  • Report:  #415061

Complaint Review: Publishers Clearing House - Corinthian Schools - Santa Ana California

Reported By:
- Langhorny, Pennsylvania,

Publishers Clearing House - Corinthian Schools
6 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite #400 Santa Ana, 92707 California, U.S.A.
866-765-5498 x221
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My Mother received a letter in an envelope with a return address of XM Satellite Radio Logo, the Postage was Canada Post # 1674552. A one page letter signed by Jay "Smith", Chairman and Prize payments Manager (oooh, very official) and a check for $1,780.00 from Corinthian Schools, Inc., the bank name on the check is Union Bank of California. Both the Bank and School appear to be legit based on web search for address and business name only. However, the letter was dated 12/31/08 and not received until 1/19/09.

The contents of the letter was fuzzy as it said my mom was a winner and they didn't understand why she had not replied to the initial notification letter sent to her on Dec. 2, 2008. She never received any such letter. It mentioned she had signed an entry agreement, she typically "never" signs anything like this and doesn't recall doing so especially for an agreement, nor replying to any PCH letter. They said she needed to reply promptly by the deadline date or she would forfeit her prize. Yet there was no deadline mentioned within the letter? Also said that she needs to speak to Maggie Bradley by calling 1-866-765-5498 extension 221, and not to cash the check until contacting Maggie. The $1780.00 check is supposedly to help cover some fees if needed. Fees for what? Oh, on the bottom right of the letter it has the logo indicating they are a member of the Better Business Bureau. Impressive!

Over the past 3 days mom has called the number many times and always gets an automated teller prompting her to enter her party's extension. She's left Maggie numerous messages with her name and phone number only.

I'm on the phone calling now and pressing nothing just listening, the system went thru 5 cycles of repeating itself then dead silence, and ringing, then the message from the phone company "if you'd like to make a call . . . "

I redialed, the system offers a choice of 5 persons names, their extension #, or you can press the # sign for a listing of names, which consists of the same 5 names. At this point I wanted to have some fun and scream into a voice mail box "I was pretty darn ticked off, tired of makin' so many calls, and was darn near ready to skin someone alive, and I was comin' to get my million bucks" so I dialed 221 the system asked me to state my name. I said in the bext hillbilly voice I could muster "Pete McGillicutty here" some nice music and then "if you'd like to leave a message please press 1", I did there was nothing for few seconds then I hear "you've reached the voice mail of Maggie Bradley, I'm on the phone please leave a message", then the system told me this voice mail was full and no longer accepting messages. Golly gee, I wonder why?

The more I type here the more this sounds like BS.

Maybe I should use the check for a plane ride to fly out there and git my million dollar prize, I would but I jess don't know who to see and where to go once I get there . . . LOL

Joe mc

Langhorny, Pennsylvania


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