  • Report:  #163602

Complaint Review: Primerica - Cleveland Ohio

Reported By:
- Euclid, Ohio,

primerica.com Cleveland, 44130 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Hi All:

In reading most of the information provided on Primerica, I wanted to further discuss my reasoning of why Primerica is deceptive and vague.

1. I read in here where one Primerica representative admitted that this was set up as MLM. This was never explained to me when I was brought on--which I feel is vital information to disclose and I definitely would not have taken the offer if I knew.

1a. Most of the representatives are stating that this is a business opportunity, not a regular 9-to-5. Okay, if that is true, then the best thing for Primerica to do is not represent itself as a REGULAR 9-TO-5! They distinctly said they were looking for someone to hire for management and sales positions. Also, they had an accelerated management training program to get individuals without prior management experience expedited into the management process. Regardless of how anyone attempts to spin the words, it sounds like a regular employment opportunity.

2. Every rep defending PRIMERICA is doing so by speaking of CITIGROUP. Although Citigroup is the parent company of Primerica, its only affiliation with that company is just that, a subsidiary. In Primerica's case, a better description of their nature with Citigroup is that they are a wholly owned subsidiary with Citigroup being the holding company. Meaning, control and ownership is not shared with Citigroup. Subsidiaries are SEPARATE AND DISTINCT LEGAL ENTITIES for tax purposes and other forms of legal regulation. Primerica has the ability to utilize all of the benefits of Citigroup, and its other affiliates (investments, mortgages, credit lines, etc.) therefore, it's only based on that type of affiliation.

2a. Under no circumstances does the success of Citigroup affect the success of Primerica. The only way it can is because these reps pump in your head, "Citigroup, Citigroup!" and not Primerica Financial Services. Of course, Citigroup will be around for a long time (although we thought the same thing about Enron), but Primerica may not. Yes, Citigroup is the largest company in the world, but Primerica is not. Citigroup's 04 sales topped $108 Billion dollars and their assets close to a trillion, but Primerica's 04 sales were $2 Billion.

2b. This is good for a subsidiary and that's why Citigroup has not dropped them. But, let's get something straight, Primerica is a DISTRIBUTOR of Citigroup products and that's it. They are a successful distributor because they utilize a national sales force of a little over $100,000 sales reps. That's the reason these reps can come from all kinds of backgrounds, because they are not looking for Financial Analysts/Consultants/ Advisors, ETC., they are looking for Sales Reps. This is where the misconception is and this is where Primerica becomes deceptive.

3. Primerica DOES NOT hold significant market capital in the financial services industry. Why, because Primerica's primary business-focus is Insurance, that's why they don't focus on you getting your Series 7 or Series 66 securities license. Plus, there are companies that are dominating the financial services industry and PRIMERICA IS NOT ONE OF THEM!

4. One great company of note is Ameriprise Financial Services. Although they don't hold a significant portion of the financial services market, in their perspective market, they are operating at sales of $6+ Billion in the year 2004. In addition to that, they are listed on the NYSE (AMP). I wonder why Primerica, who has a generated as much sales as they have, has never decided to go public? I guess because if they make that decision, they will definitely have to clean up their extremely UNETHICAL practices.

4b. Another wonderful thing about Ameriprise Financial (and no I do not work there) is, in addition to the commissions you make off of servicing clients, you also get what is called a draw from the company. This draw is roughly $24-30K per year regardless of how much money you make with them. You do not become independent of Ameriprise until you are ready. You are an independent contractor of Ameriprise when you're success had shown them that you are ready for that. Every financial advisor at Ameriprise Financial has to get their Certified Financial Planners designation after their first year of operation. They have legitimate leads that are generated from the ten of millions of marketing they paid for and if you have a client anywhere in the United States of America they fly you there. Did I mention, they also pay for all your certifications after they hire you, plus they don't just refund your money for your licenses, they give you a $1,500 hiring bonus?

5. One of the first questions I asked the "district manager" was, "How much of my clientele would come from my natural market?" His response was, "Well, our regional vice-president, Howard, is from Florida and he has at least 800 people that he can't work with because they are in Cleveland, so when our office (supposedly) opens in January, I'm definitely not going to be able to service all of those people!" Well, if the system of this company is to generate business by soliciting your recruit's natural (or warm) market, then who are these 800 people he's talking about? I guess I won't be using my natural market, but he will! Maybe the truth is, HE IS A BOLD-FACED LIE!

6. Why does it seem like Primerica focuses entirely on the people who feel they are 'between a rock and a hard place'? The reason is those people are vulnerable and easy to influence. By the time they realize that the only thing they will be successful at is being a cheerleader at the Primerica pep rally, Primerica will have already made a lot of money off of their friends and family. For example, the only time Mr. Dave Derbin seemed as if he was remotely interested in me is when I said the following: "I am very motivated, ambitious, I will achieve what I want in life regardless of any obstacle" and especially when I said, "The company that I am currently working for does not provide me the benefit of meeting all my needs and I have been in the job market for a long time with no luck". Those are the people they want, the people who seem to feel they "have nothing to lose" because those are the people who will follow their system and give Primerica their families information regardless of how they really feel about the situation. I have to admit, I was that person at first, but I quickly assimilated myself back into believing that I won't sell out to this crap because I currently can't find a better job.

7. For the people who LOVE Primerica, tell your "District Managers" and "Regional Vice-Presidents" to stop telling people that this is there only way to "financial freedom". A little bit about me, I have a degree in Finance; I am candidate for my Certified Financial Manager, Certified Management Accountant designation; also I'm preparing to go back to school for my JD/MBA at the University of Texas (in Austin), the 15th ranked law school in the nation; so I DO NOT BELIEVE that Primerica is my ONLY WAY OUT! Because of that, I don't fit the system, or the profile of Primerica.

8. When you sign up, they use this line of prose: "We are not looking for people who are willing to quit their current job and join Primerica". However, once you join them, they start scheduling meetings, seminars, ETC. that compromise your work schedule. Then, when you tell them that you can't honor the meetings, they attempt to play against your lack of seriousness' of the opportunity presented to you--in an effort to make you feel like you've wrong them in a sense. During this time, be in mind that you haven't even made a dollar yet!

9. I know after writing this, the Primerica Warlords are definitely going to be in arms, attempting to refute all of my comments. They may even go as far as doing so, point-by-point. I welcome the opportunity to debate with you all, because I am DEFINATELY articulate enough to do so and believe me I will not stoop to YOUR LEVEL calling people "stupid", "dumb" "broke & poor", because using those comments lack professionalism. Although, I have seen Primerica representatives using those words in here! However, I must say, the people providing rebuttals on behalf of Primerica are PROBABLY NOT the ones making all the money, they are probably the unfortunate individuals who believe wholeheartedly in system and now feel threatened because they know (deep inside their hearts) that the Primerica system has failed them too! The ones with the money are sitting back somewhere in Hawaii (which they invited me to after my first interview, how ironic) reaping the benefits of your (Primerica reps) hard labor.

10. (Finally) a great company should not have to convince you it's a great company; if it's great you will probably already know about it! There is no such thing as a "best kept secret" because it's not a secret when hundreds of thousands of people know about it. For all the Primerica reps out there, be honest with yourselfbe honest knowing that the comments I made in this forum are based on facts and personal experience, not opinions, as you so eloquently write everyone's statements off to be. Know that a Zebra never changes it stripes, but they sure can cover them with dirt!

Jay & Ron

Euclid, Ohio

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Primerica

13 Updates & Rebuttals


Laguna Niguel,

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, December 12, 2005

I recently separated from the Navy after 8 years of service and took on a sales job with a company in Irvine, Ca that has similar misleading and deceptive recruiting practices. It also has a flawed product and dishonest business practices. I have since left that company after realizing my mistake. I received a call from a hiring manager from Primerica in Irvine, Ca. She went on and on about Citigroup and how they are the largest company in the world and are opening 50 new offices in the next three years. She said I would be a great fit because of my military background even though I know nothing at all about the financial industry. She said this is fine because they are looking for people with no experience in the industry in order to mold them into the ideal Primerica employee. I started to become suspicious when she vaguely explained the position and only asked me one question for the so-called phone interview. When I tried to ask her questions concerning the position she put me on hold and when she came back she said she couldn't talk anymore and all my questions would be answered at the orientation meeting which I was scheduled for at 7PM. I decided to look them up on the website which was also very vague concerning possible employment opportunities. So when I saw all the information about this company from Jay it all made sense. I certainly didn't want to waste my time with another deceitful company. I am glad I read your comments before I made another critical mistake. I know better now. Thanks.


Just wanting to refute...

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, November 30, 2005

Dear Christine: It is always a pleasure to read a comment from an individual playing, "good-cop; bad-cop". I hope you don't take offense to me saying that, but honestly, that's how I interpret your response. I'm sure if you responded to this particular thread, you SHOULD HAVE, in fact, read my response to Kala (above) where I asked her to complete my test for all Primerica representatives. I extend you that same opportunity. Just in case you don't know, the name of the thread is: "PRIMERICA REPS, HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO PROVE ALL OF US WRONG", Author Cleveland, Ohio. 1. I understand that you all are contractors, not employees! Why that comment was given emphasis, I'm not sure, but if you read my comments toward the employee/ business relationship, you would understand that I beseeched them to STOP REPRESENTING PRIMERICA AS AN EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY! 2. Another thing I find interesting about your response is that you say and I quote there are a "few unethical agents". To eliminate confusion, you said that as a direct result of you saying that you will not be leaving the company because of these "few unethical agents". Well, if you take the day November 24, 2005 (I do realize that it will be NOV. 30 or DEC. 1 when this is submitted) and go back a fiscal year (Nov. 24. 04), you will find that individuals from 32 different states (several cities within those states), the federal capital, and several provinces in Canada (Alberta and Ontario to name a few) have posted complaints on this website concerning the unethical practices of Primerica Financial Services. That does not sound like "a few unethical agents" to me. Do you realize some, if not most, successful companies in America are not spread across the nation (or internationally) in that manner? This is a rhetorical question, by the way and please don't give me the that's because Primerica is successful story. 2A. In the past fiscal year, the states, including the federal capital, (just in case you doubt) that Primerica tainted with their lack of ethics (to say the least) are: Ohio, Michigan, New York, The District of Columbia, Florida, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Texas, Illinois, Arkansas, Arizona, Indiana, Oregon, Nevada, Massachusetts, Georgia (Duluth, GA is home of Primerica corporate), Colorado, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Idaho, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Mississippi, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, New Jersey, Minnesota, Virginia, and Washington (in order of appearance). I'm sure if I look through each page (33 pages and 483 threads) on this website concerning Primerica, the information will cover the entire continental US. 3. We are from the same state (Ohio) and to my knowledge (because I just experienced this over the summer of 2005) there is a requirement to be licensed/and or certified to handle debt instruments, such as mortgages. This requirement was enacted in the rise of the predatory lending scandal in which Citigroup had active participation. 3A. It's good that you do have your series 6 (mutual funds and annuities) and your series 26 (supervisor of sales activities for investment companies & annuities), which means you may be one of the 5,000 IBAs of Primerica actually making a living using Primerica's Multi-Level-Marketing strategy. I also met a guy who made a lot of money from Amway, but does that make Amway legit [because you can make money from it]? More importantly, you are allegedly one of 5,000 out of 100,000 Primerica representatives that make a good living. Take time to look at my test and you will see why the previous comment is warranted. My test delivers actual income breakdowns given to me from a pamphlet that Primerica distributes. 4. I did a search of your city, Centennial, Ohio, it is an extremely small city, so small, the U.S. census bureau doesn't have any demographic information. In fact, it's not a city, it's a town. Therefore, you probably would not find any complaints about Primerica in your town, how many people live in your town? To prove that I know where your town is, Centennial, Ohio is a small town in or around Toledo, Ohio. 5. In your comment, you make reference to everyone being entitled to exactly how we feel about something, and many times, those feelings are justified by our experiences and by our evidences of why we are correct. Nothing in my comments or the comments of others is based solely on feelings. These are actual episodes that happen to these people as a direct result of their experience with Primerica. My comments, not only give you my opinions (or feelings), but facts about Primerica. IT IS A FACT; Primerica paid only $573 MILLION to a sales force of 100,000 IBAs. Without adjustments for differences income, that's an average of $5,730 per year, per IBA. Look at my test for further explanation! IT IS A FACT; Primerica states on the recruitment products they distribute, individual results may vary and the success depicted in their videos, presentations, etc. is not earned by most IBAs (if you want proof, I can send you a copy of the material). IT IS A FACT; Primerica representatives told me they wanted employment references and I provided that information. They took this information and called MY references stating that they received their [my references] information because they were interested in a career opportunity. One of my references was my co-worker who works in an office next to mine. I had the opportunity to hear the conversation, because she put the phone call on speaker mode'. IT IS A FACT; Primerica NEVER submitted my credit card information to any facility with an affiliation with NASD. Primerica held on to my credit card information and continuously asked me about withdrawing certain fees not included in the initial $199.00 investment (by the way, I've always stated that I didn't have a problem with giving $199.00 for licensing). But when they started asking, We need an additional $69.00 for this, X' amount of money for thatI did the wise thing and cancelled the card. These are ALL FACTS; not my personal feelings about Primerica! 6. I don't have a personal experience with any Citigroup products, especially after what my grandmother is currently going through with CitiFinancial. When she signed for the mortgage (I wish I could have been there) the representative (not Primerica, but from Citi) told her there were no prepayment penalties. When she attempted to sale one of her homes and refinance the other (all with Citi-Mortgages), SURPRISE, there were prepayment penalties attached and they even managed to slip that into her contract. She couldn't refute it, because at that time, she lost her original documents due to flood. Not to mention, she pays terrible interest rates and SHE HAS GOOD CREDIT & investment properties! 7. Everyone defending Primerica comes on this website saying that they read the same complaints over and over again. May I ask; this is a website for individuals who have been the victim of fraud, misrepresentation, etc., why would there be anything other than negative comments? Not only that, just as you hear the same complaints over and over again, we hear the same excuses over and over again. I have read so many people defending Primerica by using the same strategy you are using. 8. If you remember anything about my threads, remember that I use only the factscomments that can be proven. 8A. The Primerica pseudo-financial system focuses on simple easy to explain products for the average family. That's why every Primerica rep in these threads as mentioned that they help you pay off your mortgage in 15 years. -You can do that yourself by making bi-weekly payments, plus an additional full payment if and when you receive a refund check from taxes. -The 529 plan in not the only college savings plan out there. what happens if that plan does not fit the needs of the family. Please tell me, in detail, how you would help them, other than telling them to find someone else who can help. That's the REAL life of a financial advisorif the common solution doesn't work, they customize the solution. Primerica can't do this, because you all are SALESMEN(WOMEN) not FINANCIAL ADVISORS(PLANNERS). -My co-worker refinanced her home, negotiated her rates, and paid off mostly all of her significant debts by herself, without prior financial experience. She did that because she maintained an active, informed relationship with her creditors, bankers, brokers, etc. Why do we need Primerica? P.S. Don't take these comments personally. They are NOT directed toward you as an individual. Hey, you seem like a nice person, but hell, the district manager' in the northeastern part of Ohio seemed nice too! Even after my experience I think I'd still hang out with him on a personal level. Honestly, there are probably a lot of nice PEOPLE who work for PRIMERICA, but my uncle always told me this: If you're hungry, you're gonna eat! These people took grave sacrifices for Primerica and they are trying to make good on that sacrifice by any means necessary. I don't fault them, I FAULT THE PRIMERICA SYSTEM!


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,
Responding to Christine (Centennial) - Crimerica doesn't permit it's contractors to work for other insurance companies

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, November 28, 2005

"...we are all contractors, not employees...." I have to disagree here because Crimerica doesn't permit it's contractors to work for other insurance companies and attendance at meetings is expected, I regard all the contractors as employees of Crimerica.


Just wanting to respond

#5UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 28, 2005

I am saddened by your experience with Primerica. I have been with the company for almost 5 years now and have my life, debt certs (CO doesn't require a licence for debt instruments) and securities (S 6 and 26). I am responsible for our office and regularly train my teammates (we are all contractors, not employees - but there was no other designation above that fit) about honest and ethical recruiting practices as well as honest sales practices. We spend a good deal of time talking about the very things that you mentioned in your list - largely in part because we want to represent what we do in an "up-front" manner. You are correct that we are generally not 9-5, although it is possible to do that and you are also correct that you should have been told you were invited to a business briefing where there would be other people looking at our company - not to an interview. With respect to your upset around the licensing class, I would encourage you to go to Primerica.com and look up the contact info and report the training class you were at. You can also report them to the Insurance commissioners office in your state. If your experience were mine, I would do that. Primerica's mission statement is to help families become debt free and financially independent. It is not to rip the consumer off and leave a bitter experience behind. In looking back at your report, you are also correct with regards to our relationship with Citigroup. If you were to read our orientation manual, we instruct our new people to explain that we are Primerica Financial Services, a division (or Subsidary) of Citigroup. We (I)do not example to our new associates language that is misleading about who we are and how we are related to Citigroup. We are not Citigroup. We explain that we are the "clearing house" for the Citi products and that we have access to many of the Citi products to help our clients. While I was working with a family today, we were talking about them working with me part time and they were asking me about where our products fit in the marketplace. I explained to them that many times, our products are great for our clients, but not always. Sometimes, it is best to either leave their "stuff" alone, or to recommend to them to look at another firm for what they need. I am clear that we are not suitable for all clients. I guess in short, I do care about this company, my reputation (the Bible says a good name is more favorable than riches), and also about the people that I work with and do business with. I wish that I could wave a magic wand and have everybody feel as I do about integrity, honesty and ethics. I am clear, however, that I can't. Over the last 5 years, I have had very few customer complaints and very few "teammate" complaints. I also watched (for almost 2 years) the CO insurance comissioners "newsletter" that is sent out monthly (I believe it is generated by the State Commissioners office) - and I did not ever see findings again Primerica - I saw many many other companies listed there for deceitful sales practices, agent abuses and other issues, companies that we all know and trust. I am proud to have not seen Primerica's name listed among them. In the last five years, I have dealt with many agents of other companies that have lied to my clients time and time again, again from companies that we know and trust (as recently as two weeks ago). It is really sad to me that the industry is as it is. I guess the long and short of my reply is this - it disheartens me that somebody from Primerica mis-represented our company - so much so that I see on this website over and over the reports that Primerica is a rip-off. I come from a financially illiterate family. I guess you could say I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. My dad died with NO life insurance when I was 18. We lost everything. Today, when I sit down with a family and help them invest in a 529 plan for college, or cover their family with a term policy, or show them with or without a debt product how to pay off their debts inside of 15 years (many times), I put my head down at night and know that I did something great for somebody I didn't know until I was referred to them. Not everybody says "yes" to me, but I help the ones that allow me to and the ones that are suitable to our products and services. I wish that somebody could have done that for my family years ago. I love to get calls from clients about how to take money out of their emergency fund because their fridge died, or watch their retirement funds accumulate, I know that I did a great job for that family. I am clear that we are all entitled to exactly how we feel about something, and many times, those feelings are justified by our experiences and by our evidences of why we are correct. I left an asset management company years ago because of a horrible experience there. I swore I would never be in financial services again. And, here I am. Today, I am a regional leader with our company and will take my vice president promotion inside of 3-4 months. I currently cash flow between 4-5k per month. It has been a slow road for me with many many challenges (a divorce, 2 deaths, etc - to name a few) and I found nothing but support and appreciation here, both from my team (which is fairly small) and my clients. I wish all of you reading this could have the experience that I have had here at this company. I also wish I could tell you that Primerica is perfect, it's not. Just like any company, it has it's moments that I too, would love to strangle it. But, all in all, I love being here. Anyway, I know this is a long post, but from one human being to another, from one consumer to another, I will not take my personal products from this company until they no longer fit my need. Do I pay a little more for them here? Yes, I do, but having researched product to product, specific benefit to specific benefit, company to company, rating to rating, legal action to legal action, we generally beat what's out there most of the time. Nor will I leave this company because of the few unethical agents that have left ugly footprints for other people to see. My hope is that I can leave a few good ones while I am here at Primerica. Many good wishes to you in your endeavor to find a great company where you can place your monies. And place your trust. Primerica is not for everybody - and I hope that you create the abundance in your life that you deserve. Thanks for your introspect and your committed communication. You have articulated yourself well.


Just wanting to respond

#6UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 28, 2005

I am saddened by your experience with Primerica. I have been with the company for almost 5 years now and have my life, debt certs (CO doesn't require a licence for debt instruments) and securities (S 6 and 26). I am responsible for our office and regularly train my teammates (we are all contractors, not employees - but there was no other designation above that fit) about honest and ethical recruiting practices as well as honest sales practices. We spend a good deal of time talking about the very things that you mentioned in your list - largely in part because we want to represent what we do in an "up-front" manner. You are correct that we are generally not 9-5, although it is possible to do that and you are also correct that you should have been told you were invited to a business briefing where there would be other people looking at our company - not to an interview. With respect to your upset around the licensing class, I would encourage you to go to Primerica.com and look up the contact info and report the training class you were at. You can also report them to the Insurance commissioners office in your state. If your experience were mine, I would do that. Primerica's mission statement is to help families become debt free and financially independent. It is not to rip the consumer off and leave a bitter experience behind. In looking back at your report, you are also correct with regards to our relationship with Citigroup. If you were to read our orientation manual, we instruct our new people to explain that we are Primerica Financial Services, a division (or Subsidary) of Citigroup. We (I)do not example to our new associates language that is misleading about who we are and how we are related to Citigroup. We are not Citigroup. We explain that we are the "clearing house" for the Citi products and that we have access to many of the Citi products to help our clients. While I was working with a family today, we were talking about them working with me part time and they were asking me about where our products fit in the marketplace. I explained to them that many times, our products are great for our clients, but not always. Sometimes, it is best to either leave their "stuff" alone, or to recommend to them to look at another firm for what they need. I am clear that we are not suitable for all clients. I guess in short, I do care about this company, my reputation (the Bible says a good name is more favorable than riches), and also about the people that I work with and do business with. I wish that I could wave a magic wand and have everybody feel as I do about integrity, honesty and ethics. I am clear, however, that I can't. Over the last 5 years, I have had very few customer complaints and very few "teammate" complaints. I also watched (for almost 2 years) the CO insurance comissioners "newsletter" that is sent out monthly (I believe it is generated by the State Commissioners office) - and I did not ever see findings again Primerica - I saw many many other companies listed there for deceitful sales practices, agent abuses and other issues, companies that we all know and trust. I am proud to have not seen Primerica's name listed among them. In the last five years, I have dealt with many agents of other companies that have lied to my clients time and time again, again from companies that we know and trust (as recently as two weeks ago). It is really sad to me that the industry is as it is. I guess the long and short of my reply is this - it disheartens me that somebody from Primerica mis-represented our company - so much so that I see on this website over and over the reports that Primerica is a rip-off. I come from a financially illiterate family. I guess you could say I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. My dad died with NO life insurance when I was 18. We lost everything. Today, when I sit down with a family and help them invest in a 529 plan for college, or cover their family with a term policy, or show them with or without a debt product how to pay off their debts inside of 15 years (many times), I put my head down at night and know that I did something great for somebody I didn't know until I was referred to them. Not everybody says "yes" to me, but I help the ones that allow me to and the ones that are suitable to our products and services. I wish that somebody could have done that for my family years ago. I love to get calls from clients about how to take money out of their emergency fund because their fridge died, or watch their retirement funds accumulate, I know that I did a great job for that family. I am clear that we are all entitled to exactly how we feel about something, and many times, those feelings are justified by our experiences and by our evidences of why we are correct. I left an asset management company years ago because of a horrible experience there. I swore I would never be in financial services again. And, here I am. Today, I am a regional leader with our company and will take my vice president promotion inside of 3-4 months. I currently cash flow between 4-5k per month. It has been a slow road for me with many many challenges (a divorce, 2 deaths, etc - to name a few) and I found nothing but support and appreciation here, both from my team (which is fairly small) and my clients. I wish all of you reading this could have the experience that I have had here at this company. I also wish I could tell you that Primerica is perfect, it's not. Just like any company, it has it's moments that I too, would love to strangle it. But, all in all, I love being here. Anyway, I know this is a long post, but from one human being to another, from one consumer to another, I will not take my personal products from this company until they no longer fit my need. Do I pay a little more for them here? Yes, I do, but having researched product to product, specific benefit to specific benefit, company to company, rating to rating, legal action to legal action, we generally beat what's out there most of the time. Nor will I leave this company because of the few unethical agents that have left ugly footprints for other people to see. My hope is that I can leave a few good ones while I am here at Primerica. Many good wishes to you in your endeavor to find a great company where you can place your monies. And place your trust. Primerica is not for everybody - and I hope that you create the abundance in your life that you deserve. Thanks for your introspect and your committed communication. You have articulated yourself well.


Just wanting to respond

#7UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 28, 2005

I am saddened by your experience with Primerica. I have been with the company for almost 5 years now and have my life, debt certs (CO doesn't require a licence for debt instruments) and securities (S 6 and 26). I am responsible for our office and regularly train my teammates (we are all contractors, not employees - but there was no other designation above that fit) about honest and ethical recruiting practices as well as honest sales practices. We spend a good deal of time talking about the very things that you mentioned in your list - largely in part because we want to represent what we do in an "up-front" manner. You are correct that we are generally not 9-5, although it is possible to do that and you are also correct that you should have been told you were invited to a business briefing where there would be other people looking at our company - not to an interview. With respect to your upset around the licensing class, I would encourage you to go to Primerica.com and look up the contact info and report the training class you were at. You can also report them to the Insurance commissioners office in your state. If your experience were mine, I would do that. Primerica's mission statement is to help families become debt free and financially independent. It is not to rip the consumer off and leave a bitter experience behind. In looking back at your report, you are also correct with regards to our relationship with Citigroup. If you were to read our orientation manual, we instruct our new people to explain that we are Primerica Financial Services, a division (or Subsidary) of Citigroup. We (I)do not example to our new associates language that is misleading about who we are and how we are related to Citigroup. We are not Citigroup. We explain that we are the "clearing house" for the Citi products and that we have access to many of the Citi products to help our clients. While I was working with a family today, we were talking about them working with me part time and they were asking me about where our products fit in the marketplace. I explained to them that many times, our products are great for our clients, but not always. Sometimes, it is best to either leave their "stuff" alone, or to recommend to them to look at another firm for what they need. I am clear that we are not suitable for all clients. I guess in short, I do care about this company, my reputation (the Bible says a good name is more favorable than riches), and also about the people that I work with and do business with. I wish that I could wave a magic wand and have everybody feel as I do about integrity, honesty and ethics. I am clear, however, that I can't. Over the last 5 years, I have had very few customer complaints and very few "teammate" complaints. I also watched (for almost 2 years) the CO insurance comissioners "newsletter" that is sent out monthly (I believe it is generated by the State Commissioners office) - and I did not ever see findings again Primerica - I saw many many other companies listed there for deceitful sales practices, agent abuses and other issues, companies that we all know and trust. I am proud to have not seen Primerica's name listed among them. In the last five years, I have dealt with many agents of other companies that have lied to my clients time and time again, again from companies that we know and trust (as recently as two weeks ago). It is really sad to me that the industry is as it is. I guess the long and short of my reply is this - it disheartens me that somebody from Primerica mis-represented our company - so much so that I see on this website over and over the reports that Primerica is a rip-off. I come from a financially illiterate family. I guess you could say I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. My dad died with NO life insurance when I was 18. We lost everything. Today, when I sit down with a family and help them invest in a 529 plan for college, or cover their family with a term policy, or show them with or without a debt product how to pay off their debts inside of 15 years (many times), I put my head down at night and know that I did something great for somebody I didn't know until I was referred to them. Not everybody says "yes" to me, but I help the ones that allow me to and the ones that are suitable to our products and services. I wish that somebody could have done that for my family years ago. I love to get calls from clients about how to take money out of their emergency fund because their fridge died, or watch their retirement funds accumulate, I know that I did a great job for that family. I am clear that we are all entitled to exactly how we feel about something, and many times, those feelings are justified by our experiences and by our evidences of why we are correct. I left an asset management company years ago because of a horrible experience there. I swore I would never be in financial services again. And, here I am. Today, I am a regional leader with our company and will take my vice president promotion inside of 3-4 months. I currently cash flow between 4-5k per month. It has been a slow road for me with many many challenges (a divorce, 2 deaths, etc - to name a few) and I found nothing but support and appreciation here, both from my team (which is fairly small) and my clients. I wish all of you reading this could have the experience that I have had here at this company. I also wish I could tell you that Primerica is perfect, it's not. Just like any company, it has it's moments that I too, would love to strangle it. But, all in all, I love being here. Anyway, I know this is a long post, but from one human being to another, from one consumer to another, I will not take my personal products from this company until they no longer fit my need. Do I pay a little more for them here? Yes, I do, but having researched product to product, specific benefit to specific benefit, company to company, rating to rating, legal action to legal action, we generally beat what's out there most of the time. Nor will I leave this company because of the few unethical agents that have left ugly footprints for other people to see. My hope is that I can leave a few good ones while I am here at Primerica. Many good wishes to you in your endeavor to find a great company where you can place your monies. And place your trust. Primerica is not for everybody - and I hope that you create the abundance in your life that you deserve. Thanks for your introspect and your committed communication. You have articulated yourself well.


Just wanting to respond

#8UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 28, 2005

I am saddened by your experience with Primerica. I have been with the company for almost 5 years now and have my life, debt certs (CO doesn't require a licence for debt instruments) and securities (S 6 and 26). I am responsible for our office and regularly train my teammates (we are all contractors, not employees - but there was no other designation above that fit) about honest and ethical recruiting practices as well as honest sales practices. We spend a good deal of time talking about the very things that you mentioned in your list - largely in part because we want to represent what we do in an "up-front" manner. You are correct that we are generally not 9-5, although it is possible to do that and you are also correct that you should have been told you were invited to a business briefing where there would be other people looking at our company - not to an interview. With respect to your upset around the licensing class, I would encourage you to go to Primerica.com and look up the contact info and report the training class you were at. You can also report them to the Insurance commissioners office in your state. If your experience were mine, I would do that. Primerica's mission statement is to help families become debt free and financially independent. It is not to rip the consumer off and leave a bitter experience behind. In looking back at your report, you are also correct with regards to our relationship with Citigroup. If you were to read our orientation manual, we instruct our new people to explain that we are Primerica Financial Services, a division (or Subsidary) of Citigroup. We (I)do not example to our new associates language that is misleading about who we are and how we are related to Citigroup. We are not Citigroup. We explain that we are the "clearing house" for the Citi products and that we have access to many of the Citi products to help our clients. While I was working with a family today, we were talking about them working with me part time and they were asking me about where our products fit in the marketplace. I explained to them that many times, our products are great for our clients, but not always. Sometimes, it is best to either leave their "stuff" alone, or to recommend to them to look at another firm for what they need. I am clear that we are not suitable for all clients. I guess in short, I do care about this company, my reputation (the Bible says a good name is more favorable than riches), and also about the people that I work with and do business with. I wish that I could wave a magic wand and have everybody feel as I do about integrity, honesty and ethics. I am clear, however, that I can't. Over the last 5 years, I have had very few customer complaints and very few "teammate" complaints. I also watched (for almost 2 years) the CO insurance comissioners "newsletter" that is sent out monthly (I believe it is generated by the State Commissioners office) - and I did not ever see findings again Primerica - I saw many many other companies listed there for deceitful sales practices, agent abuses and other issues, companies that we all know and trust. I am proud to have not seen Primerica's name listed among them. In the last five years, I have dealt with many agents of other companies that have lied to my clients time and time again, again from companies that we know and trust (as recently as two weeks ago). It is really sad to me that the industry is as it is. I guess the long and short of my reply is this - it disheartens me that somebody from Primerica mis-represented our company - so much so that I see on this website over and over the reports that Primerica is a rip-off. I come from a financially illiterate family. I guess you could say I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. My dad died with NO life insurance when I was 18. We lost everything. Today, when I sit down with a family and help them invest in a 529 plan for college, or cover their family with a term policy, or show them with or without a debt product how to pay off their debts inside of 15 years (many times), I put my head down at night and know that I did something great for somebody I didn't know until I was referred to them. Not everybody says "yes" to me, but I help the ones that allow me to and the ones that are suitable to our products and services. I wish that somebody could have done that for my family years ago. I love to get calls from clients about how to take money out of their emergency fund because their fridge died, or watch their retirement funds accumulate, I know that I did a great job for that family. I am clear that we are all entitled to exactly how we feel about something, and many times, those feelings are justified by our experiences and by our evidences of why we are correct. I left an asset management company years ago because of a horrible experience there. I swore I would never be in financial services again. And, here I am. Today, I am a regional leader with our company and will take my vice president promotion inside of 3-4 months. I currently cash flow between 4-5k per month. It has been a slow road for me with many many challenges (a divorce, 2 deaths, etc - to name a few) and I found nothing but support and appreciation here, both from my team (which is fairly small) and my clients. I wish all of you reading this could have the experience that I have had here at this company. I also wish I could tell you that Primerica is perfect, it's not. Just like any company, it has it's moments that I too, would love to strangle it. But, all in all, I love being here. Anyway, I know this is a long post, but from one human being to another, from one consumer to another, I will not take my personal products from this company until they no longer fit my need. Do I pay a little more for them here? Yes, I do, but having researched product to product, specific benefit to specific benefit, company to company, rating to rating, legal action to legal action, we generally beat what's out there most of the time. Nor will I leave this company because of the few unethical agents that have left ugly footprints for other people to see. My hope is that I can leave a few good ones while I am here at Primerica. Many good wishes to you in your endeavor to find a great company where you can place your monies. And place your trust. Primerica is not for everybody - and I hope that you create the abundance in your life that you deserve. Thanks for your introspect and your committed communication. You have articulated yourself well.


my time and my goals in life are more important that anything Primerica can offer

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, November 22, 2005

To Kala Please take time to look at the following, they will give you most of my outlines: Report: Primerica Financial Services PRIMERICA REPS, HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO PROVE US ALL WRONG... also look at PRIMERICA IS FAR FROM A RIP OFF! I wrote some rebuttals in there. In the first report I mentioned, you will get a breakdown of the actual income distributed from Primerica and you will also get a very detailed analysis on why their system will not work. The analysis is based on a well-known economic principle called, "the Efficient Markets Hypothesis/Theory". There is another report on the second page dated 11/3/2005 entitled "Primerica Financial Services Very deceptive, vague, almost ripped me off, but I got them before they got me! You may want to check that one out also... I'm not telling you to be for or against Primerica, but I've been where you are and I know from my experience that my time and my goals in life are more important that anything Primerica can offer.


My experience

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, November 19, 2005

Hi, I just finished reading all the points you make about Primerica. I have to say that I spent a few hours reading all the complaints but yours is the most rational and impartial. I can see that you are a smart person and will appreciate if you keep posting findings about Primerica. The reason is because I just joined the barely a month ago, you must think I'm going to insult you or say you are wrong. But I am not, I can see all your points have good fundaments and validity. I don't want to make this long but just wanted to let you know, and all who are reading, that Primerica can be very misleading or very real, I think it all depends on you personal experience. I was lucky enough to be recruited by a good RVP who showed me the business just how it is since the first time we talked. No lying, exaggerating nor deceiving. But I was still a little skeptical. What made me realize that, as far as my RVP is concerned, he was for real, was when we did the FNA for a family in my list. The SMART loan came back and it showed savings of 172 a month if they refinanced the mortgage and other debts. So I thought cool, this is going to make the so happy. But what followed was what inspired me to write this message. My RVP told me that even though the SMART loan looked good, it was better for that family to keep what they had because they could benefit more in the long run. He explained to me how with the FNA we could show them how to manage their finances with all the conditions they already had and just making a few changes on the way they were paying their bills. So we did just that, and the family was very pleased and did not have to switch to any of Citigroup's services. It might have been a rare case, but that has been my experience until now, and I am very motivated to help other families with their finances even if sometimes that means no commission to me. Right now I am taking the class required to get my license in life and health insurance, and I only have three days left. It has been a very hard an strict class, since it is all regulated by the state of California, much more regulated than any class I have taken in college. I don't know if is just the base office that recruited me but that is the message I hear in all Primerica events, help people become financially independent. Well I could tell you some other things I have experienced that have shaped my decision to continue with Primerica, but my whole point was that it might seem a rip-off or not depending on each one's individual experience and expectations from the company. Please if you will, reply this response to your lists with your opinion which will be valuable for me, I am very opened minded and if I am wrong let me know, no harm taken.


I have a lot to say (I guess)....

#11Author of original report

Mon, November 07, 2005

I filed my TEN reasons report twice so that it would have its own space and not be just part of a rebuttal. A brief (hopefully) update... 1. The $199.00 is supposedly for the following: your insurance classes; your state exam; mortgage training; and some miscellaneous fees, etc. The truth is if you really want to make money, you definitely have to pursue further licensing which will require you to spend at least an additional $400-700 dollars to do so. I'm not making this up; this is what was told to me by Dave Derbin, "District Manager" from Pennsylvania. 1A. Everybody that has had an in depth experience with Primerica knows that the $199.00 refund is not entirely based on finishing your Insurance licensing requirements. The "district manager" told me that it was a scholarship and will be paid back if you complete the following 60-day training module: this consists of recruiting 6 people (of course, they wanted you to bring a lot more); attending all of the money and business seminars (including Saturday training obligations); doing your 6 field presentations (although after I got 6 commitments, he still wanted me to get more); and some indistinct method called "5 x 5,000". All I can remember is that it had something to do with your recruits. 2. I have to say, the insurance classes my friend attended were nothing like insurance classes at the local college, Hondros. Like Hondros, the class was from 8:00am - 6:00pm. However, you watched a video, got some handouts, which took up about 2-3 hours of the day; you had a 1 hour lunch break; and the rest of the day was like another Wednesday "Money and Business" seminar or should I say pep rally. This led me to believe there are always methods of 'beating the system'. 2A. For example, in Ohio we are required to receive a number of classroom credit hours before being certified to carry a concealed weapon. On the contrary, a friend of mine knows a guy who can, in 25 minutes or less, certify that you have the appropriate classroom hours and give you the necessary certificate without background check or anything and it is legit. All this can be done for $100.00. That sounds similar to what Primerica is doing, beating the system'. Maybe this is just the way the representatives from Primerica are in Ohio (although all of the complaints from different city/states speak of similar incidents). Nonetheless, they are still representing Primerica! 3. Just a little note, Success (from Home) magazine's primary focus is to report the success of the self-made millionairemillionaire's that profit from entrepreneurial endeavors such as: Amway, Carlton Sheet's No Money Down; Russ Whitney's Building Wealth; Online Stores; Primerica Financial, etc.; and new endeavors that they invented themselves. What all of these opportunities have in common is you don't have to be a professional (or qualified) in that industry to be successful, they teach you the shortcut. Kind of like real estate for dummies! More often than not, you find yourself using their system and realizing that individual results CERTAINLY DO vary. Yes, Forbes and Money Market has reported on Primerica's success, because they truly are successful at selling Citigroup (and its affiliates) products. Their methods of selling the products, as well as the quality of the products, are what people consider vague; deceptive; and a total waste of money.


I have a lot to say (I guess)....

#12Author of original report

Mon, November 07, 2005

I filed my TEN reasons report twice so that it would have its own space and not be just part of a rebuttal. A brief (hopefully) update... 1. The $199.00 is supposedly for the following: your insurance classes; your state exam; mortgage training; and some miscellaneous fees, etc. The truth is if you really want to make money, you definitely have to pursue further licensing which will require you to spend at least an additional $400-700 dollars to do so. I'm not making this up; this is what was told to me by Dave Derbin, "District Manager" from Pennsylvania. 1A. Everybody that has had an in depth experience with Primerica knows that the $199.00 refund is not entirely based on finishing your Insurance licensing requirements. The "district manager" told me that it was a scholarship and will be paid back if you complete the following 60-day training module: this consists of recruiting 6 people (of course, they wanted you to bring a lot more); attending all of the money and business seminars (including Saturday training obligations); doing your 6 field presentations (although after I got 6 commitments, he still wanted me to get more); and some indistinct method called "5 x 5,000". All I can remember is that it had something to do with your recruits. 2. I have to say, the insurance classes my friend attended were nothing like insurance classes at the local college, Hondros. Like Hondros, the class was from 8:00am - 6:00pm. However, you watched a video, got some handouts, which took up about 2-3 hours of the day; you had a 1 hour lunch break; and the rest of the day was like another Wednesday "Money and Business" seminar or should I say pep rally. This led me to believe there are always methods of 'beating the system'. 2A. For example, in Ohio we are required to receive a number of classroom credit hours before being certified to carry a concealed weapon. On the contrary, a friend of mine knows a guy who can, in 25 minutes or less, certify that you have the appropriate classroom hours and give you the necessary certificate without background check or anything and it is legit. All this can be done for $100.00. That sounds similar to what Primerica is doing, beating the system'. Maybe this is just the way the representatives from Primerica are in Ohio (although all of the complaints from different city/states speak of similar incidents). Nonetheless, they are still representing Primerica! 3. Just a little note, Success (from Home) magazine's primary focus is to report the success of the self-made millionairemillionaire's that profit from entrepreneurial endeavors such as: Amway, Carlton Sheet's No Money Down; Russ Whitney's Building Wealth; Online Stores; Primerica Financial, etc.; and new endeavors that they invented themselves. What all of these opportunities have in common is you don't have to be a professional (or qualified) in that industry to be successful, they teach you the shortcut. Kind of like real estate for dummies! More often than not, you find yourself using their system and realizing that individual results CERTAINLY DO vary. Yes, Forbes and Money Market has reported on Primerica's success, because they truly are successful at selling Citigroup (and its affiliates) products. Their methods of selling the products, as well as the quality of the products, are what people consider vague; deceptive; and a total waste of money.


I have a lot to say (I guess)....

#13Author of original report

Mon, November 07, 2005

I filed my TEN reasons report twice so that it would have its own space and not be just part of a rebuttal. A brief (hopefully) update... 1. The $199.00 is supposedly for the following: your insurance classes; your state exam; mortgage training; and some miscellaneous fees, etc. The truth is if you really want to make money, you definitely have to pursue further licensing which will require you to spend at least an additional $400-700 dollars to do so. I'm not making this up; this is what was told to me by Dave Derbin, "District Manager" from Pennsylvania. 1A. Everybody that has had an in depth experience with Primerica knows that the $199.00 refund is not entirely based on finishing your Insurance licensing requirements. The "district manager" told me that it was a scholarship and will be paid back if you complete the following 60-day training module: this consists of recruiting 6 people (of course, they wanted you to bring a lot more); attending all of the money and business seminars (including Saturday training obligations); doing your 6 field presentations (although after I got 6 commitments, he still wanted me to get more); and some indistinct method called "5 x 5,000". All I can remember is that it had something to do with your recruits. 2. I have to say, the insurance classes my friend attended were nothing like insurance classes at the local college, Hondros. Like Hondros, the class was from 8:00am - 6:00pm. However, you watched a video, got some handouts, which took up about 2-3 hours of the day; you had a 1 hour lunch break; and the rest of the day was like another Wednesday "Money and Business" seminar or should I say pep rally. This led me to believe there are always methods of 'beating the system'. 2A. For example, in Ohio we are required to receive a number of classroom credit hours before being certified to carry a concealed weapon. On the contrary, a friend of mine knows a guy who can, in 25 minutes or less, certify that you have the appropriate classroom hours and give you the necessary certificate without background check or anything and it is legit. All this can be done for $100.00. That sounds similar to what Primerica is doing, beating the system'. Maybe this is just the way the representatives from Primerica are in Ohio (although all of the complaints from different city/states speak of similar incidents). Nonetheless, they are still representing Primerica! 3. Just a little note, Success (from Home) magazine's primary focus is to report the success of the self-made millionairemillionaire's that profit from entrepreneurial endeavors such as: Amway, Carlton Sheet's No Money Down; Russ Whitney's Building Wealth; Online Stores; Primerica Financial, etc.; and new endeavors that they invented themselves. What all of these opportunities have in common is you don't have to be a professional (or qualified) in that industry to be successful, they teach you the shortcut. Kind of like real estate for dummies! More often than not, you find yourself using their system and realizing that individual results CERTAINLY DO vary. Yes, Forbes and Money Market has reported on Primerica's success, because they truly are successful at selling Citigroup (and its affiliates) products. Their methods of selling the products, as well as the quality of the products, are what people consider vague; deceptive; and a total waste of money.


I have a lot to say (I guess)....

#14Author of original report

Mon, November 07, 2005

I filed my TEN reasons report twice so that it would have its own space and not be just part of a rebuttal. A brief (hopefully) update... 1. The $199.00 is supposedly for the following: your insurance classes; your state exam; mortgage training; and some miscellaneous fees, etc. The truth is if you really want to make money, you definitely have to pursue further licensing which will require you to spend at least an additional $400-700 dollars to do so. I'm not making this up; this is what was told to me by Dave Derbin, "District Manager" from Pennsylvania. 1A. Everybody that has had an in depth experience with Primerica knows that the $199.00 refund is not entirely based on finishing your Insurance licensing requirements. The "district manager" told me that it was a scholarship and will be paid back if you complete the following 60-day training module: this consists of recruiting 6 people (of course, they wanted you to bring a lot more); attending all of the money and business seminars (including Saturday training obligations); doing your 6 field presentations (although after I got 6 commitments, he still wanted me to get more); and some indistinct method called "5 x 5,000". All I can remember is that it had something to do with your recruits. 2. I have to say, the insurance classes my friend attended were nothing like insurance classes at the local college, Hondros. Like Hondros, the class was from 8:00am - 6:00pm. However, you watched a video, got some handouts, which took up about 2-3 hours of the day; you had a 1 hour lunch break; and the rest of the day was like another Wednesday "Money and Business" seminar or should I say pep rally. This led me to believe there are always methods of 'beating the system'. 2A. For example, in Ohio we are required to receive a number of classroom credit hours before being certified to carry a concealed weapon. On the contrary, a friend of mine knows a guy who can, in 25 minutes or less, certify that you have the appropriate classroom hours and give you the necessary certificate without background check or anything and it is legit. All this can be done for $100.00. That sounds similar to what Primerica is doing, beating the system'. Maybe this is just the way the representatives from Primerica are in Ohio (although all of the complaints from different city/states speak of similar incidents). Nonetheless, they are still representing Primerica! 3. Just a little note, Success (from Home) magazine's primary focus is to report the success of the self-made millionairemillionaire's that profit from entrepreneurial endeavors such as: Amway, Carlton Sheet's No Money Down; Russ Whitney's Building Wealth; Online Stores; Primerica Financial, etc.; and new endeavors that they invented themselves. What all of these opportunities have in common is you don't have to be a professional (or qualified) in that industry to be successful, they teach you the shortcut. Kind of like real estate for dummies! More often than not, you find yourself using their system and realizing that individual results CERTAINLY DO vary. Yes, Forbes and Money Market has reported on Primerica's success, because they truly are successful at selling Citigroup (and its affiliates) products. Their methods of selling the products, as well as the quality of the products, are what people consider vague; deceptive; and a total waste of money.

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