  • Report:  #537610

Complaint Review: Prudential Insurance - Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Jerry - 29 Palms, California, USA

Prudential Insurance
P.O. Box 7390 Philadelphia, 19176 Pennsylvania, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

            In 2005 I received a notice from the IRS that Prudential Insurance had filed a1099-R in the amount of $32,329.27 for a loan against my life insurance policy that Prudential was writing off/paying off. Prudential never sent me a copy of the 1099 (the IES did), so I also had to pay penalties.

            I ended up paying the IRS approximately $3,500 for this, $ 3,051 plus interest, and the California Franchise Tax Board about $1,500. I also had liens placed on my house, and my bank account.

            I tried, for quite some time to get a statement of my account from Prudential

with little results. My last 2 (yearly) statements were completely blank.

I started getting suspicious and I called Prudential several times to get a statement, and kept getting all sorts of OTHER forms instead. After insisting, I finally got a statement from Prudential.

Prudential states that I STILL OWE THEM THE MONEY (plus 5 years of interest added to it, about $2,000 per year).

            In a letter from Prudential (Dec. 2009), they state that they are required to report any taxable gain. Yet as of December 31, 2004 there was NO gain (the end of tax year 2004). In their letter dated 2009 they verify that the policy was reinstated and the loan pay off was reversed on March 4, 2004, 9 months before the end of that tax year (just barely over one month after payments were missed), and Prudentials account statement dated March 2005 (for the previous year) also verifies that the loan pay off was reversed. March 4, 2004 is 9 months before the end of that tax year, yet Prudential filed a 1099 anyway. Why did Prudential file a 1099 when they ADMIT there were NO gains for 2004?

            Prudential explains that the reportable tax gain is the loan repay amount minus the cost basis, then in the next paragraph they again verify that the pay off was REVERSED.

            Prudential says that they have no responsibility in the fact that I had to (wrongfully) pay

$5,000 in State and Federal taxes on the gains that they (falsely) reported. Even they have verified (in writing) that this was falsely reported, and that there was NO gain. Prudential gave an explanation of their actions by explaining the letter of the law that justifies their action. Of course the objective of that law, and their ethics were never mentioned, nor was there any apology for costing me $5,000.

            I had liens placed on my house, my bank account, and the IRS threatened to attach my Social

Security checks, all because of a fraudulent 1099 from Prudential.

I would like to see a copy of the letter informing the IRS and me that the pay off was reversed. Let me guess, they are not required by law to inform anyone that they screwed up. The IRS says that my only recourse with them is to obtain a tax attorney, at my expense of course.

This policy has been in effect for 46 years, yet payments 5 minutes late, and the policy goes into default, in the hopes that they can find cause to cancel the policy and pocket the money.

My mother had a life insurance policy with Prudential for over 40 years, when she died I called Prudential (Im the beneficiary), they said that the policy had lapsed just before she died, how convenient, they pocketed about $75,000.

How many people have they screwed using these practices?                                   

Prudential was obviously not acting in good faith, on in my interest.

There is this new thing out, it is called Ethics, look it up.

Prudentials actions are illegal, unethical, and despicable. You are defrauding the IRS and me, and on top of that you are stealing from me.

The people of this country are sick of business practices like yours, if you have not noticed.

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