Georgia,#2Consumer Comment
Mon, May 23, 2011
First Id like to say through research I believe Ann is in Georgia now. She suggested to my fiancee and I that I was cursed by my ex and that my fiancee had a black aura, negative energy.
She had her give all she was wearing to her to be cleansed which included expensive sunglasses and purse. To date we still have not gotten this stuff back as Ann keeps saying its still at the church much longer than she expected.
She was so willing to help until she was told that we could not afford $2700 stone that had to be cut by a virgin in Australia although she did offer to handle it for her if she gave her banking information along with other sensitive info.
We do believe she knows some stuff but uses this to lure you in then starts in with scare tactics to obtain money and even pressure for very sensitive information that could be used for identity thief.
Names she is using. Mother Dora, Psychic Readings by Ann, Marlana McMillen in Carrollton, GA 404-399-6218
Bardstown,#3Consumer Comment
Tue, February 08, 2011
Somehow this ended up as a comment by the owner of the company.
This is a consumer comment and the comments still stand.
To quote - "I am actually now seeing a reputable psychic who is astonished by psychic Ann's behavior. She said her process is all wrong." - Unquote.
I can assure you that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy will all give you better results than your new "reputable psychic."
Bardstown,#4REBUTTAL Owner of company
Tue, February 08, 2011
To quote - "I am actually now seeing a reputable psychic who is astonished by psychic Ann's behavior. She said her process is all wrong." - Unquote.
I can assure you that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy will all give you better results than your new "reputable psychic."
USA#5Consumer Comment
Tue, February 08, 2011
As stated here countless times, all psychics and spell casters are scams.
If it were really possible to get everything you ever wanted from casting spells, then how do you explain all the people who work hard at our jobs and our lives to EARN things we want? Do you really think you found some magical secret no one else knows about?
Sure it's a ripoff, but if you fell for it, then you deserve to lose your money.