  • Report:  #877196

Complaint Review: Police Captain Scott Butler - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
Gideon C. Dengal - Imperial Courts, California, USA

Police Captain Scott Butler
2600 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, California, United States of America
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Report Attachments
Recently suspended Police Captain Scott The Pink Panther

Butler thinks hes an author. Yes this buffoon actually wrote a book called, So You Want to be a Cop. He should have titled it, So You Want to be an Incompetent City Employee Who Cant Hold a Job.  This is the same Scott Butler who was FIRED by the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department after a few years and then bummed around working as a security guard for 3 years until he landed his Housing Authority gig just as his POST certificate was about to expire. For the past five years Butler has headed a
ONE MAN POLICE FORCE and couldnt even keep himself out of trouble. He has been involved in giving a loaded gun to a parolee who tried to sneak it through security. He has been the target of multiple investigations for harassment of other employees, misuse of his City Issued credit card, taking credit for arrests he had nothing to do with and of course that pesky $50,000 sports car he snookered the broke agency into buying for him. Well Mr. Butler got caught writing his book while on city time and using city computers. He is certainly going to be fired on May the 17th for this.

Since Drunk Doug Guthrie took over, Butler doesnt have Kinky Ken Simmons to protect him anymore.

My advice to anyone who wants to be a police officer, DONT read his book. It was written by a man who cant hold a job, has no ethics, no interpersonal communications skills or any sense of what being a police officer entails. He even lied on his resume about his supposed police experience. If you want to waste $30 on some reading material to make you a better cop, I recommend a subscription to HUSTLER. 

3 Updates & Rebuttals

The Good Rabbi

Los Angeles,

#2UPDATE Employee

Thu, May 31, 2012

Finally someone on the 3rd Floor grew a set of balls (not the ones Kinky Ken shows dangling below his hemline) and FIRED THE PINK PANTHER!

Of course Scotty couldn't go without acting like the mentally deranged, wing nut, closeted old Homo that he is in real life. 

As we all know, The Pink Panther has been on suspension pending his termination. Now in any legitimate organization when you relieve a police officer from duty, you take his gun and badge. Not with HACLA. You see folks, when they pulled Butler into HR served him with his suspension paperwork and and took away his ID card, gun and badge - he claimed that he didn't have them on him. This is the SAME Scott Butler who loiters inside men's rooms looking for sex while carrying his police gun and badge. And yet he "FORGOT" to take his gun and badge to work with him the very day they suspended him? Did they escort him to his house to pick them up? NO. HACLA management allowed Butler to run around town with a HACLA issued GUN AND POLICE BADGE while they had him on suspension pending termination! ! ! ! ! 

Jesus H Christ - Who the hell is the MORON who approved THAT?!?!?!?!?!?

SO lets jump ahead to Friday of last week. The brain surgeons who run around the 3rd Floor finally had had enough with Butler and officially FIRED HIS a*s! - One small problem. He STILL had his gun and police badge. SO they called him up and asked him to please return his gun and badge. What does Butler do? HE shows up to  H R wearing his GUN AND BADGE! YES YES YES - Scott "The Pink Panther" Butler struts right into HR with his gun and badge on!

Thank the good lord above that Patrice McConnell is finally gone too. I hope Drunk Doug investigates this and FIRES whoever let it happen in the first place. 

Report Attachments

Sergeant Preston

Great White North,
There are 3 Gun Incidents

#3UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 04, 2012

Scott "The Pink Panther" Butler has had 3 gun incidents while at HACLA. The first one of course was when a CONVICTED FELON ON PAROLE tried to sneak a loaded gun into the building. Butler was notified and instead of ARRESTING the CONVICTED FELON ON PAROLE - He gave her BACK THE GUN and allowed her to hit the streets of Los Angeles - no harm no foul and NO REPORT. The 2nd one had to do with a board meeting involving LAPD. Butler was unable to identify a photo of an AK-47. He had no idea what an AK-47 was or what one looked like. Talk about embarrassing! Now for Number 3. Butler was down in the projects and a citizen gave him a handgun he had found. Did Butler turn the gun in? Did he log the gun into property? Did he write a report on finding a handgun? No, No and No!
Now it gets really interesting. Butler KEPT THE GUN! Let's now move forward. Some local gang member confronted Butler and demanded his gun back. Did Butler arrest the gang member? NO - Did Butler run the gang member for warrants? NO - Did Butler check to see if he was a felon? NO - Did Butler even ask the gang member for identification? NO NO NO - Did Butler, like an IDIOT just hand over the gun to the gang member? YOU BET HE DID!

Why does this MORON even have a P.O.S.T. certificate? This isn't Mayberry and he isn't Barney Fife. This is Los Angeles and people can get killed due to his utter and complete incompetence. It is NOT FUNNY - It's FRIGHTENING! 

The Good Rabbi

Los Angeles,
This Idiot Was My Instructor at Westwood College!

#4UPDATE Employee

Wed, May 02, 2012

I took the Criminal Justice program at Westwood College a few years ago and Scott Butler was my instructor. He was the WORST person they ever hired to teach. he was so bad they finally had to fire him. The entire class of students was in full revolt and we all threatened to walk out if they didn't get rid of him. 

He used to spend most of the lecture time bragging about his supposed Sheriff experiences and the fact he spoke Japanese. It was so annoying - we learned NOTHING! I can't believe that he ever became a police supervisor. Another thing about Butler is he had a real "problem" with female students. He didn't try to hit on them, he just really hated women for some reason. 

The only book Butler is qualified to write is a coloring book. 

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