idea what time it is unless you live in that part of the state.



#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 27, 2004

You give them hell! They deserve everything that you are giving them. You're the Man, Aaron!


Hey TIM... Obviously, I touched a nerve with your sorry liberal self and for that I'm proud

#4UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 05, 2004

The next time that you come to TN, look me up. I'm one of two AARON's in Townsend. Folks should have no problem showing you where to find me. Townsend is on the southwestern side of the Great Smokey Mountains national park. We are about 30 mins. from the Knoxville airport. I PROMISE I'll live up to some of those STEREOTYPICAL Thoughts about Southerners when me meet, fruitcake. Your right, Tennesse is a beautiful state. The only part that you left out COMMIE, was the fact that it would be so much more beautiful without all the fruitcakes such as yourself moving here. I've done business in South Bend and those are the reasons for my beliefs about folks from your area. I have to say that I did meet a lot of people with class and intelligence. I met just as many who didn't have enough sense to get in out of the rain. I thought that Tennesse had a lot of trailer parks until I traveled to Indiana. Have you guys got the market cornered or what? Obviously, I touched a nerve with your sorry liberal self and for that I'm proud. I pegged you from the beginning and folks that read your so-called "liberal academic" rhetoric will see you for exactly what you are: WORTHLESS. No, I don't know anything about you other than the fact that you are a "liberal academic" from Indiana. That's all I need to know to come to the conclusion that you are full of s**t. I won't argue law with you though. I'm not a lawyer nor have I ever claimed to be. I spent my time in college studying engineering and not a bunch of horseshit liberal arts like you probably did. You do your thing and I'll do mine. My philosophy works for me and I'm sure that you think that your philosophy works for you. The only difference is, you want to push your bs off on everybody else who doesn't agree with you. You attacked this young lady for her philosophy and then you attacked me for mine. She's right. Pizza Hut did her wrong. I hope that she follows through on her lawsuit. This will be my last rebuttal on this issue. I feel that through my JUSTIFIED rants, I'm doing a disservice to people with JUSTIFIABLE concerns against pizza hut. Every time I say something, some squirrel like little liberal timothy comes out of the woodwork. There's not enough time in the day to put all these water-walkers in their place. Go ahead and say what you need to TIM, I promise not to ever file another rebuttal. At least not until you have the balls to come to Townsend, and then I'll file a REAL STEREOTYPICAL REBUTTAL to you personally. Adios YANKEE FRUITCAKE! Actually I hope people believe in these Southern stereotypes. Maybe they'll stop moving here and screwing up everything. We don't need ya! Go back home where ya'll think that every thing is so great. Maybe you can sit around and come up with a few more stereotypes. By the way tim, I'd say that you make your state look bad also, but is it possible to make a turd look any less appealing? You don't have to answer me. I won't see it anyways pinko!


Oh, dear Aaron, please stop making a fool of yourself

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, August 31, 2004

Prepare for a short lesson in the law, Aaron. 1) "You can't sue" and "you have no legal recourse" are not the same thing. Chastity can file suit against Pizza Hut if she so desires, she can even go out and hire Jonny Cochrane if she can afford him. What she cannot do is win the case, for the reasons laid out below. 2) An at-will employee can be terminated at any time, for any reason, provided there is no statutory or policy provision to the contrary. This is not my opinion, this is not merely what I think the law is, this is not what one of my friends told me. This is THE LAW. If you require citations so that you may go to your local law library and look up the Illinois cases that state exactly that point, then I will be happy to give them to you. However, I have serious doubts as to your legal research skills. 3) In order to recover against an employer for a violation of the FMLA an employee must show: 1) that she exercised her rights under the act (which Chastity didn't); 2) that she was termianted for exercising those rights (which Chastity wasn't); and 3) that there is a causal nexus between the termination and the alleged injury. How about this: go to your local law library and find me some real authority that says otherwise. You can even ask the librarians for help. Then come back here and refute my claims like a lawyer. You seem quite confident in your litigating skills, let's put them to the test. If you don't want to do that, I would suggest refraining from arguing points of law with me. You will never win. And I most certainly dare you to try. So, yes, Chastity may sue Pizza Hut. Especially if she enjoys wasting money on a lawyer for a case that can't possibly be won. Just because something is unfair doesn't mean that the law provides a remedy. If Chastity came here seeking some kind of moral support, then I would advise her to seek a different forum to air her grievances. I gave Chastity REAL advice based on my understanding of the law. We are not here to champion political causes, we are here to air complaints and render advice. If you choose to air your feelings regarding her situation, then go ahead. But it's kind of ridiculous to chastise me for giving her accurate advice, instead of inaccurate advice sprinkled with feelings. Aaron, I am fully prepared for anything you might care to throw at me. Refuting your points is like shooting fish in a barrel. What ever gave you the impression that I was somehow intimidated by your arguments? My three year old has better reasoning capacities. Yes, we used to call liberals "communists." We call that phenomenon McCarthyism, and modern consensus is that McCarthyism is a blight on our nation's history on the order of slavery and witch trials, which are also things we used to do. You need to understand the PRESENT of your coutry and stop worrying about how we did things several decades ago. "Most folks from the Northern part of Indiana are goofballs such as yourself. Have you ever been around a Notre Dame fan? POINT PROVEN!" Is that really all it takes to prove a point to you? No wonder you're such a Hannity fan. And I'm sure he appreciates your endorsement. "I can prove my political agenda through previous travels and from previous business relationships." Are you saying that you have been the victim of negative interactions in other parts of the country? GO FIGURE! You think that everyone that's not from the south is a worthless commie, I can't imagine why people wouldn't enjoy your presence! "And finally, yes, most people in this country today are pretty worthless. They are so dependent on the government and corporations to run their lives that they wouldn't be able to make it on their own, yourself included." And finally, you're an idiot. You know nothing about me aside from that which you have gleaned here, nor do you know anything about the millions of other people you have put down. We have the strongest economy in the world, and it didn't get that way because we are all worthless. I'll be just fine without the government or big corporations helping me out. But that's the nice part about being a liberal academic: liberal academics are generally successful people. I've been to Tennessee, several times in fact. Sure there are some bad people there, as you yourself have shown us, but I don't base my impression of the whole state on a few negative interactions. Tennessee is a beautiful place, and most of the people I have met there are a pleasure to be around. Your continued rebuttals are serving to reinforce some people's stereotypes about the south. Stop giving your state a bad name.


CHASTITY, YOU MAY HAVE LEGAL RECOURSE ..against the law to terminate a woman for being pregnant

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, August 23, 2004

It is against the law to terminate a woman for being pregnant, and in fact, the employer has to accomodate any extra breaks, etc. recommended by your physician. In some states, this only applies to businesses with 15 or more employees, so check with your state Fair Employment division. Ignore the trash talk, and best of luck to you.


Didn't we lose sight here?

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, August 22, 2004

Say, what started out as a whiner complaining she got fired over being pregnant, ended up a freedom of speach party. Where did we get lost here? You know what, I have found that in the past, when you truely dig deep, I'll be willing to bet Chastity wasn't fired for being prego. In reality, She sounds like the typical generation 0 type who just wants to whine about what a raw deal shes getting. And get real Aaron from Akron, telling Chastity to,um, give'em hell and sue. I gaurentee you, she has no right to sue. Pizza Hut gave her a legitimate reason for firing her. It just wasn't one to her liking. Chastity, time to grow up. You want to play house and have a baby and everything. Well, start out by being responsible for your own actions and realize that you must not have been THAT great of an employee. Because, I have worked for employers who valued me, and I COULD tell it by their actions. You were probably a average employee at best and probably whined WAY to much, and when given the FIRST oportunity to fire you, they jumped. So, what I'm saying chastity, is try to find a career that doesn't require you say the line, "and would you like fries with that?", because I have to agree with Pete from New York, chances are, in a year from now, you'll be in line at the welfare dept. with one kid in tow and one in utero sayin', "where's my money",Have a nice life baby factory.......


Hey Tim................

#8Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 22, 2004

Just for your information, in your first post you automatically went on the offensive and the first people you attacked were Pete and I. When you step into the middle of something, then you need to be prepared for what comes after. That's part of the problem with people like yourself, you don't understand NEWTON's LAW. Ya'll head down this way to work, live and act like the fruitcakes that you are and then can't understand why you got the hell beat out of ya for insulting someone. It's because people like myself have back-bone and fruitcakes such as yourself don't. You should have supported Chastity in her persuit to right a wrong. No matter how you look at it, PIZZA HUT did her wrong. No, the vast majority of New Yorkers aren't middle class. You're completely wrong about that one. I'll say what I want, when I want and where I want. You're right, that's called free speech. And I would got to my grave fighting for everybody's right to free speech also. But when you pick up the torch of someone elses argument you need to be ready for a little TOUGH LOVE. If you can't handle the rhetoric then don't read it. Once again, as long as we have people such as yourself who just shrug their shoulders and say, " well the restaraunt business is just that way," then nothing will ever get better. Why didn't you write your congessman? If you care so much about things during your 12 years in food service, why didn't you write your senator? I was right! You said it yourself that you are a liberal. Liberals used to be called communists or socialist. You need to refer to the history of YOUR country. Oh by the way, you didn''t completely explain the whole "At Will" thing. You only told half the truth. What you left out was that Pizza Hut can also be sued for any reason. Employees are under NO CONTRACT which says that they can't sue the company. And finally, yes, most people in this country today are pretty worthless. They are so dependent on the government and corporations to run their lives that they wouldn't be able to make it on their own, yourself included. THAT IS THE TRUTH. If I were you, I would refrain from stepping into someone elses argument. If your ears hurt when you get the backlash, ".......Oh well...That's just the way things are." "Make an attempt at rational discourse and people will listen to you." You were listening pretty close. Close enough to think that you had to address my statements. I can prove my political agenda through previous travels and from previous business relationships. Here's another one: Most folks from the Northern part of Indiana are goofballs such as yourself. Have you ever been around a Notre Dame fan? POINT PROVEN! My philosophy works for me, but I can't expect to work for PC liberals such as yourself. The fact that you want to know what the "other side" is thinking, means that you are a liberal and aren't smart enough to see through the BS. The fact that you would put any stock in what RUSH has to say just makes me shake my head in pity. This guy is a moron. If you want to know about "the other side" then you need Hannity's book. I'm afraid your head would explode though. Your just as bad as the side that you are against. You're a sheep being led by your inability to see through the truth. One of these days you'll learn what INDEPENDANCE is all about. Our government wants us to be at each others throats. Don't you understand that? They benefit from people like you. They benefit from people like you you who take the side of corporations and then say that you care about the workers. You're a wishy washy fool! You folks can't stick to your guns! Look who you picked for a presidential candidate. This guy is the king of say one thing and then do another. I guess that makes you the queen! (I just couldn't resist that last one) If you don't like what I have to say then cover your eyes MR. CRUSADER! We know what kind of person you are now so thanks! I'm laughing at you, pinko! I hope Pete gives you a hard time,too! In more ways than one! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! HAH!! HAH!!! CHASTITY, I hope you don't pay any attention to people like TIM. I wouldn't doubt it a bit if he was a PIZZA HUT employee working in a corporate level job. People like him have a hidden agenda and no backbone just to go ahead and say what that agenda is. I hope that you sue PIZZA HUT for everything that they are worth. Pizza Hut is truly one of the most underhanded companies that I have ever been involved with. FU TIM!


Right on Tim!!!

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, August 21, 2004

Tim, Thank you for so eloquently writing exactly the same thing I was thinking. This site would be much better served if everyone here offered constructive comments (or criticism where necessary) and leave the trash talk for the Tupper Lake threads (oops, did I just say TL, d**n). Even though I am recently new to reading the Rip Off Reports (after posting my on Rip Off), I have seen that there are several people here who post on a regular basis. I see yours, Aaron's and Pete's names quite often. Even though I agree that some spirited debate is necessary at times, the level of trash talk here is irreprehensible and totally uncalled for. I just think this stems from other (previously mentioned) reports. Guys, let's keep this site respectable and leave the trash talk for TL please. Thank you. My 2 cents.


On defending the indefensible

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, August 21, 2004

Many points to address. I will take them each in turn. Your first quote in the last rebuttal: "I don't recall saying that I HATED anyone. I was simply stating the facts. The truth. Yes, is was certainly harsh but not hate. Each time folks like yourself see something you don't like, you starting spouting things such as hate, racism, discrimination, etc." And, for reference, some more quotes from your previous rebuttal: "If the future of this country is left to New Yorkers then we'll end-up being a bunch of anarchist drug addicts "SUCKING THE SYSTEM DRY"; "You people up there in Yankee s**t-head land"; "No wonder so many more of you bastards were shot during the civil"; "They actually work for a living unlike yourself sitting in some office somewhere watching a computer screen"; "Forget about saying hello to the guy standing in front of you in line, he's probably illegal and doesn't speak the language. He may even be a terrorist"; "We need to feel sorry for these un-educated ignorant in-breeding welfare receiving fools from N.Y."; "may N.Y. fall into the ocean! They're headed straight down-hill anyways"; "You need to head further South Pete Fancy-Pants and get your elementary certificate, if your husband will let you. You'll be much more useful then, pinko." I think that pretty much speaks for itself. Now then, according to you, these little "quotes" are "just the facts" about what most New Yorker's are all about. That is about the most ignorant and indefensible thing I have ever heard. New York is a big city, the biggest in the nation. As such, pretty much every segment of society is represented. You have chosen to focus on the social elements that you dislike and extend their characteristics to the entire population of a city of millions of people. The vast majority of the population of New york is comprised of hard-working, middle class types. Their political views run the full spectrum. There are probably quite a few people just like you up there. In fact, if you were ever to visit N.Y.C., you would find that there are many hate-filled, xenophobic reactionaries living there. As explained above, the Editor posts pretty much everything that is submitted, regardless of its merit. This is what he needs to do to maintain the integrity of his operation. The problem with other consumer protection organizations is that they hide complaints. Ed is committed to ensuring that an unabridged working history is compiled for each report, and as such will not tell you not to post. However, the integrity of this site is equally threatened when it is used not as a forum to raise and resolve consumer issues, but as a forum to spew ridiculous and irrelevant ramblings. As a loyal reader, it is my hope that the commercial sector will stand up and take notice of the fact that the consumers now have a very valuable weapon with which to combat unethical business practices. This desire will not be realized if, when the C.E.O. of Pizza Hut visits this site to see how seriously he should take it, he reads " A GED in Illinois is infinitely better than a degree from any of the s**t-head liberal N.Y. colleges." I'm not attacking, or trying to deny, your right to free speech whatsoever. I will defend to the death your right to carry a sign saying "God hates fags," but if you're doing it in my front yard there's going to be a problem. You have the right to say whatever you want, however ridiculous and unfounded it may be. But if you have any respect for the integrity of this site, then ditch the ignorant rhetoric and stick to the relevant issues. Lets look at another quote: "The internet is full of forums that might suit you better also. Maybe you should try one of the many communist or liberals sites." Why is it that you insist on placing the communist, socialist, or liberal tag on anyone who disagrees with you? You don't know anything about me. I could be the staunchest conservative around and my comments to you would be no different. I don't care how you conduct yourself in the rest of your life, but in here you have the ability to effect the image of this site. It is because of that, not because of my personal political views, that I ask you to refrain from what I, and the rest of the thinking world, see as very discrediting speech. And you say these liberal sites do alot of trash talking about things they hate? Wow, as a person that listens to Limbaugh and Hannity every day, I would undoubtedly feel quite comfortable in one of those forums. Why do I listen to Limbaugh and Hannity every day? Because I want to actually know what the other side is all about before I pass judgment. You, on the other hand, have chosen to construct an entire political agenda for people based on nothing more than where they are from, or the fact that they simply disagree with you. It is amazing to me that you would even try to defend such an obviously flawed world view. As for my advice for Chastity, I chose to give her the picture of the way things really are. It may not be pretty, but it's the truth. Sound familiar? I worked in restaurants for twelve years, and if there is anybody who thinks that those employees need more legal protections it is me (by the way, endorsing these protections is quite liberal. I guess the political spectrum is more complex than you think). However, I know enough about the laws in this area to tell you that there is no feasible recourse available. Restaurant employees, unless under a contract specifying a term of employment, are termed "at-will employees," meaning that they have a job as long as their employer wants them to have a job. The FMLA offers some protection, but to find civil recourse Chastity would have to prove, by a preponderance of evidence at least, that she was let go because she was pregnant. She simply cannot do that. Pizza Hut had a valid reason to terminate her employment, and whether or not that was the real reason is somewhat irrelevant. Even if it was found that she was terminated for her pregnancy, Pizza Hut could point to the fact that she would have been terminated for her violation of company policy anyways, and thus she has no compensable injury. I don't like the situation, but that's the way it is. Restaurant employees are highly expendable, and the law offers them virtually no help. If you want to see this situatuion changed, I suggest writing a letter to your representatives in the state and federal legislatures. Better yet, have someone else write the letter for you. You have the right to freedom of speech. Your audience has the right to freedom of listen. Make an attempt to engage in rational discourse and people will listen to you. Engage in ignorant tirades and people will laugh at you. But what the hell, they're just a bunch of P.C. liberal homos anyways.


Hey Tim.....

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 16, 2004

I don't recall saying that I HATED anyone. I was simply stating the facts. The truth. Yes, is was certainly harsh but not hate. Each time folks like yourself see something you don't like, you starting spouting things such as hate, racism, discrimination, etc. It's just the facts of what most New Yorkers, and other Northerners, are about. If the editor saw fit to not print any of my harsh words then that would be his/her decision. I'm sure that if the editor thought my remarks weren't up to people hearing them, then he/she would not print them. You, TIM, do the people of your country a disservice by scolding folks for exercising their free speech and telling the truth. There was no trash talk. I threatened no one. Unfortunately for you, I will not except the whole Political Correctness debate. That's something that you're going to have to live with. The internet is full of forums that might suit you better also. Maybe you should try one of the many communist or liberals sites. They might be more to your politically correct out-look. They're always hollerin' something about hate and they do alot of trash-talking. You should check them out. As for your advice to CHASTITY........... As long as people like Tim just shrug their shoulders and say ".......welll......that's just the way thing are," then they'll always be that way. As long as companies like PIZZA HUT are allowed to consistently treat people like dirt, then you can bet your a*s they will. CHASTITY.....Once again.....You give 'em hell! Get an attorney and sue them for all they're worth! Pizza Hut did you dirty. They did you dirty at a time when you really needed them the most. This is unacceptable. If we can't depend on our state and federal courts, then who can we count on. I just know that I don't conduct my business the way that PIZZA HUT has consistently done. BOYCOTT ALL PIZZA HUTS



#12Consumer Comment

Sun, August 15, 2004

Chasity, I wouldn't worry about the spiteful, hateful words... The venom in a person's rebuttal is inversely proportional to the legitimacy of their arguement. It seems that some people's compassion goes only as far as themselves. FMLA is supposed to protect women (as Tim pointed out) just as American's With Disability Act is supposed to help people who need accomodations to become successful. You have just seen the Catch-22 of the situation. You are damned by some people if you can't work because of a health situation (called drains on the economy and lazy), yet you are damned again by the sane people if a company has to make accomodations (what do you want... the world on a silver platter?). Marie, I know that it doesn't seem fair... but I am sure that it will work out for the best. It is true, what goes around, comes around. I used to work in manufacturing and everytime there was a dip in the economy they would either ship the jobs overseas or close production lines. Each time I used the opportunity to go back to school and I am going to be graduating with my teaching certificate next June. (Yep, a "L"iberal with a teaching license) My suggestion is to take the time to research each political party and vote for the candidate that best suits your needs. Laws such as the FMLA and the ADA come about because of abuse done to people... Good Luck and hug your baby!


I too was fired for no god reason

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 15, 2004

I had been fired for getting an emergency phone call. My boyfirends Dad died in an accident. I was told to go home the rest of my shift. when I returned to work I was told I was fired for leaving the day before.


Now THAT'S some intelligent discourse!

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, August 13, 2004

Aaron, Pete, if you think that the best use for your computers is to "trash talk" people that you've never met, and spew borderline hate speech, then please take yourselves elsewhere. The Editor puts so much effort into the integrity of this site that he continually puts himself in legal harms-way. To maintain this level of integrity he will post anything sent, lest he be seen as picking and choosing which complaints and rebuttals to post. You do this site, a valuable consumer tool, a great disservice when you post ridiculous, vile rebuttals such as the ones above. The Editor won't tell you this, but I will: your trash talking and hate speech are not welcome here. Take it elsewhere. The internet is full of forums much more suitable to your disgusting personalities. Chastity, unfortunately this is the state of affairs in restaurant employment. Being an at-will employee, you are quite expendable, and when you became a "difficult" employee they pushed you out the door. I don't think the FMLA would do you much good because they did, in fact, have a valid reason to terminate you. The AM told you it would't be a problem that your boyfriend was now your manager, your GM apparently felt differently, as did company policy. You should appeal the unemployment compensation issue however possible, and then you should move on. These franchise-restaurant jobs are a dime a dozen, and no one is generally any better than another. I would suggest finding a locally owned restaurant, they tend to treat their employees far better.


To Petey boy in N.Y.

#15Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 10, 2004

Once again I have tot ake a time-out to straighten some idiot New Yorker out. I can't believe you how you s**t-heads consistently bring up the whole in-breeding thing. Here's the facts. So put down the crack-pipe and listen closely: There are more cases of incestual relationships in N.Y. City than any other town in the U.S. of A. Check out the numbers you idiot. Pete, you are a fool and definitely lacking in the history and the make-up of your city. I honestly think that they teach you s**t-heads this stuff in school. If the future of this country is left to New Yorkers then we'll end-up being a bunch of anarchist drug addicts "SUCKING THE SYSTEM DRY." Go ahead....Keep right on believing in the the socialist agenda that comes from the NORTH-EASTERN LIBERALS. It will be your downfall. By the way, just another fact that I wanted to add: There are more people on welfare in the state of NEW YORK than any other state in the union, also. You need to research this. You people up there in Yankee s**t-head land need to quit pointing the finger and practice what you preach. Oh yes... And by the way... When are the local authorities up there going to round up all the illegals that are "SUCKING THE SYSTEM DRY." No wonder so many more of you bastards were shot during the civil. You have no common sense. You have no answers to anything. Just remember this: When you go down the block(where nobody speaks to each other), down to the local store (where nobody speaks their national language: ENGLISH), and buy your food, remember to thank a the farmer from Illinois who probably provided the fresh food which you are about to nourish your dumb-a*s self with. They actually work for a living unlike yourself sitting in some office somewhere watching a computer screen. Oh yeah.... Forget about saying hello to the guy standing in front of you in line, he's probably illegal and doesn't speak the language. He may even be a terrorist, who knows? Hey Chastity..... You give 'em Hell. Don't pay any attention to morons like this one. We need to feel sorry for these un-educated ignorant in-breeding welfare receiving fools from N.Y. If Pizza Hut were a class act then they would have told you about family leave. Sue there a*s off! God Bless You and may N.Y. fall into the ocean! They're headed straight down-hill anyways. P.S. A GED in Illinois is infinitely better than a degree from any of the s**t-head liberal N.Y. colleges. I stop short of saying "universities" for a reason. You need to head further South Pete Fancy-Pants and get your elementary certificate, if your husband will let you. You'll be much more useful then, pinko. You'll actually be able to resist being ripped-off by the fools you live around.


New York,
A little Chastity goes a long way

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, July 27, 2004

what did you expect them to do--?---give you a raise?? I don't know if your banging your cousin. If you are, give me a minute to puke... Ok-- I feel better now... You could have left on PATERNAL LEAVE. It's a law; pregnant women can leave a job and have it back when they have the child. I don't see what you are worried about. Pizza Hut is a crappy, dead end job. Get your GED, and find a real job. Do you think that you can raise a child with $5.00 an hour and left over pizza crust?? They give out free condoms on the Trojan site. I hope you go online and order a free one the next time your horney. We have enough white trash sucking the welfare system dry. Don't get knocked up if you can't support a baby. It's a simple concept; we live in an age of kids having kids-idiots breeding-and people that dig their own grave and cry about it. This is the future of our race--we are screwed!!


Chastity: I'm sorry you don't have a job. When you can not show up for work, thats the way the pizza flops. If after working for 1 hour, you get dizzy and go home--> what did you expect them to do--?---give you a raise?? I don't know if your banging your cousin. If you are, give me a minute to puke... Ok-- I feel better now... You could have left on PATERNAL LEAVE. It's a law; pregnant women can leave a job and have it back when they have the child. I don't see what you are worried about. Pizza Hut is a crappy, dead end job. Get your GED, and find a real job. Do you think that you can raise a child with $5.00 an hour and left over pizza crust?? They give out free condoms on the Trojan site. I hope you go online and order a free one the next time your horney. We have enough white trash sucking the welfare system dry. Don't get knocked up if you can't support a baby. It's a simple concept; we live in an age of kids having kids-idiots breeding-and people that dig their own grave and cry about it. This is the future of our race--we are screwed!!

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