  • Report:  #438534

Complaint Review: .psychicnet.co.uk Trae Dorn And His 'friends' - Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Reported By:

.psychicnet.co.uk Trae Dorn And His 'friends'
Eau Claire,, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I tested out this site for a laugh, no way are any of the psychics actually psychic. Text a psychic if you want to throw your money out of the window, they send back any random message. Trae D is also selling psychic websites: With just 5 calls per day lasting 20 minutes you could earn over 1,400 per month with a 1.50 Per minute psychic hotline. That's just by advertising the service. You can earn even more with your own operators. (it said 1680.00 the other day).

99% of psychic websites are scams.

The website breaks the law - no terms or privacy policy, why would anyone want to use a fake psychic website that breaks the law?

The psychic weekends are a scam, why not name the hotel? Lado I regularly travel to the Lake District and that hotel doesn't exist. I guess your psychic weekends are convientally always fully booked? I don't need to be psychic to know that!

The one and only Dave!


United Kingdom

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Walla Walla,
ummm, ok

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, April 03, 2009

I can't spell Ashia Haadi because I don't know her. In fact, until your post I didn't even know it was a woman. I don't particularly care. She's in your past, not mine. The only relevance she has to me is as evidence of your ever-changing story. I mispoke in labeling her as your initial scammer and you, as I said before, blew the lid off your latest and greatest fake ID by correcting me with Jens, whose name, when I originally wrote my reply, escaped me. Frankly, I care enough to reply (mostly because this drama is enough of a train wreck to keep me interested), but not enough to properly source every single last piece of the crazed storyline you have on your website. So I mislabeled your original red herring. So sue me. I don't know Jens either, but I come from an area of the US with lots of German and Scandinavian descendants, so I had little trouble spelling that one. The only difficulty was -en vs -on on the ending. Again, he's part of your history, not mine, so even though I got that one right, I didn't particularly care one way or another. The spelling of your scapegoats' names is not in question here, your baseless defamation of character is. I will again point out, however, that you, yet again, fail to tie me or Trae to either the Jens issue or your ever-growing list of completely unconnected sites. Your tactic works for anything. I could say 'Aha keep denying that you painted the moon blue. You just keep denying it to cover up your dirty guilty vandalism!!!!!' It works just as well even though it's totally unsupported and demonstrably untrue. It's not an expose if there isn't any proof, it's just an accusation. Sadly, outside of the courts, most people don't catch the distinction. Way back when you decided to turn your crazy against Trae it was in the wake of his expose of a spellcaster site. In that case, Trae did the footwork, and showed his work, a basic rule in any college or even high school class. Those who posted on his site did the same. You have done no such work, and you won't ever do it because it's easier and more eye-catching to sensationalize an issue without proof as evidenced by the tabloid-style garbage put out by a lot of modern news sources. You don't even offer false proof. Your 'proof' comes in the form of redirection, straw man arguments, Swiftian absurdism, and ad hominem attacks. And as for ignoring it and making it go away, that certainly would be nice if it worked. We did ignore it for about 4 months. And you did seem to go away. Then in March you started posting the same garbage as before, hoping that we had stopped watching. And I have no reason to believe at this point that if I left it alone for a month, a year, a decade, that you'd actually leave it alone yourself. I also have no inclination that you would even make a veiled attempt at providing proof. So you want me to stop replying? Stop posting. If you want to continue to use us as a veil of legitimacy for your own underhanded activities, then you're stuck with me. You are certainly welcome to ridicule my online handle and deny that I am a pagan (though you do nothing to prove that either). No one on here likely cares if I'm pagan or not and it makes no difference to me if they do. The only reason its relevant here is that the reasoning behind Trae's original expose and our mutual opposition to those who run sites like your own is that it gives a bad name to those of us who actually do practice the faith. As I'm not a spellcaster scam owner, people's belief in my bona fides as a pagan are pretty much irrelevant. My gods know my heart and that's all that I'll ever need on the spiritual front.


There's no smoke without fire!

#3Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 01, 2009

I've hit the nail on the hit - you stink of guilt, and are desperately trying to drag Ashia Haadi into it to turn the attention away from your scamming. YOU repeatedly RORed and attacked Ashia Haadi with your fake forums - amazing how you cannot spell her name suddenly, after posting it constantly due to extreme jealousy over her website compared to you ugly websites. Jens is no longer a buddy of yours then? Oh dear. Trae Dorn and Meep' (idiot name) post on ROR constantly due to GUILT. Scammers! Trae Dorn is a scammer, Meep is a scammer - you are as guilty as hell and obsessed with protesting you innocence - if you wasn't guilty, you'd ignore it until it went away. It won't go away until you stop scamming and pretending to be innocent little pagans. Pagans my arse, you are scammers. Big, fact, ugly, guilty Scammers.


Walla Walla,
And as always

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, April 01, 2009

The trail on RoR demonstrates the case well enough. Trae isn't involved. No one, not Dantalion or his sock puppets has ever offered even a tiny shred of evidence connecting Trae to even one scammer website. I dare you, Javier, Dave, Dantalion, whatever flavor you happen to prefer for the day, to offer anything. Any tiny little detail that even suggests a connection will do. I don't need to respond to your accusations, you prove yourself a fraud time and time again through no effort of my own.


Walla Walla,
Yay! it's Asha Haadi and Jens again!

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, April 01, 2009

Boy FD, you walked into a trap I hadn't even realized I had set for you. The old trail on RoR and Trae's documentation clearly shows that there is one and only one person who has ever brought up Asha Haadi, Jens Johannsen (who I didn't even mention), and Trae all on the same site and it was Dantalion. For those of you unfamiliar with the storyline FD decided Jens was the lead scammer and was trying to shut down Asha Haadi. Then FD made Asha Haadi into a villain. After that he altered only a few words on his page to make the villain not Jens Johannsen, who if my memory serves was actually convicted as a scammer, but Trae. Since then his accusations on RoR have followed the same tack by swapping out Trae in a few spots for Tasha (a spellcaster site owner) and a Mr. Reynolds (also an actual scammer whose site was shut down by Trae). I totally forgot about Jens, thanks for reminding me, Javier. And thanks for demonstrating, yet again, that you, Dantalion, have created yet another sock puppet on RoR. It's nice when you paint yourself into a corner so I don't have to do it for you. Saves me the work.


The Racketeering Puppeteer!

#6Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 01, 2009

What about this Meep, you and Trae Dorn are disciples behind Mr Big Scammer (does he drink a lot of Mendoza wine?) and his huge network of scams? However, it is psychicnet.co.uk that has been reported - it is a scam, real psychics do not work for scams like psychicnet.co.uk. FACT. A real psychic would be confident enough to have their own website, not get paid commision to read for a scamming network. They aren't psychic, they are short of cash. Hey Meep' tell Trae he can save the world by exposing: psychicnet.co.uk is a scam. Meep & Trae Dorn are puppets. Jens and other puppets have or still do work for Mr Big S. Trae and friends is correct, Trae exposed fastspells.com when Mr Big S told him to, Frater Dantalion knew too much so Mr Big S bashed his website. Ashia Haadi has nothing to do with this - apart from Ashia Haadi has been repeatedly attacked by Mr Big S (and others). When Mr Big S attacked Ashia he was indeed using puppet Jens. Trae Dorn squeeling psychics and spell casters are fake is so that no one believes he is involved - he is.


Walla Walla,
Hello Dave

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, March 31, 2009

For anyone interested in this absurd circus, look up frater dantalion or trae dorn on RoR. There's a lot of well thought out rebuttals and responses to Frater (who aparently has now dubbed himself Dave, don't believe me? Check frater's messages, they're practically word for word the same as Dave) and zero backing for any of frater's claims. All of his supposed research into where Trae is from or his life is taken directly from Trae's publicly available website. You'll also note that Frater's story changes multiple times as the months roll on. He goes from blaming a guy by the name of Asha Haadi, who I believe was nailed as a scammer, to blaming Trae, then Tasha, then a guy that Trae ironically shut down, then Trae again. As I've said numerous times before and will say again, Trae's stance has remained the same throughout. He has nothing to hide and a long-standing positive relationship with his webhost who has gratiously stuck their own neck out in his defense in prior RoRs. Dantalion, on the other hand, actually has a spellcaster site with his name all over it, including a personal blog detailing his own work as well as his nearly incomprehensible, totally unsupported claims against Trae. Dantalion has an easily demonstrated dog in this hunt. Trae did nothing other that shut a spellcaster down. Who are you gonna believe?

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