  • Report:  #137585

Complaint Review: Pregnancy.org - Internet

Reported By:
- Wolfieville, Michigan,

pregnancy.org Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I want to speak out against Pregnancy.org. Its a parenting website that also has forums to post to. After being a member there since 2002 I had a heated debate with a "friend" on the site. It got nasty and she and another member decided to gang up on me. It began with sending me nasty emails, which the administration of Pregnancy.org themselves traced to a particular member. I was told to keep quiet about the situation and not speak of it to other members, it would be handled internally.

They received a 3 day temporary ban but in the meantime THEY had already spoken to other members on the site about the situation and blinkies in support of their cause ran rampant around the site. I was also told if I had ANY further problems to contact them immediately.

After the emails failed to scare me off the guilty parties began calling my home at all hours of the day and night. I was dealing with a high risk pregnancy at the time and one such call (someone pretending to know my husband and attempt to make me think he'd been cheating) caused me such stress I could have gone into premature labor.

I contacted my phone company, who offered to trace the line provided I file a police report, which I did. I once again went to the site administrators after a post tipped me off as to who had been making the calls and they failed to do anything about it, and once again telling me to keep my mouth shut. And this time I was warned if I didn't there would be consequences. Well once word leaked that the police were involved the calls stopped. But the harassment didn't end there.

Next I began having problems with my email account. I would try to log-in and get a message that my password was invalid. I found out later one of the two members had contacted my ISP posing as me and changed my password repeatedly and I was sent a transcript of the session. My sister in law also contacted me, saying she had been getting nasty messages via Yahoo Messanger and how did they get her address? Once again I went to the Pregnancy.org admins, begging them to take some sort of action. They did nothing but once again tell me not to talk about it because they didn't want a fuss.

Next problem became my online banking. Same problem as my email, the password kept getting changed. Only this time I had no way of finding out who it was. I learned later a key-logging program had been placed into my system. There was also some question as to whether or not these 2 people accessed my credit report. When brought to administration's attention they said they would require contact with the police, my phone company, ISP, etc for "verifiable" proof. The emails they traced themselves, copies of the transcript with my ISP and other information weren't enough.

Finally a time came for me to spill the beans to the other members. After months of being harassed and being told it would be handled and then nothing being done, I felt the other members deserved to be protected from these two people. The very same day I let the "cat out of the bag" so to speak I was given a temporary ban and warned not to say anything further. This happened a few times and most recently just days ago, when after being goaded and outwardly pressured to talk about the situation I did and now I am not allowed back at Pregnancy.org until August, while the guilty parties and friends of theirs are allowed to go free.

Pregnancy.org has a history of favoritism with its members and the actions of the 2 involved are 10x more severe then things that have gotten other people banned permenantly. However Pregnancy.org maintains they are protecting themselves and that I need to just shut up. They are not only exposing their membership to people they KNOW are dangerous but allowing the victims to take the fall.


Orlando, Florida

8 Updates & Rebuttals


*UPDATE* The TRUTH has come to light!

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, November 01, 2005

Yes my friends, as always the truth has prevailed. I have been contacted by several people who are still members at Pregnancy.org that the main person guilty of harassing me has been "outted". She made the mistake of bragging about it and taking screen shots of the evidence (STUPID! But good for me hehe!). Actual copies of everything are being mailed to my home address in case I decide to take further legal action. As soon as the information was brought to my attention I sent the following email to the owner (who replied to my initial complaint) and several administrators of Pregnancy.org "Mollee, I send this email to you nearly 3 months after I was supposed to allowed back at Pregnancy.org. I requested my access back in August, as outlined by Missy in the email below. The relevant parts have been bolded and underlined. To be honest, I don't email because I'm still banned. I've found other activities and places where I have real friends and I make a difference in people's lives. I'm sending you this email because its come to my attention in the last few days that the truth has come out. SEVERAL sources from Pregnancy.org have contacted me in regards to Teresa (Treece) being "outed" for hacking my email and the phone calls I received, as I tried to report to you so many times. The actual proof is being copied and sent to me via the U.S Postal service so if I decide to re-open the criminal investigation I can do so. I've been emailed apology after apology from people who doubted me and now realize I was the victim in all this. And one thing that as odd was that Teresa never once threatened to sue ME for slander or defamation of character...wonder why? I don't know as of this moment if she is still a member of Pregnancy.org, and frankly I don't care. You have to answer to your own members why she was allowed to remain, and deal with the consequences of your failure to act. My only regret in this whole situation is not that I tried to tell the truth. Its the loss of contact with the ladies of Sept 2004 and the TTC graduates. The TTC grads were people I'd spent 2 years with, through some of the best and worst days of my life. I can no longer share that CJ has 6 teeth and is walking with the ladies on what was my birth board. I will be updating my complaint at Ripoffreports.com as well as my own website to the new developments, and any response or lack thereof from any of you. I don't expect my access to be re-instated (it'd be nice!!) nor do I think for minute I might get an apology, but I wanted you all to know I'm aware of what's going on. I only wish you'd believed me and done the right thing...or maybe you still have a chance to do that...its up to you. Sincerely, Shannon (shadoewolf)" As of now I have received no reply, and to be honest, I don't expect a response. They would have to admit they were wrong all along. The people who posted above would have to admit they have the proof and still it doesn't change anything. This evil woman will still be allowed to hurt others just as she did me, and why? Because Pregnancy.org never made her appreciate that there are consequences for her actions. An apology would be fitting, but I know its not gonna happen, nor am I expecting one. I have diverted my energies to more positive areas of my life and while the justification feels wonderful, soon enough I will again move on.


Terms of Service doesn't apply on all boards

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, April 11, 2005

Mollee, Owner of Pregnancy.orgs claims that my removal from Pregnancy.org was due to a Terms of Service violations is false. There are certain private boards with approved members where the standard rules do not apply. The "Drama Hounds Club" is one of them and thats where my allegations against the guilty parties were posted. It clearly states in the boards profile that the ONLY rule is that the content of the board not be posted anywhere else on the site and I did not violate that rule. Also she states that harassing another member is against the Terms of Service, then she failed to take action against other members on the board who were blatantly harassing me for days on end. They received no disciplinary action whatsoever and I have copies (as do other members) of the posts where I was being harassed. If you want to apply a Terms of Service violation as a claim you should have to apply it to all those who commit those violations not just specific few.


Proof WAS provided but ignored.

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, April 09, 2005

The Terms of Service agreement linked by owner Mollee was violated time and again by the guilty parties and ignored or given a mild slap on the wrist. One administrator actually traced the initial offending emails herself and provided ME with the information on the person's identity, a fact which she is not willing to own up to. The site administrators were shown emails from other members and even a transcript from my Internet Service Provider regarding the allegations but did nothing about it, even stating bogus legal reasons (along the lines of "if we ban her based only on your statements we can get in trouble" and "we can't allow you to accuse her on our site because we can be held liable" to which I found NOT to be true based on a post to a legal advice website.) Other members had been banned for a lot less and certainly with a lot less proof. I think they're mad because finally someone had the nerve to speak out about the way they treat their members and questioned their actions and therefor had to be removed. Stating accusing someone as harassment is crap considering what the site administrators allowed to be said about me on several threads for days on end with no action against the offending parties and of course allowing the inital offenses to slide. To be fair would have been to ban all involved persons until the matter was completely resolved but that didn't happen and the persons who committed the crimes (internet harassment of their sort IS a crime) are still there. My warning to other people stands, STAY AWAY FROM PREGNANCY.ORG if you value your privacy and safety! BTW Rhonda there's a feature on this site that allows a person to remain anonymous. I didn't have to pick a name or location.


Proof WAS provided but ignored.

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, April 09, 2005

The Terms of Service agreement linked by owner Mollee was violated time and again by the guilty parties and ignored or given a mild slap on the wrist. One administrator actually traced the initial offending emails herself and provided ME with the information on the person's identity, a fact which she is not willing to own up to. The site administrators were shown emails from other members and even a transcript from my Internet Service Provider regarding the allegations but did nothing about it, even stating bogus legal reasons (along the lines of "if we ban her based only on your statements we can get in trouble" and "we can't allow you to accuse her on our site because we can be held liable" to which I found NOT to be true based on a post to a legal advice website.) Other members had been banned for a lot less and certainly with a lot less proof. I think they're mad because finally someone had the nerve to speak out about the way they treat their members and questioned their actions and therefor had to be removed. Stating accusing someone as harassment is crap considering what the site administrators allowed to be said about me on several threads for days on end with no action against the offending parties and of course allowing the inital offenses to slide. To be fair would have been to ban all involved persons until the matter was completely resolved but that didn't happen and the persons who committed the crimes (internet harassment of their sort IS a crime) are still there. My warning to other people stands, STAY AWAY FROM PREGNANCY.ORG if you value your privacy and safety! BTW Rhonda there's a feature on this site that allows a person to remain anonymous. I didn't have to pick a name or location.


Proof WAS provided but ignored.

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, April 09, 2005

The Terms of Service agreement linked by owner Mollee was violated time and again by the guilty parties and ignored or given a mild slap on the wrist. One administrator actually traced the initial offending emails herself and provided ME with the information on the person's identity, a fact which she is not willing to own up to. The site administrators were shown emails from other members and even a transcript from my Internet Service Provider regarding the allegations but did nothing about it, even stating bogus legal reasons (along the lines of "if we ban her based only on your statements we can get in trouble" and "we can't allow you to accuse her on our site because we can be held liable" to which I found NOT to be true based on a post to a legal advice website.) Other members had been banned for a lot less and certainly with a lot less proof. I think they're mad because finally someone had the nerve to speak out about the way they treat their members and questioned their actions and therefor had to be removed. Stating accusing someone as harassment is crap considering what the site administrators allowed to be said about me on several threads for days on end with no action against the offending parties and of course allowing the inital offenses to slide. To be fair would have been to ban all involved persons until the matter was completely resolved but that didn't happen and the persons who committed the crimes (internet harassment of their sort IS a crime) are still there. My warning to other people stands, STAY AWAY FROM PREGNANCY.ORG if you value your privacy and safety! BTW Rhonda there's a feature on this site that allows a person to remain anonymous. I didn't have to pick a name or location.


Lies This person creates lies and drama to get people tangled up in her delusions

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, April 09, 2005

This person is lying. First off, there name is not Jessica, and they are not from Florida. This person creates lies and drama to get people tangled up in her delusions. She has been asked for solid proof, has been asked for police reports, etc and she can't provide anything. All she has is a bunch of lies spread from herself and others to count as her "facts."


Lies This person creates lies and drama to get people tangled up in her delusions

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, April 09, 2005

This person is lying. First off, there name is not Jessica, and they are not from Florida. This person creates lies and drama to get people tangled up in her delusions. She has been asked for solid proof, has been asked for police reports, etc and she can't provide anything. All she has is a bunch of lies spread from herself and others to count as her "facts."


Boca Raton,
Pregnancy.org Responds to libelous allegations

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, April 08, 2005

Pregnancy.org takes accusations of harassment seriously and acts on any evidence that is reasonable and verifiable. A charge of abuse by one member against another can itself be harassment if not supported by reasonable proof. Pregnancy.org maintains the right to permanently remove any member that we deem is in violation of our terms of use. (code the Terms of Use to our link at http://www.pregnancy.org/article.php?sid=305)

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