  • Report:  #1221521

Complaint Review: Randy Heaton - Santa Clara Utah

Reported By:
Yeah_Its_Me - Close Enough, Utah, USA

Randy Heaton
2855 Cottonwood Circle Santa Clara, 84765 Utah, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

This company is a complete JOKE and the owner LIES so much he cannot separate the truth from out right falsehoods. My expereince with him was not limited to a few days or weeks but was over an extended period of time. Too many inconsisties in this mans story about everything. 

I have had several (at least 6 that I can verify with PROOF) that they were charged multiple times. Errors in product shipments and many many many people upset that the hard earned money they paid for a corporate event tickets was never returned. I know that to be true in my case as well as EVERY SINGLE PERSON that I spoke to that registered. NO ONE was refunded. NO ONE. The event was canceled the day before it was supposed to happen. Believe that? The day before. Oh, wait...I do know of one distributor that sort of got a refund. They asked for their money, Randy offered product in lieu, he sent the wrong product AND STILL charged the distributor for the product!

This guy is incredible. He tells a good story to get you to buy off on the HELP he will give you but he is seriously a one man show. The Co is based out of his house, warehouse in his basement, shipping out of his living room, the corp line is his personal cell number and the corporate email forwards to his personal gmail. Talk about NOT READY FOR THE BIGTIME! 

Look at his website...His 'EXECUTIVE' Team consists of 5 people PLUS him. Of the 5 'EXECUTIVES' (2) of them are Ex-Distributors NO LONGER with the company. (2) are not actually working for the Co they are both 'SOON TO BE' hired when the company gets big enough and the last one, well I hope he comes to his senses.

Randy will outright LIE to you about his company. His products come with a compelling story and his comp plan is an interesting take BUT ITS FILLED WITH HOLES. Ive personally seen him move downlines because this or that leader 'PISSES HIM OFF' and I have seen him LIE over the phone to people telling them 'This person or that person' joined the company when they have IN FACT NOT JOINED.

When it comes to the marketing its all smoke and mirrors. Ive seen this man stand in front of the room and promise the group that xyz will happen by such and such time to find out later there were always strings attached.

I know of 5 distributors who all WON a contest to end up with NOTHING!

(1) won a cruise - never got it!

(4) won some special weekend getaway - never got it!

This guy is a flavor of the month kind of CEO. He loves you when you are putting him on the phone with people then hates you when you are not and hes off to the next producer in the downline. Trouble is... I personally put him on the phone with 15 different people from 4 different companies... NOT A SINGLE ONE JOINED THE CEO. NOT ONE HAD ANY BELIEF HE WAS FOR REAL!

The call before the call goes like this... Hey get so-and-so on the line and I will offer him a deal. (Im thinking where's my deal right? nowhere to be found) And then when so-and-so gets on the phone they ask all the right questions like, Tell mw about the financial strength of the company? Are you prepared with updated marketing materieals for a new market? What is your online marketing system like to recurit online? Who are your corp execs and tell me about their experience? And all you hear Randy do is dance and seriously the last 4 calls with this guy felt like he was making it up on the fly.

I have no problem with bootstrapping it up but man, dont lie about it. I am all good with CS making a mistake now and again, but dont pretend its the distrbutors fault the wrong product gets sent. Im ok with having to send product back to excange an incorect order but dont double charge me. Im even ok with you telling me you have Network Marketing Expereince and you know what youre doing but dont tell me youve signed people up that you know good and well have not signed up.

Ive listened to calls with this guy outright lying to Distributor A about Distributor B to then hear him two hours later lying to Distributor B about Distributor A. If the ownership, leadership, shipping, billing, accounting, recognition, marketing, training and mlm exerience is all in one person and that person lies as often as I know he does, then it is your fault if you choose to hop on board with this man and his company.

Oh he did add another 'Executive, Master Distributor' who is to remain nameless based on Randy's email and FB postings, (well not sure if hes officially signed up yet, lol, see above) and this guy is going to be supplying, in Randy's words, "Millions of FREE Leads" to the distributors who are on an 'ACTIVE AUTOSHIP' the trouble is... I looked this cat up and found out he is under federal indictment for a $350M Scam and goes back to civil court this Sept 2015 - Yeah ok have THAT guy give me leads, NO THANK YOU.

LivinitGlobal at YOUR OWN RISK!

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Randy Heaton

Answers to Yeah_its_me

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, May 21, 2015

Wow, what can I say! This is a very sad letter. In this day and time anyone can say anything whether it is true or not. Did you notice that this letter was sent out by someone that cannot even post their name? I know of only one or two people that could have written this report, as the information in this report could have come only from them. The information in this complaint is only known by a few people.

This person talks about shipping out wrong orders. If we make a mistake with an order, we correct it immediately and give extra product to our distributors to make them happy. This has happened only a hand full of times in our entire time in business. We make sure people are happy no matter what! If anyone out there is reading this complaint and feels we have not corrected any wrong orders, please contact me directly on my cell phone 801 427 0636 we will fix it immediately!

As for the company event; this was a small event for one of our Top Distributor’s, Leaders. They were his leaders in California and some in Utah that were coming in for a two day meeting at my home. It was for leadership and new people. The day before the event, the leadership in California called and cancelled. Robert and Willie called and said the people they were bringing could not make it, and they cancelled. Other leaders had things come up and simply could not make it.

There were a few other people that were coming that did not cancel; they were Joe Olivas Senior, Joe Jr. Olivas, Ken Bishop and Joe Barns. There is no refund given for simply not showing up for the event! LIG prepared for this event with food, meeting rooms and tools for the people attending, as well as awards.

Even with that, LIG offered a full refund or twice the ticket amount in product for the people still wanting to attend. The people that simply did not show up were offered twice what they paid for their tickets in product. We actually owed them nothing but still wanted them to be happy. Only Ken Bishop asked for his money back and was given a credit on his credit card. Joe Jr. Olivas ticket was applied to his auto ship.

It is true, we are a very small company just getting started. I have my personal cell number and email all over the website to make sure anyone with a problem can reach me personally. We want to be very transparent and make sure our distributors talk to the owners as long as possible to get our help when they need it, any time they need it. Our distributors are welcome to call 24 hours a day for help. We take or return every phone call. We want our distributors to know they are part of a family!

I personally have been featured in three industry magazines and have had huge success in the Net-Work Marketing Industry. I have built five different down lines in five different companies to millions of dollars. This time my wife and I wanted to control our own destiny and help our friends and neighbors with their health and income, with the very best products possible. My wife, Lori, has been nurse in the field of cancer for 35 years. With her expertise and knowledge, she is passionate about our products and made sure that LIG products were safe, effective and all natural!

We have been building this company in spite of, and because of, great family adversity. Our 22 year old daughter Madison, has had two lung transplants in the past two years. Her most recent transplant being on September 30th 2014. Because of our strong belief in family and “Karma”, we have built this company with integrity and a great desire to help all our distributors become successful and healthy!

At this time, we do office and ship out of our home to lower the costs of a new business. The lower overhead helps us pay out more money to the distributors. Many Billion dollar companies have been started out of their garages, such as: #1 Amazon, #2 Apple, #3 Disney, #4 Google, #5 Harley Davidson, #6 Hewlett-Packard, #7 Lotus Cars, #8 Maglite, #9 Mattel, #10 Yankee Candle Company and #11 NuSkin.

Our home is 10,000 square feet, and is hardly a garage. We have an actual 2000 foot warehouse and shipping room along with three offices including my personal office.

Our Executive Team consists of Wes Tate, who helped start the company and is a consultant. Joe Hardy and his wife, that have taken a leave of absence. We hope they will be able to return soon. Peter Hammer, who is an Icon in the industry and is a consultant and dear friend. Dr. Mark McFarland, our company doctor and Dr. Seven Clegg, the voice on our product videos.

As for being accused of outright lying, I feel like I am one of the most honorable people you will meet and I will let my actions stand alone.  

This person claims we move lines around at will. We can’t move lines around as there is only one leg in our entire company, there is no other place to anyone. Everyone is in the same line and they can see everyone in their back office. Moving people is false and simply cannot be done.

There are three people that have won contests. Joe Olivas, who was advanced $1000 in lieu of the Cruise. Patrick Toussaint, and Robert Curiel, who have been ask several times for the dates and times to book the Park City Vacation they won. As of this date, they have not provided the dates and times for their vacations and must be currently auto ship distributors.

This person claims he put me on the phone with 15 people that never joined LIG. I guarantee you this never happened. The fact is, if this person really would have put me on the phone with 15 people, they would have had some success.

I believe most of this complaint is just sour grapes, I am sorry this person feels this way. We do have access to leads, but I feel like that is very hard for people in network marketing to do and I am just not prepared to release them. As for the “cat” giving us the leads that is going to court for a 350 million dollar scam, make your own judgement.

Because of the time and age we live in people can write things like this even if there is no truth to the story. I am saddened that this person felt like he had to do this but I forgive them. LivinitGlobal is a very small company with a lot of good things happening.

Due to serious health problems in our family with our daughter having two lung transplants within two years, we have had a slow start. We have been blessed enough with our business to get through these tough times. Our company will be big and we would love to have you have you join us.

Thank you,

Randy and Lori Heaton

Owners of LIG

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