  • Report:  #431071

Complaint Review: Princmill Enterprise Trust: Triamacco Jones Lindell Ritzie And Kelvin Bailey - Glen Allan Mississippi

Reported By:
- Atlanta, Georgia,

Princmill Enterprise Trust: Triamacco Jones Lindell Ritzie And Kelvin Bailey
467 East Bailey Road Glen Allan, Mississippi, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I discovered an interesting fact about Ponzi-scheme scammer con man Tramaco Jones. His name is really Triamacco Jones. He must have enjoyed that laugh as I told the world about his fellow con men but he remained untainted to anyone who had the correct spelling of his name.

Today is March 5th, and yes, you guessed it, I still don't have any money in my account. The con men, Triamacco Jones, Kelvin Bailey and Lindell Ritzie, are now pretending that there is another "deal" that they are waiting to received funding from in Hong Kong. Kelvin will not return my phone calls and is letting his family run defense for him on the phones. I found his Texas address, but he appears to be hiding out pretty well and evading the process server. We'll find him in Mississippi or Texas. The world just ain't that big anymore.

Lindell has changed all of his phone numbers, but continues to call the other investors. I found his New Jersey address, but he appears to be evading the process servers pretty well himself. He tells the other investors the same phony information, then the other investors report to me what the next lie is. Part of the delusion of the con man is that they think just because some scammed investors still speak to them nicely that they are not angry with them. The others are angrier than me; they are just more practiced at hiding it. I'm beyond trying to hide my anger. If I don't get my money back, I want these crooks in prison. Triamacco is the only scammer who continues to speak to me, probably because he received a nice phone call from the anti-scamming agency, the Securities and Exchange Commission, because of a scam complaint I filed.

Triamacco's latest lie is that he is waiting for the "funds" to be released from Hong Kong. The funds should have "been in his account this morning." And he "doesn't know why" the funds aren't there but he will call me a 3:30 EST as soon as he finds out "what is going on." More lies. More lies. More crap.

Unfortunately for me, I found out the hard way, after the fact, how financially insolvent these a-holes are. All of these clowns have filed for bankruptcy in their lives, fairly recently. And they have federal and state tax liens that are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. I know where are funds went now--to pay their deadbeat bills. And Lindell is a repeat offender. I know what you are thinking: You should have performed stricter due diligence. Believe me, I know the hard way now. No bank or lending institution in their right minds would give any of these clowns money. The two big questions all of the investors and myself have now are: 1) When are these crooks going to fess up that they just don't have our money to give back and 2) When will the SEC and FBI swoop in and throw them under the prison? Stay tuned for my next update after Triamacco reports his next lie. In the meanshile, something good is coming out of this:

I sent a book outline to an agent and they responded that they would like me to write about my experience as a scam victim--real names and real facts. I'm writing as fast as I can to get the story out and tell the world what these crooks are doing.


Atlanta, Georgia


3 Updates & Rebuttals


You reap what you sow.....

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, March 30, 2009

I have known TJ for many years. In my experience he has never been true to his word. I have also lost a lot in my dealings with Trimacco Jones. I am really sorry that he has duped you and your fellow investors. In the time that I have known him he has ripped off everyone, friends, family and anyone else unlucky enough to cross his path. I will no longer stand by and watch him or his cohorts ruin the lives of other innocent people. The economy is already so bad, no one needs and help in losing everything by the hands of these criminals. I will be reaching out to the authorities to aid them in their investigation as best I can. Its time to shut these parasites dirty business down. As I have followed the reports that have been posted, the stories would almost be laughable if not for the fact that they are true and real people are being hurt. I can not believe these so called men are willing to risk their eternal lives for the sake of money and use God as their platform. I am disgusted.


Princmill Enterprise Trust: Trimacco S. Jones, Lindell Ritzie, Kelvin S. Bailey And Jackie James ...In Too Deep. More Accomplices Revealed

#3Author of original report

Mon, March 09, 2009

Report #8...If this is your first time reading this, I strongly suggest you go back to the first 7 reports to catch up on this "thrilling" saga. Just type in Princmill Enterprise Trust in the search engine and all seven reports should show as listed. I've learned a lot throughout this whole sorry experience dealing with Lindell Ritzie, Trimacco Jones and Kelvin Bailey. In addition to being mercenary and totally lacking in morality or natural human empathy, they are extremely arrogant, delusional and lacking in the emotional intelligence of reasonable people. They delude themselves into thinking they can lie to you for six months and then after you find out they have been lying, lie more to cover the first eighteen lies and then become angry when you call them a liar! Take what happened this past week with these three individuals: This past Wednesday Trimacco Jones (This is the real original bonafide spelling of his name attached to his social security number. He has many spellings. Convenient, huh?) informed me that "he didn't know why" the funds were not in his account and that he was waiting for "word from Hong Kong overseas" to find out about the hold up. I received a phone call from him later that evening. He stated he would put me on the phone with Jackie Danes (his Australian contact in Hong Kong, right) to prove to me that he was not "jerking me around" so that I would know he was trying to get my money back to me. Trimacco Jones conferenced me in a three-way with Jackie James--yes, Jackie James, she corrected me and stated her name was not Jackie Danes. Hmmm...interesting. Then she proceeded to speak in what was supposed to pass as an Australian Accent. She stated that Trimacco Jones was working with her in an overseas deal that involved several government agencies and entities. I asked her for the name of the deal. She stated she could not reveal those things for "confidentiality reasons." I asked for her phone number and email. She gave me an untraceable email. Then she stated that she would pay Trimacco a commission from this deal and that Trimacco told her he would use part of this commission to reimburse me from some previous deal or "scheme." When I asked her to repeat herself after using the word scheme, she changed to "deal." I asked her if she had my $80,000. She replied she did not and that she had not received any funds from Trimacco Jones. I told her that TJ stated she had my money. (Keep in mind that TJ is on the phone all the while, not saying a word) She repeated she had not received any funds from TJ. I asked her how long she had known TJ. There was a long fifty second pause and then the phone disconnected. When she came back on the phone with TJ she stated six months. "Oh, then you should know me and why I'm upset then?" "No, I've never heard of you until today when TJ asked me to speak to you." Hmmmm. "And to be perfectly honest with you and brutally frank with you Trimacco can do whatever he wants with his commission, including giving it to you or not." Okay. "When will you pay TJ his commission?" "I can't promise you when or name a day. Maybe next Wednesday or Thursday. I don't want to give you dates and then disappoint you." "So it could even be two weeks from now?" "I can't say. We are dealing with a lot of government entities and government agencies. They are very slow." Right. "How do you spell your first and last name, Jackie?" She gave me her first name and then the phone disconnected again when I asked he to spell her last name. Then TJ came back on the phone and stated he would attempt to reconnect her because "the phone lines in Australia are bad." TJ spelled Jackie's last name for me, but I sensed it was not a truthful spelling if even real. He kept faltering as he spelled out J-A-M-E-S. It was especially strange since her email is [email protected]. Who is carraween? I heard TJ speaking to Jackie in muffled tones then he came back on the line and stated he could not reconnect because there was something wrong with the phone lines. Hmmmm I realized something that made my heart cold at that moment. I would never get my money back from these fools voluntarily. Not in this economy. I would have to see them in civil and criminal court and then hunt them down into their old age to reclaim what they stole from me. Trimacco Jones, Kelvin Bailey, Lindell Ritzie and Jackie James would lie all the way up until they were arrested, indicted and convicted, and it didn't matter how their lies deteriorated. I had just wasted fifteen minutes on the phone with an indivdiual who had completely contradicted everything TJ told me. What was her purpose? Why put her on the phone? Was TJ now a little insane or just extremely desperate? "TJ, she just stated that she did not have my money." "No, she's just confused. See, I gave her your money in a pool of money with other investors. She can't differentiate your money from anyone else's. " Hmmm. "No, TJ, she just stated she did not receive ANY money from you. She did not confirm anything you just told me. You were on the phone at the same time and you did not correct her." "She does have your money." This was going nowhere. He was full-on in his con and sticking to it. "Okay, TJ, since this is the story you are sticking to. Listen to this: take my money OUT OF THE POOL. I did not give you permission to give her my money. Put my money back in my account tomorrow morning." "Oh, Oh, you don't want your payout? You won't get your payout if I give you the money back." "Con man, liar, thief, there is no payout. Give me back my money--now." It went on like that until he hung up on me. Whoever this Jackie James is, if her name really is Jackie James, or maybe she's just some crack w***e that TJ paid a couple of bucks to to sit beside him in his living room and pretend to be a business associate, she is now officially one of his accomplices. In my next post, I'll post my email to her, her response and my response to her response. After you read her statements, you will understand why I definitely consider her part of the con gang now that TJ has implicated her as having my money. I just had a thought: Is there an Australia in Charlotte? In the meanwhile, Kelvin Bailey and Lindell Ritzie continue to avoid speaking to me. But they call other investors and give them phony stories of payouts coming soon. Kelvin's new mantra is: "I just want everyone to be blessed. God's going to bless everyone who is patient." Are they aware that Trimacco is not even pretending that there is a deal now? That his new story is not even related to the phony mall purchase? That he states he's waiting for a commission? How sad and pathetic. But it gets better. A man called me the other day who called himself Prophet Walter Watkins, or Prophet Lightning. He said Kelvin was his very good friend and "Brother in the Lord" and that when Kelvin began to speak to him about me, God spoke to him and said, "Prophet Lightning, call her." So he called me and stated that he did not know the details of my business deal with Kelvin, but that I should be patient and wait on the Lord and put my hand in God's hand and that I would be blessed and that if I did anything of my own volition, I would "mess things up" but let God work out the deal. Then he said he saw my grandchildren. Grandchildren? At my age? "I see your grandchildren, Sister. How many do you have?" "I don't have any children at all." "Oh, well I see God putting in your heart a ministry for children. You will work with children. Okay, can I pray for you?" So he prayed for me and then hung up. Then he called the next day and left me a voicemail stating that God told him to tell me to "complete the deal with Kelvin because I would be blessed. Do not back away and do not let anyone tell you not to do the deal." Okay, enough was enough. I called Prophet Lightning and let him know the real deal. "Prophet Lightning, you seem sincere enough. This is what's happening. Your buddy, Kelvin, and his business associates are under federal investigation and very soon they will be held accountable for what they have done. They have scammed me and other investors and financially ruined our lives by pretending to invest our money in a real estate deal which was actually a Ponzi scheme, similar to Bernard Madoff and Allen Stanford. Kelvin has not told you the truth, but you need to be aware that you are putting yourself in the middle of a very nasty mess." Prophet Lightning changed his prophecy. "I just want you to know that I was not aware of any of this. Kelvin is my friend, but I'm not going to jail or hell for anyone. Hell is too hot and eternity too long. I told him to give you your money back and do the right thing. We all err, the key is doing the right thing as a man of God and correcting that sin. I have told him, Sister, to give you your money back and that it was the right thing to do. I will call him back right now and then call you back within the hour." That was yesterday. I have not heard back from him since. I guess even prophets know not to mess with the federal authorities. Then it dawned on me: He had stated earlier that he did not know any details about the "deal," but then when I explained to him the seriousness of this situation, all of a sudden he revealed that he told Kelvin to "give her the money back." This just gets curioser and curioser. Until next time.


New Jersey,

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, March 06, 2009


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