This woman operates out of her home in Pacific Village Apartments in Tigard Oregon her home is very dirty has multiple cats smells like urine and feces cat hair everywhere not sterile enough to be doing tattooing piercing or body modifications out of had multiple piercings and mods become infected right away due to the unsanitary nature of her environment she works Within her herself smells lot of body odor and another disgusting odor.
I can't put my finger on when you have somebody very close to you when doing tattoos piercings or body modifications you don't want to smell body odor and dirtiness she has claimed to owned a tattoo and piercing shop and Chico California if this is true she should already know the conditions her apartment should be in an order to even consider doing tattoos body modifications and piercings out of it consumer beware beware beware if you're or consumer searching for somebody to go to for piercings tattoos or body modifications please do your research first so you don't end up in the hospital with a staph infection.