Champaign,#2Consumer Comment
Fri, July 31, 2009
Ok, my first question is how many of you people have had a teen pregnancy? Because MOST health professionals treat you like crap when you to are. You probably wouldn't know this unless it happened to you or someone you love. It's true I've been there, done that. One of my best friends just won a lawsuit against a hospital who discriminated against her for being a young pregnant woman. People have no idea how to respect young women who are pregnant. Also, if you've never had unprotected sex before then, go ahead, and criticize this woman, but I don't believe that ANY of you can say that and not be a liar. Like Jesus said, you who are without sin can cast the first stone!!! So just walk away before you look even more foolish. Also, this is precisely the reason why I always take someone else with me when I go to the doc. I want to be ware of wolves in sheep's clothing. Docs don't always know what they are talking about. Remember you actually know your body better than they do! When I was little my mother went with me, for a while my sister did, and now my husband does. I even bring someone with me when I take my daughter to the ped. You never know what a doc might try to bully you into doing. Many docs are on power trips because they think they know all. Don't get me wrong I'm thankful for our health care, but you have to be careful what you agree to do and who you see. PP is a free organization and therefore probably do not have top of the line doctors.
Austin,#3Consumer Comment
Mon, January 12, 2009
Were you married? How were you going to support this child? What did your parents say about this? I don't know of many 16 years old who can afford to pay for an abortion so it must have been OK with somebody. What about the father of this child? That is assuming you know who it was? You need to tell the person who gave this STD to you that he has it so he can get treatment! This is a serious disease -- a very serious one and males often do not have symptoms. Wait until you get married and have a more stable situation before you have children. I think that nurse did you a favor.
Tucson,#4Consumer Comment
Fri, January 09, 2009
I started going there when i was 13 years old.. yes i made the mistake of having sex early and my mother forced me to start taking some sort of birth control because she didn't want me to get pregnant. My older sister was also going there and she was getting the depo shots and so I decided I would too. My sister had a problem with depo and when she got older and wanted to start having kids she was told she could not because she had taken the depo they also said the depo had somehow slanted her uterus. She now has 2 beautiful children. I was told the shot was safe and my biggest fear was it would change my period habits which they had promised me it would not change it at all. I had gotten the shots for a year and then decided I didn't want to get them and try something different. I was told i had to wait a year before i could start a different birth control and was told my periods would return to normal after i stopped getting the shots.I did not go back to them to get a different birth control and practiced safe sex with condoms. I am now 19 years old and my periods have never gone back to normal and I gained a lot of weight and are having a problem dropping the weight. I'm also having a problem getting pregnant. Not to mention there privacy policy is crap they had told my sister that i had clamidia which was true i did even though she was my sister I don't think it was right that they told her about something so personal as that before i even knew.. Planned parenthood is a lot of bull crap and i would suggest no one use them ever. They really don't know anything about what they supposedly practice. BTW I was never hired by them I was a patient I have no affiliation with them what so ever so please don't reply to me saying i am thanks..
Chicago,#5Consumer Comment
Thu, November 06, 2008
This girl obviously felt lost and desperate in the unexpected circumstances that she found herself facing. By coming forward with her story, she has attempted to do a service for those that may find themselves in a similar situation. What benefit would she get from lying to a bunch of anonymous screen names? If your purpose is to educate her, kindness and patience go a lot further than insults and accusations. Angelina from NY, please keep your opinions of love to yourself. I'm glad that YOU have a great career and YOU have your own home--but at who's expense? You're right, a baby should be created out of love, but just because your boyfriend was a loser, doesn't mean that a baby wasn't created. No love in this world is greater than a mother's love for her child and you killed yours because it inconvienced you. Elaine from Boise, seriously, I feel sick--a parasite?? How could you conceive of a child as being a parasite? Was that what you were thinking when your Goddaughter was developing?? A 6 month old child could not survive without someone to care for it either, should it be acceptable to let them die as well? How can you say that "No child on this earth should die from preventable means" in the same paragraph that you are advocating abortion?? If you do not think that Tata had herself a child at 6 weeks, maybe you didn't know that at 6 weeks: Heart is beating and blood is pumping It is a girl or a boy (not a mass of cells) Arms and legs are developing Brain is growing Lenses of the eyes appear Nostrils are formed Intestines grow Pancreas is developed I don't know if you are really that ignorant or if you are just unable to understand the other point of view because you'd have to admit you were wrong. I'm curious as to what kind of guidance you are providing your Goddaughter, since the things you have rattled off don't seem like anything God would condone. If you are not a mother yet, please don't become one. And Tata, I am very sorry for what you went through and are probably still feeling. I'm glad that you are able to talk about it, but maybe this isn't the best place. I hope that you are surrounded by supportive people and have thought through how you will handle yourself in the future. I 100% believe that you were mislead. Please take Mike's advice and go to fightpp.org so this kind of disservice is stopped. Obama plans to bring PP into public schools and, while I do believe in sex ed and contraception, PP are not the people to do it. I have listened to speaker who worked for PP and left feeling that her morals were being compromised. They are trained in sales courses much like telemarketers. They are not allowed to call your baby a "baby" or "child," so that you may regard it as a disease (or a parasite). They encourage abortions because, even though they accept donations, they are a business. Many of them also sell the fetus' for research. In schools, they will undermine children's parents by telling them their parents won't understand, so they don't need to know. They will tell them that sex is healthy and feels good, then they will offer them low dosage birth control that only works if taken at the exact same time every day. A lot of responsibility to give a young girl, and in more cases than not, it will end up in pregnancy. Then they can help you out with an abortion, which they tell you will give you less guilt than adoption. I am a supporter of affordable women's healthcare, but when I went to the PP website, it seems that almost every portal just directs you back to "abortion." In addition, they have a whole checklist of things to consider before "getting pregnant" or "considering adoption," but they don't think you should worry about abortion because "most women just feel relieved afterward." 1 in 3 women have already had one by the mid-forties, so PP is really building themselves an empire. I have never been in the situation where I felt that abortion was a consideration, but if I were, I would hope the people I went to for help would be objective and consider my individual situation, not their business needs. Shut them down.
Boise,#6Consumer Comment
Mon, December 04, 2006
Heather, your response is admirable from a Christian/pro-life point of view. However, MOST women who choose abortions do not need any "post abortion recovery support". This is a complete waste of time and money. What was needed - and is needed - is ACCURATE and complete birth control information and availability, and counseling as to responsible sexual activity, not "recovery support". With this, abortions - hopefully - will not be a needed choice. Yes, needed. While I do not advocate abortion in all cases, it should remain a legal alternative for the health and well-being of the pregnant female. And, a child is a fetus born and who is viable and has taken a breath. An aborted fetus is simply a mass of cells. It could not exist without the host (making it a parasitic being). I find it interesting and disgusting there are so many children dying of malnutrition, war, abuse, AIDS, and the neo-conservatives are ANTI-birth control. What a bunch of hypocrites. No child on this earth should die from preventable means. Why aren't more of you PRO-LIFE people advocating birth control and responsible sexuality? There is no excuse for blindly believing in abstinence. My god daughter still wears her 'promise' ring while she has sex with her boyfriend. Only in America is violence applauded and sexuality placed in such low regard.
Easley,#7Consumer Comment
Mon, December 04, 2006
Honey, please do not listen to all of these mean-spirited people. Why is it everyone is so quick to attack you and and anyone siding with you? And of all things they want to say that everyone siding with you is being political? I'm sure I am going to be attacked for defending you. But Tata, this is just for you. Please ignore all of the mean and cruel things that have been said against you. While I do agree that you should be educated, you obviously were not and I believe Planned Parenthood used that against you and preyed on your lack of education. And yes I believe in taking responsiblility for our own actions. But all of that concerning this baby is in hindsight. Just change how you go about your life now. I don't pretend to know everything about diagnosis and/or treatment of STD's. However I DO know about teenage crisis pregnancies. I am so sorry for the loss of your child (not a few cells). I am sorry that you have been hurt in such a way and for all of the things that have been said about you. Please, Please, Please, look in the phone book under abortion alternatives and find the nearest Crisis Pregnancy Center and GO. Tell them what has happened to you. You will find all of the love and acceptance that you did not find at Planned Parenthood or on this website. You will be loved and encouraged and educated in the TRUTH. Not in what is considered politically correct. Most of the Crisis Pregnancy Centers offer abortion recovery support for you to help you deal with your loss. Please contact them as soon as possible. Remember a lot of people will be praying for you including me! (And to everyone that I am sure I will hear from in a negative manner, Yes I am pro-life and Yes I am a Christian!)Tata, there are a lot more people out there that will encourage you if you will seek us out! God Bless You - He has a hope and a future for you!
Front Royal,#8Consumer Comment
Fri, December 01, 2006
Life Decisions International is collecting letters from people who have been hurt by Planned Parenthood as well as those who have been helped by crisis pregnancy centers. For details go to fightpp.org.
Danville,#9Consumer Comment
Thu, October 19, 2006
Also, just because other people already wrote some of my comments, that does not mean I cannot write them, as well. They are my opinions, and I think it's great that others share them. And I know quite a bit about PP because I have used them. By the way, why don't you explain what the procedure was like. How long were you there, etc...
Danville,#10Consumer Comment
Thu, October 19, 2006
Are you 18 now? Because what you're calling back in my day, was only a few years ago. I doubt procedures have changed that much. You don't just have to sign a few papers and bam, you're not pregnant. You have a sonogram to see how far along you are, then you have a blood test to see what your blood type is, then you have to do a confrence call where they go over the entire procedure with you and you are able to ask questions at that time. Next, you go to the clinic on the date of your appointment and that's when you sign papers. They also don't give you the option of being asleep or awake. You stay AWAKE. The doctor made me talk to him the entire time, because you can still feel what they are doing, and they need to know if you feel unbearable pain, that way they don't pierce your uterus, leaving you baren for life. Maybe I was wrong about the new ways they can test for the clap, but you know what? I take care of myself and use protection because I am an educated adult, and I know how to keep myself safe. Therefore, I don't have to worry that I'm going to catch something.
carson,#11Author of original report
Thu, October 19, 2006
ONE: for you people that continue to say that you can't diagnose chlamydia without a PAP. i obviously was.... unless PP lied to me about that too. So maybe what you're now trying to say is that PP lied about me ever having an STI. IS THAT IT? and it also shows how much you actually know about PP. call them and ask them yourself. 310-787-2666. or maybe your're speaking on something that you personally know nothing about. TWO: it is not alot of steps needed to get an abortion. maybe it was back in your day. but now it's easy. all you do is sign a few consent forms and decide whether you want to be asleep or if you want local anesthesia. THREE: true i was young and ignorant but again i believed that PP was a place that would educate me on my choices and they didn't. i was told that i COULD NOT take the medicine and continue my pregnancy. why is that so hard to understand? FOUR: a lot of your comments were already expressed previously or was already proven wrong by someone else. so please before you say another thing read ALL comments. THANK YOU.
Danville,#12Consumer Comment
Thu, October 19, 2006
First off, I think you are way off base to say that the blame for the loss of your unborn child was anyone's but your own. Speaking as someone who has been there and done that with the abortion issue, you are missing MANY key things in your complaint. For starters, they wouldn't set up an appointment for you to have the abortion. There are a lot of steps you have to go through in order to even get an abortion set up. I think you'd be lucky if you could even name one. Second off, there is no possible way that you could have been diagnosed properly with that particular STD if a pap smear was not done. Third off, it is ridiculous to say that they "told" you that the abortion was a must. Why don't you just fess up. You didn't care enough to educate yourself on the STD you were "diagnosed" with, nor did you educate yourself on the basics of abortions and gyno visits. Your health is not just the responsibility of the health care profession...it's yours as well. Grow up and take some responsibility for your actions. Did Planned Parenthood tell you to spread your legs and lose your virginity? NO. Did Planned Parenthood tell you not to use birth control or condoms? NO. Those are on your own shoulders, dear. If you want to be sexually active, you must be an adult about it, and take responsibilty for yourself. Nobody else can do that for you. Ignorance is not an excuse for making the mistakes you apparently made. Own up to those mistakes and learn from them. You had the right to say no to an abortion. They didn't make you come in to get it, nor did they strap you down to a bed and perform the procedure. You're 18. You're an adult. Act like one.
Pony,#13Consumer Comment
Wed, October 18, 2006
When a person is diagnosed with an STD of any kind, a PAP test is nearly ALWAYS performed next, as such person likely has OTHER STDs that only further examination can indicate. The only exception would be if the disease-carrying person were male, of course.
St. James,#14Consumer Comment
Wed, October 18, 2006
Great answer, if it wasn't for unprotected sex, none of us would be here. I am so sick and tired of seeing so many girls with a kid from every boyfriend they date, and never marry. Then they cry oh poor me, no child support. We didn't get married, cause we didn't want to make that committment to one another. Well what is a baby?? A life long commitment to one another. I told you to take care of yourself, and educate yourself. I also was pregnant at 17, and had an abortion. Am I ashamed?? No. My boyfriend was 18, a loser and I wanted to finish high school and go to college. I knew having a baby would not have been the right choice. I did what I did, and now at 33, have a good career, own my own home, and am married to a great guy. Why is it so acceptable for all these babies to have babies?? I am not a prude, maybe somewhat old fashioned, but believe a baby should be made out of love, and not by accident. Also, everytime you have sex with your "partner" or "partners", you are having sex with whomever they had sex with. It's your body, Whey you let them come inside of you, you are risking pregnancy and diseases. You are angry, but need to grow up. What size was the gun they held to your head?? All these babies being born with every freakin guy, well that's our next generation. They will all be related.
Boise,#15Consumer Suggestion
Wed, October 18, 2006
Adults take responsibility for their actions. All of them. Your trying to pawn off on Planned Parenthood proves to the majority of us here that you are not responsible. You may be legally an adult, but you are not mature enough to make decisions for yourself, therefore you are at fault here. There was no wrong doing by Planned Parenthood. Those that are preaching and cutting and pasting "articles" are proof positive that ignorance and constant repeating of lies proves "you can fool some of the people all of the time". Until you've been a PATIENT of Planned Parenthood, you don't know. You don't have an opinion of your own. You're citing heresay and many things here on the internet are not truthful and accurate. Like this instant report filed by Tata. People can file lawsuits on anyone for anything. I wouldn't be surprised if Tata filed one. Merely saying the Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill is an ignorant and false statement. But I might as well be talking to a wall. At least with a wall, I'd get an echo. You can't reason with the unreasonable. You can't be logical with the illogical. Planned Parenthood is a terrific organization. Try becoming a patient and learning about the organization. THEN form an opinion. Your sadness should not be for a few cells, but for those who did not teach Tata responsibility, about sex, morality and values, about taking care of her health and about birth control. Elaine
Viernheim,#16Consumer Comment
Wed, October 18, 2006
Chlamydia testing can also be done with a urine sample, a NAAT (Nucleic acid amplification tests ) done on the sample can detect chlamydia. The OP indicates she was told she was pregnant and had chlamydia but no pap smear was done. As the PP personnel did not psychically discover her pregnancy it may have been done by urine sample and the clamydia testing done on this sample. The rest of the debate, I leave to all the experts here.
Pony,#17Consumer Comment
Wed, October 18, 2006
You don't even have a case! You have provided too much contradictory, nonsensical information that any case you might have had has now vanished off the face of the earth. You obviously have a lot of nasty things to say to everyone and anyone who has stepped in trying to educate you about this situation, especially considering that YOU got yourself into this totally PREVENTABLE situation by making wrong choices. Maybe it is time for you to stop running your mouth long enough to LISTEN for a change. Maybe you will finally learn something.
Pony,#18Consumer Comment
Wed, October 18, 2006
You don't even have a case! You have provided too much contradictory, nonsensical information that any case you might have had has now vanished off the face of the earth. You obviously have a lot of nasty things to say to everyone and anyone who has stepped in trying to educate you about this situation, especially considering that YOU got yourself into this totally PREVENTABLE situation by making wrong choices. Maybe it is time for you to stop running your mouth long enough to LISTEN for a change. Maybe you will finally learn something.
Pony,#19Consumer Comment
Wed, October 18, 2006
You don't even have a case! You have provided too much contradictory, nonsensical information that any case you might have had has now vanished off the face of the earth. You obviously have a lot of nasty things to say to everyone and anyone who has stepped in trying to educate you about this situation, especially considering that YOU got yourself into this totally PREVENTABLE situation by making wrong choices. Maybe it is time for you to stop running your mouth long enough to LISTEN for a change. Maybe you will finally learn something.
Pony,#20Consumer Comment
Wed, October 18, 2006
You don't even have a case! You have provided too much contradictory, nonsensical information that any case you might have had has now vanished off the face of the earth. You obviously have a lot of nasty things to say to everyone and anyone who has stepped in trying to educate you about this situation, especially considering that YOU got yourself into this totally PREVENTABLE situation by making wrong choices. Maybe it is time for you to stop running your mouth long enough to LISTEN for a change. Maybe you will finally learn something.
carson,#21Author of original report
Wed, October 18, 2006
ONE, no i did not get a pap at all when i was at the clinic that day i had never been diagnosed with anything prior. it was the first time i had scheduled a pap test. how they discovered the STI, i don't know the procedure. all i know is i provided a urine sample, sat in waiting room and.....'did you know that you were pregnant? You also, have Chlamydia. TWO: For you so-called Nurses who want to call me a liar... Were you there? and a couple of people mentioned the options of treatment during pregnancy, my point is PP DID NOT GIVE ME THOSE OPTIONS. i told them "i can't take the medicine and keep my baby?" and they told me NO!!! THREE: you people that want to tell me to close my legs. i am an adult and was at the time it was my choice to have unprotected sex. and if it weren't for unprotected sex none of you would be here to speak against me. now i do take full responsibility for the partner that i chose. FOUR: why i went with what they said and didn't do research? FEAR, CONFUSION, SHOCK, and finding out that i had an STI i wanted to treat it as soon as possible.
NACHES,#22Consumer Comment
Wed, October 18, 2006
When I was seventeen, I also became pregnant and was DX's w/Chlamydia. I had first went to PP not even knowing that I was Pregnant or had an STD. At first they said that there was nothing they could do for me. That since I was pregnant they could not give me an antibiotic. After I had raised a fuss, and told them that I was going to go to my doctor for a second opinion. They suddenly had some antibiotics they could give me and also some for my partner w/o him even having to come into the clinic. And now 12 years later I have a healthy son who had no problems at all during pregnancy or delivery. Im not sure why this PP would treat you the way they did. But if you ever have doubts, or think things just dont sound right. It is always best to get a second opinion. I am very sorry for you loss, and wish you the best of luck
NACHES,#23Consumer Comment
Wed, October 18, 2006
When I was seventeen, I also became pregnant and was DX's w/Chlamydia. I had first went to PP not even knowing that I was Pregnant or had an STD. At first they said that there was nothing they could do for me. That since I was pregnant they could not give me an antibiotic. After I had raised a fuss, and told them that I was going to go to my doctor for a second opinion. They suddenly had some antibiotics they could give me and also some for my partner w/o him even having to come into the clinic. And now 12 years later I have a healthy son who had no problems at all during pregnancy or delivery. Im not sure why this PP would treat you the way they did. But if you ever have doubts, or think things just dont sound right. It is always best to get a second opinion. I am very sorry for you loss, and wish you the best of luck
NACHES,#24Consumer Comment
Wed, October 18, 2006
When I was seventeen, I also became pregnant and was DX's w/Chlamydia. I had first went to PP not even knowing that I was Pregnant or had an STD. At first they said that there was nothing they could do for me. That since I was pregnant they could not give me an antibiotic. After I had raised a fuss, and told them that I was going to go to my doctor for a second opinion. They suddenly had some antibiotics they could give me and also some for my partner w/o him even having to come into the clinic. And now 12 years later I have a healthy son who had no problems at all during pregnancy or delivery. Im not sure why this PP would treat you the way they did. But if you ever have doubts, or think things just dont sound right. It is always best to get a second opinion. I am very sorry for you loss, and wish you the best of luck
NACHES,#25Consumer Comment
Wed, October 18, 2006
When I was seventeen, I also became pregnant and was DX's w/Chlamydia. I had first went to PP not even knowing that I was Pregnant or had an STD. At first they said that there was nothing they could do for me. That since I was pregnant they could not give me an antibiotic. After I had raised a fuss, and told them that I was going to go to my doctor for a second opinion. They suddenly had some antibiotics they could give me and also some for my partner w/o him even having to come into the clinic. And now 12 years later I have a healthy son who had no problems at all during pregnancy or delivery. Im not sure why this PP would treat you the way they did. But if you ever have doubts, or think things just dont sound right. It is always best to get a second opinion. I am very sorry for you loss, and wish you the best of luck
Midlothian,#26Consumer Comment
Wed, October 18, 2006
Why did you rush into a decision to have an abortion? What about a second opinion? Maybe PP did push the envelope with how they treated you, but you aided them by being an uninformed patient.
Lakewood,#27Consumer Suggestion
Wed, October 18, 2006
I've been in the health care division for about six years now. A couple FYIs. Bacterial diseases like Chlamydia can be tested by a urine or swab sample. When getting tested for diseases, bacterial or viral, it is important to have the swab/urine tests done WITH a blood sample since a blood test alone does NOT test for all STDs. As far as treatment, it varies on the health clinics' own capabilities. Chlamydia, for example, can be treated with a common antibiotic like Zithromax, in specific doses. I've heard as few as two pills taken in one day. It is important before going into any health provider, be it your dentist or your gyno. to first educate yourself. If something doesn't make sense to you when you're in the office, despite how intimidating it may seem, you HAVE to advocate for yourself and ask questions, demand answers. And, if something still doesn't make sense, get a second opinion. Here is a Web site written by teens for teens on sexual health and reproductive issues that may help some questions and may educate you or someone you know. WWW.SEXETC.ORG
Kalkaska,#28Consumer Comment
Wed, October 18, 2006
This is one of the most prevalent STD's in young women, many of whom go for years without being dx'd. Without a pap, you couldn't have gotten the dx. As for having a healthy pregnancy after being treated, I now have a healthy 5 week old grandson to prove that you CAN be treated and continue your pregnancy to term. My daughter was dx'd and treated (as was baby's dad) at her first appointment. She was given antibiotics for three days (not one, although I'm sure this is now possible), then retested to make sure that all was well. There has to be more to this story, even if it's the attitude and treatment that is given at your PP. It's possible that the health care workers in your area have a problem with a) young mothers, b)unwed mothers or even c) low income mothers. While this attitude is WRONG, regardless of the circumstance, it still happens. Given that another poster has pointed out that there have been other problems with this particular PP, it might serve your best interest (and that of other young girls in your area) to get information from others that have been served there and get them shut down. I'm truly sorry for your loss, and hope that in future medical 'crisis', you find someone to turn to so that the information that you get is in your best interest.
Jacksonville,#29Consumer Comment
Wed, October 18, 2006
Margaret Sanger's own statements prove this. "The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923) "...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people -Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech. -Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932 -The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2) "More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control." Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12 "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon -In her "Plan for Peace," Sanger outlined her strategy for eradication of those she deemed "feebleminded." Among the steps included in her evil scheme were immigration restrictions; compulsory sterilization; segregation to a lifetime of farm work; etc. Birth Control Review, April 1932, p. 107 -A woman's physical satisfaction was more important than any marriage vow, Sanger believed. Birth Control in America, p. 11 Now, the current group of PP spokespeople: "We are not going to be an organization promoting celibacy or chastity." Faye Wattleton, President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Los Angeles Times, Oct. 17, 1986 _______ "If your parents are stupid enough to deny you access to birth control, and you are under 18, you can get it on your own. Call Planned Parenthood." Planned Parenthood advertisement, Dallas Observer, Jan. 30, 1986 _______ "There are only 2 basic kinds of sex: sex with victims and sex without. Sex with victims is always wrong. Sex without is ALWAYS right." You've Changed The Combination, Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood, Denver, Colo. _______ "The question of whether or not to sell ourselves to men is a false one: The real question is how to sell ourselves in the way that is least destructive to ourselves and our sisters. Prostitutes don't need our condescension. What they need is our alliance. And we need theirs." The New Our Bodies, Ourselves, Boston Women's Health Collective, p 113 _______ "Sex is too important to glop up with sentiment. If you feel sexy, for heaven's sake admit it to yourself. If the feeling and the tension bother you, you can m********e. Masturbation cannot hurt you and it will make you feel more relaxed." The Perils of Puberty, Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood, Denver, Colo. ______ "At Planned Parenthood you can also get birth control without the consent or knowledge of your parents. So, if you are 14, 15 or 16 and you come to Planned Parenthood, we won't tell your parents you've been there. We swear we won't tell your parents." Planned Parenthood employee lecturing students of Ramona High School, Riverside, Calif., April 21-22, 1986 And finally, the facts of what PP does: -Planned Parenthood on Adoption: Of 6,000 clinic visit records examined from a Texas PP clinic, only 3 referred for adoption. (Aborting Planned Parenthood, by Robert H. Ruff, New Vision Press, 1988) -Planned Parenthood's on Homosexuality & Marital Rights: PP has encouraged homosexuality and advocated compulsory sterilization of all who have two children. (Family Planning Perspectives (a PP publication), June, Oct. 1970) ______________ -Planned Parenthood's Goal: Dr. Lena Levine in 1953, concerning Planned Parenthood's purpose and planned course of action: "... to be ready as educators and parents to help young people obtain sex satisfaction before marriage. By sanctioning sex before marriage we will prevent fear and guilt. We must also relieve those who have these ... feelings, and we must be ready to provide young boys and girls with the best contraceptive measures available so they will have the necessary means to achieve sexual satisfaction without having to risk possible pregnancy." (Planned Parenthood News, Summer 1953) ." ("Psycho-Sexual Development," quoted in Planned Parenthood News, Summer 1953, pg. 10) ________ -Planned Parenthood on Pregnancy: PP has an unhealthy concept of pregnancy, as it views the state of gestation as an abnormal condition or disease. Speaking for the organization, Dr. Warren Hern refers to human pregnancy as "an episodic, moderately extended chronic condition ... May be defined as an illness ... Treated by evacuation of the uterine contents..."("Is Pregnancy Really Normal?" Family Planning Perspective, Planned Parenthood, vol. 3, No. 1, Jan. 1971, pg. 9) Get it? A fetus has about as much chance of being born after a visit to Planned Parenthood, as a dog does after being picked up by PETA. Actually, PETA only kills 86% of the animals. PP strives for the 100% mark.
Belle Chasse,#30Consumer Suggestion
Tue, October 17, 2006
I think alot of you people who claim to be experts go to google and type in planned parent hood lawsuit. This seems to not be the first time for this NON profit agency that does so much good. It also seems that this same agency has lost a battle in court for this same reason. So please before attacking other users on there reports do you own research. Before I go as far as not believing someone on ripoff report I do a search to see how many lawsuits they have filed or closed agianst them. Do the creator of this list i am so sorry for the misleading and wrongful death of you baby. I think you should contact this foundation. They have a track record of defending people like your self agianst PP. Please eveyr one else who has pitch forks do your research be3fore yours breaks!!!!!! Sincerely Henry Belle Chasse, LA
Piedmont,#31Consumer Comment
Tue, October 17, 2006
As a Nurse Practitioner in California, I can tell you that the only medication that would be given in a single dose is Zithromax (given both to the female and her sex partner) and would not ordinarily be given to a pregnant female. Generally a pregnant female would be given Erythromycin and Amoxicillin for seven days, 3-4 times per day, though stubborn infections can be treated for as long as 14 days. I have a feeling that along with the chlamydia, the original poster was also diagnosed with PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) as well as a couple of other things she is not being totally upfront about. And I seriously doubt that PP twisted her arm to get an abortion.
Piedmont,#32Consumer Comment
Tue, October 17, 2006
As a Nurse Practitioner in California, I can tell you that the only medication that would be given in a single dose is Zithromax (given both to the female and her sex partner) and would not ordinarily be given to a pregnant female. Generally a pregnant female would be given Erythromycin and Amoxicillin for seven days, 3-4 times per day, though stubborn infections can be treated for as long as 14 days. I have a feeling that along with the chlamydia, the original poster was also diagnosed with PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) as well as a couple of other things she is not being totally upfront about. And I seriously doubt that PP twisted her arm to get an abortion.
Piedmont,#33Consumer Comment
Tue, October 17, 2006
As a Nurse Practitioner in California, I can tell you that the only medication that would be given in a single dose is Zithromax (given both to the female and her sex partner) and would not ordinarily be given to a pregnant female. Generally a pregnant female would be given Erythromycin and Amoxicillin for seven days, 3-4 times per day, though stubborn infections can be treated for as long as 14 days. I have a feeling that along with the chlamydia, the original poster was also diagnosed with PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) as well as a couple of other things she is not being totally upfront about. And I seriously doubt that PP twisted her arm to get an abortion.
Piedmont,#34Consumer Comment
Tue, October 17, 2006
As a Nurse Practitioner in California, I can tell you that the only medication that would be given in a single dose is Zithromax (given both to the female and her sex partner) and would not ordinarily be given to a pregnant female. Generally a pregnant female would be given Erythromycin and Amoxicillin for seven days, 3-4 times per day, though stubborn infections can be treated for as long as 14 days. I have a feeling that along with the chlamydia, the original poster was also diagnosed with PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) as well as a couple of other things she is not being totally upfront about. And I seriously doubt that PP twisted her arm to get an abortion.
Cottage Grove,#35Consumer Comment
Tue, October 17, 2006
How is it possible, if you never actually had a pap, that you were DX with chlaimydia? Sorry but something about this story is just not ring true. As health care consumers, and yes we are consumers when we purchase a product, in this case health care, it is our responsiblity to be in charge of our health care. I know (I work in the health care field) that chlaimydia cannot be detected visually, so tell us, if you never had a pap smear then how was your diagnosis made?
carson,#36Author of original report
Tue, October 17, 2006
i thought i was learning from PP. BUT what i learned or was told was incorrect. for some people that want to assume that i am a liar. for ONE, the little cup of pills; it was 4 pills. no they do not treat it 7-10 days of antibioticcs IN CALIFORNIA anymore. shows how much you know about advancements in the medical field. they treat it with 4 pills that they watch you to make sure that you take them. TWO: Yes i was considered an adult, I NEVER GOT MY PAP because they found out that i was pregnant so no it's not that they found something that would suggest abortion. Why i didn't ask questions when i went for the abortion???? because i trusted that the people there knew more than i did and if they said there was no other option i believed them. i don't remember stating that PP got me pregnant or gave me the STI. but because i thought they were educated about it i turned to them. I WAS WRONG. Maybe where you people live the staff are well educated and well trained but not here OBVIOUSLY. SO DON'T CALL ME A LIAR BECAUSE YOU'RE CLUELESS. any other questions, be my guest.
Boise,#37Consumer Suggestion
Tue, October 17, 2006
While I appreciate your concern, I think that the bad things you've "heard" about PP are truly political in nature. There was no tragedy here... the tone of your response indicates that you are pro-life. That's fine, but to indicate that this OP was blameless and totally innocent is against all reason. There was no forced abortion. If there was an abortion at all - and I doubt there was - the OP was responsible enough to seek treatment for a pap smear. Why wasn't she responsible enough to go to the store for condoms, foam, sponges, pills, a shot, a patch, or just say NO. My dad always thought that the best birth control was a single aspirin tablet: held tightly between the knees. He was right!
Boise,#38Consumer Suggestion
Tue, October 17, 2006
While I appreciate your concern, I think that the bad things you've "heard" about PP are truly political in nature. There was no tragedy here... the tone of your response indicates that you are pro-life. That's fine, but to indicate that this OP was blameless and totally innocent is against all reason. There was no forced abortion. If there was an abortion at all - and I doubt there was - the OP was responsible enough to seek treatment for a pap smear. Why wasn't she responsible enough to go to the store for condoms, foam, sponges, pills, a shot, a patch, or just say NO. My dad always thought that the best birth control was a single aspirin tablet: held tightly between the knees. He was right!
Boise,#39Consumer Suggestion
Tue, October 17, 2006
While I appreciate your concern, I think that the bad things you've "heard" about PP are truly political in nature. There was no tragedy here... the tone of your response indicates that you are pro-life. That's fine, but to indicate that this OP was blameless and totally innocent is against all reason. There was no forced abortion. If there was an abortion at all - and I doubt there was - the OP was responsible enough to seek treatment for a pap smear. Why wasn't she responsible enough to go to the store for condoms, foam, sponges, pills, a shot, a patch, or just say NO. My dad always thought that the best birth control was a single aspirin tablet: held tightly between the knees. He was right!
Boise,#40Consumer Suggestion
Tue, October 17, 2006
While I appreciate your concern, I think that the bad things you've "heard" about PP are truly political in nature. There was no tragedy here... the tone of your response indicates that you are pro-life. That's fine, but to indicate that this OP was blameless and totally innocent is against all reason. There was no forced abortion. If there was an abortion at all - and I doubt there was - the OP was responsible enough to seek treatment for a pap smear. Why wasn't she responsible enough to go to the store for condoms, foam, sponges, pills, a shot, a patch, or just say NO. My dad always thought that the best birth control was a single aspirin tablet: held tightly between the knees. He was right!
Roseville,#41Consumer Comment
Tue, October 17, 2006
Being from near the area and knowing some local stories about PP here in the area I tend to believe the complaint. Not all PP are run the same and yes they do tell misinformation at times. This is a tragic story I am sorry for your loss. What makes me sick to my stomach is the replies I have read saying it is on the patient not on the business. You who have replied are accross the country and do not get local news or hear complaints to our local stories. Put down your pitchforks and try to be civil about anothers tragedy. I work in healthcare out here and yes I do hear inside news and going ons in the area. This is not the first time I have heard complaints about this PP.
Dallas,#42Consumer Comment
Tue, October 17, 2006
You were a consenting adult, 18 years old, contracted a STD, and got pregnant. You were told PP would not give you meds for a STd unless you scheduled an abortion? Why didnt you ask any questions when you went back for your abortion appt? PP did not get you pregnant. PP did not give you an std. PP did not prevent you from using birth control. PP did not force you to take the STD meds. PP did not hold you down to have an abortion, they actually gave you another appt to have it done. You showed up at that appt. So PP did not cost you the life of your unborn child. YOU got a STd. You got pregnant. You had an abortion because you were misinformed about the meds. You could have done some research about the meds at the library, etc, but you didnt. This is on you,not PP. All these things were your choice. YOU chose the outcome. Deal with it like an adult instead of shifting the blame. Make peace with it. You will never feel peace till you accept responsibility for your actions.
Dallas,#43Consumer Comment
Tue, October 17, 2006
You were a consenting adult, 18 years old, contracted a STD, and got pregnant. You were told PP would not give you meds for a STd unless you scheduled an abortion? Why didnt you ask any questions when you went back for your abortion appt? PP did not get you pregnant. PP did not give you an std. PP did not prevent you from using birth control. PP did not force you to take the STD meds. PP did not hold you down to have an abortion, they actually gave you another appt to have it done. You showed up at that appt. So PP did not cost you the life of your unborn child. YOU got a STd. You got pregnant. You had an abortion because you were misinformed about the meds. You could have done some research about the meds at the library, etc, but you didnt. This is on you,not PP. All these things were your choice. YOU chose the outcome. Deal with it like an adult instead of shifting the blame. Make peace with it. You will never feel peace till you accept responsibility for your actions.
Dallas,#44Consumer Comment
Tue, October 17, 2006
You were a consenting adult, 18 years old, contracted a STD, and got pregnant. You were told PP would not give you meds for a STd unless you scheduled an abortion? Why didnt you ask any questions when you went back for your abortion appt? PP did not get you pregnant. PP did not give you an std. PP did not prevent you from using birth control. PP did not force you to take the STD meds. PP did not hold you down to have an abortion, they actually gave you another appt to have it done. You showed up at that appt. So PP did not cost you the life of your unborn child. YOU got a STd. You got pregnant. You had an abortion because you were misinformed about the meds. You could have done some research about the meds at the library, etc, but you didnt. This is on you,not PP. All these things were your choice. YOU chose the outcome. Deal with it like an adult instead of shifting the blame. Make peace with it. You will never feel peace till you accept responsibility for your actions.
Dallas,#45Consumer Comment
Tue, October 17, 2006
You were a consenting adult, 18 years old, contracted a STD, and got pregnant. You were told PP would not give you meds for a STd unless you scheduled an abortion? Why didnt you ask any questions when you went back for your abortion appt? PP did not get you pregnant. PP did not give you an std. PP did not prevent you from using birth control. PP did not force you to take the STD meds. PP did not hold you down to have an abortion, they actually gave you another appt to have it done. You showed up at that appt. So PP did not cost you the life of your unborn child. YOU got a STd. You got pregnant. You had an abortion because you were misinformed about the meds. You could have done some research about the meds at the library, etc, but you didnt. This is on you,not PP. All these things were your choice. YOU chose the outcome. Deal with it like an adult instead of shifting the blame. Make peace with it. You will never feel peace till you accept responsibility for your actions.
Pony,#46Consumer Comment
Tue, October 17, 2006
Being only six weeks pregnant, the probability of carrying the baby to term is very low. Until a person reaches the end of the first trimester (12 weeks) it is not possible to determine the viability of the baby. Now, toss in the fact that you have a sexually-transmitted disease which requires treatment that is threatening to an unborn baby, and you've got a recipe for disaster. What exactly was "the little cup of pills" that you wanted? Chlamydia is not treated with "a little cup of pills." It is treated with a 7-10 day course of strong antibiotics -- drugs that are not normally safe to give to pregnant women. Was there something found during your pelvic exam that indicated that an abortion was necessary? Was the embryo not implanted in the correct location? I highly doubt that Planned Parenthood FORCED you to have an abortion as you claim. As an organization that prides itself on giving women CHOICES, this is against the philosophy of everyone who chooses to work at this low-end clinic.
Boise,#47Consumer Suggestion
Mon, October 16, 2006
Planned Parenthood does NOT operate that way. Planned Parenthood is a terrific organization for sex education, womens health issues, and birth control information for both men and women (and girls and boys), especially for those who cannot afford traditional health care clinic costs. Unfortunately, the bad press from those who think all they are a back-alley abortion clinic is sad and misguided. Those people should actually visit the clinics as a patient (not a gawker) and experience what quality healthcare without regard to income or insurance coverage is like.
St. James,#48Consumer Comment
Mon, October 16, 2006
I am sorry that you had to make that choice right on the spot, being you thought you did not have any other options. I think it would be in your best interest to learn some sex education. I am not trying to criticize you. Planned Parenthood is a great place to learn from. You need to understand that unprotected sex does lead to unplanned pregnancies, and diseases. Why not go on the pill and have your partner wear a condom?? Remember, it is "YOUR" body. PLease take care of it, and take care of youself.