  • Report:  #353333


Reported By:
- Pompano Beach, Florida,

Stone Gate Bank Building, 301 Yamato Road, Suite 1240 Boca Raton, 33431 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
moments before a scheduled presentaion, several employees of Quorum Travel International walked off the job (Saturday, July 19, 2008) in protest for having received Worthless paychecks. Quorum's financial institutions, Regions Bank and Sun Trust, was refusing the paychecks because Quorum's Operating Accounts are overdrawn. Some employees filed Complaint's with the Boca Raton, Florida Police Department.

Yesterday afernoon, officals and others stopped by Quorum's office to find a note taped to the door claiming, "Presentations cancelled due to problems with the air-conditioning system.

"We felt around the openings on large glass doors and discovered the air-conditioning system was working fine," said one official. Based on a further inquiry with a Stone Gate Bank Building Security Officer, the officer claimed Quorum had no choice but to close after the termination of 5 sales representaives just moments earlier.

It is this writer's understanding, Quorum Travel International intentionally issues NSF paychecks to it's commissioned employees, hoping that either the employee resigns or creates problems with regard to the worthless check(s) which leads to Immediate Termination.

Once an employee has resigned or has been terminated, Quorum will not pay the commissions due to the former employee, having saved Quorum hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Quorum has a high employee turn-over rate due to the fact many employees learn about inside facts and are then considered a threat to potentially expose the boiler-room operation.

Quorum Travel International is currently the subject of a fraud investigation(s). They are a Boiler-Room operation claiming to be a Full-Service Travel Agency which fradulent scheme involes selling WORTHLESS Travel Club Memberships to unsuspecting victims, ranging in price from $2,000 to $12,000.

Quorum Travel International falsely claims to be celebrating their 35th Anniversary and the opening of their newest office, located in the Stone Gate Bank Building, 301 Yamato Road, Suite 1240, Boca Raton, Florida 33431,

Quorum Travel International also has an Outbound Phone Room which sells travel related products outside the State of Florida to unsuspecting victims while they are guests on vacation at resorts in Alabama and Louisianna.

Quorum Travel International is also operating under an unknown name, in the same office, selling Pots & Pans.

If you are a victim or have any information about Quorum Travel International, or other names the company uses, you may contact the State's Attorney's Office (Fraud Division) in W. Palm Beach, Florida.

If you are a victim victimized outside the State of Florida you may wish to contact the F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation) or the U.S. Attorney's Office at the U.S. District Court.

Robert C. Mahoney

Pompano Beach, Florida


3 Updates & Rebuttals


Boca Raton,
Steve Kilchowski, Ex-Con, and typical "Jail House Lawyer," Expressing Half Truths, Must Think This is High School

#2UPDATE Employee

Fri, July 25, 2008

Denisse J., Vice President, claims (in rebutal) that Quorum's Merchant Account was frozen, due to the fact one of the former employee's, obviously one of Quorum's ex-cons, stole the money, and disappeared. Steve K., in his rebutal states the Merchant Account was frozen because Quorum exceeded it's limit, but further stated the reason the account(s) were frozen is unknown. A half-truth! Steve K. has knowledge of why the Merchant Account(s) were frozen, and failed to be forthright and truthful, casting doubt to his credability. As far as Robert M. is concerned, Steve K. suggests Robert is "Running a Smear Campaigne Against Quorum Travel International," and that Quorum pays former employees everything owed, including commissions. I've listened to Steve K. tell employees, upon termination he would not pay any commissions due. Robert is such a case in which he had a record sales week and received NOTHING! In fact, Steve M. not only gave Robert a paycheck that "bounced," he gave Robert a worthless paycheck which amount was $80.00 less in salary than he actually earned. Consequently, Complaints were made to the Boca Raton Police, the Office of the State's Attorney for Palm Beach County, and filed in Small Claims Court, on principle. Steve K. suggests Robert sexually harrassed female employees? No way! How else would a "Child Molester" respond, whom was always apparently envious of the attention Robert received from most all the women in Quorum's office, probably, too, the entire Stone Gate Bank Building! And Robert lives with his father? We have first hand knowledge that Robert's parents are out-of-state, part-time Florida residents. All I can say is, if my parents owned a vacation home, on the ocean, worth $25 to $40 million dollars, and I could live there alone... go figure! I think someone needs to get his mind off young children, as well as the envious activites of a handsome stud, to do some soul searching. If all else fails, Steve should change his psychiatrist.


Rebuttal to the SMEAR CAMPAIGN Mr. Robert Mxxxxxx is running against Quorum Travel Intl.

#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, July 23, 2008

Please be advised, that I am an employee of Quorum Travel Intl. and would like to set the record straight and let the public know what is factual & accurate and what is not factual & accurate... pertaining to what is being reported by Mr. Robert Mxxxxx in his three recent reports filed with Rip Off Report . Com concerning Quorum Travel Intl. NUMBER# 1 : Mr. Mxxxxx is being true and accurate as to his ascertion(s) that certain employees of Quorum Travel Intl. have not been able to cash their checks recently and that some may have reported said NSF checks to the authorities. However what Mr. Mxxxxx forgets to mention is the reason for this; and that this unfortunate situation is through no fault of Mr Rodriguez's or any of the other owners of Quorum Travel Intl. whatsoever. The truth is that their Merchant Account was "frozen" by their merchant banking institution without cause (exceeded monthly billing amount limits unknowingly) and they thought they would have this situation resolved... or in the alternative... have another visa/mastercard account procured fast enough to continue to operate while making good on any NSF checks. To date... said alternative merchant account is still forthcoming and the owners are still working on having the closed account re-opened. Number# 2 : Mr Mxxxxxx stated in a filed report that Quroum Travel Intl. "was selling pots and pans" out of an office next to the one he worked in. THIS IS A BLATANT LIE!!!! Never has anything been sold out of these offices... no less "pots & pans"... that wasn't travel related and covered by and under Quorum's state licensing. I guess Mr. Mxxxxxx just wasn't satisifed enough by his feable attempt(s) at besmirching the company and several of it's employees and felt that adding this BLATANT LIE to his diatribe would add to his cause! DON"T YOU KNOW ROBERT... BY NOW AT YOUR AGE... THAT IT NEVER HELPS TO LIE!!!??? NUMBER# 3 : Mr. Mxxxxxx's ascertions that x-felons and people who are currently living at Halfway Houses work for Quorum Travel Intl. is in fact true and factual. We have all kinds of individuals working for us. However, how and why is this so bad???? Doesn't everyone have the right to work and earn a living and not to be discriminated against because of their skin color, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, disabilities or past indiscretions. Seems to me... that as long as you have paid your "debt to society" and are in the process of rebuilding your life and becoming a productive citizen, that you are entitled to work and earn a living without being spit upon by the likes of Mr. Mxxxxxx! SHAME ON YOU ROBERT!!!! NUMBER# 4 : Mr. Mxxxxxx consistantly refers to Quorum Travel Intl. and it''s facilities as a "boiler room"! This could not be further from the truth as the offices are state of the art, the surroundings and furnishings top notch and they are located in a luxurious executive building in Boca Raton! Furthermore, the rent on Quorum's "boiler room" is a paltry $15,000 per month! Subsequently, if this is what Mr. Mxxxxx considers a "boiler room"... we should then use his hypothesis to make a comparison as to where he lives at home with his Father at 50 years old! The true meaning of a PIG STY according to his own professed scale!!! NUMBER# 5 : Mr. Mxxxxxx's statement that if you work for Quorum Travel Intl. that "eventually you won't get paid" is also a LIE; and I challenge Mr. Mxxxxxx to produce... in support of these unsupported accusations... one piece of evidence or one individual whom has has not gotten paid prior to their merchant account being frozen in June 2008 and the subsequent problems this has caused. Anything from the Police or the Labor Board... who handles these matters... would suffice! NUMBER# 6 : Mr. Mxxxxxx's ascertions that people are fired for simply calling in sick and then is then somehow used as a ruse to not pay them is another LIE. Only someone who is consistently late, out sick at least once or twice a week, causing problems in the office, not performing up to standards, constantly leaving early or borrowing money off of everyone including the security guards in the building will be... and who could blame the company for doing so??? Furthermore, I again challenge Mr. Mxxxxx to produce one shread of evidence or an individual who has not been paid the full amount they were owed after they were let go!!! Again... anything from the Police or the Labor Board... who handles these matters... would suffice! I also would like to add for the record, that Quorum Travel Intl. is a fully licensed and bonded travel agency with The State of Florida; and that the club memberships they offer for sale, to the general public, are in fact a very good deal and do in fact save our customers a great deal of money or Quorum Travel Intl. wouldn't be in business for to long. Simple logic would substantiate this ascertion... as who would be able to stay in business if they were only later having to refund everyone they had sold to, due to a sub par and/or misrepresented product! In closing, I would also like to state for the record exactly why Mr. Mxxxxxxx was fired and what in fact is motivating him to make all these unsubstantiated claims and tell these lies. It was after several of his female co-workers came to his imediate Manager Tom Veihmeyer and complained that he had and was continuing to "inappropriately touch them", "had dry humped each of them in their chairs while showing them his favorite sexual position" and leaving several of them sexually explicit notes that we had to fire him! He even left one of them... a receipt from an X-Rated Video that he had rented with a thank you note written on it!!! One can only imagine and wonder where and how Mr. Mxxxxxx was brought up and whether or not he has any morals and values whatsoever??? His inappropriate behavior certainly attests that he does not!!!


Rebuttal to the SMEAR CAMPAIGN Mr. Robert Mxxxxxx is running against Quorum Travel Intl.

#4UPDATE Employee

Wed, July 23, 2008

Please be advised, that I am an employee of Quorum Travel Intl. and would like to set the record straight and let the public know what is factual & accurate and what is not factual & accurate... pertaining to what is being reported by Mr. Robert Mxxxxx in his three recent reports filed with Rip Off Report . Com concerning Quorum Travel Intl. NUMBER# 1 : Mr. Mxxxxx is being true and accurate as to his ascertion(s) that certain employees of Quorum Travel Intl. have not been able to cash their checks recently and that some may have reported said NSF checks to the authorities. However what Mr. Mxxxxx forgets to mention is the reason for this; and that this unfortunate situation is through no fault of Mr Rodriguez's or any of the other owners of Quorum Travel Intl. whatsoever. The truth is that their Merchant Account was "frozen" by their merchant banking institution without cause (exceeded monthly billing amount limits unknowingly) and they thought they would have this situation resolved... or in the alternative... have another visa/mastercard account procured fast enough to continue to operate while making good on any NSF checks. To date... said alternative merchant account is still forthcoming and the owners are still working on having the closed account re-opened. Number# 2 : Mr Mxxxxxx stated in a filed report that Quroum Travel Intl. "was selling pots and pans" out of an office next to the one he worked in. THIS IS A BLATANT LIE!!!! Never has anything been sold out of these offices... no less "pots & pans"... that wasn't travel related and covered by and under Quorum's state licensing. I guess Mr. Mxxxxxx just wasn't satisifed enough by his feable attempt(s) at besmirching the company and several of it's employees and felt that adding this BLATANT LIE to his diatribe would add to his cause! DON"T YOU KNOW ROBERT... BY NOW AT YOUR AGE... THAT IT NEVER HELPS TO LIE!!!??? NUMBER# 3 : Mr. Mxxxxxx's ascertions that x-felons and people who are currently living at Halfway Houses work for Quorum Travel Intl. is in fact true and factual. We have all kinds of individuals working for us. However, how and why is this so bad???? Doesn't everyone have the right to work and earn a living and not to be discriminated against because of their skin color, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, disabilities or past indiscretions. Seems to me... that as long as you have paid your "debt to society" and are in the process of rebuilding your life and becoming a productive citizen, that you are entitled to work and earn a living without being spit upon by the likes of Mr. Mxxxxxx! SHAME ON YOU ROBERT!!!! NUMBER# 4 : Mr. Mxxxxxx consistantly refers to Quorum Travel Intl. and it''s facilities as a "boiler room"! This could not be further from the truth as the offices are state of the art, the surroundings and furnishings top notch and they are located in a luxurious executive building in Boca Raton! Furthermore, the rent on Quorum's "boiler room" is a paltry $15,000 per month! Subsequently, if this is what Mr. Mxxxxx considers a "boiler room"... we should then use his hypothesis to make a comparison as to where he lives at home with his Father at 50 years old! The true meaning of a PIG STY according to his own professed scale!!! NUMBER# 5 : Mr. Mxxxxxx's statement that if you work for Quorum Travel Intl. that "eventually you won't get paid" is also a LIE; and I challenge Mr. Mxxxxxx to produce... in support of these unsupported accusations... one piece of evidence or one individual whom has has not gotten paid prior to their merchant account being frozen in June 2008 and the subsequent problems this has caused. Anything from the Police or the Labor Board... who handles these matters... would suffice! NUMBER# 6 : Mr. Mxxxxxx's ascertions that people are fired for simply calling in sick and then is then somehow used as a ruse to not pay them is another LIE. Only someone who is consistently late, out sick at least once or twice a week, causing problems in the office, not performing up to standards, constantly leaving early or borrowing money off of everyone including the security guards in the building will be... and who could blame the company for doing so??? Furthermore, I again challenge Mr. Mxxxxx to produce one shread of evidence or an individual who has not been paid the full amount they were owed after they were let go!!! Again... anything from the Police or the Labor Board... who handles these matters... would suffice! I also would like to add for the record, that Quorum Travel Intl. is a fully licensed and bonded travel agency with The State of Florida; and that the club memberships they offer for sale, to the general public, are in fact a very good deal and do in fact save our customers a great deal of money or Quorum Travel Intl. wouldn't be in business for to long. Simple logic would substantiate this ascertion... as who would be able to stay in business if they were only later having to refund everyone they had sold to, due to a sub par and/or misrepresented product! In closing, I would also like to state for the record exactly why Mr. Mxxxxxxx was fired and what in fact is motivating him to make all these unsubstantiated claims and tell these lies. It was after several of his female co-workers came to his imediate Manager Tom Veihmeyer and complained that he had and was continuing to "inappropriately touch them", "had dry humped each of them in their chairs while showing them his favorite sexual position" and leaving several of them sexually explicit notes that we had to fire him! He even left one of them... a receipt from an X-Rated Video that he had rented with a thank you note written on it!!! One can only imagine and wonder where and how Mr. Mxxxxxx was brought up and whether or not he has any morals and values whatsoever??? His inappropriate behavior certainly attests that he does not!!!

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