  • Report:  #66817

Complaint Review: Ramada Plaza Resort - Ft. Lauderdale Florida

Reported By:
- Sweetwater, Tennessee,

Ramada Plaza Resort
2419 E.Commercial Blvd, Suite 1000 Ft. Lauderdale, 33308 Florida, U.S.A.
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I purchased a vacation package and discovered that I would not be able to take it in the alloted time. I called and asked to have it extended and they informed me that they could do that, but I would have to pay a fee.

I then proceeded to ask about a refund and found out that the package was non-refundable. I prepaid the package and was not happy when I found out that I would have to spend more money to take my vacation. Is there any way of getting a refund?


Sweetwater, Tennessee

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