  • Report:  #1129832

Complaint Review: Project Million Entertainment - Sainte-Adele Quebec

Reported By:
Canterbury T. - Alexandria, Virginia,

Project Million Entertainment
Sainte-Adele, Quebec, Canada
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This 'company' surfaced on the Internet in early 2012. The 'CEO' Gerald Demers and his son, Robert Demers, recruited Internet content providers (screen-writers, web series presenters, writers, composers, artists, etc.) for employment in a start-up entertainment company. These individuals were promised funding, full-time employment contracts, and benefits upon company incorporation. While the company was being set up, the 'employees' were required to produce Internet content without pay; they were told this content would ensure them future work. After a delay of 6 months, Gerald and Robert promised to pay providers for their work, however, it was months before they paid even a fraction of what they originally claimed.

After nearly a year, the company was still not incorporated as Gerald stated he was considering in which province to incorporate to avoid paying Canadian business taxes. Two 'employees' had married but due to US restrictions (at that time) on same-sex marriage, could not live together; Gerald promised them salaries that would enable the US 'employee' to immigrate to the UK and join their spouse, warning them that disobedience would result in that opportunity being withdrawn. Two other 'employees' had recently become engaged (another US/UK union, though heterosexual) and were told the same thing.

Gerald paid small amounts monthly, with his debt to his 'employees' mounting quickly as they kept producing Internet content in the hopes that the promised contracts would eventually happen. After 1.5 years, all pay ceased and Gerald answered 'employee' demands for payment with long abusive emails accusing them of laziness, not being sufficiently creative, and lying among other things. Several 'employees' were owed in excess of $2000 for events they'd worked for the company and were told that the privilege of attending was their pay, regardless of the prior-negotiated and promised fee. One 'employee' was forced to pay for another's flight with the promise of reimbursement and it was more than 6 months before under half that amount was reimbursed.

Gerald Demers has used claims of poor health to defraud, as well. In 2011, he claimed to be suffering from "Stage IV leukemia and stomach cancer" despite the fact that leukemia is not staged (it is clinically defined as either chronic or acute) and only %5 of Stage IV stomach cancer patients survive 4 years after diagnosis. In addition, he has claimed to have suffered several heart attacks and strokes, however has spent very little time in the hospital for them. In summer 2013, he claimed to be undergoing intense chemotherapy, while photos he posted of himself on social media during that time and months after show him obese and with a full head of hair.

Gerald Demers has also claimed to be unable to enter the United States after being turned away at the US/Canadian border in July 2011. In August 2013, he claimed to be under investigation by the Canadian federal government and under audit by the Revenue Service.

When 'employees' began to talk on social media about their negative experiences with him and his 'company' (to this day it has not incorporated, though still earns revenue, and Gerald has claimed he has never filed corporate or private taxes on that income), he threatened a lawsuit against them. When they asked for a legal contact so their legal representatives could get involved, they were rebuffed. Gerald's legal threats have included; monetary compensation for any gifts given, monetary compensation for content returned, libel and slander, monetary compensation for the "poor quality" of the content provided. To date, he has not filed suit nor has any legal representative of his contacted any 'employee'.

     In January 2014, a former 'employee' owed $2000 and in great financial hardship, took his own life. Though many former 'employees' begged him to, Gerald refused to pay the widow what was owed to her late husband. When this content provider's fans accused Gerald of playing a part in the man's suicide, Gerald posted a press release on the company's Facebook page (signed by Robert, but Gerald later admitted he wrote it) claiming that the deceased was a big fan and excited to be working with them again. Outrage followed and many of the late man's friends provided evidence (chat logs, emails, etc.) to the contrary. Gerald stated he had proof of his claims but refused to make this proof public.

     Recently, Gerald has been cyberstalking his former 'employees' and any of their friends or family who discuss him or his company on social media. He's had several Twitter accounts suspended for Terms of Service abuse.

     Project Million Entertainment is the parent 'company' of Con Men Web Series, an Internet series posted on YouTube and Blip featuring Robert Demers and various former 'employees' conducting interviews at popular conventions. If a convention denies Con Men a press pass, Robert will attend on a normal registration and try to hustle interviews/cosplay photos without a pass, which is a violation of the Code of Conduct at many events. Cosplayers, usually attractive women, are not compensated or credited for the use of their images, which are posted to the 'company's Facebook page.

     In conclusion, this 'company' has violated tax/labor laws in Canada, the US, and the UK. Gerald Demers continues to harass and abuse those he has defrauded and threaten baseless legal action. It is also suspected that he has misrepresented his health to defraud others.

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