  • Report:  #923053

Complaint Review: Prentiss Zaynard P.C. - Internet

Reported By:
Ripped Off - Robbed Blind, Connecticut, United States of America

Prentiss Zaynard P.C.
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Warning!!! Mark Zaynard will walk in your home and case you. What I mean by casing is this. Mark Zaynard walked into my office and stole every answer I had. He signed a confidentiality agreement and broke that. He is dishonest. He even went to so far as to take the display messaging. He signed a contract not to take any marketing and he took everything I said. He does not think for himself. He is sick in mind. I would not ever hire him to represent me.

He is overweight and addicted to pharmacutical drugs. He drinks alcohol on those drugs. Mark also may take your money for what he has done rarely, and overbill and/or overcharge you. He may have filed about 10 bankruptcies in his life, and I know he does not know a lot about what he claims to know.

If he steals from you or takes your money and does not do what he said, or if he fails to respond to you, please call the Colorado Supreme Court and report him to Regulations Counsel. The phone number to report him is: (303) 866-6400, or toll free 1-877-888-1370. He is known to pop pills and drink on your dime!

13 Updates & Rebuttals


From A Potential Client

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, April 22, 2013

Goodness. I was just trying to do some personal due diligence on an attorney with whom I was consulting.

I simply wanted to add a comment here to the attorneys posting, especially Mr. Zaynard: the character and motivation with regard to Jill/Abigail is clear and evident. I feel very badly for you. I know first hand that there indeed are many good attorneys -- ones that try very hard to provide ethical and beneficial services to their clients. I appreciated Mr. Zaynard's response, and I believe him. Jill/Abigail appears to be completely non-credible and in fact, potentially delusional. 

In short, attorneys? I wouldn't worry about it. This woman reveals herself for what and who she is. 


And may much good business come your way. 

Hiliarious!! Jill's is so DUMB

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, August 27, 2012

OMG!!! just look at her unintelligible "rant" above. That is the the textbook writing of someone who is EXTREMELY mentally ill. Jill, you live in a fantasy world where you write about yourself in the third person and truly think that no one knows its you! Pleas, you went to high school with people and have relatives that read these rants about "All these attorneys, past clients, past clients husbands, past professors, past boyfriends, etc" that have (emotionally and physically abused you)...ALL OF THEM??? Then you came after a professor who gave you a bad grade.....(accused him of stalking and sexual harassment) Really? All these people who have never met and are not connected......they all have attacked, assaulted, stalked, and abused you over the last THREE YEARS!!!! Really??

Jill lets face it. every time someone does something that you "perceive" as bad...you place them on Ripoff report and say almost the exact same thing, "...Such and such uses drugs. such and such, stalks me, such and such smokes cigarettes, such and such did something to me."...Jill it's all the same...seriously move on in life.

Ripped Off

Robbed Blind,
What are attorneys known for? Lying... Hence, these little episodes of defense are merely the result of a poorly attorney who overeats on his clients.

#4Author of original report

Sun, August 26, 2012

If you are not a member of the bar the attorneys will batter and kick you around. They will stick up for each other because they are "members". It is a club. It is apparent that they will make any accusation they are able to try to make Mr. Zaynard look "good". A secret oath. When in essence Ms. Armstrong has been accepted to some of the nations leading universities, and all of these attorneys are worried for their careers because they are not hired at big firms and they break the law, so the big firms are not interested in them. Hence, they take your money and they help each other conspire against an innocent person.

Ms. Armstrong runs a good company, and most of these attorneys were asked not to return for either their own misconduct or their poor habits. Mostly what she has observed is that they are addicted to alcohol, drugs (both pharmacutical and illegal), not to mention that they have abused her both emotionally and physically. Most of the humans she has posted a rip off report about are unethical and mostly loners. Something to be warned about.

Especially two attorneys who work alone. What she has done is create a porthole for attorneys to slander and defame her, and then try to allie one another in hopes that they will at some point become good attorneys. However, for now she has seen heavy addiction and poorly run men. She has suffered at their hands and their breaches. God is the only judge anyhow. God knows what they are doing, so she stays sober and continues trying to find the public an ethical attorney. It would be amazing if she could find one. They all must be taken by better firms or bigger companies.

Keep singling out! You all have God to face in the end, not Jill.


Highlands Ranch,
United States of America
Beware the lies from Ms. Armstrong

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, August 20, 2012

Do not take anything you read here from Ms. Armstrong as having any truth to it.  Mr. Zaynard is a very honest attorney and has integrity.  The only mistake he has made is ever becoming associated with Ms. Armstrong.  Please follow up with the links Mr. Zaynard gave you before making any judgments about him or any attorneys Ms. Armstrong has worked with.  Ms. Armstrong has made accusations about every attorney she has ever come in contact with.  She has been issued injunctions by the Colorado Supreme Court for the Unauthorized practice of law, she has continuously committed Fraud, Perjury, and Criminal Libel with the victims to numerous to list.  Though she may claim she has attorneys that love her, ask her to have just one attorney vouch for her, any attorney she thinks is her friend is only cowering and trying to refrain from being harassed or defamed. 

Gee I wonder if that is Jill

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, August 08, 2012

I love How Jill Drevescraft talks about herself in the third person....Jill is that your morning personality telling people how "good" your afternoon personality is??? HA HA HA   FOOL!!!!  Is that, "Jill Drevescraft" giving a reference for "Abigail Armstrong"..

***If you want to see something hilarious check this out...Jill Drevescraft was placed under a Permanent Injunction for scamming people on Craiglist...she then tried to change her name to Abigail Armstrong...BUT..to her surprise the Colorado Supreme Court found out and listed the injunction under BOTH names....hilarious!!! OOPs Jill...that didn't work...kinda like going to Metro didn't work out for you either...My god you are the Joke of the LEGAL COMMUNITY IN COLORADO!!!

Gee I wonder if that is Jill

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, August 08, 2012

I love How Jill Drevescraft talks about herself in the third person....Jill is that your morning personality telling people how "goo" your afternoon personality is??? HA HA HA   FOOL!!!!!!

Jill Drevescraft/Armstrong is a fool

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, August 08, 2012


 You were placed on a permanent injunction with the State of Colorado....HELLO!!! Also, You are not an attorney!! You don't even have a degree from an undergraduate university. Lets face it...you are a "wanna be" attorney who cant even pass an undergrad class...let alone a law school class. You talk about all of these attorneys that "love you"...but a few weeks later you are slandering them on Ripoff Report. Do you realize how foolish you look? Also, how many attorneys are "stalking" you now? How many different people have "attacked you" or "sexually harassed you".. You say the same things about everyone....find some new material...better yet....go spend your time trying to get your son back instead of playing the "wanna be lawyer" game.

P.S. you are not a lawyer, and you will NEVER BE A LAWYER!! NEVER!! Face it!!


Ripped Off

Robbed Blind,

#9Author of original report

Wed, August 08, 2012

Supreme Court sees through all of the false accusations. I am glad Jill never hired or offered to work with either one! She's great! She does a stellar job! Supreme Court knows, so do a lot of folks. You all smell.

Ripped Off

Robbed Blind,
Mark Face It...

#10Author of original report

Wed, August 08, 2012

Jill observed your skills as an attorney. She sent you home, and when you asked to return she declined your offer.

Her investigation was the cause of your poor attorneying and giving her retainers and walking out the door. That is a attorney misconduct, and she should have called regulations counsel and reported you.

Jill has a ton of attorneys who are her friends and colleagues, she just chooses attorneys who are ethical and have outstanding records.

You on the other hand died to eat at every minute and had to be home for dinner.

This is not libel. This is the truth. You stole her marketing ideas and ran with a new guy. You are in breach of a contract, and very suable. I have read the signed and agreed to contract, and seen you rip off her every idea because she declined your ego centric flaws.

Just because she warns everyone about attorneys who are dishonest, and they think it is not fair, so they accuse her, and what they are doing is libel.

Jill is not crushable. You are a breach of contract and you have mental illness. You specifically told her that you were on a lot of medicine, and it affected your ability to drink hard liquer, but you still do.

Weird. Not only that you put clients funds in the hands of a paralegal and walked out the door. That is how safe everyones money is. Nice work.

Libel, my a**.

Mark S. Zaynard, Esq

United States of America
Really, Jill?

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 07, 2012

Okay, Jill. That's enough. While you were just annoying me every few months, I was happy to ignore you, but now you've moved into actual libel. You've leveled some pretty serious accusations against me, and now I'm telling you to put up or shut up.

For everyone else, here's the background on what happened:
Last summer (June, 2011), I answered an advertisement on Craigslist for a "Superhero Attorney." It sent up a few flags, but thinking it could be a great opportunity, I ignored my instincts and started working with Ms. Armstrong (Abigail Jill Armstrong, formerly known as Jill Drevescraft). She assured me that she knew all about bankruptcy, what had to be filed, when to file it, and how to draft it, and I took the bait. We worked together for three weeks, and she horrified me with stories of the last attorney she'd worked with (the same drinking, drugs, and sex lines I later learned she always spouts about the last attorney she worked for). She even forbade me to speak with him; when I ran into him at a hearing, I discovered that he was not nearly the monster she'd made him out to be. More warning flags went up, but I persevered until one morning I came in and she handed me a stack of money, retainers from clients she had seen on her own and accepted on my behalf... without such niceties as finding out if I was qualified to take their cases, or if I was conflicted out, or even telling me that she was doing so. Ms. Armstrong sort of operates on a need to know basis, and apparently I didn't need to know.

That was the last straw. I refused the cases, refused the money, packed up and left. Then I endured a couple of weeks of abusive phone calls and emails, full of ravings and empty threats, a frankly terrifying call from the Attorney Regulation Commission (about half way through the call, the investigating attorney on the other end realized the source of my apprehension and assured me that he was calling about Ms. Armstrong, not me), and then it all went quiet for a while. Every few months I'd get an angry voice mail about how I was breaking my NDA by posting ads for my new firm on Craigslist, but I just ignored it, including the one left at 4:15am on Monday morning (August 6, 2012). Until today, that is. Today I got a notice of this report in my email from someone trying to sell me something, saw this, etc, etc.

Now that you know the score, let's break down and address Ms. Armstrong's accusations one by one:
1) That my firm will "Breach Your Trust and Contacts" -- So, leading off with one of the biggest accusations one can level at an attorney... sort of. I'm not sure what Ms. Armstrong means by "Breaching Your ... Contacts"; my best guess is that I offended her by looked for other sources of information that were not her, including talking to the attorneys who had preceeded me in working with her.
2) That my firm will "Break Client Confidentiality and Disclose and Use Your Answers, Internet" -- This IS the biggest accusation you can make against an attorney, and it is completely false. Confidentiality is one of the touchstones of professional practice, and I and my firm pride ourselves on our discretion.
3) That I will case your home -- Frankly, I don't know what Ms. Armstrong means by this. I don't think she does, either; she just knows it sounds bad. Perhaps she's referring to my firm's practice of making house calls.
4) That I stole every answer Ms. Armstrong had -- Ms. Armstrong's single answer was "let me do it." And that answer was almost universally wrong.
5) That I signed and broke an NDA -- An NDA covers proprietary information. Ms. Armstrong's claim is that I have violated the NDA by advertising my new firm on Criagslist. I'll let you decide if that's propritary or not; if it is, there are a whole lot of people who need to be sued for it.
6) That I am dishonest -- All I can say is that I am, in fact, an honest man (shocking!) and an honest attorney, to boot (more shocking!!) In an internet based forum, that's pretty much all I can do, and you'll either believe me or not. If you'd like to meet me in person, give me a call at the number at the end of this post, but please, no cranks.
7) That I took the display messaging -- Again, I don't know what Ms. Armstrong means by this, unless she means that I removed my firm name from the door when I left. If that's the case, I don't know why she thought she would be allowed to keep it, although what Ms. Armstrong thought she could do and what she was actually allowed to do didn't often match up.
8) That I signed a contract not to take any marketing and took everything Ms. Armstrong said -- Again, see number 3.
9) That I am overweight -- Okay, I'm a bit rotund, at six feet tall and between 230 and 240 pounds.
10) That I am addicted to prescription drugs -- While I do have a seizure disorder that is controlled by daily medication, that is a far cry from addiction.
11) That I drink alcohol on those drugs -- While I rarely drink, I am no tee-totaller. Although, since my meds are a "morning and bedtime" thing and my drinking is "a glass of wine with dinner" thing, it's quite a stretch to say that I'm "on drugs" at the time.
12) That I "may take your money for what he has done rarely, and overbill and/or overcharge you" -- In fact, in my last conversation with the Attorney Regulation Counsel (just last month), they had recovered funds from Ms. Armstrong and been told that some of it was mine. It wasn't, and I told them so; any fees I was due from my work with Ms. Armstrong had long since been accounted for (at least on my side).
13) That I "may have filed 10 bankruptcies" in my life -- Frankly, I was a little worried about how to respond to this one, because just like in litigation, the senior attorney on a case tends to be the one with his (or her) name on the file. In the three weeks I worked with Ms. Armstrong, I handled about a half-dozen cases in various stages, all of whom were greatly relieved to not have to deal with her any more. In the years previous and since, I have worked on and taken to resolution dozens of bankruptcies, although I will admit they were often filed by other attorneys.
14) That Ms. Armstrong knows "[I do] not know a lot about what [I] claim to know" -- Well, I'll admit that there is always more to learn. For instance, in the three weeks of working with Ms. Armstrong, I learned a lot about correcting mistakes, and about setting and (particularly) managing client expectations.
15) That I "pop pills and drink on your dime!" -- See numbers 8 and 9.

So, that's my rebuttal. For further reading, here is the NDA in question: http://tinyurl.com/cjgsyra
Why haven't you provided it, Jill?

Additionally, here are a few of the other Ripoff Reports Ms. Armstrong has posted in the past few years. Notice similarities?

And here are a few about her (some under her previous corporate entity, Rocky Mountain Preparation Services, or her previous name, Jill Drevescraft):

There are more, of course. Search Ripoff Report for Ms. Armstrong's current or former names for a more complete list. Take a look at them, take a look at the facts of the matter, and then you be the judge.

Thank you for your time.


Mark S. Zaynard, Esq.
Prentiss Zaynard, P.C.
720-282-5755 x2

Abigail Armstrong

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, August 07, 2012

Thank you so much for your writings here on Rippoff Report. You have proven yourself to be completely out of touch with reality. I am so glad that I found your writings on this website BEFORE I decided to work with you. I find it very funny that you claim it is illegal for someone to write about YOU but you have done the same thing to about 10 attorneys who have refused to work with you. I am so glad I discovered this BEFORE you could do the same thing to me.

Ripped Off

Robbed Blind,
No. She writes the TRUTH about Everyone.

#13Author of original report

Tue, August 07, 2012

She is honest in her experiences with these Attorneys. She tells the truth. That is why this is not defamation and/or slander. Her statements are true.

Mark stole from her and he probably will from other people. She warns the public about the crooked and the cheating. Humans who are dishonest and break laws because they think they can get away with it because they are attorneys.

That way of law breaking and problem making is what gives attorneys a bad reputation. So, he wanted a bad reputation, so he broke a contract and the law.

Who is not to say that Mark would not just walk into someones house and know what they own and then sue them for what they own?

He may just. He walked into her office and took all of her ideas and used them like they were his own, and he signed a contract not to. He is a scam artist, not her.

Jill Drevescraft AKA: Abigail Armstrong

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, August 07, 2012

....strikes again. She writes the same thing about everyone.

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