  • Report:  #811101

Complaint Review: POF.com - Internet

Reported By:
POF.com-Victim - Anywhere, New Jersey, USA

Internet, United States of America
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I have grown weary with with the lies and deceipt of the online dating communities across the world.  They have proven to be the biggest guise for greed, arrogance, deception and falsehoods about what it really takes to be in a genuine relationship with someone.  The majority of the people who create online profiles on the dating sites are nothing less than a bunch of selfish individuals, who look for too much perfection, monetary significance, and egotism in a potential life partner.

It has proven that people set way too high personal standards regarding what they seek in a life mate.  They are into all of the television, media and interpersonal lies that are portrayed to the mass population.  People either forgot how to think for themselves or they simply became so foolish and selfish, that they don't care about anyone else but themselves anymore.

The New-Age marketing techniques used to exploit the minds and emotions of human beings nowadays, has played a significant part in shaping what we witness today in dating (especially online dating).  It is extremely sad how idolizing appearances and facades intrigue the minds and hearts of people to the point where they lose simple human ideals and values.  The online dating communities nowadays harbor the lost people who set extremely unfair and overrated standards for their potential mate.  There are attractive females, who only look for flashy men with money (whether they are attractive or not).  The majority of the attractive women in the online dating scene also wait for guys who present stupid, childish and egotistical pick-up lines to get their attention... all based on negative traditions carried on for generations.

It is not to say that many men are not guilty of nonsense also.  Most men seek females with cute faces and nice butts, who are naive and who play like they're innocent, but who are ready to put out for a nice night out or with the right BS talk and deception (sad but true).  I have witness hundreds of female online dating profiles on POF.com and other dating sites, where they claim to want to be with a good man, yet when they are approached by a genuinely good man, only seeking to take them up on their offer to be with someone who they will love and who will love them, they ignore the attempts or play the men out behind the scenes with their friends or family and make a game out of it.  Meanwhile, truly loving, attractive and genuine people are sincerely trying to meet a good person online to spend their lives with because they feel so lonely in such a selfish world.

I have also witnessed cases where unattractive, overweight and sloppy females go online and assume that just because a good, attractive man goes online to find love, that they would be interested in them.  Those types of unattractive females make it a bad situation for the men who don't want to simply tell those types of females like it is and put them in their place... Those females cannot land a man through traditional dating and/or meeting men, so for some strange reason, they think that will change online. 

Then, those same types of females get angry at the world because they chose to be sloppy and become overweight by eating too much and feeling sorry for themselves, while not even trying to lose weight.  Those types of females don't take any consideration in how they look on the outside, when we live in a world where people idolize appearance of another human being regardless how messed-up of a person he or she truly is on the inside.  People have been brainwashed to think like this for generations and some people just can't help but follow the trend or end up feeling lonely and hopeless...

I have experienced all of the aforementioned to the utmost on POF.com (PlentyofFish.com), as they have been around for quite some time.  Unfortunately, POF.com only tricks guys into thinking that by upgrading to a paying membership (since you start out with a free one), that you will be quickly and thoroughly exposed to attractive females who are genuinely looking for a loving relationship with a simple man.  Their gimmick is that the upgrade is BS and you don't get anymore exposure then you would as a free member. 

Also, you still have to deal with the BS female profiles like I described above.  The attractive females who show on the site are mostly inactive, arrogant, egotistical, looking just to play games with innocent men to make themselves feel more attractive, or probably already found someone (whether through POF.com or not) and never deleted their profile because POF.com doesn't give you a clear option to do so.

Most dating websites at least give you the option to delete or remove your account, whereas POF.com seems to leave this feature out for some reason (or make it well hidden), so that it looks like they have a ton of members to choose from.  In fact, many online dating websites use this deceiptful tactic to trick unsuspecting people into joining and eventually upgrading.  But... the ultimate gimmick on POF.com, is that females get to join and communicate FOR FREE and they make the men pay...  This gives females who join their site the perfect opportunity to show just how spoiled, arrogant and egotistical they really are.

The majority of the women on POF.com have no real initiative of meeting the men who join only to experience their nonsense.  They simply think that all they need to do is post a profile of them looking cute and waiting for men to chase after them, so they can play the numbers game of "process of elimination" and be unfairly and overly-selective in choosing to communicate with a man who would think they are wonderful and a good match, after reading their profile and the facade BS that the women post.

The con-artists at POF.com have some nerve in operating they way they do (just like the tons of other online dating websites).  I remember years ago when they first started, they actually had a phone number to call for Customer Service.  Now, they just money-grind like the majority of dating sites out there, who's only focus is to trick men into spending their money by "upgrading" for a bunch of unworthy and selfish females.  And, once you pay for that upgrade, they try to claim, "No refunds," but if they don't refund your money, they are subject to fraud and can easily be sued.  They are a registered business after all.

Make sure to always check if a dating website is an actual registered company before you risk throwing your money away.  Make the fraudulent and money-grinding online dating entities take full responsibility for the lies and deception that they promote to consumers.  This is the only real weapon for innocent people who truly want to have a loving relationship in this crazy world full of a bunch of arrogant, selfish and egotistical people, who must think that their behaviors are somehow justifiable.

The lack of genuine love and "down-to-earth" relationships creates some real turmoil in the world, aside from everything else there is to deal with in life.  I hope people start to wake up very soon...  A good start would be to stop feeding into the falsehoods of New-Age media, marketing and lifestyles and definitely stop being followers (like those who think Reality TV is genuine human entertainment). 

There are genuine New-Age things out there, but they certainly are not publicized in mainstream media, and if they are, then do your research and find out the truth about them on your own.   Also, be sure to think twice before you buy some subliminal about loving yourself or attracting the perfect mate because you have no idea what those types of programs are actually imbedding into your mind.  They could actually be shaping your mind into selfish thought-patterns.

I have learned that nothing good comes from being selfish, but unfortunately, too many of the world's population already fell for that trap and refuse to change for the better.  I hope that at least some are enlightened by what I have shared this day and turn themselves around for the better.

I did go off of subject a little, but it all relates to how people have a tendency to think in the online dating communities.  I have come to realize that one of the best ways to experience love is to be open-minded, to be willing to love someone who genuinely loves you (if there's attraction of course and not based upon egotism) and to be willing to work at a real relationship (with love and personal growth) without all of the drama (high expectations) about sex and what someone can do for you...

Also, just a suggestion to the attractive women who might read this and disagree because you are in denial...  you might want to think twice before you look for a man who can satisfy your selfish desires... it's not all about money, muscles, flash, hype or a big *you know what* (whether some magazine or women support group told you that or not)... and if you continue to think that way, don't be surprise if your body is found stuffed in some suitcase and tossed in a river because you chased after the flashy, trendy, money-man with some clout and a big *you know what* or exercised your ego to the point of going for what other foolish and selfish women want and pushing aside the loving and genuine man who would truly love and appreciate you... If you are unsure, then learn patience and learn to be a better judge of character nowadays and stop following media hype, magazines, blogs and falsehoods that only promote the ratings of the networks that produce it.

Overall, women get with program and stop thinking a relationship is all about sex and certainly realize that you have no real control over men just because you have a body part that men desire... Get over yourselves and stop using online dating communities to stroke your selfish egos.  Also, POF.com needs to promote better services to prevent a bunch of liars and deceivers to use their site as a tool to mix with loving and genuine people, who really want a relationship and not be into traditional dating anymore because of all of the drama behind it.

I used to feel bad for how women have been mistreated throughout history and/or neglected by men in the past, but now I have come to better understand why women can oftentimes get treated as poorly as they do by their men.  Women need to take a step back and learn to choose the right man (instead of the flashy and trendy man with money) and love him with all of their heart... like in the "good ol' days..."

I guess online dating and the way women behave nowadays, is like a karmic vengence of women who experienced bad relationships in the past.  However, vengence solves nothing and only creates a vicious life cycle for the people involved.  So, again ladies, get over youselves and be the loving, nuturing, supportive and wonderful creatures God made you to be... I certainly understand how tough women have experienced life throughout history, but revolution allows so many a better experience in life and many women (especially within the United States) have been given great opportunities to be so much better in today's world.

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