  • Report:  #1334659

Complaint Review: Pure Cell/Derma Soft - CA -

Reported By:
Lovella - Georgia, USA

Pure Cell/Derma Soft - CA
P O. Box 25389 92799 USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I made the mistake of ordering 2  "Free Samples" or at least

they were supposed to be free, just pay shipping and handling

Which came out to $4.95, per sample.   On my 7/23/16 – 8/22/16 Statement

5 Different companies charged me for two samples. The prices ranged from

$34.00 to $99.00. I had no idea who these companies were. Let me list them

In  case you see them on Your Credit Card.

JoveeSkin – Naperville IL         4.95

Ace Reviveantiaging – NJ        4.95

Young Presteige Westminster – CA     34.95

MagikSerum – NY      89.79

Essesential Cream – NY      99.95

Ace Reiventingaging   - NJ   89.95


Two samples… and I have No Idea Who These Companies are.  I’m looking

 At the two samples and none of the above matches the brand names.

 I have come to find out that all of  these companies share the same Database and go under different

 names.   Derma Soft, Pure Cell, Blossom, Magik Serum, there are many

Others, Illuminexa pops up when you put in Pure Cell Complaints.  See

Supplement Police.Com  You read

The same complaints.

"You NEVER see a contract; because you think your ordering a free sample.

You hit the word accept, last screen is thank you for your order.

The sample comes with a blank shpping label,  no address just a phone number

that May or May not Work.  You try to return the product, they won’t give you an

RMA number and suddenly they have no address.  You cannot

Return the product, as stupid as that sounds, but they can keep charging your

Credit Card."    I put these companies in dispute and got most of my money back,

I had to call them one by one and fine out who they really are and why were

they charging my card like this for Two Products.  Two, so called

Companies have not returned my money.   One is Magik Serum  which is an

Apartment in Brooklyn.   Magik Serum sent a BOGUS contract to my Credit card company.

They attached a Blank Sheet of paper with my Personal Information on it, attached

a "so called" contract, stating I saw and agreed to these terms, when I ordered a

"TRIAL" attached pictures of their product.   Simple,  I looked at my last 3

Statements. If I ordered a "trial" of this product,  my credit card statements would

Show it.   It isn’t there because I never ordered this product and I have proof. 

Come to find out, Pure Cell/Derma Soft also goes under the alias ACE*

Revive antiaging – NJ –  gave the apartment in Brooklyn, my personal

Information,  I put down, in a rebuttal to my Credit Card Company 

that " I got something called Pure Cell, three days later I receive a bottle of Pure Cell.

They use an alias s to waste time and make it hard for you

To find them.   I originally ordered something called Derma Soft,  got something called

Pure Cell, but figured for $4.95   it wasn’t worth returning.   By the way all

Of their products are Crap, you’re better off buying Oil of Olay over the counter.

I look this company up, Call them and got this conversation from the most

Idiotic Sales Person I’ve ever talked to and I quote:

“What’s wrong with the product, keep it, keep it, You Can’t Return It,

I can’t give you an RMA number, we can’t.  We don’t give those out.

 I’ll give you 30% off, 50% Off, we’ll send you a free bottle.   We have no address,

You can’t return it”.        


 I’m looking at the address and I have the phone number so I sent it

Back REGISTER MAIL, do that to protect yourself,. you'll have a paper trail.  

Yesterday, I get email,  (Now mind you, they’ve charged my card twice for $89.95)

Once on 8/20 and again in September),  The email states “they are refunding

$89.95 for My Order originally purchased on 9/15/2016.”   What Order?

 You go under a different name and charge my card in August and September and

Than tell me I purchased someing 9/15/20016.   My Card has been frozen for almost

2 months now and I certainly wouldn’t Order Anything From This Company.


I am not satisfied with the ploy tactic, What is the $89.95 in August for?  I didn’t

Even agree to a Trial, why are you using an Alias?    I have filed a report with

The BBB.    I have asked for an investigation and will encourage others to do

The same.    The only Legal fee   PureCell/Derma Soft/Ace* Reviveantiaging

Vita Mix, what ever they are calling themselves today is $4.95.   All the rest of those

Fees are Illegal.    Put something in the box you send out,  instead of a Blank Shipping

Label Warning  Consumers They have Ordered a Trial and we will Bill your credit cared in 14 days.

Try being Honest acting like a real Business instead of a Wide Spread Scam Ring,

Which you are.    I hope there is an FBI investigation, because according to my

Credit card company, you are not scamming hundreds of people but thousands.

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